Ana M. Cuervo - Publications

Yeshiva University, New York, NY, United States 
Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology

231 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Jafari M, Macho-González A, Diaz A, Lindenau K, Santiago-Fernández O, Zeng M, Massey AC, de Cabo R, Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Calorie restriction and calorie-restriction mimetics activate chaperone-mediated autophagy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2317945121. PMID 38889154 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2317945121  0.678
2024 Ward MA, Vangala JR, Kamber Kaya HE, Byers HA, Hosseini N, Diaz A, Cuervo AM, Kaushik S, Radhakrishnan SK. Transcription factor Nrf1 regulates proteotoxic stress-induced autophagy. The Journal of Cell Biology. 223. PMID 38656405 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202306150  0.664
2023 Krause GJ, Kirchner P, Stiller B, Morozova K, Diaz A, Chen KH, Krogan NJ, Agullo-Pascual E, Clement CC, Lindenau K, Swaney DL, Dilipkumar S, Bravo-Cordero JJ, Santambrogio L, Cuervo AM. Molecular determinants of the crosstalk between endosomal microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy. Cell Reports. 42: 113529. PMID 38060380 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113529  0.399
2023 Manole A, Wong T, Rhee A, Novak S, Chin SM, Tsimring K, Paucar A, Williams A, Newmeyer TF, Schafer ST, Rosh I, Kaushik S, Hoffman R, Chen S, Wang G, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. NGLY1 mutations cause protein aggregation in human neurons. Cell Reports. 42: 113466. PMID 38039131 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113466  0.644
2023 Li J, Krause GJ, Gui Q, Kaushik S, Rona G, Zhang Q, Liang FX, Dhabaria A, Anerillas C, Martindale JL, Vasilyev N, Askenazi M, Ueberheide B, Nudler E, Gorospe M, ... Cuervo AM, et al. A noncanonical function of SKP1 regulates the switch between autophagy and unconventional secretion. Science Advances. 9: eadh1134. PMID 37831778 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adh1134  0.679
2022 Kaushik S, Juste YR, Lindenau K, Dong S, Macho-González A, Santiago-Fernández O, McCabe M, Singh R, Gavathiotis E, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy regulates adipocyte differentiation. Science Advances. 8: eabq2733. PMID 36383673 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq2733  0.677
2022 Krause GJ, Diaz A, Jafari M, Khawaja RR, Agullo-Pascual E, Santiago-Fernández O, Richards AL, Chen KH, Dmitriev P, Sun Y, See SK, Abdelmohsen K, Mazan-Mamczarz K, Krogan NJ, Gorospe M, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Reduced endosomal microautophagy activity in aging associates with enhanced exocyst-mediated protein secretion. Aging Cell. e13713. PMID 36116133 DOI: 10.1111/acel.13713  0.335
2022 Rovira M, Sereda R, Pladevall-Morera D, Ramponi V, Marin I, Maus M, Madrigal-Matute J, Díaz A, García F, Muñoz J, Cuervo AM, Serrano M. The lysosomal proteome of senescent cells contributes to the senescence secretome. Aging Cell. e13707. PMID 36087066 DOI: 10.1111/acel.13707  0.346
2022 Madrigal-Matute J, Cuervo AM, Sluimer JC. Chaperone-mediated autophagy protects against atherosclerosis. Autophagy. 1-3. PMID 35787098 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2096397  0.34
2022 Madrigal-Matute J, de Bruijn J, van Kuijk K, Riascos-Bernal DF, Diaz A, Tasset I, Martín-Segura A, Gijbels MJJ, Sander B, Kaushik S, Biessen EAL, Tiano S, Bourdenx M, Krause GJ, McCracken I, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Protective role of chaperone-mediated autophagy against atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2121133119. PMID 35363568 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2121133119  0.786
2022 Kaushik S, Juste YR, Cuervo AM. Circadian remodeling of the proteome by chaperone-mediated autophagy. Autophagy. 1-3. PMID 35167431 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2038503  0.669
2022 Fleming A, Bourdenx M, Fujimaki M, Karabiyik C, Krause GJ, Lopez A, Martín-Segura A, Puri C, Scrivo A, Skidmore J, Son SM, Stamatakou E, Wrobel L, Zhu Y, Cuervo AM, et al. The different autophagy degradation pathways and neurodegeneration. Neuron. PMID 35134347 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.01.017  0.747
2022 Kirchner P, Bourdenx M, Madrigal-Matute J, Tiano S, Diaz A, Bartholdy BA, Will B, Cuervo AM. Correction: Proteome-wide analysis of chaperone-mediated autophagy targeting motifs. Plos Biology. 20: e3001550. PMID 35120120 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001550  0.662
2021 Juste YR, Kaushik S, Bourdenx M, Aflakpui R, Bandyopadhyay S, Garcia F, Diaz A, Lindenau K, Tu V, Krause GJ, Jafari M, Singh R, Muñoz J, Macian F, Cuervo AM. Reciprocal regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy and the circadian clock. Nature Cell Biology. PMID 34876687 DOI: 10.1038/s41556-021-00800-z  0.789
2021 Kaushik S, Tasset I, Arias E, Pampliega O, Wong E, Martinez-Vicente M, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and the Hallmarks of Aging. Ageing Research Reviews. 101468. PMID 34563704 DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2021.101468  0.687
2021 Cabezudo S, Sanz-Flores M, Caballero A, Tasset I, Rebollo E, Diaz A, Aragay AM, Cuervo AM, Mayor F, Ribas C. Gαq activation modulates autophagy by promoting mTORC1 signaling. Nature Communications. 12: 4540. PMID 34315875 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24811-4  0.356
2021 Krause GJ, Cuervo AM. Assessment of mammalian endosomal microautophagy. Methods in Cell Biology. 164: 167-185. PMID 34225914 DOI: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2020.10.009  0.333
2021 Bourdenx M, Gavathiotis E, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: a gatekeeper of neuronal proteostasis. Autophagy. 1-3. PMID 34110247 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1935007  0.709
2021 Bourdenx M, Martín-Segura A, Scrivo A, Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Kaushik S, Tasset I, Diaz A, Storm NJ, Xin Q, Juste YR, Stevenson E, Luengo E, Clement CC, Choi SJ, Krogan NJ, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Chaperone-mediated autophagy prevents collapse of the neuronal metastable proteome. Cell. PMID 33891876 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.048  0.775
2021 Caballero B, Bourdenx M, Luengo E, Diaz A, Sohn PD, Chen X, Wang C, Juste YR, Wegmann S, Patel B, Young ZT, Kuo SY, Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Shao H, Lopez MG, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Acetylated tau inhibits chaperone-mediated autophagy and promotes tau pathology propagation in mice. Nature Communications. 12: 2238. PMID 33854069 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22501-9  0.682
2021 Dong S, Wang Q, Kao YR, Diaz A, Tasset I, Kaushik S, Thiruthuvanathan V, Zintiridou A, Nieves E, Dzieciatkowska M, Reisz JA, Gavathiotis E, D'Alessandro A, Will B, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy sustains haematopoietic stem-cell function. Nature. PMID 33442062 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-03129-z  0.647
2020 Virgin HW, Cuervo AM, Xavier RJ. Beth Cindy Levine (1960-2020). Science (New York, N.Y.). 369: 378. PMID 32703867 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Abd6216  0.389
2020 Kudo Y, Sugimoto M, Arias E, Kasashima H, Cordes T, Linares JF, Duran A, Nakanishi Y, Nakanishi N, L'Hermitte A, Campos A, Senni N, Rooslid T, Roberts LR, Cuervo AM, et al. PKCλ/ι Loss Induces Autophagy, Oxidative Phosphorylation, and NRF2 to Promote Liver Cancer Progression. Cancer Cell. PMID 32589943 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ccell.2020.05.018  0.312
2020 Cheney L, Guzik H, Macaluso FP, Macian F, Cuervo AM, Berman JW. HIV Nef and Antiretroviral Therapy Have an Inhibitory Effect on Autophagy in Human Astrocytes that May Contribute to HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders. Cells. 9. PMID 32526847 DOI: 10.3390/Cells9061426  0.339
2020 Zhang X, Ramírez CM, Aryal B, Madrigal-Matute J, Liu X, Diaz A, Torrecilla-Parra M, Suárez Y, Cuervo AM, Sessa WC, Fernández-Hernando C. Cav-1 (Caveolin-1) Deficiency Increases Autophagy in the Endothelium and Attenuates Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. ATVBAHA120314291. PMID 32349535 DOI: 10.1161/Atvbaha.120.314291  0.401
2020 Dong S, Aguirre-Hernandez C, Scrivo A, Eliscovich C, Arias E, Bravo-Cordero JJ, Cuervo AM. Monitoring spatiotemporal changes in chaperone-mediated autophagy in vivo. Nature Communications. 11: 645. PMID 32005807 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-14164-4  0.388
2020 Chen X, Li Y, Wang C, Tang Y, Mok SA, Tsai RM, Rojas JC, Karydas A, Miller BL, Boxer AL, Gestwicki JE, Arkin M, Cuervo AM, Gan L. Promoting tau secretion and propagation by hyperactive p300/CBP via autophagy-lysosomal pathway in tauopathy. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 15: 2. PMID 31906970 DOI: 10.1186/S13024-019-0354-0  0.328
2019 Arias E, Cuervo AM. Pros and Cons of Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy in Cancer Biology. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism: Tem. PMID 31699565 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tem.2019.09.007  0.411
2019 Valdor R, García-Bernal D, Riquelme D, Martinez CM, Moraleda JM, Cuervo AM, Macian F, Martinez S. Glioblastoma ablates pericytes antitumor immune function through aberrant up-regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 31548426 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1903542116  0.37
2019 Butler VJ, Gao F, Corrales CI, Cortopassi WA, Caballero B, Vohra M, Ashrafi K, Cuervo AM, Jacobson MP, Coppola G, Kao AW. Age- and stress-associated C. elegans granulins impair lysosomal function and induce a compensatory HLH-30/TFEB transcriptional response. Plos Genetics. 15: e1008295. PMID 31398187 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pgen.1008295  0.435
2019 Kirchner P, Bourdenx M, Madrigal-Matute J, Tiano S, Diaz A, Bartholdy BA, Will B, Cuervo AM. Proteome-wide analysis of chaperone-mediated autophagy targeting motifs. Plos Biology. 17: e3000301. PMID 31150375 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.3000301  0.739
2019 Guerrero-Ros I, Clement CC, Reynolds CA, Patel B, Santambrogio L, Cuervo AM, Macian F. The negative effect of lipid challenge on autophagy inhibits T cell responses. Autophagy. PMID 30982401 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1606635  0.367
2019 Hernandez I, Luna G, Rauch JN, Reis SA, Giroux M, Karch CM, Boctor D, Sibih YE, Storm NJ, Diaz A, Kaushik S, Zekanowski C, Kang AA, Hinman CR, Cerovac V, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. A farnesyltransferase inhibitor activates lysosomes and reduces tau pathology in mice with tauopathy. Science Translational Medicine. 11. PMID 30918111 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.Aat3005  0.656
2019 Zhang J, He J, Johnson JL, Rahman F, Gavathiotis E, Cuervo AM, Catz SD. Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Upregulation Rescues Megalin Expression and Localization in Cystinotic Proximal Tubule Cells. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 10: 21. PMID 30774622 DOI: 10.3389/Fendo.2019.00021  0.371
2019 Juste YR, Cuervo AM. Analysis of Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1880: 703-727. PMID 30610733 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8873-0_47  0.512
2019 Dong S, Will B, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Ensures Hematopoietic Stem Cell Maintenance Blood. 134: 272-272. DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2019-132230  0.468
2018 Jeong YT, Simoneschi D, Keegan S, Melville D, Adler NS, Saraf A, Florens L, Washburn MP, Cavasotto CN, Fenyö D, Cuervo AM, Rossi M, Pagano M. The ULK1-FBXW5-SEC23B nexus controls autophagy. Elife. 7. PMID 30596474 DOI: 10.7554/Elife.42253  0.442
2018 Lee YA, Noon LA, Akat KM, Ybanez MD, Lee TF, Berres ML, Fujiwara N, Goossens N, Chou HI, Parvin-Nejad FP, Khambu B, Kramer EGM, Gordon R, Pfleger C, Germain D, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Autophagy is a gatekeeper of hepatic differentiation and carcinogenesis by controlling the degradation of Yap. Nature Communications. 9: 4962. PMID 30470740 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-018-07338-Z  0.362
2018 Geier EG, Bourdenx M, Storm NJ, Cochran JN, Sirkis DW, Hwang JH, Bonham LW, Ramos EM, Diaz A, Van Berlo V, Dokuru D, Nana AL, Karydas A, Balestra ME, Huang Y, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Rare variants in the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis gene MFSD8 are candidate risk factors for frontotemporal dementia. Acta Neuropathologica. PMID 30382371 DOI: 10.1007/S00401-018-1925-9  0.685
2018 Walters RO, Arias E, Diaz A, Burgos ES, Guan F, Tiano S, Mao K, Green CL, Qiu Y, Shah H, Wang D, Hudgins AD, Tabrizian T, Tosti V, Shechter D, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Sarcosine Is Uniquely Modulated by Aging and Dietary Restriction in Rodents and Humans. Cell Reports. 25: 663-676.e6. PMID 30332646 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2018.09.065  0.343
2018 Schultz ML, Krus KL, Kaushik S, Dang D, Chopra R, Qi L, Shakkottai VG, Cuervo AM, Lieberman AP. Coordinate regulation of mutant NPC1 degradation by selective ER autophagy and MARCH6-dependent ERAD. Nature Communications. 9: 3671. PMID 30202070 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-018-06115-2  0.72
2018 Scrivo A, Bourdenx M, Pampliega O, Cuervo AM. Selective autophagy as a potential therapeutic target for neurodegenerative disorders. The Lancet. Neurology. 17: 802-815. PMID 30129476 DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30238-2  0.757
2018 Pajares M, Rojo AI, Arias E, Díaz-Carretero A, Cuervo AM, Cuadrado A. Transcription factor NFE2L2/NRF2 modulates chaperone-mediated autophagy through the regulation of LAMP2A. Autophagy. PMID 29950142 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2018.1474992  0.421
2018 Bejarano E, Murray JW, Wang X, Pampliega O, Yin D, Patel B, Yuste A, Wolkoff AW, Cuervo AM. Defective recruitment of motor proteins to autophagic compartments contributes to autophagic failure in aging. Aging Cell. e12777. PMID 29845728 DOI: 10.1111/Acel.12777  0.422
2018 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. The coming of age of chaperone-mediated autophagy. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology. PMID 29626215 DOI: 10.1038/S41580-018-0001-6  0.759
2018 Zhang H, Freitas D, Kim HS, Fabijanic K, Li Z, Chen H, Mark MT, Molina H, Martin AB, Bojmar L, Fang J, Rampersaud S, Hoshino A, Matei I, Kenific CM, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Identification of distinct nanoparticles and subsets of extracellular vesicles by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation. Nature Cell Biology. PMID 29459780 DOI: 10.1038/S41556-018-0040-4  0.329
2018 Amengual J, Guo L, Strong A, Madrigal-Matute J, Wang H, Kaushik S, Brodsky JL, Rader DJ, Cuervo AM, Fisher EA. Autophagy Is Required for Sortilin-Mediated Degradation of Apolipoprotein B100. Circulation Research. PMID 29301854 DOI: 10.1161/Circresaha.117.311240  0.688
2018 Chen Y, Lee J, Zheng M, Paulino V, Garcia C, Matute JM, Li H, Kaludercic N, Owusu-Ansah E, Cuervo AM, Kitsis RN. Abstract 117: Regulation of Cardiac Mitochondrial Function by Chaperone Mediated Autophagy Circulation Research. 123. DOI: 10.1161/Res.123.Suppl_1.117  0.328
2018 Pajares M, Rojo AI, Arias E, Diaz-Carretero A, Cuervo AM, Cuadrado A. Transcription factor NRF2 modulates chaperone mediated autophagy through the regulation of LAMP2A Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 120: S28. DOI: 10.1016/J.Freeradbiomed.2018.04.098  0.414
2017 Tekirdag K, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy and endosomal microautophagy: Joint by a chaperone. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 293: 5414-5424. PMID 29247007 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.R117.818237  0.468
2017 Gong Z, Tasset I, Diaz A, Anguiano J, Tas E, Cui L, Kuliawat R, Liu H, Kühn B, Cuervo AM, Muzumdar R. Humanin is an endogenous activator of chaperone-mediated autophagy. The Journal of Cell Biology. PMID 29187525 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.201606095  0.811
2017 Theofilas P, Ehrenberg AJ, Nguy A, Thackrey JM, Dunlop S, Mejia MB, Alho AT, Paraizo Leite RE, Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Nascimento CF, Chin M, Medina-Cleghorn D, Cuervo AM, Arkin M, et al. Probing the correlation of neuronal loss, neurofibrillary tangles, and cell death markers across the Alzheimer's disease Braak stages: a quantitative study in humans. Neurobiology of Aging. 61: 1-12. PMID 29031088 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neurobiolaging.2017.09.007  0.304
2017 Caballero B, Wang Y, Diaz A, Tasset I, Juste YR, Mandelkow EM, Mandelkow E, Cuervo AM. Interplay of pathogenic forms of human tau with different autophagic pathways. Aging Cell. PMID 29024336 DOI: 10.1111/Acel.12692  0.384
2017 Galluzzi L, Baehrecke EH, Ballabio A, Boya P, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Cecconi F, Choi AM, Chu CT, Codogno P, Colombo MI, Cuervo AM, Debnath J, Deretic V, Dikic I, Eskelinen EL, et al. Molecular definitions of autophagy and related processes. The Embo Journal. PMID 28596378 DOI: 10.15252/Embj.201796697  0.376
2017 Zhang J, Johnson JL, He J, Napolitano G, Ramadass M, Rocca C, Kiosses WB, Bucci C, Xin Q, Gavathiotis E, Cuervo AM, Cherqui S, Catz SD. Cystinosin, the small GTPase Rab11, and the Rab7 effector RILP regulate intracellular trafficking of the chaperone-mediated autophagy receptor LAMP2A. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 28465352 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M116.764076  0.385
2017 Esteban-Martínez L, Sierra-Filardi E, McGreal RS, Salazar-Roa M, Mariño G, Seco E, Durand S, Enot D, Graña O, Malumbres M, Cvekl A, Cuervo AM, Kroemer G, Boya P. Programmed mitophagy is essential for the glycolytic switch during cell differentiation. The Embo Journal. PMID 28465321 DOI: 10.15252/Embj.201695916  0.324
2017 Gomes LR, Menck CFM, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy prevents cellular transformation by regulating MYC proteasomal degradation. Autophagy. 13: 928-940. PMID 28410006 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2017.1293767  0.422
2017 Maus M, Cuk M, Patel B, Lian J, Ouimet M, Kaufmann U, Yang J, Horvath R, Hornig-Do HT, Chrzanowska-Lightowlers ZM, Moore KJ, Cuervo AM, Feske S. Store-Operated Ca(2+) Entry Controls Induction of Lipolysis and the Transcriptional Reprogramming to Lipid Metabolism. Cell Metabolism. PMID 28132808 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2016.12.021  0.332
2016 Cuervo AM. Autophagy: Many paths to the same end. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 263: 55-72. PMID 27520665 DOI: 10.1023/B:Mcbi.0000041848.57020.57  0.472
2016 Mukherjee A, Patel B, Koga H, Cuervo AM, Jenny A. Selective endosomal microautophagy is starvation-inducible in Drosophila. Autophagy. 0. PMID 27487474 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1208887  0.501
2016 Morozova K, Clement CC, Kaushik S, Stiller B, Arias E, Ahmad A, Rauch JN, Chatterjee V, Melis C, Scharf B, Gestwicki JE, Cuervo AM, Zuiderweg ER, Santambrogio L. Hsc-70 Structural and Biological Interaction with Phosphatidylserine in Endosomal Microautophagy. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 27405763 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M116.736744  0.679
2016 Mitchell SJ, Madrigal-Matute J, Scheibye-Knudsen M, Fang E, Aon M, González-Reyes JA, Cortassa S, Kaushik S, Gonzalez-Freire M, Patel B, Wahl D, Ali A, Calvo-Rubio M, Burón MI, Guiterrez V, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Effects of Sex, Strain, and Energy Intake on Hallmarks of Aging in Mice. Cell Metabolism. 23: 1093-1112. PMID 27304509 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2016.05.027  0.636
2016 Champa D, Orlacchio A, Patel B, Ranieri M, Shemetov AA, Verkhusha VV, Cuervo AM, Di Cristofano A. Obatoclax kills anaplastic thyroid cancer cells by inducing lysosome neutralization and necrosis. Oncotarget. PMID 27144341 DOI: 10.18632/Oncotarget.9121  0.365
2016 Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin J, Abeliovich H, Arozena AA, Adachi H, Adams CM, Adams PD, Adeli K, Adhihetty PJ, Adler SG, Agam G, Agarwal R, Aghi MK, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356 Autophagy. 12: 443-443. PMID 26902590 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1147886  0.708
2016 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of lipid droplet protein PLIN2 triggers its degradation by CMA. Autophagy. 12: 432-8. PMID 26902588 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1124226  0.698
2016 Tasset I, Cuervo AM. Role of chaperone-mediated autophagy in metabolism. The Febs Journal. 283: 2403-13. PMID 26854402 DOI: 10.1111/Febs.13677  0.443
2016 Pampliega O, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and primary cilia: dual interplay. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 39: 1-7. PMID 26826446 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ceb.2016.01.008  0.47
2016 Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, Adachi H, Adams CM, Adams PD, Adeli K, Adhihetty PJ, Adler SG, Agam G, Agarwal R, Aghi MK, ... Cuervo AM, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 12: 1-222. PMID 26799652 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356  0.791
2016 Madrigal-Matute J, Cuervo AM. Regulation of Liver Metabolism by Autophagy. Gastroenterology. 150: 328-39. PMID 26453774 DOI: 10.1053/J.Gastro.2015.09.042  0.387
2015 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Proteostasis and aging. Nature Medicine. 21: 1406-15. PMID 26646497 DOI: 10.1038/Nm.4001  0.7
2015 Arias E, Koga H, Diaz A, Mocholi E, Patel B, Cuervo AM. Lysosomal mTORC2/PHLPP1/Akt Regulate Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy. Molecular Cell. PMID 26118642 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molcel.2015.05.030  0.459
2015 Rui YN, Xu Z, Patel B, Cuervo AM, Zhang S. HTT/Huntingtin in selective autophagy and Huntington disease: A foe or a friend within? Autophagy. 11: 858-60. PMID 25985010 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1039219  0.499
2015 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Degradation of lipid droplet-associated proteins by chaperone-mediated autophagy facilitates lipolysis. Nature Cell Biology. 17: 759-70. PMID 25961502 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb3166  0.723
2015 Cuervo AM, Zhang S. Selective autophagy and Huntingtin: learning from disease. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 14: 1617-8. PMID 25892451 DOI: 10.1080/15384101.2015.1039365  0.518
2015 Park C, Suh Y, Cuervo AM. Regulated degradation of Chk1 by chaperone-mediated autophagy in response to DNA damage. Nature Communications. 6: 6823. PMID 25880015 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms7823  0.412
2015 Cursio R, Colosetti P, Codogno P, Cuervo AM, Shen HM. The role of autophagy in liver diseases: mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets. Biomed Research International. 2015: 480508. PMID 25866785 DOI: 10.1155/2015/480508  0.331
2015 Kett LR, Stiller B, Bernath MM, Tasset I, Blesa J, Jackson-Lewis V, Chan RB, Zhou B, Di Paolo G, Przedborski S, Cuervo AM, Dauer WT. α-Synuclein-independent histopathological and motor deficits in mice lacking the endolysosomal Parkinsonism protein Atp13a2. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 5724-42. PMID 25855184 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.0632-14.2015  0.571
2015 Morozova K, Sridhar S, Zolla V, Clement CC, Scharf B, Verzani Z, Diaz A, Larocca JN, Hajjar KA, Cuervo AM, Santambrogio L. Corrigendum: Annexin A2 promotes phagophore assembly by enhancing Atg16⁺ vesicle biogenesis and homotypic fusion. Nature Communications. 6: 6816. PMID 25817270 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms7816  0.76
2015 Macri C, Wang F, Tasset I, Schall N, Page N, Briand JP, Cuervo AM, Muller S. Modulation of deregulated chaperone-mediated autophagy by a phosphopeptide. Autophagy. 11: 472-86. PMID 25719862 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1017179  0.339
2015 Rui YN, Xu Z, Patel B, Chen Z, Chen D, Tito A, David G, Sun Y, Stimming EF, Bellen HJ, Cuervo AM, Zhang S. Huntingtin functions as a scaffold for selective macroautophagy. Nature Cell Biology. 17: 262-75. PMID 25686248 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb3101  0.457
2015 Schneider JL, Villarroya J, Diaz-Carretero A, Patel B, Urbanska AM, Thi MM, Villarroya F, Santambrogio L, Cuervo AM. Loss of hepatic chaperone-mediated autophagy accelerates proteostasis failure in aging. Aging Cell. 14: 249-64. PMID 25620427 DOI: 10.1111/Acel.12310  0.428
2015 Morozova K, Sidhar S, Zolla V, Clement CC, Scharf B, Verzani Z, Diaz A, Larocca JN, Hajjar KA, Cuervo AM, Santambrogio L. Annexin A2 promotes phagophore assembly by enhancing Atg16L⁺ vesicle biogenesis and homotypic fusion. Nature Communications. 6: 5856. PMID 25597631 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms6856  0.328
2015 Patel B, Cuervo AM. Methods to study chaperone-mediated autophagy. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 75: 133-40. PMID 25595300 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ymeth.2015.01.003  0.469
2015 Tanase M, Zolla V, Clement CC, Borghi F, Urbanska AM, Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Roda B, Zattoni A, Reschiglian P, Cuervo AM, Santambrogio L. Hydrodynamic size-based separation and characterization of protein aggregates from total cell lysates. Nature Protocols. 10: 134-48. PMID 25521790 DOI: 10.1038/Nprot.2015.009  0.356
2015 Orhon I, Dupont N, Pampliega O, Cuervo AM, Codogno P. Autophagy and regulation of cilia function and assembly. Cell Death and Differentiation. 22: 389-97. PMID 25361082 DOI: 10.1038/Cdd.2014.171  0.453
2015 Gramatikoff K, Nguyen A, Cuervo AM, Klionsky D. From misfolding to autophagy and disease F1000research. 6. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.1097460.1  0.343
2015 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Proteostasis and aging Nature Medicine. 21: 1406-1415. DOI: 10.1038/nm.4001  0.591
2014 Yang DS, Stavrides P, Saito M, Kumar A, Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Pawlik M, Huo C, Walkley SU, Saito M, Cuervo AM, Nixon RA. Defective macroautophagic turnover of brain lipids in the TgCRND8 Alzheimer mouse model: prevention by correcting lysosomal proteolytic deficits. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 137: 3300-18. PMID 25270989 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awu278  0.405
2014 Valdor R, Mocholi E, Botbol Y, Guerrero-Ros I, Chandra D, Koga H, Gravekamp C, Cuervo AM, Macian F. Chaperone-mediated autophagy regulates T cell responses through targeted degradation of negative regulators of T cell activation. Nature Immunology. 15: 1046-54. PMID 25263126 DOI: 10.1038/Ni.3003  0.344
2014 Schneider JL, Suh Y, Cuervo AM. Deficient chaperone-mediated autophagy in liver leads to metabolic dysregulation. Cell Metabolism. 20: 417-32. PMID 25043815 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2014.06.009  0.416
2014 Cuervo AM, Macian F. Autophagy and the immune function in aging. Current Opinion in Immunology. 29: 97-104. PMID 24929664 DOI: 10.1016/J.Coi.2014.05.006  0.404
2014 Schneider JL, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and human disease: emerging themes. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 26: 16-23. PMID 24907664 DOI: 10.1016/J.Gde.2014.04.003  0.411
2014 Morimoto RI, Cuervo AM. Proteostasis and the aging proteome in health and disease. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 69: S33-8. PMID 24833584 DOI: 10.1093/Gerona/Glu049  0.461
2014 Bejarano E, Yuste A, Patel B, Stout RF, Spray DC, Cuervo AM. Connexins modulate autophagosome biogenesis. Nature Cell Biology. 16: 401-14. PMID 24705551 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb2934  0.396
2014 Quintavalle C, Di Costanzo S, Zanca C, Tasset I, Fraldi A, Incoronato M, Mirabelli P, Monti M, Ballabio A, Pucci P, Cuervo AM, Condorelli G. Phosphorylation-regulated degradation of the tumor-suppressor form of PED by chaperone-mediated autophagy in lung cancer cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 229: 1359-68. PMID 24477641 DOI: 10.1002/Jcp.24569  0.401
2014 Zaarur N, Meriin AB, Bejarano E, Xu X, Gabai VL, Cuervo AM, Sherman MY. Proteasome failure promotes positioning of lysosomes around the aggresome via local block of microtubule-dependent transport. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 34: 1336-48. PMID 24469403 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.00103-14  0.423
2014 Cuervo AM, Wong E. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: roles in disease and aging. Cell Research. 24: 92-104. PMID 24281265 DOI: 10.1038/Cr.2013.153  0.509
2014 Schneider JL, Cuervo AM. Liver autophagy: much more than just taking out the trash. Nature Reviews. Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 11: 187-200. PMID 24192609 DOI: 10.1038/Nrgastro.2013.211  0.344
2013 Schneider JL, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: dedicated saviour and unfortunate victim in the neurodegeneration arena. Biochemical Society Transactions. 41: 1483-8. PMID 24256241 DOI: 10.1042/Bst20130126  0.48
2013 Pampliega O, Orhon I, Patel B, Sridhar S, Díaz-Carretero A, Beau I, Codogno P, Satir BH, Satir P, Cuervo AM. Functional interaction between autophagy and ciliogenesis. Nature. 502: 194-200. PMID 24089209 DOI: 10.1038/Nature12639  0.82
2013 Ling YH, Aracil M, Zou Y, Yuan Z, Lu B, Jimeno J, Cuervo AM, Perez-Soler R. Retraction: PM02734 (elisidepsin) induces caspase-independent cell death associated with features of autophagy, inhibition of the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, and activation of death-associated protein kinase. Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Research. 19: 4900. PMID 24003061 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.Ccr-13-1910  0.381
2013 Cuervo AM. Preventing lysosomal fat indigestion. Nature Cell Biology. 15: 565-7. PMID 23728462 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb2778  0.382
2013 Park C, Cuervo AM. Selective autophagy: talking with the UPS. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 67: 3-13. PMID 23709310 DOI: 10.1007/S12013-013-9623-7  0.439
2013 Anguiano J, Garner TP, Mahalingam M, Das BC, Gavathiotis E, Cuervo AM. Chemical modulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy by retinoic acid derivatives. Nature Chemical Biology. 9: 374-82. PMID 23584676 DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio.1230  0.815
2013 Rodríguez-Muela N, Koga H, García-Ledo L, de la Villa P, de la Rosa EJ, Cuervo AM, Boya P. Balance between autophagic pathways preserves retinal homeostasis. Aging Cell. 12: 478-88. PMID 23521856 DOI: 10.1111/Acel.12072  0.391
2013 Orenstein SJ, Kuo SH, Tasset I, Arias E, Koga H, Fernandez-Carasa I, Cortes E, Honig LS, Dauer W, Consiglio A, Raya A, Sulzer D, Cuervo AM. Interplay of LRRK2 with chaperone-mediated autophagy. Nature Neuroscience. 16: 394-406. PMID 23455607 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.3350  0.398
2013 Sridhar S, Patel B, Aphkhazava D, Macian F, Santambrogio L, Shields D, Cuervo AM. The lipid kinase PI4KIIIβ preserves lysosomal identity. The Embo Journal. 32: 324-39. PMID 23258225 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2012.341  0.793
2013 Anguiano J, Garner TP, Mahalingam M, Das BC, Gavathiotis E, Cuervo AM. Erratum: Corrigendum: Chemical modulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy by retinoic acid derivatives Nature Chemical Biology. 9: 746-746. DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio1013-746A  0.765
2012 Wong E, Bejarano E, Rakshit M, Lee K, Hanson HH, Zaarur N, Phillips GR, Sherman MY, Cuervo AM. Molecular determinants of selective clearance of protein inclusions by autophagy. Nature Communications. 3: 1240. PMID 23212369 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms2244  0.428
2012 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Chaperones in autophagy. Pharmacological Research : the Official Journal of the Italian Pharmacological Society. 66: 484-93. PMID 23059540 DOI: 10.1016/J.Phrs.2012.10.002  0.732
2012 Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H, Abraham RT, Acevedo-Arozena A, Adeli K, Agholme L, Agnello M, Agostinis P, Aguirre-Ghiso JA, Ahn HJ, Ait-Mohamed O, Ait-Si-Ali S, Akematsu T, Akira S, ... Cuervo AM, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy. 8: 445-544. PMID 22966490 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.19496  0.798
2012 Cannizzo ES, Clement CC, Morozova K, Valdor R, Kaushik S, Almeida LN, Follo C, Sahu R, Cuervo AM, Macian F, Santambrogio L. Age-related oxidative stress compromises endosomal proteostasis. Cell Reports. 2: 136-49. PMID 22840404 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2012.06.005  0.661
2012 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: a unique way to enter the lysosome world. Trends in Cell Biology. 22: 407-17. PMID 22748206 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tcb.2012.05.006  0.733
2012 Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Cuervo AM. Dietary lipids and aging compromise chaperone-mediated autophagy by similar mechanisms. Autophagy. 8: 1152-4. PMID 22653298 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.20649  0.483
2012 Singh R, Cuervo AM. Lipophagy: connecting autophagy and lipid metabolism. International Journal of Cell Biology. 2012: 282041. PMID 22536247 DOI: 10.1155/2012/282041  0.412
2012 Bejarano E, Girao H, Yuste A, Patel B, Marques C, Spray DC, Pereira P, Cuervo AM. Autophagy modulates dynamics of connexins at the plasma membrane in a ubiquitin-dependent manner. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 23: 2156-69. PMID 22496425 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E11-10-0844  0.424
2012 Ermak G, Sojitra S, Yin F, Cadenas E, Cuervo AM, Davies KJ. Chronic expression of RCAN1-1L protein induces mitochondrial autophagy and metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis in neuronal cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 14088-98. PMID 22389495 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M111.305342  0.393
2012 Vidal RL, Figueroa A, Court FA, Thielen P, Molina C, Wirth C, Caballero B, Kiffin R, Segura-Aguilar J, Cuervo AM, Glimcher LH, Hetz C. Targeting the UPR transcription factor XBP1 protects against Huntington's disease through the regulation of FoxO1 and autophagy. Human Molecular Genetics. 21: 2245-62. PMID 22337954 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Dds040  0.741
2012 Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Kaushik S, Koga H, Dall'Armi C, Shui G, Wenk MR, Di Paolo G, Cuervo AM. Inhibitory effect of dietary lipids on chaperone-mediated autophagy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: E705-14. PMID 22331875 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1113036109  0.698
2012 Sridhar S, Botbol Y, Macian F, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and disease: always two sides to a problem. The Journal of Pathology. 226: 255-73. PMID 21990109 DOI: 10.1002/Path.3025  0.818
2012 Cuervo AM, Macian F. Autophagy, nutrition and immunology. Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 33: 2-13. PMID 21982744 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mam.2011.09.001  0.418
2012 Hubbard VM, Valdor R, Macian F, Cuervo AM. Selective autophagy in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis in aging organisms. Biogerontology. 13: 21-35. PMID 21461872 DOI: 10.1007/S10522-011-9331-X  0.434
2011 Koga H, Martinez-Vicente M, Arias E, Kaushik S, Sulzer D, Cuervo AM. Constitutive upregulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy in Huntington's disease. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 18492-505. PMID 22171050 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3219-11.2011  0.738
2011 Kon M, Kiffin R, Koga H, Chapochnick J, Macian F, Varticovski L, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy is required for tumor growth. Science Translational Medicine. 3: 109ra117. PMID 22089453 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.3003182  0.781
2011 Klionsky DJ, Baehrecke EH, Brumell JH, Chu CT, Codogno P, Cuervo AM, Debnath J, Deretic V, Elazar Z, Eskelinen EL, Finkbeiner S, Fueyo-Margareto J, Gewirtz D, Jäättelä M, Kroemer G, et al. A comprehensive glossary of autophagy-related molecules and processes (2nd edition). Autophagy. 7: 1273-94. PMID 21997368 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.7.11.17661  0.427
2011 Kaushik S, Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Arias E, Kiffin R, Sahu S, Schwartz GJ, Cuervo AM, Singh R. Autophagy in hypothalamic AgRP neurons regulates food intake and energy balance. Cell Metabolism. 14: 173-83. PMID 21803288 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2011.06.008  0.798
2011 Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: Dice's 'wild' idea about lysosomal selectivity. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology. 12: 535-41. PMID 21750569 DOI: 10.1038/Nrm3150  0.424
2011 Koga H, Martinez-Vicente M, Macian F, Verkhusha VV, Cuervo AM. A photoconvertible fluorescent reporter to track chaperone-mediated autophagy. Nature Communications. 2: 386. PMID 21750540 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms1393  0.424
2011 Ling YH, Aracil M, Zou Y, Yuan Z, Lu B, Jimeno J, Cuervo AM, Perez-Soler R. PM02734 (elisidepsin) induces caspase-independent cell death associated with features of autophagy, inhibition of the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, and activation of death-associated protein kinase. Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Research. 17: 5353-66. PMID 21690574 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.Ccr-10-1948  0.361
2011 Cuervo AM. Cell biology. Autophagy's top chef. Science (New York, N.Y.). 332: 1392-3. PMID 21680833 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1208607  0.425
2011 Singh R, Cuervo AM. Autophagy in the cellular energetic balance. Cell Metabolism. 13: 495-504. PMID 21531332 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2011.04.004  0.468
2011 Yang DS, Stavrides P, Mohan PS, Kaushik S, Kumar A, Ohno M, Schmidt SD, Wesson DW, Bandyopadhyay U, Jiang Y, Pawlik M, Peterhoff CM, Yang AJ, Wilson DA, St George-Hyslop P, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Therapeutic effects of remediating autophagy failure in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease by enhancing lysosomal proteolysis. Autophagy. 7: 788-9. PMID 21464620 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.7.7.15596  0.671
2011 Santambrogio L, Cuervo AM. Chasing the elusive mammalian microautophagy. Autophagy. 7: 652-4. PMID 21460618 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.7.6.15287  0.465
2011 Kaushik S, Bandyopadhyay U, Sridhar S, Kiffin R, Martinez-Vicente M, Kon M, Orenstein SJ, Wong E, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy at a glance. Journal of Cell Science. 124: 495-9. PMID 21282471 DOI: 10.1242/Jcs.073874  0.802
2011 Sahu R, Kaushik S, Clement CC, Cannizzo ES, Scharf B, Follenzi A, Potolicchio I, Nieves E, Cuervo AM, Santambrogio L. Microautophagy of cytosolic proteins by late endosomes. Developmental Cell. 20: 131-9. PMID 21238931 DOI: 10.1016/J.Devcel.2010.12.003  0.73
2011 Yang DS, Stavrides P, Mohan PS, Kaushik S, Kumar A, Ohno M, Schmidt SD, Wesson D, Bandyopadhyay U, Jiang Y, Pawlik M, Peterhoff CM, Yang AJ, Wilson DA, St George-Hyslop P, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Reversal of autophagy dysfunction in the TgCRND8 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease ameliorates amyloid pathologies and memory deficits. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 134: 258-77. PMID 21186265 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awq341  0.674
2011 Arias E, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy in protein quality control. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 23: 184-9. PMID 21094035 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ceb.2010.10.009  0.473
2011 Koga H, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy dysfunction in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration Neurobiology of Disease. 43: 29-37. PMID 20643207 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nbd.2010.07.006  0.51
2011 Koga H, Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Protein homeostasis and aging: The importance of exquisite quality control Ageing Research Reviews. 10: 205-215. PMID 20152936 DOI: 10.1016/J.Arr.2010.02.001  0.718
2010 Wong E, Cuervo AM. Integration of clearance mechanisms: the proteasome and autophagy. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 2: a006734. PMID 21068151 DOI: 10.1101/Cshperspect.A006734  0.417
2010 Hubbard VM, Valdor R, Patel B, Singh R, Cuervo AM, Macian F. Macroautophagy regulates energy metabolism during effector T cell activation. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 185: 7349-57. PMID 21059894 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1000576  0.387
2010 Kaushik S, Singh R, Cuervo AM. Autophagic pathways and metabolic stress. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. 12: 4-14. PMID 21029294 DOI: 10.1111/J.1463-1326.2010.01263.X  0.715
2010 Bandyopadhyay U, Sridhar S, Kaushik S, Kiffin R, Cuervo AM. Identification of regulators of chaperone-mediated autophagy. Molecular Cell. 39: 535-47. PMID 20797626 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molcel.2010.08.004  0.809
2010 Rodriguez-Navarro JA, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and lipids: tightening the knot. Seminars in Immunopathology. 32: 343-53. PMID 20730586 DOI: 10.1007/S00281-010-0219-7  0.453
2010 Koga H, Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Inhibitory effect of intracellular lipid load on macroautophagy. Autophagy. 6: 825-7. PMID 20647740 DOI: 10.1096/Fj.09-144519  0.686
2010 Wong E, Cuervo AM. Autophagy gone awry in neurodegenerative diseases. Nature Neuroscience. 13: 805-11. PMID 20581817 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2575  0.38
2010 Rodríguez-Navarro JA, Rodríguez L, Casarejos MJ, Solano RM, Gómez A, Perucho J, Cuervo AM, García de Yébenes J, Mena MA. Trehalose ameliorates dopaminergic and tau pathology in parkin deleted/tau overexpressing mice through autophagy activation. Neurobiology of Disease. 39: 423-38. PMID 20546895 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nbd.2010.05.014  0.31
2010 Lee JH, Yu WH, Kumar A, Lee S, Mohan PS, Peterhoff CM, Wolfe DM, Martinez-Vicente M, Massey AC, Sovak G, Uchiyama Y, Westaway D, Cuervo AM, Nixon RA. Lysosomal proteolysis and autophagy require presenilin 1 and are disrupted by Alzheimer-related PS1 mutations. Cell. 141: 1146-58. PMID 20541250 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2010.05.008  0.402
2010 Rothenberg C, Srinivasan D, Mah L, Kaushik S, Peterhoff CM, Ugolino J, Fang S, Cuervo AM, Nixon RA, Monteiro MJ. Ubiquilin functions in autophagy and is degraded by chaperone-mediated autophagy. Human Molecular Genetics. 19: 3219-32. PMID 20529957 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Ddq231  0.747
2010 Klionsky DJ, Codogno P, Cuervo AM, Deretic V, Elazar Z, Fueyo-Margareto J, Gewirtz DA, Kroemer G, Levine B, Mizushima N, Rubinsztein DC, Thumm M, Tooze SA. A comprehensive glossary of autophagy-related molecules and processes. Autophagy. 6: 438-48. PMID 20484971 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.6.4.12244  0.419
2010 Martinez-Vicente M, Talloczy Z, Wong E, Tang G, Koga H, Kaushik S, de Vries R, Arias E, Harris S, Sulzer D, Cuervo AM. Cargo recognition failure is responsible for inefficient autophagy in Huntington's disease. Nature Neuroscience. 13: 567-76. PMID 20383138 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2528  0.705
2010 Koga H, Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Altered lipid content inhibits autophagic vesicular fusion. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 24: 3052-65. PMID 20375270 DOI: 10.1096/fj.09-144519  0.644
2010 Tizon B, Sahoo S, Yu H, Gauthier S, Kumar AR, Mohan P, Figliola M, Pawlik M, Grubb A, Uchiyama Y, Bandyopadhyay U, Cuervo AM, Nixon RA, Levy E. Induction of autophagy by cystatin C: a mechanism that protects murine primary cortical neurons and neuronal cell lines. Plos One. 5: e9819. PMID 20352108 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0009819  0.409
2010 Mak SK, McCormack AL, Manning-Bog AB, Cuervo AM, Di Monte DA. Lysosomal degradation of alpha-synuclein in vivo. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285: 13621-9. PMID 20200163 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M109.074617  0.333
2010 Cuervo AM, Wong ES, Martinez-Vicente M. Protein degradation, aggregation, and misfolding. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 25: S49-54. PMID 20187257 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.22718  0.37
2010 Welsch T, Younsi A, Disanza A, Rodriguez JA, Cuervo AM, Scita G, Schmidt J. Eps8 is recruited to lysosomes and subjected to chaperone-mediated autophagy in cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research. 316: 1914-24. PMID 20184880 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yexcr.2010.02.020  0.384
2010 Orenstein SJ, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: molecular mechanisms and physiological relevance. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 21: 719-26. PMID 20176123 DOI: 10.1016/J.Semcdb.2010.02.005  0.486
2010 Bejarano E, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society. 7: 29-39. PMID 20160146 DOI: 10.1513/pats.200909-102JS  0.441
2010 Lee JY, Koga H, Kawaguchi Y, Tang W, Wong E, Gao YS, Pandey UB, Kaushik S, Tresse E, Lu J, Taylor JP, Cuervo AM, Yao TP. HDAC6 controls autophagosome maturation essential for ubiquitin-selective quality-control autophagy. The Embo Journal. 29: 969-80. PMID 20075865 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2009.405  0.726
2010 Kon M, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy in health and disease. Febs Letters. 584: 1399-404. PMID 20026330 DOI: 10.1016/J.Febslet.2009.12.025  0.809
2010 Wang Y, Martinez-Vicente M, Krüger U, Kaushik S, Wong E, Mandelkow EM, Cuervo AM, Mandelkow E. Synergy and antagonism of macroautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy in a cell model of pathological tau aggregation. Autophagy. 6: 182-3. PMID 20023429 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.6.1.10815  0.672
2010 Lee J, Yu WH, Kumar A, Lee S, Mohan PS, Peterhoff CM, Martinez-Vicente M, Massey AC, Sovak G, Uchiyama Y, Westaway D, Sisodia SS, Cuervo AM, Nixon RA. P2-271: Presenilin 1 (PS1) is required for lysosome acidification: FAD mutations of PS1 cause loss of protein turnover by autophagy Alzheimer's & Dementia. 6: S393-S394. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2010.05.1321  0.35
2009 Thompson LM, Aiken CT, Kaltenbach LS, Agrawal N, Illes K, Khoshnan A, Martinez-Vincente M, Arrasate M, O'Rourke JG, Khashwji H, Lukacsovich T, Zhu YZ, Lau AL, Massey A, Hayden MR, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. IKK phosphorylates Huntingtin and targets it for degradation by the proteasome and lysosome. The Journal of Cell Biology. 187: 1083-99. PMID 20026656 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.200909067  0.451
2009 Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy: selectivity pays off. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism: Tem. 21: 142-50. PMID 19857975 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tem.2009.10.003  0.476
2009 Singh R, Xiang Y, Wang Y, Baikati K, Cuervo AM, Luu YK, Tang Y, Pessin JE, Schwartz GJ, Czaja MJ. Autophagy regulates adipose mass and differentiation in mice. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 119: 3329-39. PMID 19855132 DOI: 10.1172/Jci39228  0.367
2009 Hetz C, Thielen P, Matus S, Nassif M, Court F, Kiffin R, Martinez G, Cuervo AM, Brown RH, Glimcher LH. XBP-1 deficiency in the nervous system protects against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by increasing autophagy. Genes & Development. 23: 2294-306. PMID 19762508 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.1830709  0.763
2009 Wang Y, Martinez-Vicente M, Krüger U, Kaushik S, Wong E, Mandelkow EM, Cuervo AM, Mandelkow E. Tau fragmentation, aggregation and clearance: the dual role of lysosomal processing. Human Molecular Genetics. 18: 4153-70. PMID 19654187 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Ddp367  0.682
2009 Czaja MJ, Cuervo AM. Lipases in lysosomes, what for? Autophagy. 5: 866-7. PMID 19502773 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.9040  0.378
2009 Rubinsztein DC, Cuervo AM, Ravikumar B, Sarkar S, Korolchuk V, Kaushik S, Klionsky DJ. In search of an "autophagomometer". Autophagy. 5: 585-9. PMID 19411822 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.5.5.8823  0.682
2009 Singh R, Kaushik S, Wang Y, Xiang Y, Novak I, Komatsu M, Tanaka K, Cuervo AM, Czaja MJ. Autophagy regulates lipid metabolism. Nature. 458: 1131-5. PMID 19339967 DOI: 10.1038/Nature07976  0.693
2009 Morimoto RI, Cuervo AM. Protein homeostasis and aging: taking care of proteins from the cradle to the grave. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 64: 167-70. PMID 19228787 DOI: 10.1093/Gerona/Gln071  0.427
2009 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Methods to monitor chaperone-mediated autophagy. Methods in Enzymology. 452: 297-324. PMID 19200890 DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(08)03619-7  0.741
2009 Subach FV, Subach OM, Gundorov IS, Morozova KS, Piatkevich KD, Cuervo AM, Verkhusha VV. Monomeric fluorescent timers that change color from blue to red report on cellular trafficking. Nature Chemical Biology. 5: 118-26. PMID 19136976 DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio.138  0.315
2009 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Protein Degradation and the Lysosomal System The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology: Fifth Edition. 173-189. DOI: 10.1002/9781119436812.Ch11  0.693
2008 Cuervo AM. Autophagy and aging: keeping that old broom working. Trends in Genetics : Tig. 24: 604-12. PMID 18992957 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tig.2008.10.002  0.406
2008 Bandyopadhyay U, Cuervo AM. Entering the lysosome through a transient gate by chaperone-mediated autophagy. Autophagy. 4: 1101-3. PMID 18927485 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.7150  0.423
2008 Zhang C, Cuervo AM. Restoration of chaperone-mediated autophagy in aging liver improves cellular maintenance and hepatic function. Nature Medicine. 14: 959-65. PMID 18690243 DOI: 10.1038/Nm.1851  0.438
2008 Bandyopadhyay U, Kaushik S, Varticovski L, Cuervo AM. The chaperone-mediated autophagy receptor organizes in dynamic protein complexes at the lysosomal membrane. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 28: 5747-63. PMID 18644871 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.02070-07  0.687
2008 Wong ES, Tan JM, Soong WE, Hussein K, Nukina N, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Cuervo AM, Lim KL. Autophagy-mediated clearance of aggresomes is not a universal phenomenon. Human Molecular Genetics. 17: 2570-82. PMID 18502787 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Ddn157  0.415
2008 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 445: 227-44. PMID 18425454 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-157-4_15  0.738
2008 Kaushik S, Massey AC, Mizushima N, Cuervo AM. Constitutive activation of chaperone-mediated autophagy in cells with impaired macroautophagy. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 19: 2179-92. PMID 18337468 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E07-11-1155  0.725
2008 Mizushima N, Levine B, Cuervo AM, Klionsky DJ. Autophagy fights disease through cellular self-digestion. Nature. 451: 1069-75. PMID 18305538 DOI: 10.1038/Nature06639  0.45
2008 Massey AC, Follenzi A, Kiffin R, Zhang C, Cuervo AM. Early cellular changes after blockage of chaperone-mediated autophagy. Autophagy. 4: 442-56. PMID 18253088 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.5654  0.781
2008 Klionsky DJ, Abeliovich H, Agostinis P, Agrawal DK, Aliev G, Askew DS, Baba M, Baehrecke EH, Bahr BA, Ballabio A, Bamber BA, Bassham DC, Bergamini E, Bi X, Biard-Piechaczyk M, ... ... Cuervo AM, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy in higher eukaryotes. Autophagy. 4: 151-75. PMID 18188003 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.5338  0.347
2008 Martinez-Vicente M, Talloczy Z, Kaushik S, Massey AC, Mazzulli J, Mosharov EV, Hodara R, Fredenburg R, Wu DC, Follenzi A, Dauer W, Przedborski S, Ischiropoulos H, Lansbury PT, Sulzer D, ... Cuervo AM, et al. Dopamine-modified alpha-synuclein blocks chaperone-mediated autophagy. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 118: 777-88. PMID 18172548 DOI: 10.1172/Jci32806  0.716
2008 Wang Y, Singh R, Massey AC, Kane SS, Kaushik S, Grant T, Xiang Y, Cuervo AM, Czaja MJ. Loss of macroautophagy promotes or prevents fibroblast apoptosis depending on the death stimulus. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283: 4766-77. PMID 18073215 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M706666200  0.685
2008 Wustman BA, Voit T, Cuervo AM, Massey AC, Bandyopadhyay U, Powe AC, Cheng K, Do HV, Lockhart DJ. G.P.11.07 Impairment of the endosomal/lysosomal system may contribute to muscle wasting in Pompe disease by altering the trafficking and processing of membrane stabilizing proteins Neuromuscular Disorders. 18: 801-802. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nmd.2008.06.267  0.334
2008 Bandyopadhyay U, Cuervo AM. Erratum to “Chaperone-mediated autophagy in aging and neurodegeneration: Lessons from α-synuclein” [Exp. Gerontol. 42 (2007) 120–128] Experimental Gerontology. 43: 872. DOI: 10.1016/J.Exger.2008.01.011  0.316
2007 Ventruti A, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and neurodegeneration. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 7: 443-51. PMID 17764636 DOI: 10.1007/S11910-007-0068-5  0.394
2007 Kaushik S, Kiffin R, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy and aging: a novel regulatory role of lipids revealed. Autophagy. 3: 387-9. PMID 17438364 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.4246  0.799
2007 Martinez-Vicente M, Cuervo AM. Autophagy and neurodegeneration: when the cleaning crew goes on strike. The Lancet. Neurology. 6: 352-61. PMID 17362839 DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(07)70076-5  0.457
2007 Kiffin R, Kaushik S, Zeng M, Bandyopadhyay U, Zhang C, Massey AC, Martinez-Vicente M, Cuervo AM. Altered dynamics of the lysosomal receptor for chaperone-mediated autophagy with age. Journal of Cell Science. 120: 782-91. PMID 17284523 DOI: 10.1242/Jcs.001073  0.803
2007 Klionsky DJ, Cuervo AM, Seglen PO. Methods for monitoring autophagy from yeast to human. Autophagy. 3: 181-206. PMID 17224625 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.3678  0.382
2007 Eskelinen EL, Deretic V, Neufeld T, Levine B, Cuervo AM. 4th International Symposium on Autophagy: exploiting the frontiers of autophagy research. Autophagy. 3: 166-73. PMID 17204840 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.3654  0.389
2006 Finkbeiner S, Cuervo AM, Morimoto RI, Muchowski PJ. Disease-modifying pathways in neurodegeneration. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 26: 10349-57. PMID 17035516 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3829-06.2006  0.332
2006 Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Autophagy as a cell-repair mechanism: Activation of chaperone-mediated autophagy during oxidative stress Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 27: 444-454. PMID 16978688 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mam.2006.08.007  0.712
2006 Cuervo AM. Autophagy in neurons: it is not all about food. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 12: 461-4. PMID 16931158 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molmed.2006.08.003  0.355
2006 Kaushik S, Massey AC, Cuervo AM. Lysosome membrane lipid microdomains: novel regulators of chaperone-mediated autophagy. The Embo Journal. 25: 3921-33. PMID 16917501 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Emboj.7601283  0.675
2006 Massey AC, Kaushik S, Cuervo AM. Lysosomal chat maintains the balance. Autophagy. 2: 325-7. PMID 16874078 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.3090  0.715
2006 Bandyopadhyay U, Bandhyopadhyay U, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy in aging and neurodegeneration: lessons from alpha-synuclein. Experimental Gerontology. 42: 120-8. PMID 16860504 DOI: 10.1016/J.Exger.2006.05.019  0.459
2006 Massey AC, Zhang C, Cuervo AM. Chaperone-mediated autophagy in aging and disease. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 73: 205-35. PMID 16782460 DOI: 10.1016/S0070-2153(05)73007-6  0.485
2006 Massey AC, Kiffin R, Cuervo AM. Autophagic defects in aging: looking for an "emergency exit"? Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 5: 1292-6. PMID 16760669 DOI: 10.4161/Cc.5.12.2865  0.764
2006 Cao Y, Espinola JA, Fossale E, Massey AC, Cuervo AM, MacDonald ME, Cotman SL. Autophagy is disrupted in a knock-in mouse model of juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 20483-93. PMID 16714284 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M602180200  0.447
2006 Massey AC, Kaushik S, Sovak G, Kiffin R, Cuervo AM. Consequences of the selective blockage of chaperone-mediated autophagy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 5805-10. PMID 16585521 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0507436103  0.842
2006 Kiffin R, Bandyopadhyay U, Cuervo AM. Oxidative stress and autophagy. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 8: 152-62. PMID 16487049 DOI: 10.1089/Ars.2006.8.152  0.713
2006 Martinez-Vicente M, Sovak G, Cuervo AM. Protein degradation and aging. Experimental Gerontology. 40: 622-33. PMID 16125351 DOI: 10.1016/J.Exger.2005.07.005  0.434
2005 Cuervo AM, Bergamini E, Brunk UT, Dröge W, Ffrench M, Terman A. Autophagy and aging: the importance of maintaining "clean" cells. Autophagy. 1: 131-40. PMID 16874025 DOI: 10.4161/Auto.1.3.2017  0.43
2005 Yu WH, Cuervo AM, Kumar A, Peterhoff CM, Schmidt SD, Lee JH, Mohan PS, Mercken M, Farmery MR, Tjernberg LO, Jiang Y, Duff K, Uchiyama Y, Näslund J, Mathews PM, et al. Macroautophagy--a novel Beta-amyloid peptide-generating pathway activated in Alzheimer's disease. The Journal of Cell Biology. 171: 87-98. PMID 16203860 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.200505082  0.34
2005 de Grey AD, Alvarez PJ, Brady RO, Cuervo AM, Jerome WG, McCarty PL, Nixon RA, Rittmann BE, Sparrow JR. Medical bioremediation: prospects for the application of microbial catabolic diversity to aging and several major age-related diseases. Ageing Research Reviews. 4: 315-38. PMID 16040282 DOI: 10.1016/J.Arr.2005.03.008  0.358
2005 Nixon RA, Wegiel J, Kumar A, Yu WH, Peterhoff C, Cataldo A, Cuervo AM. Extensive involvement of autophagy in Alzheimer disease: an immuno-electron microscopy study. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 64: 113-22. PMID 15751225 DOI: 10.1093/Jnen/64.2.113  0.339
2005 Cuervo AM. Autophagy: many paths to the same end. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 263: 55-72. PMID 15524167  0.375
2004 Cuervo AM, Stefanis L, Fredenburg R, Lansbury PT, Sulzer D. Impaired degradation of mutant alpha-synuclein by chaperone-mediated autophagy. Science (New York, N.Y.). 305: 1292-5. PMID 15333840 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1101738  0.363
2004 Kiffin R, Christian C, Knecht E, Cuervo AM. Activation of chaperone-mediated autophagy during oxidative stress. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15: 4829-40. PMID 15331765 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E04-06-0477  0.744
2004 Massey A, Kiffin R, Cuervo AM. Pathophysiology of chaperone-mediated autophagy. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 36: 2420-34. PMID 15325582 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biocel.2004.04.010  0.781
2004 Cuervo AM. Autophagy: in sickness and in health. Trends in Cell Biology. 14: 70-7. PMID 15102438 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tcb.2003.12.002  0.418
2003 Cuervo AM. Autophagy and aging--when "all you can eat" is yourself. Science of Aging Knowledge Environment : Sage Ke. 2003: pe25. PMID 12968056 DOI: 10.1126/Sageke.2003.36.Pe25  0.48
2003 Ding Q, Dimayuga E, Martin S, Bruce-Keller AJ, Nukala V, Cuervo AM, Keller JN. Characterization of chronic low-level proteasome inhibition on neural homeostasis Journal of Neurochemistry. 86: 489-497. PMID 12871590 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.2003.01885.X  0.363
2003 Cuervo AM, Mann L, Bonten EJ, d'Azzo A, Dice JF. Cathepsin A regulates chaperone-mediated autophagy through cleavage of the lysosomal receptor. The Embo Journal. 22: 47-59. PMID 12505983 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/Cdg002  0.439
2002 Martin A, Joseph JA, Cuervo AM. Stimulatory effect of vitamin C on autophagy in glial cells. Journal of Neurochemistry. 82: 538-49. PMID 12153478 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.2002.00978.X  0.386
2000 Cuervo AM, Dice JF. Regulation of Lamp2a Levels in the Lysosomal Membrane Traffic. 1: 570-583. PMID 11208145 DOI: 10.1034/J.1600-0854.2000.010707.X  0.385
2000 Cuervo AM, Gomes AV, Barnes JA, Dice JF. Selective degradation of annexins by chaperone-mediated autophagy. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275: 33329-35. PMID 10938088 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M005655200  0.393
2000 Cuervo AM, Dice JF. Age-related decline in chaperone-mediated autophagy. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275: 31505-31513. PMID 10806201 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M002102200  0.443
2000 Cuervo AM, Dice JF. When lysosomes get old. Experimental Gerontology. 35: 119-31. PMID 10767573 DOI: 10.1016/S0531-5565(00)00075-9  0.422
1998 Cuervo AM, Hu W, Lim B, Dice JF. IkappaB is a substrate for a selective pathway of lysosomal proteolysis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 9: 1995-2010. PMID 9693362 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.9.8.1995  0.446
1998 Cuervo AM, Dice JF. Lysosomes, a meeting point of proteins, chaperones, and proteases. Journal of Molecular Medicine (Berlin, Germany). 76: 6-12. PMID 9462863 DOI: 10.1007/S001090050185  0.482
1998 Cuervo AM, Dice JF. How Do Intracellular Proteolytic Systems Change With Age Frontiers in Bioscience. 3. PMID 9407152 DOI: 10.2741/A264  0.5
1997 Cuervo AM, Dice JF, Knecht E. A population of rat liver lysosomes responsible for the selective uptake and degradation of cytosolic proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272: 5606-5615. PMID 9038169 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.272.9.5606  0.364
1996 Cuervo AM, Dice JF. A receptor for the selective uptake and degradation of proteins by lysosomes Science. 273: 501-503. PMID 8662539 DOI: 10.1126/Science.273.5274.501  0.46
1996 Adra CN, Zhu S, Ko JL, Guillemot JC, Cuervo AM, Kobayashi H, Horiuchi T, Lelias JM, Rowley JD, Lim B. LAPTM5: A novel lysosomal-associated multispanning membrane protein preferentially expressed in hematopoietic cells Genomics. 35: 328-337. PMID 8661146 DOI: 10.1006/Geno.1996.0364  0.336
1996 Cuervo AM, Knecht E, Terlecky SR, Dice JF. Activation of a selective pathway of lysosomal proteolysis in rat liver by prolonged starvation. The American Journal of Physiology. 269: C1200-8. PMID 7491910 DOI: 10.1152/Ajpcell.1995.269.5.C1200  0.377
1995 Cuervo AM, Palmer A, Rivett AJ, Knecht E. Degradation of Proteasomes by Lysosomes in Rat Liver Febs Journal. 227: 792-800. DOI: 10.1111/J.1432-1033.1995.0792P.X  0.327
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