Similar researchers to Holger Taschenberger: Advanced Search
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Holger Taschenberger (Info) Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie (Chemistry Tree) david 2009‑10‑22
Sven Eberhardt (Info) University of Bremen Cognium 2014‑12‑03 Sim(0.41)
Gianna N. Di Francesco (Info) UF Gainesville ljustinm 2018‑09‑28 Sim(0.47)
Jennifer L. Groh (Info) University of Oklahoma (Microtree) david 2017‑02‑22 Sim(0.52)
Valeria Caruso (Info) Duke jeanl 2017‑02‑22 Sim(0.55)
Cheng Xue (Info) Institute of Biophysics, Nanjing Univ., China computational neuroscience xuecheng19870106 2008‑12‑25 Sim(0.56)
Steffen Katzner (Info) Universität Tübingen visual system stefan 2006‑02‑26 Sim(0.56)
Laura Busse (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Visual System Stefan 2006‑03‑01 Sim(0.62)
Yiqun Shellman (Info) University of Colorado, Denver (Cell Biology Tree) 2020‑10‑12 Sim(0.63)
Alan Rorie (Info) Stanford brian 2007‑06‑27 Sim(0.63)
Annaliese K. Beery (Info) UC Berkeley Behavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology, Social behavior mvole 2010‑10‑07 Sim(0.64)
Emilio Salinas (Info) Wake Forest Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑18 Sim(0.65)
Stephen V. David (Info) University of Maryland, OHSU auditory system, attention david 2005‑01‑14 Sim(0.65)
Kendra Cherry-Allen (Info) Washington University celang 2024‑09‑17 Sim(0.65)
Christoph Kayser (Info) MPI Tuebingen Visual system kayser 2005‑09‑27 Sim(0.66)
Kunio Yamazaki (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction JLand52 2009‑08‑26 Sim(0.66)
Leslie C. Osborne (Info) UCSF computational systems neuroscience osborne 2005‑11‑07 Sim(0.67)
Takeo Katsuki (Info) UCSD Development, Behavior tkatsuki 2012‑03‑12 Sim(0.69)
George Bittner (Info) University of Texas MarzulloHead 2009‑12‑17 Sim(0.7)
Justin A. Hilf (Info) UC Irvine (Chemistry Tree) jhilf 2018‑08‑09 Sim(0.7)
Duck Joo Yang (Info) UT Dallas (Chemistry Tree) Nano Science and Inorganic Chemistry duckjyang 2014‑01‑01 Sim(0.7)
Reza Ebrahimpour (Info) Sharif University of Technology Cognitive Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience; Decision Making; Object Recognition; AI hkarimi 2017‑09‑11 Sim(0.7)
Terrence R. Stanford (Info) Wake Forest daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑07 Sim(0.7)
Jonathan B. Fritz (Info) University of Maryland auditory system, plasticity david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.7)
Peter König (Info) Universität Osnabrück visual system, learning, natural stimuli, sensorimotor coupling peterkonig 2006‑06‑14 Sim(0.7)
huijing xu (Info) USC hippocampus lovetomato 2011‑11‑14 Sim(0.7)
Sreenivas Kummara (Info) Toyota Technological Institute (E-Tree) polymeric materials, structure and property of polymers, polymer copolymers, blends and nanocomposite sreenivaskummara 2017‑03‑01 Sim(0.7)
Antonio Homero Lara (Info) UC Berkeley PFC homero 2007‑12‑21 Sim(0.71)
C. Géraldine Bazuin (Info) Université de Montréal (Chemistry Tree) pasegura 2011‑02‑24 Sim(0.72)
Adam C. Snyder (Info) CUNY, Albert Einstein, University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, Rochester, Rochester Attention, Working Memory, Decision-making, Multisensory Integration, Complex Dynamics, Neural Population Coding redearth329 2007‑11‑01 Sim(0.72)
Victoria Ritvo (Info) Princeton nicktb 2019‑07‑14 Sim(0.72)
Mohammad Mofidfar (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) Drug Delivery, Biomaterials, Polymer Engineering mxm801 2019‑08‑08 Sim(0.73)
Shinichiro Kira (Info) Harvard Medical School shinkira 2007‑02‑25 Sim(0.73)
Jerry I. Nelson (Info) Universität Marburg bremmer 2016‑11‑06 Sim(0.74)
Vishal Kapoor (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Visual perception vishal.neuro 2007‑07‑12 Sim(0.74)
Stefano Ferraina (Info) Sapienza Università di Roma behavioral neurophysiology spwise 2005‑11‑23 Sim(0.74)
Piercesare Grimaldi (Info) UCLA Neurobiology Integrative Neuroscience piercgr 2008‑11‑13 Sim(0.74)
Nicholas A. Steinmetz (Info) University of Washington systems and computation, vision and attention nsteinme 2007‑10‑29 Sim(0.75)
Arjun K. Bansal (Info) The Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School behavioral neurophysiology spwise 2008‑12‑05 Sim(0.75)
Puiu F. Balan (Info) Columbia Visual Systems Neuroscience jackiegb 2008‑05‑16 Sim(0.75)
Adam Kohn (Info) Albert Einstein vision movshon 2005‑09‑15 Sim(0.75)
Stefan Treue (Info) German Primate Center Visual System hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.75)
Frederick J. Langheim (Info) UMN motor system pq 2015‑09‑25 Sim(0.76)
Justin L. Gardner (Info) Stanford MRI vision attention decision motion inference selection david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.77)
Aldo Genovesio (Info) Sapienza Università di Roma behavioral neurophysiology spwise 2005‑11‑23 Sim(0.78)
Ahmad M. Mahmoud (Info) UF Gainesville (E-Tree) Mechanical Engineering pq 2016‑07‑26 Sim(0.78)
Markus Siegel (Info) Universität Tübingen Systems Neuroscience msiegel 2007‑04‑19 Sim(0.78)
Geoffrey Ghose (Info) UMN david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.78)
Aman B. Saleem (Info) UCL, Imperial College London Neurophysiology, Vision, HIppocampus simonschultz 2006‑06‑30 Sim(0.78)
John J. Gilbert (Info) Dartmouth (Marine Ecology Tree) scfradkin 2010‑03‑10 Sim(0.79)
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