People with institution matching "NUS": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Stephen Kolwicz (Info) Ursinus College MyaKnappenberger 2024‑10‑08
Egor Ananyev (Info) Nanyang Technological University vision, motion perception, consciousness, mental imagery egorananyev 2014‑12‑04
Christopher L. Asplund (Info) Yale-NUS College Attention, working memory, reasoning, fMRI schware1 2009‑01‑08
George J. Augustine (Info) Duke hanks 2005‑10‑13
Shruti G. Ayyar (Info) Duke NUS Medical School zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Samson Berhane (Info) Yale University, Yale_NUS elkest 2016‑09‑21
Michael WL Chee (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School Sleep deprivation, Cognitive aging, fMRI hayden 2006‑12‑21
Soohong Chew (Info) HKUST/NUS Decision theory, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics JungangQin 2011‑09‑11
Adam Claridge-Chang (Info) Rockefeller, Duke-NUS Medical School pq 2015‑11‑25
James Cousins (Info) University of Manchester neuroscience_egg 2018‑08‑30
Saroj Kumar Das (Info) Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed to be University) Lilesh1 2024‑03‑04
Aadya Deshpande (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School ltk 2024‑06‑26
David F. Dinges (Info) Penn Sleep deprivation mchee1 2012‑09‑18
Raymond Dodge (Info) Martin Luther University Halle, Germany , Ursinus College, Wesleyan, Yale Eye movements keithradley 2014‑04‑14
Ludwig Dringenberg (Info) Library Beatus Rhenanus and Deventer Theology, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Rachit Dubey (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School, UC Berkeley sbrown0205 2015‑02‑16
George Fago (Info) Ursinus College Mark.Affeltranger 2020‑08‑31
Harry Fowler (Info) University of Pittsburgh cab 2007‑11‑15
Maciej Gasior (Info) Cephalon, Marinus rogawski 2007‑06‑02
Joyce Gomes-Osman (Info) University of Miami Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Pierre de Graan (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute JPS 2007‑10‑18
Yuguang Guan (Info) Duke NUS School of Medicine zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Jing Guo (Info) NUS yudisoesanto 2015‑10‑08
Naajia I. Hajji (Info) Duke NUS Medical School zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Weiping Han (Info) Singapore Bioimaging Consortium Metabolic Diseases hanweiping 2009‑10‑03
Yingke He (Info) Duke NUS Medical School zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Saskia van der Hel (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute JPS 2007‑10‑18
Po-Jang (Brown) Hsieh (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) Visual Neuroscience petertse 2006‑05‑18
Yu-Feng (Evan) Huang (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School sbrown0205 2012‑04‑11
Shao-Min Hung (Info) Caltech shaomin 2012‑10‑05
Hyunsoo Shawn Je (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School synaptic plasticity, neurotrophin, schizophrenia hyunsooje 2008‑11‑26
Marian Joëls (Info) Rudolf Magnus Inst, Utrecht Neurology Daskalakis 2010‑10‑26
René S. Kahn (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience bramzandbelt 2011‑12‑21
Mya A. Knappenberger (Info) Penn State MyaKnappenberger 2024‑10‑08
Han-Chow Koh (Info) Duke NUS School of Medicine zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Michael Koh (Info) Duke NUS School of Medicine zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Seetha Krishnan (Info) National University of Singapore Neuroscience, Zebrafish seethakris 2017‑09‑18
Pravin Kumarappan (Info) Northwestern, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Neural Coding Problem neuroPravin 2014‑05‑13
Susanne E. la Fleur (Info) AMC Amsterdam, Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience, UCSF, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam feeding behavior, neuroendocrinology susannelafleur 2017‑01‑15
Hwee Ling Lee (Info) University of Bonn mchee1 2012‑09‑18
James Lee (Info) Duke NUS Medical School zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Ying Li (Info) Duke NUS School of Medicine zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Camilo Libedinsky (Info) Harvard Medical School mrponceman 2006‑09‑30
Weng Khong Lim (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School Genetics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomic Medicine wengkhong.lim 2020‑02‑19
Jules H.W Limpens (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht Addiction espanjolles 2010‑09‑14
Jean Liu (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School mchee1 2012‑09‑18
June Lo (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School mchee1 2019‑01‑24
Kep Kee Loh (Info) UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke-NUS Medical School, Stem-Cell and Brain Research Institute, U1208, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone UMR 7289 Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University neurotransmetteur 2016‑07‑03
James Jeffrey Mancuso (Info) The Methodist Hospital Research Institute Synaptic circuitry, Microscopy, Neurodegeneration jmancuso76 2010‑08‑06
Frank Meijer (Info) CTIT, University of Twente Mental representations, Virtual Reality, 3D vision egon 2008‑08‑25
Farhan Mohammad (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School Optogenetics, Behavioral Neurogenetics, Disease Modelling, Neural-Circuit MFarhanNeuro 2018‑04‑24
Yaniv Morgenstern (Info) York University rfmurray 2009‑09‑02
Praneeth Namburi (Info) MIT MVPA, Optogenetic circuit mapping praneethnamburi 2011‑05‑19
N Jannah Bte Mhd Nasir (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School Inflammation ltk 2024‑06‑06
Sebastiaan F. Neggers (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience Motor system, eye movements, attention, response selection, TMS, fMRI, DTI sfwneggers 2012‑12‑11
Sei Hwan Oh (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School sbrown0205 2015‑02‑16
Ju Lynn Ong (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School mchee1 2019‑01‑24
Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco (Info) Yale joanongchoco 2020‑09‑14
Willem M. Otte (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht Neuroscience, epilepsy, MRI wmotte 2009‑02‑07
Progress Patient (Info) NUS microelectronics progress 2007‑04‑13
Thanneer Malai Perumal (Info) NUS systems biology th_vairam 2008‑08‑26
Jia-Hou Poh (Info) Duke Cognitive Neuroscience JH_Poh 2016‑11‑03
Lilesh Kumar Pradhan (Info) Sambalpur University Neuronal Regeneration Lilesh1 2024‑03‑04
Dale Purves (Info) Duke hanks 2005‑10‑12
Rajeev Vijay Rikhye (Info) MIT Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience rajeevrikhye 2010‑12‑10
Jennifer Round (Info) Ursinus College elkest 2013‑04‑12
R Angela Sarabdjitsingh (Info) Rudolf Magnus Inst, Utrecht Neuroscience ndask 2010‑10‑27
Man Mohan Shrestha (Info) NUS yudisoesanto 2015‑09‑27
Neha Shrestha (Info) NUS yudisoesanto 2015‑09‑27
Jean-Pierre Sommeijer (Info) Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience Molecular Visual Plasticity JPS 2007‑10‑18
Chun Siong Soon (Info) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig pattern analysis mchee1 2009‑02‑10
Ajay Sriram (Info) Temasek Life Sciences Labs Synaptic plasticity, Subcellular signaling, Zebrafish rn 2006‑10‑19
Elke Stein (Info) Yale Axon Guidance, Nervous System Development elkest 2013‑05‑03
Jennifer L. Stevenson (Info) Ursinus College Autism lmorett 2011‑12‑17
Joo Tan (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School sbrown0205 2012‑04‑11
Pin Kwang Tan (Info) National University of Singapore, UT Austin Vision and Consciousness PKTan 2017‑11‑06
Shawn Tan (Info) Scripps Institute Neurotrophin, Animal Behaviour, Emotions banchan 2017‑04‑17
Katharine Natasha Thakkar (Info) Michigan State schizophrenia, eye movements, cogntive control kthakkar 2008‑12‑02
Else A. Tolner (Info) Univ. Helsinki Development, EEG, neonatal epilepsy tolner 2008‑09‑12
Sachiko Tsuda (Info) Saitama University Cerebellum sachiko 2011‑11‑24
Lisa C. Tucker-Kellogg (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School Computational Modeling, Molecular Bioolgy, Cancer, Wound Healing ltk 2018‑05‑17
Tayfun Tumkaya (Info) National University of Singapore Learned and innate behaviours TayfunTumkaya 2018‑01‑14
Antonius M. VanDongen (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School NMDA receptors, Therapeutics, Systems Biology, Memory tonyvd 2010‑01‑07
Matthijs Vink (Info) Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience bramzandbelt 2011‑12‑21
Chen-Hao Wang (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School JH_Poh 2016‑11‑03
Xiaorui Wang (Info) NUS yudisoesanto 2015‑09‑29
Peiyan Wong (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School Visual system, comparative neuranatomy shavaine 2006‑02‑20
Clinton B Wright (Info) NINDS cgutierrez2 2022‑10‑29
wen shuo xu (Info) NUS xuwenshuo1 2024‑07‑12
Zhen Yan (Info) University of Texas Houston Medical School zhenyan1 2024‑09‑04
Zixin Yong (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School sbrown0205 2015‑02‑16
Bram B. Zandbelt (Info) Vanderbilt Cognitive neuroscience bramzandbelt 2011‑12‑21
Xiaoyu Zhang (Info) National University of Singapore NMDA CherieZ 2017‑06‑11
Juan (Helen) Zhou (Info) UCSF wseeley 2015‑06‑02
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