Similar researchers to Jin Jeong: Advanced Search
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Jin Kwon Jeong (Info) University of Oklahoma songbird, auditory processing, auditory learning pinaudr 2008‑01‑10 Sim
Raphael Pinaud (Info) Rochester songbirds, visual system, auditory system, plasticity pinaudr 2007‑04‑03 Sim(0.2)
Billie Lee Turner (Info) University of Texas (Systematics Tree) Asteraceae, Systematics thenardia 2010‑09‑21 Sim(0.3)
Kazunari Miyamichi (Info) Stanford mosaic analysis with double markers kazunari 2006‑11‑27 Sim(0.33)
Mary Jo Maynes (Info) UMN (History of History Tree) EmilyBruce 2010‑10‑31 Sim(0.34)
Jonas Frisén (Info) Karolinska Neural stem cells Qwas 2013‑06‑18 Sim(0.35)
Roger Knight (Info) University of Wisconsin-Whitewater color vision, psychophysics rknight15 2011‑09‑30 Sim(0.36)
Michela Fagiolini (Info) The Children's Hospital Boston visual cortical plasticity Judy_Sng 2009‑04‑08 Sim(0.38)
Jan KS Jansen (Info) University of Oslo, Norway Neuromuscular development brainstem8 2012‑03‑07 Sim(0.38)
Joman Natsheh (Info) Rutgers, Newark rkj209 2011‑09‑06 Sim(0.38)
Sridhara Chakravarthy (Info) Caltech Neuroscience, Sleep sridhara 2007‑10‑18 Sim(0.38)
themistoklis Charalambous (Info) themis 2010‑04‑07 Sim(0.39)
Burak Tepe (Info) Bogazici University (BOUN), Baylor College of Medicine Neural Development, Genome editing arenkiel 2016‑02‑23 Sim(0.39)
Iryna Yavorska (Info) University of Oregon Auditory Cortex AH470 2013‑11‑20 Sim(0.39)
Benjamin R. Arenkiel (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Neurobiology, Genetics, Development sdshea 2006‑10‑24 Sim(0.39)
Andreas Schmid (Info) Saarland University tleinders 2012‑03‑01 Sim(0.4)
James Windmill (Info) University of Strathclyde mgoepfe 2009‑09‑14 Sim(0.4)
Matthias Mack (Info) University of Marburg (Chemistry Tree) db2018 2018‑05‑24 Sim(0.41)
Moritz Weglage (Info) Karolinska igc 2021‑10‑27 Sim(0.42)
Kim H. Lam (Info) Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) (Chemistry Tree) Organic Chemistry pq 2016‑06‑29 Sim(0.42)
Michele Landis Dauber (Info) Stanford (Law Tree) welfare state, disaster relief, public policy, sociology, legal education jacr 2013‑02‑11 Sim(0.42)
Sacha B. Nelson (Info) Brandeis Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑20 Sim(0.42)
Alex C. Hannon (Info) ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Physics Tree) Glass science, neutron scattering hannon 2017‑03‑06 Sim(0.43)
Alistair Gorman (Info) (Physics Tree) tomv 2024‑05‑18 Sim(0.43)
Michael A. Berberoglu (Info) UCSF david 2015‑07‑15 Sim(0.43)
David Blum (Info) Lille University 2024‑08‑08 Sim(0.43)
Yanying Wu (Info) Oxford Ishaan-kapoor 2022‑05‑31 Sim(0.44)
Hans Peter Schmid (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (Chemistry Tree) freenote 2020‑09‑07 Sim(0.44)
Albert I. Chen (Info) Scintillon Institute for Biomedial & Bioenergy Research Neural circuits and behavior aic2002 2007‑09‑20 Sim(0.44)
Guy Caldwell (Info) University of Alabama locke007 2011‑01‑27 Sim(0.44)
Lindsay A. Schwarz (Info) UCSD, Stanford neural circuit tracing, norepinephrine, technology development sdjakovi 2008‑04‑26 Sim(0.44)
Soohong Chew (Info) HKUST/NUS Decision theory, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics JungangQin 2011‑09‑11 Sim(0.44)
Maria J. Galazo (Info) Harvard, MIT-Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Tulane University School of Science and Engineering 2008‑03‑13 Sim(0.45)
Ronnie H. Fang (Info) UCSD Circuitry in Sensory Systems pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim(0.45)
Vincent Guillerm (Info) Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) (Chemistry Tree) daniel.maspoch 2019‑06‑03 Sim(0.45)
yanqiong Zhou (Info) IBP, CAS Vision and motor control of drosophila Net Node 2008‑12‑11 Sim(0.45)
Courtney A. Bouchet (Info) UC Denver, OHSU, CU Boulder Exercise, Dopamine, Fear Extinction bouchetc 2017‑09‑18 Sim(0.45)
Z. Josh Huang (Info) CSHL GABA network development nwall 2005‑11‑04 Sim(0.45)
Ismael A. Rodríguez-Pérez (Info) PNNL (Chemistry Tree) kripke 2019‑11‑10 Sim(0.45)
Shoji Komai (Info) International Professional University of Technology, Tokyo Behavioral Analysis, dendrites, viral vector, in vivo TPTP, cognition, molecules skomai 2007‑12‑26 Sim(0.45)
Xin Di (Info) NJIT Brain imaging dixy0 2012‑03‑30 Sim(0.46)
Jack J. Kraushaar (Info) CU Boulder (Physics Tree) nuclear physics jandh 2016‑02‑23 Sim(0.46)
Elly Nedivi (Info) MIT, CSHL, Stanford University Medical School, Weizmann Institute Plasticity ashkanjavaherian 2008‑04‑07 Sim(0.46)
Leslie Crombie (Info) Nottingham (Chemistry Tree) natural compounds jandh 2013‑01‑09 Sim(0.46)
Grzegorz M. Wilczynski (Info) Nencki Institute gwilcz 2007‑05‑10 Sim(0.46)
Liisa Tremere (Info) Rochester pinaudr 2008‑01‑11 Sim(0.46)
Marizabeth Perez (Info) Institute of Neurobiology Univ of Puerto Rico Med Sci Campus LeeVaasjo 2020‑05‑27 Sim(0.47)
Louis Dang (Info) Johns Hopkins david 2015‑06‑30 Sim(0.47)
Christine M. Gall (Info) UC Irvine Neurotrophins, Learning and Memory edpineda 2008‑04‑08 Sim(0.47)
Leonardo Belluscio (Info) NIH Olfaction JLand52 2006‑01‑11 Sim(0.47)
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