People with institution matching "IBP, CAS": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
William J. Adelman Jr. (Info) NINDS Squid giant axon, sodium currents, gating currents estanley 2006‑11‑21
Colin Blakemore (Info) Oxford Visual development willmore 2005‑01‑17
Peng Cao (Info) IBP, CAS, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (NIBS, Beijing) Neurobiology of circuits and synapses caopeng1978 2008‑07‑08
Le Chang (Info) IBP, CAS houh04 2008‑10‑11
Lin Chen (Info) IBP, CAS Vision mmeng 2007‑10‑04
Zijun Chen (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2016‑09‑20
Xuebo Cheng (Info) IBP, CAS visual system of Drosophila Cnida 2010‑03‑18
Ji Dai (Info) Brown Visual system TakahiroDoi 2007‑03‑20
Yuncheng Diao (Info) Cambridge ColinB 2020‑07‑25
yifei du (Info) IBP, CAS neural circuits yifei 2015‑03‑10
T P. Feng (Info) hanks 2005‑11‑09
David Fitzpatrick (Info) Max Planck Florida Institute, Duke, University of Iowa Visual anatomy david 2005‑01‑20
Aike Guo (Info) zililiu 2006‑10‑05
fang guo (Info) IBP, CAS sleep,circadian,neural circuit hbxsgf 2008‑04‑15
Jufang He (Info) Hong Kong Polytechnic University auditory eukaryote 2008‑04‑28
Lixia He (Info) IBP, CAS sharmonicak 2016‑11‑20
Shigang He (Info) IBP, CAS dylangongw 2008‑03‑15
Tan Heng (Info) IBP, CAS TakahiroDoi 2007‑03‑20
G. Adrian Horridge (Info) ANU, University of St. Andrews Insect vision simon laughlin 2006‑07‑04
Han Hou (Info) Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics decision-making, reinforcement learning, large-scale ephys houh04 2008‑01‑04
Ming Hu (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Visual system, memory, attention TakahiroDoi 2007‑03‑20
Siyuan Hu (Info) Beijing Normal University Attention schatz 2007‑10‑06
Longwen Huang (Info) IBP, CAS connectome, single-cell omics, circuits, natural behaviors huanglongwen 2021‑07‑19
yun peng huang (Info) IBP, CAS Visual system 2006st 2008‑11‑12
Qifei Jiang (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2016‑09‑20
liu yong jun (Info) IBP, CAS visual system icecream703 2009‑03‑05
Da-Peng Li (Info) IBP, CAS visual neurosciense kumbhani 2007‑11‑17
Long Li (Info) IBP, CAS development of cerebral cortex Long88 2013‑12‑24
Xiao Li (Info) IBP, CAS hippocampus eukaryote 2008‑04‑28
Xiaodong Li (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2018‑08‑29
Yan Li (Info) IBP, CAS Molecular mechanisms of the advanced brain function with multiple approaches Hao123 2018‑02‑06
Bing Liu (Info) Chicago cognitive/computational neuroscience bingliu 2012‑12‑05
Gang Liu (Info) IBP, CAS visual learning and memory ecako 2008‑12‑10
Jia Liu (Info) Beijing Normal University mmeng 2007‑10‑04
Jiangqu Liu (Info) IBP, CAS neural circuit ljq4grail 2013‑02‑18
li Liu (Info) IBP, CAS learning and memory hbxsgf 2008‑04‑15
Rui-Feng Liu (Info) Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, German Primate Center, Goettingen, Germany Perception, Visual Motion, Visual Attention wulst 2007‑12‑25
Zhihui Liu (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2016‑09‑20
Zili Liu (Info) UCLA Visual Psychophysics rokers 2005‑11‑17
Zuxiang Liu (Info) IBP, CAS mmeng 2007‑10‑04
Mingyue Lv (Info) Peking University, IBP, CAS Neuorscience df959000 2023‑10‑25
Xin MEI (Info) Institut Pasteur noellekidd 2017‑11‑17
Yu-Qiong Niu (Info) IBP, CAS Visual System wulst 2009‑06‑05
Yufeng Pan (Info) Janelia Farm neurogenetics, Drosophila yufeng 2008‑12‑11
Hao Qian (Info) IBP, CAS, UCSD, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Interaction between neurons and oligodendrocytes bbniao 2009‑03‑24
Xufeng Qiu (Info) IBP, CAS synaptic transmission Mgod 2012‑01‑08
Baole Qu (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2018‑08‑29
Congping Shang (Info) IBP, CAS, NIBS, Beijing caopeng1978 2016‑09‑20
Junxian Shen (Info) IBP, CAS Auditory syestem Kexin 2008‑10‑20
Guangwei Si (Info) Harvard, IBP, CAS Olfaction Guangwei 2019‑01‑18
Mandyam V. Srinivasan (Info) ANU Insect Vision zililiu 2006‑10‑05
yinjun tian (Info) IBP, CAS visual sysem tianyinjun 2008‑12‑28
JH Wang (Info) IBP, CAS fastspiking 2022‑04‑15
Jin Yi Wang (Info) IBP, CAS visual learning and memory ecako 2008‑12‑10
Qi Wang (Info) IBP, CAS NMDA quest4myholygrail 2014‑03‑19
Ruozhou Wang (Info) IBP, CAS neurocircuit rogerwang 2024‑03‑13
Shurong Wang (Info) IBP, CAS Visual information processing taoZhang 2006‑03‑31
Yanying Wang (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2018‑08‑29
Yijin Wang (Info) UC Santa Barbara visual learning and memory ecako 2008‑12‑10
Yong Wang (Info) Georgia Regents University yuhuili 2013‑08‑15
Yuan Wang (Info) University of Washington camilele 2006‑11‑09
Qian Xiao (Info) Ruhr-Universitiy Bochum Visual System wulst 2009‑05‑25
Li Xiaojian (Info) IBP, CAS TakahiroDoi 2007‑03‑20
Rui Xu (Info) Beijing Normal University Visual perception Jarod 2006‑11‑07
Tao Xu (Info) IBP, CAS exocytosis, membrane trafficking, secretory proteins wanqf 2009‑06‑27
Fei Yan (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2016‑09‑20
Yan Yang (Info) UCSF motor learning yyang 2009‑03‑07
Wang Yi (Info) IBP, CAS TakahiroDoi 2007‑03‑20
Wei Yi (Info) IBP, CAS sleep Yvette 2008‑12‑26
xiongjie yu (Info) Zhejiang University Auditory, vestibular, visual yuxiongj 2009‑08‑11
Qiang Zeng (Info) IBP, CAS Retina qzengwill 2009‑02‑01
Yin Peng Zhan (Info) IBP, CAS Neuroscience yzhan 2018‑01‑08
Jiajing Zhang (Info) IBP, CAS caopeng1978 2017‑11‑30
Peng Zhang (Info) UMN vision,binocular rivalry,perceptual learning zhang870 2009‑05‑29
Shao-Wu Zhang (Info) IBP, CAS zililiu 2006‑10‑05
Tao Zhang (Info) Institute of Psychology, CAS Neuronal Basis of Visual Motion Perception TaoZhang 2006‑03‑31
Ying Zhang (Info) IBP, CAS Visual system yzhang 2014‑02‑24
Zhiping Zhang (Info) IBP, CAS Learning and Memory Scarley 2009‑12‑13
Jun Zhao (Info) IBP, CAS neuronal network abring 2007‑10‑14
Junyu Zhao (Info) IBP, CAS Hao123 2018‑02‑06
Ke Zhou (Info) IBP, CAS mmeng 2007‑10‑04
Tiangang Zhou (Info) IBP, CAS mmeng 2007‑10‑04
wei zhou (Info) Penn progenitor cells weizhou 2011‑05‑02
yanqiong Zhou (Info) IBP, CAS Vision and motor control of drosophila Net Node 2008‑12‑11
Jinyou Zou (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Jinyou 2021‑05‑24
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