Susan Goldin-Meadow

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Gesture, sign language, cognitive development
"Susan Goldin-Meadow"
Mean distance: 15.27 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - PsychTree - CSD Tree


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Rochel Gelman grad student 1975 Penn
Lila R. Gleitman grad student 1975 Penn


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O. Ece Demir-Lira grad student
Jill P. Morford grad student Chicago (LinguisTree)
Jeremy I. Skipper grad student UCL
Xiaohan (Hannah) Guo grad student 2021- Chicago
Martha W. Alibali grad student 1994 Chicago
Susan Duncan grad student 1996 Chicago
Jana M. Iverson grad student 1996 Chicago
Spencer D. Kelly grad student 1999 Chicago
Mingyu Zheng grad student 2000 Chicago
Lisa A. Hoogstra grad student 2002 Chicago
Sara C. Broaders grad student 2003 Chicago
Melissa A. Singer grad student 2004 Chicago
Bari Wieselman Schulman grad student 2004 Chicago
Amy J. Hammond grad student 2005 Chicago
Irene Kimbara grad student 2006 Chicago
Susan W. Wagner Cook grad student 2006 Chicago (PsychTree)
So C. Wing Chee grad student 2007 Chicago
Amy L Franklin grad student 1999-2007 Chicago (LinguisTree)
Elizabet U. Spaepen grad student 2008 Chicago
Sarah B. Van Deusen Phillips grad student 2008 Chicago
Raedy M. Ping grad student 2009 Chicago
Eve A. LeBarton grad student 2010 Chicago
Laura A. Shneidman grad student 2010 Chicago
James Goss grad student 2011 Chicago
Leanne Beaudoin-Ryan grad student 2012 Chicago
Margaret D. Hunsicker grad student 2012 Chicago
Neon B. Brooks grad student 2014 Chicago
Molly E. Flaherty grad student 2014 Chicago
Heather Harden Mangelsdorf grad student 2013-2018 Chicago (PsychTree)
Claire Augusta Bergey grad student 2017-2023 Chicago (PsychTree)
Erica Cartmill post-doc (Evolution Tree)
Alyssa J. Kersey post-doc 2018- Chicago
Marie E. Coppola post-doc 2002-2005 Chicago
Seyda Ozcaliskan post-doc 2003-2008 Chicago (LinguisTree)
Marie E. Coppola research scientist 2006-2009 Chicago
Margaret E. Echelbarger research scientist 2009-2010 Chicago (LinguisTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Alhama RG, Foushee R, Byrne D, et al. (2024) Using computational modeling to validate the onset of productive determiner-noun combinations in English-learning children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2316527121
Goldin-Meadow S, Arnon I. (2024) Whole-to-part development in language creation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Goldin-Meadow S. (2024) The Mind Hidden in Our Hands. Topics in Cognitive Science
Kersey AJ, Carrazza C, Novack MA, et al. (2024) The effects of gesture and action training on the retention of math equivalence. Frontiers in Psychology. 15: 1386187
Congdon EL, Wakefield EM, Novack MA, et al. (2024) Learners' Spontaneous Gesture Before a Math Lesson Predicts the Efficacy of Seeing Versus Doing Gesture During the Lesson. Cognitive Science. 48: e13479
Goldin-Meadow S. (2024) How important is it to language rather than it? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 47: e127
Kısa YD, Goldin-Meadow S, Casasanto D. (2024) Gesturing during disfluent speech: A pragmatic account. Cognition. 250: 105855
Özçalışkan Ş, Lucero C, Goldin-Meadow S. (2024) Is vision necessary for the timely acquisition of language-specific patterns in co-speech gesture and their lack in silent gesture? Developmental Science. e13507
Tamis-LeMonda CS, Kachergis G, Masek LR, et al. (2024) Comparing apples to manzanas and oranges to naranjas: A new measure of English-Spanish vocabulary for dual language learners. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies
Silvey C, Gentner D, Richland LE, et al. (2023) Children's Early Spontaneous Comparisons Predict Later Analogical Reasoning Skills: An Investigation of Parental Influence. Open Mind : Discoveries in Cognitive Science. 7: 483-509
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