People with institution matching "MRC Cognition ":
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Alan William Archer-Boyd (Info) |
hearing aids, cochlear implants, psychophysics, psychoacoustics |
aarcherboyd |
2016‑08‑31 |
Sim |
Duncan E. Astle (Info) |
Oxford, MRC-CBU |
Executive control, Attention |
duncanastle |
2009‑11‑19 |
Sim |
Alan Baddeley (Info) |
University of York |
working memory |
muncapher |
2007‑10‑16 |
Sim |
Corinne Bareham (Info) |
Cognition, Attention, neglect, sleep, sedation, consciousness |
trisbek |
2012‑01‑15 |
Sim |
Morgan D. Barense (Info) |
behavioral neuroscience, memory |
barense |
2007‑06‑28 |
Sim |
Joe Bathelt (Info) |
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience |
joebathelt |
2017‑02‑06 |
Sim |
Tristan Andres Bekinschtein (Info) |
cognition |
trisbek |
2008‑06‑12 |
Sim |
Apoorva Bhandari (Info) |
Spatial cognition |
apaxon |
2008‑04‑03 |
Sim |
Alexander J. Billig (Info) |
MRC-CBU, Western University, UCL Ear Institute |
Auditory scene analysis, auditory memory, speech and music perception |
ajbillig |
2015‑01‑27 |
Sim |
Dorothy V M Bishop (Info) |
Oxford |
developmental neuropsychology |
dbishop |
2009‑07‑26 |
Sim |
Sonia J. Bishop (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
antje |
2009‑05‑31 |
Sim |
Daniel Bor (Info) |
Working Memory, Frontal Lobe, Functional Imaging |
seanfallon |
2008‑09‑30 |
Sim |
Lisa M. Brindley (Info) |
MEG (clinical applicability), memory |
lisa.brindley |
2008‑09‑10 |
Sim |
Richard W. Byrne (Info) |
University of St Andrews |
animal cognition, primate behaviour, evolution of intelligence | |
2008‑03‑19 |
Sim |
Andres Canales Johnson (Info) |
trisbek |
2013‑05‑07 |
Sim |
Robert P. Carlyon (Info) |
psychoacoustics, cochlear implants |
antje |
2008‑02‑24 |
Sim |
Francesca Carota (Info) |
Cambridge |
language |
fc360 |
2016‑11‑08 |
Sim |
Ian Charest (Info) |
Object Representation and population coding |
iancharest |
2010‑08‑18 |
Sim |
Stefano Cosentino (Info) |
University of Maryland |
cochlear implant, speech processing, speech enhancement, binaural hearing, meniere |
joeDiHare |
2014‑09‑22 |
Sim |
Rhodri Cusack (Info) |
Western University |
Neuroimaging, Visual and auditory imagery and memory |
drpeelle |
2010‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Theresa A. Dahm (Info) |
psychology |
tadahm |
2012‑02‑22 |
Sim |
Tim Dalgleish (Info) |
Clinical Psychology |
timdalgleish |
2008‑02‑12 |
Sim |
Christopher J. Darwin (Info) |
Sussex University |
bobcarlyon |
2009‑12‑17 |
Sim |
Matthew H. Davis (Info) |
Speech and Language |
MattDavis |
2007‑04‑26 |
Sim |
Danielle M. Douglas (Info) |
University of Toronto |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology |
DanielleDouglas |
2014‑12‑17 |
Sim |
Audrey Duarte (Info) |
Georgia Tech |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
alduarte |
2008‑01‑31 |
Sim |
Iroise Dumontheil (Info) |
Birkbeck College |
abrookmanbyrne |
2019‑06‑25 |
Sim |
John Duncan (Info) |
raepstein |
2005‑09‑06 |
Sim |
Russell Epstein (Info) |
Penn |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
raepstein |
2005‑09‑06 |
Sim |
Sean James Fallon (Info) |
Parkinson's Disease, Executive function, Genetics of Cognition |
seanfallon |
2008‑09‑06 |
Sim |
Seyedehrezvan (Rezvan) Farahibozorg (Info) |
RHenson |
2019‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Paola Finoia (Info) |
School of medicine |
trisbek |
2012‑09‑17 |
Sim |
Paola Finoia (Info) |
University of Cambridge, Dept of Clinical Neurosciences, Division of Neurosurgery |
Perception, Attention, Consciousness, Disorders of Consciousness |
PaolaFinoia |
2015‑11‑20 |
Sim |
Michael A. Ford (Info) |
University of East Anglia |
Language |
MattDavis |
2009‑05‑20 |
Sim |
Pierre Gagnepain (Info) |
"Implicit and Explicit memory, spoken word recognition" |
Gagnepain |
2009‑04‑30 |
Sim |
Max Garagnani (Info) |
The Open University, MRC-CBU, University of Plymouth, Free University of Berlin, Goldsmiths, University of London |
Computational neuroscience, cognitive neruoscience, language, neural networks, cerebral cortex, modelling, neurolinguistics | |
2016‑06‑14 |
Sim |
M. Gareth Gaskell (Info) |
University of York |
Speech, Language, Memory, Sleep |
MattDavis |
2008‑12‑10 |
Sim |
Susan Gathercole (Info) |
EmilyFarran |
2017‑01‑13 |
Sim |
Etienne Gaudrain (Info) |
UMC Groningen, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) |
Hearing, Speech perception, Cochlear implant |
dbaskent |
2013‑01‑17 |
Sim |
Stanimira Georgieva (Info) |
trisbek |
2012‑01‑15 |
Sim |
Hedwig Gockel (Info) |
Hearing |
egaudrain |
2013‑03‑17 |
Sim |
Louise Goupil (Info) |
ENS Paris |
Cognition, sleep, development, consciousness |
trisbek |
2012‑01‑15 |
Sim |
Kim S. Graham (Info) |
Cardiff University |
memory, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, perception |
kimgraham |
2009‑12‑08 |
Sim |
Jessica Adrienne Grahn (Info) |
Western University |
auditory system, rhythm perception, music neuroscience |
david |
2006‑09‑26 |
Sim |
Hilary Green (Info) |
neuropsychology |
dbishop |
2009‑07‑26 |
Sim |
Adam Hampshire (Info) |
Attention, Functional Neuroimaging, |
seanfallon |
2008‑09‑30 |
Sim |
Richard Henson (Info) |
recollection, familiarity, priming |
muncapher |
2007‑10‑16 |
Sim |
Alexis G. Hervais-Adelman (Info) |
Cambridge, University of Geneva, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, University of Zurich (UZH) |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading |
MattDavis |
2008‑12‑10 |
Sim |
Elisabeth Hill (Info) |
Goldsmiths, University of London |
developmental neuropsychology |
dbishop |
2009‑07‑26 |
Sim |
John R. Hodges (Info) |
Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Sydney, Australia | |
legree17 |
2006‑12‑13 |
Sim |
Aidan J. Horner (Info) |
vision, memory, priming, neuroimaging |
ahorner |
2009‑06‑25 |
Sim |
Antje Ihlefeld (Info) |
Psychoacoustics, Cochlear Implants, computational modeling |
david |
2005‑08‑09 |
Sim |
Ingrid S. Johnsrude (Info) |
Queens University, Western University |
Auditory system, speech perception, fMRI |
ingrid |
2008‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Olivier Joly (Info) |
Brainomix, Oxford, UK |
Visual system, Auditory system, fMRI, MRI, CT, stroke, Dementia |
ojoly |
2013‑02‑19 |
Sim |
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (Info) |
object vision, IT, pattern-information analysis |
kathleen |
2005‑05‑21 |
Sim |
Alex Lau (Info) |
RHenson |
2019‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Ryan MC Law (Info) |
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK |
language, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science |
ryanlaw |
2022‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Annika Linke (Info) |
Western University |
rhodricusack |
2011‑07‑26 |
Sim |
Robert Logie (Info) |
Edinburgh |
almost |
2015‑01‑15 |
Sim |
Runhao Lu (Info) |
Cognitive Control; Intelligence; Attention |
RL1354 |
2021‑07‑07 |
Sim |
Olivier Macherey (Info) |
LMA, CNRS, Marseille, France |
Hearing, Cochlear implant |
egaudrain |
2013‑03‑20 |
Sim |
Alexis Deighton MacIntyre (Info) |
MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit |
Sensorimotor, Auditory, Speech, Rhythm, Temporal, Cognition |
alexisdeighton |
2024‑02‑16 |
Sim |
William D. Marslen-Wilson (Info) |
Speech and Language |
MattDavis |
2007‑04‑26 |
Sim |
Jason Mattingley (Info) |
Monash University (Australia), Cambridge, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge UK, University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Queensland |
| |
2005‑10‑25 |
Sim |
Christophe Micheyl (Info) |
Hearing |
egaudrain |
2013‑03‑17 |
Sim |
Daniel J. Mitchell (Info) |
Parietal lobe, visual attention, VSTM, fMRI, MEG |
djmitch |
2008‑09‑10 |
Sim |
Dean Mobbs (Info) |
fMRI, social and emotion neuroscience |
dmobbs |
2007‑12‑21 |
Sim |
Robert M. Mok (Info) |
Oxford, MRC-CBU, UCL, Cambridge |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
rob1031 |
2015‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Martin M. Monti (Info) |
Vegetative State, Minimally Conscious State; Reasoning, Language. |
MCube78 |
2008‑07‑16 |
Sim |
Brian C.J. Moore (Info) |
Cambridge |
Auditory Perception |
zcipher |
2007‑10‑15 |
Sim |
John Morton (Info) |
cognitive psychology |
mark |
2006‑10‑27 |
Sim |
Elias Mouchlianitis (Info) |
RHenson |
2019‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Davide Nardo (Info) |
MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK |
DNardo |
2022‑02‑07 |
Sim |
Ian Nimmo-Smith (Info) |
Modelling |
nsigala |
2008‑07‑09 |
Sim |
Valdas Noreika (Info) |
trisbek |
2012‑09‑17 |
Sim |
Dennis Norris (Info) |
Language, Short Term Memory |
MattDavis |
2009‑10‑19 |
Sim |
Eleni Orfanidou (Info) |
City University, London |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Language |
MattDavis |
2008‑12‑10 |
Sim |
Adrian Mark Owen (Info) |
attention |
trisbek |
2008‑06‑12 |
Sim |
Michael Page (Info) |
University of Hertfordshire |
RHenson |
2012‑01‑04 |
Sim |
Beth L Parkin (Info) |
Cognitive neuroscience |
bethparkin |
2011‑08‑04 |
Sim |
Karalyn E. Patterson (Info) |
Neuropsychology |
Karalyn |
2009‑08‑24 |
Sim |
Jonathan E. Peelle (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston, Washington University |
Speech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging |
drpeelle |
2005‑07‑19 |
Sim |
Moos Peeters (Info) |
trisbek |
2011‑01‑04 |
Sim |
Friedemann Pulvermüller (Info) |
FU Berlin, MRC-CBU |
Neuroscience of Language and Pragmatics |
ktavabi |
2010‑07‑09 |
Sim |
Kathy Rastle (Info) |
Royal Holloway University of London |
Cognitive Psychology |
JoTaylor |
2013‑04‑05 |
Sim |
Trevor W. Robbins (Info) |
Cambridge |
hayden |
2005‑08‑08 |
Sim |
Jennifer M. Rodd (Info) |
Language, Cognitive Neuroscience |
MattDavis |
2009‑10‑19 |
Sim |
Jack C. Rogers (Info) |
Cambridge |
Language Comprehension Ambiguity |
jr03 |
2008‑05‑20 |
Sim |
James Rowe (Info) |
passin |
2007‑04‑20 |
Sim |
Fatih Serin (Info) |
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge UK |
episodic memory, working memory, attention |
FatihSerin |
2022‑12‑13 |
Sim |
Yury Shtyrov (Info) |
MEG, language |
lisa.brindley |
2008‑09‑10 |
Sim |
Natasha Sigala (Info) |
Oxford |
Visual perception, categorization, attention |
david |
2008‑06‑24 |
Sim |
Mariano Sigman (Info) |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
hayden |
2005‑08‑08 |
Sim |
Jon S. Simons (Info) |
Cambridge |
Cognitive neuroscience, human memory |
legree17 |
2006‑12‑12 |
Sim |
Marie L. Smith (Info) |
Birkbeck College |
Vision, perception, categorization, faces, emotion, eeg, meg |
marielsmith |
2010‑07‑09 |
Sim |
Ediz Sohoglu (Info) |
Auditory perception |
es481 |
2013‑05‑16 |
Sim |
Raliza S. Stoyanova (Info) |
Emotion, attention, memory |
ralizastoyanova |
2008‑05‑19 |
Sim |
Gayaneh Szenkovits (Info) |
ramus |
2009‑01‑28 |
Sim |
Kambiz Tavabi (Info) |
speech and language |
ktavabi |
2008‑06‑27 |
Sim |
Jason R. Taylor (Info) |
memory, Alzheimer's disease, ERP, MEG, fMRI |
jason.taylor |
2006‑11‑13 |
Sim |
Jo S H Taylor (Info) |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Reading Development |
JoTaylor |
2013‑04‑05 |
Sim |
Karen J. Taylor (Info) |
UC Davis |
kjtaylor |
2008‑07‑22 |
Sim |
Russell Thompson (Info) |
Attention |
nsigala |
2008‑07‑09 |
Sim |
Ali Trelle (Info) |
Cambridge |
coronal |
2013‑06‑28 |
Sim |
Alejandro Vicente-Grabovetsky (Info) |
Visual Short Term Memory |
alex.vice.grab |
2008‑09‑10 |
Sim |
Daniel Wakemann (Info) |
RHenson |
2019‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Caroline M. Whiting (Info) |
cwhiting |
2008‑09‑10 |
Sim |
Alexandra Woolgar (Info) |
Macquarie University |
Cognitive control, neuroimaging, visual cognition |
Awoolgar |
2017‑07‑30 |
Sim |
Rongjun Yu (Info) |
Neuroeconomics, Social Neuroscience |
RongjunYU |
2008‑09‑10 |
Sim |
Jiaxiang Zhang (Info) |
Cardiff University |
Decision making, action selection, learning, Neuroimaing |
jasonasm |
2006‑09‑27 |
Sim |
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