People with institution matching "UNAM":
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Name |
Institution |
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Date |
Jorge Aceves (Info) |
Neurophysiology |
Daniel_Zaldivar |
2009‑12‑09 |
Sim |
Jose de Jesus Aceves Buendia (Info) |
Neurodegenarive diseases and Epilepsy |
JoseAceves |
2018‑04‑04 |
Sim |
Daniel Isui Aguilar Salvador (Info) |
Synthetic Biology, Theoretical Biology, Neurosciencies |
Daniel Isui Aguilar |
2009‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Raul Antonio Aguilar-Roblero (Info) |
National University of Mexico |
circadian clock |
limeizhang |
2009‑11‑07 |
Sim |
Miguel Angel Aguileta (Info) |
McGill |
Neurodegenaration, Parkinson's |
miguelonmiguelon |
2008‑04‑05 |
Sim |
Sarael Alcauter (Info) |
geurven |
2020‑11‑03 |
Sim |
Vania Aldrete Cortes (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
Epilepsy, Working Memory |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
Moises Altamira-Camacho (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
vlvirgen |
2023‑08‑26 |
Sim |
Ramon Alvarez Buylla (Info) |
Universidad de Colima |
electrophysiology |
oscardr |
2010‑01‑07 |
Sim |
Sandybel Angeles-Duran (Info) |
McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) |
Navigation system |
Sandybel |
2018‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Arafat Angulo-Perkins (Info) |
lconcha |
2020‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Selva Rivas Arancibia (Info) |
Facultad de Medicina, UNAM |
DianaCastillo |
2016‑11‑28 |
Sim |
Rogelio O. Arellano (Info) |
gilbertorvite |
2019‑03‑07 |
Sim |
Clorinda Arias (Info) |
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, UNAM |
erikacalvo |
2012‑03‑27 |
Sim |
Jorge L. Armony (Info) |
McGill |
affect, memory |
cchochol |
2008‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Daniela Ávila (Info) |
daniela_avila |
2020‑02‑05 |
Sim |
Lorelei Ayala-Guerrero (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Israela Balderas (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
José Bargas (Info) |
luis_carrilloreid |
2016‑07‑23 |
Sim |
Fernando Barrios (Info) |
geurven |
2020‑08‑20 |
Sim |
Daruny Vázquez Barrón (Info) |
Psygodz |
2017‑06‑21 |
Sim |
Janet Barroso-Flores (Info) |
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim |
Alcohol addiction |
JanetBarroso |
2017‑05‑05 |
Sim |
Ramon Bartolo (Info) |
Systems neurophysiology, Motor control, Decision making, Color Vision |
rbartolo |
2007‑08‑25 |
Sim |
Marymar Becerra-González (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
Marymar |
2019‑04‑24 |
Sim |
Luis Beltran-Parrazal (Info) |
Universidad Veracruzana. |
Calcium homeostasis, mitochondrial movement,ionic channels |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Hector Benitez (Info) |
leonpalafox |
2018‑08‑06 |
Sim |
Federico Bermudez Rattoni (Info) |
learning and memory |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Federico Bermudez-Rattoni (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Ranier |
2009‑03‑28 |
Sim |
Abraham Betancourt (Info) |
Neurobiology Institute UNAM, Caltech |
Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Motor Control |
azahel90 |
2023‑01‑28 |
Sim |
Rudolf Marinus Buijs (Info) |
the hypothalamic systems that control metabolism , circulation and immune system |
jandh |
2015‑02‑12 |
Sim |
Isnarhazni Alejandra Calero-Vargas (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Angie201192 |
2022‑11‑30 |
Sim |
Erika Calvo-Ochoa (Info) |
Hope College |
Plasticity, neurogenesis, neurodegeneration, zebrafish, olfactory system |
erikacalvo |
2012‑03‑27 |
Sim |
Aurelio Campos-Romo (Info) |
jfr |
2010‑10‑09 |
Sim |
Carolina Carbajal-Valenzuela (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
Lizbeth Cárdenas-Morales (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑03 |
Sim |
Humberto Carrillo Calvet (Info) |
david |
2016‑10‑27 |
Sim |
Luis Carrillo-Reid (Info) |
Columbia, UNAM, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) |
Neuronal ensembles, network dynamics, dendritic spines, in vivo calcium imaging |
luis_carrilloreid |
2016‑07‑23 |
Sim |
Jose Damian Carrillo-Ruiz (Info) |
hospital general de mexico |
Functional Neurosurgery |
josecarrilloruiz |
2007‑11‑28 |
Sim |
Rosalva Cabrera Castañón (Info) |
Rebeca18 |
2020‑07‑02 |
Sim |
Diana V. Castillo (Info) |
Psychology, UNAM |
learning and memory |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Diana V. Castillo (Info) |
Cátedras CONACyT |
Neurociencia |
DianaCastillo |
2016‑11‑28 |
Sim |
Francisco Cervantes (Info) |
National University of Mexico |
Vision Research |
limeizhang |
2009‑11‑07 |
Sim |
Carmen Clapp (Info) |
Endocrinology |
Naima |
2008‑01‑31 |
Sim |
Luis Concha (Info) |
diffusion MRI, epilepsy, audition |
lconcha |
2020‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Miguel Condes-Lara (Info) |
AbimaelGH |
2020‑10‑06 |
Sim |
Genaro Alfonso Coria-Avila (Info) |
Universidad Veracruzana |
Neuroethology, Reproductive behavior, Neurochemistry, Neuroanatomy |
pfaus |
2007‑12‑09 |
Sim |
María Corsi-Cabrera (Info) |
nortmanx |
2013‑09‑13 |
Sim |
Lizbeth de la Cruz (Info) |
University of Washington |
Electrophysiology, GPCR, ion channels, phospholipids |
Lizbethdelacruz |
2021‑10‑02 |
Sim |
Irma Yolanda del Rio-Portilla (Info) |
UNAM Psychology Faculty |
sleep, sex differences , laterality |
neurocari |
2013‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Jose Luis Díaz (Info) |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (UNAM) |
| |
2024‑03‑07 |
Sim |
Carlos Manlio Díaz García (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Neuroscience |
cmanlio |
2014‑09‑15 |
Sim |
Mauricio Diaz-Muñoz (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Calcium homeostasis |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Mauricio Diaz-Munoz (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
Ryanodine receptor |
cmorgado |
2008‑01‑10 |
Sim |
Adan Ulises Domínguez-Vargas (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM), German Primate Center, Université de Montréal |
Eye movements, Visuomotor transformations, Decision making, Motor system |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
Angel Dorantes (Info) |
Educational Neuroscience Undergraduate |
AngelSEVA |
2023‑01‑12 |
Sim |
Rene Raúl Druker-Colin (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
Dopaminergic Neurons, Sleep |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Martha L. Escobar (Info) |
Psychology, UNAM |
learning and memory |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Alfonso Escobar-Izquierdo (Info) |
National University of Mexico |
Neuroanatomy, Neuropathology |
limeizhang |
2009‑11‑07 |
Sim |
Argel Estrada-Mondragón (Info) |
University of Queensland |
Molecular Neurobiology |
Argel |
2018‑12‑13 |
Sim |
Zian Fanti (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Computational neurobiology |
2010‑11‑11 |
Sim |
Thalia Fernández (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
psic.mauriciogl |
2021‑09‑16 |
Sim |
Francisco Fernandez De Miguel (F.F. De-Miguel) (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Cellular Neurobiology |
2010‑11‑08 |
Sim |
D. Alejandro Fernandez Velasco (Info) |
Fac. de Medicina, UNAM |
Protein folding, Protein engineering,Thermodynamics, Molecular dynamics, Misfolding diseases |
zellet |
2009‑06‑03 |
Sim |
Juan Fernandez-Ruiz (Info) |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
raymundo |
2006‑04‑01 |
Sim |
Jorge Flores-Hernandez (Info) |
Universidad Autonoma de Puebla |
Corteza, Ganglios Basales, NMDA GABA ACH |
jorgeflores-hernandez |
2009‑05‑18 |
Sim |
Carlos Fabian Flores-Jasso (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular UNAM |
Cell and Molecular Biology. MicroRNAs in Brain |
Lancellot |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Jorge Guevara Fonseca (Info) |
Daniel-Limon |
2017‑07‑10 |
Sim |
Esmeralda G. Fonseca de la Cruz (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Binge eating, electrophysiology |
Efonseca |
2012‑12‑17 |
Sim |
Kjell Fuxe (Info) |
Department of Neuroscience,Karolinska Institute,stockholm, sweden |
receptor mechanisms |
shuklasd |
2007‑11‑12 |
Sim |
Elvira Galarraga (Info) |
NQ |
2016‑11‑21 |
Sim |
Andrea Gallegos-Cari (Info) |
Neuroscience, addictions, memory, anxiety |
neurocari |
2013‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Emilio J. Galvan (Info) |
NQ |
2016‑11‑21 |
Sim |
Jorge Arturo Gámez de León (Info) |
UNAM, Caltech |
jorgegamez |
2012‑08‑30 |
Sim |
David E. Garcia (Info) |
UNAM, Mexico |
Ion channel regulation in sympathetic neurons |
erichdz |
2009‑12‑05 |
Sim |
Octavio Garcia (Info) |
Facultad de Psicologia, UNAM |
neurobiology of Down´s syndrome |
octaviogc |
2015‑11‑04 |
Sim |
Rebeca Corona Garcia (Info) |
University of Liège, UNAM |
u184421 |
2017‑06‑08 |
Sim |
Fabio Garcia Garcia (Info) |
Universidad Veracruzana |
Sleep |
cmorgado |
2011‑04‑01 |
Sim |
Elizabeth García Perez (Info) |
Universidad de Vizcaya |
Syanptic transmission |
2010‑11‑09 |
Sim |
Rafael E. Garcia-Ferrerio (Info) |
erichdz |
2009‑12‑05 |
Sim |
Maria Luisa García-Gomar (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
Epilepsy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Working Memory |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
Haydée Gpe. García-Lázaro (Info) |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
haydee |
2011‑12‑13 |
Sim |
Marianela Garcia-Munoz (Info) |
UNAM, Mexico |
basal ganglia, neurophysiology |
dsfdiana |
2014‑07‑08 |
Sim |
Jesus Adolfo Garcia-Sainz (Info) |
Intituto de Fisiologia Celular UNAM |
Cell Biology LPA and Drenaline Recerptors |
Lancellot |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal (Info) |
skwok |
2021‑11‑12 |
Sim |
Elvi Gil-Lievana (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Andrea Gomez Palacio Schjetnan (Info) |
York University |
learning and memory |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Armando Gomez Puyou (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Structural Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology |
zellet |
2009‑06‑03 |
Sim |
Beatriz Gomez-Gonzalez (Info) |
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
blood-brain barrier, glia |
bgomezglez |
2018‑02‑07 |
Sim |
Ulises García González (Info) |
JcLoz |
2021‑12‑30 |
Sim |
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Gonzalez (Info) |
University of Houston |
Neurophysiology, Biomedical Engineering, Bioelectronic Medicine | |
2021‑01‑11 |
Sim |
Abimael Gonzalez-Hernandez (Info) |
Pharmacology |
AbimaelGH |
2019‑01‑14 |
Sim |
Mauricio González-López (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
Neurofeedback and Biofeedback |
psic.mauriciogl |
2021‑09‑16 |
Sim |
Veronica Guarner-Lans (Info) |
Instituto Nacional de Cardiología |
Physiology |
gualanv |
2015‑11‑09 |
Sim |
Alicia Guemez-Gamboa (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neurodevelopment, human genetics, neural circuits |
acom |
2017‑02‑15 |
Sim |
Hugo Guerrero-Cazares (Info) |
Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic |
Neural development and brain cancer |
gchugo |
2014‑05‑09 |
Sim |
Jorge Guevara (Info) |
School of medicine, UNAM |
NQ |
2017‑03‑15 |
Sim |
Rafael Gutiérrez (Info) |
Synaptic Plasticity, Phenotypic Pasticity, Epileptogenesis |
Psygodz |
2011‑11‑18 |
Sim |
Ranier Gutierrez (Info) |
Center of Advance Research and Studies (CINVESTAV) Mexico |
Gustatory System, Multi-electrode recordings, ingestive behavior, obesity |
sclin |
2009‑02‑01 |
Sim |
Gabriel Gutierrez-Ospina (Info) |
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas UNAM |
Developmental Neurobiology |
serendipia |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Diana Guzmán (Info) |
UNAM Fac de Medicina |
Psygodz |
2017‑06‑21 |
Sim |
Emmanuel Jose Guzman Martinez (Info) |
Northwestern |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
emmanuel |
2008‑04‑07 |
Sim |
Carlos Guzmán-Flores (Info) |
physiology |
coria75 |
2008‑03‑13 |
Sim |
Kioko Guzman-Ramos (Info) |
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Saskia Haegens (Info) |
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour |
systems neuroscience, neuronal oscillations, somatosensory discrimination |
sashae |
2011‑09‑07 |
Sim |
Diego González Halphen (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
AdrianReyesPrieto |
2016‑05‑23 |
Sim |
Thalia Harmony Baillet (Info) |
Neuroscience |
r_oshea |
2008‑07‑22 |
Sim |
Guillermo Massieu Helguera (Info) |
erikacalvo |
2020‑03‑09 |
Sim |
Steven J. Henriksen (Info) |
Western University of Health Sciences |
neuropharmacology, sleep, ventral tegmental area |
shenriksen |
2007‑11‑01 |
Sim |
Vito Salvador Hernandez (Info) |
National University of Mexico |
System Neuroscience |
limeizhang |
2009‑11‑07 |
Sim |
Enrique Hernández-García (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
TRP channels |
trosenba |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
David Antonio Hernández-guzmán (Info) |
Glia, Thrombospondin, ageing, dendritic spines, Down's syndrome |
riddledahg |
2012‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Alejandra Hernández-Jaramillo (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Norberto Francisco Hernández-Llanes (Info) |
neurocari |
2013‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Ricardo Hernández-Martínez (Info) |
Duke, UNAM |
Basal ganglia, interneurons, ePhys |
2017‑11‑12 |
Sim |
Arturo Hernandez-Matias (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Erick O. Hernandez-Ochoa (Info) |
University of Maryland Medical School |
Autonomous Nervous System, Skeletal muscle, Calcium channels |
erichdz |
2009‑09‑29 |
Sim |
Raul Hernandez-Peon (Info) |
Sleep research |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Oscar R Hernandez-Pérez (Info) |
UNAM IFC, UNAM Fac de Medicina |
Neurocience, vasopressin, behavior, anxiety, social behavior |
oscarhp |
2020‑06‑17 |
Sim |
Rebeca Hernández-Soto (Info) |
Olfactory bulb, Intrinsic Optical Imaging, Electrophysiology, Behavior | |
2017‑04‑06 |
Sim |
Gabriel E Herrera-Oropeza (Info) |
King's College |
Neurogenesis, Neurodevelopment, Interneurons, Stem Cells, Computational Biology, Cerebral Organoids |
GabrielEHerreraO |
2023‑06‑05 |
Sim |
Frida Higinio-Rodríguez (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Angie201192 |
2022‑11‑30 |
Sim |
Marcia Hiriart (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiolog�a Celular, UNAM |
Pancreatic B-cell physiology |
trosenba |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Frank C. Hoppensteadt (Info) |
UW Madison, Michigan State, New York U, University of Utah, Michigan State, Arizona State, NYU |
Neuromorphic computing |
jrolston |
2008‑04‑17 |
Sim |
Emilia Horjales (Info) |
Aarhus University |
pain |
ehorjales |
2010‑10‑08 |
Sim |
Robyn Hudson (Info) |
UNAM Mexico City |
Bao |
2008‑03‑28 |
Sim |
Icnelia Huerta-Ocampo (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Larriva-Sahd |
2017‑09‑14 |
Sim |
Elizabeth Illescas-Huerta (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Elizabeth Sarahi Illescas-Huerta (Info) |
neuroscience |
Elizabeth_Illescas |
2023‑01‑20 |
Sim |
Emilio Ribes Iñesta (Info) |
Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Comportamiento, México |
luizhsantana |
2018‑08‑18 |
Sim |
Leon D. Islas (Info) |
Ion channels, biophysics, |
Lislas |
2007‑10‑11 |
Sim |
Andrés Jara-Oseguera (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
TRP channels |
trosenba |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Marco A. José (Info) |
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, UNAM |
Theoretical Biology |
Daniel Isui Aguilar |
2009‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Patricia Joseph-Bravo (Info) |
ehorjales |
2010‑10‑08 |
Sim |
Sze Chai Kwok (Info) |
Oxford, Duke Kunshan University |
Cognitive neuroscience |
mbuckley |
2008‑01‑10 |
Sim |
Ramon de la (Info) |
UNAM Fac de Medicina |
AnaLuisaRomeroPimentel |
2015‑10‑12 |
Sim |
Naima Lajud (Info) |
Neuroendocrinology, Development |
Naima |
2008‑01‑31 |
Sim |
Montserrat A. Lara-Velazquez (Info) |
gchugo |
2019‑07‑25 |
Sim |
Jorge A Larriva-Sahd (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Brain structure |
Larriva-Sahd |
2017‑09‑14 |
Sim |
Ana de las (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Esteban S. Lelo de Larrea-Mancera (Info) |
UC Riverside, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (UNAM), Northeastern University, Boston |
Perceptual learning, multi-sensory integration, cognitive training |
Grandmastersebas |
2020‑02‑22 |
Sim |
Cynthia De León (Info) |
Neurobiology Institute UNAM |
PamelaGarcia |
2015‑12‑03 |
Sim |
Luis A Leon Mercado (Info) |
UT Southwestern |
Neuroscience, Metabolism |
Luis-leon |
2018‑02‑23 |
Sim |
Christian Gabriela León-Castillo (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
Daniel Limón (Info) |
Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) |
Alzheimer and Parkinson models, pharmacology and neurotoxicity |
Daniel-Limon |
2017‑07‑10 |
Sim |
Itzel Alejandra Llorente (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular |
TRP channels |
trosenba |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Nikos K. Logothetis (Info) |
MPI Tuebingen |
visual system |
hayden |
2005‑01‑16 |
Sim |
Ivan Axel Lopez (Info) |
Cochlea |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Mónica López-Hidalgo (Info) |
Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad Juriquilla (UNAM) |
Angie201192 |
2022‑11‑30 |
Sim |
Violeta Gisselle Lopez-Huerta (Info) |
thalamus, sensory-motor processing, basal ganglia |
violetaglh |
2019‑06‑13 |
Sim |
Grecia López-Oropeza (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Julio C. López-Valdés (Info) |
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Hospital Regional Río Blanco, Hospital Central Sur de Alta especialidad |
Neurosurgery |
JcLoz |
2021‑12‑30 |
Sim |
Veronica Lopez-Virgen (Info) |
mendezvg |
2021‑07‑02 |
Sim |
Juliana Loza-Vaqueiro (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
vlvirgen |
2023‑08‑26 |
Sim |
Martín Macias (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
vlvirgen |
2023‑08‑26 |
Sim |
Elias Manjarrez (Info) |
Institute of Physiology, BUAP, Mexico |
Neurophysiology and Neurophysics |
jtapia |
2012‑07‑22 |
Sim |
Jorge Manzo (Info) |
Universidad Veracruzana |
neurosciences |
coria75 |
2008‑01‑03 |
Sim |
Isaac Obed Perez Martinez (Info) |
pain placebo nocebo multidimetional pain alcoholism |
Isaac |
2010‑06‑09 |
Sim |
Alonso Martinez Canabal (Info) |
University of Toronto |
pq |
2015‑11‑24 |
Sim |
Gonzalo Martinez de la Escalera (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Neuroendocrinology, GnRH |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Juan-Ramón Martínez-François (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
ionchannelsrule |
2009‑04‑17 |
Sim |
Eduardo Martinez-Martinez (Info) |
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas UNAM |
Efferent functions of sensory nerves |
serendipia |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Ataulfo Martinez-Torres (Info) |
GABA Receptors, Xenopus oocytes |
ataulfo |
2014‑01‑17 |
Sim |
Rebeca Mateos (Info) |
282013 |
2014‑02‑08 |
Sim |
Alejandro Meda-Hernández (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Angie201192 |
2022‑11‑30 |
Sim |
Karla Medina-Medina (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Bruno Mendez (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
2010‑11‑11 |
Sim |
Juan Carlos Mendez (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology UNAM, McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT, Oxford |
hugomerchant |
2009‑02‑06 |
Sim |
Germán Mendoza (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM, México |
interval timing, motor system, neurophysiology |
germanmendozamtz |
2013‑03‑26 |
Sim |
Miguel Angel G. Mendoza-Meléndez (Info) |
Neuroscience, addiction, sleep, public policy |
neurocari |
2013‑09‑11 |
Sim |
Jose Luis Mendoza-Ramirez (Info) |
Medarex |
jackvaz |
2011‑09‑22 |
Sim |
Mildred Salgado Menez (Info) |
msalgado |
2020‑07‑23 |
Sim |
Hugo Merchant (Info) |
Neurobiology Institute UNAM |
Interval Timing in Primates |
thomas |
2005‑08‑30 |
Sim |
Graciela Meza-Ruiz (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
Vestibular System |
lbeltran71 |
2007‑11‑10 |
Sim |
Gabriela Michel (Info) |
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, UNAM |
Neurogenesis |
gabrielamichel |
2009‑04‑10 |
Sim |
Victor Elias Mina-Solorzano (Info) |
UNAM Psychology Faculty |
Working memory, Attention, Neurocognition, Chronobiology |
hukitan |
2020‑04‑28 |
Sim |
Alan Minguer-Uribe (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Amaya Miquelajauregui Graf (Info) |
Cortical development |
amayam |
2011‑03‑16 |
Sim |
Maria Isabel Miranda (Info) |
learning and memory, neurochemistry |
mirandami |
2014‑10‑28 |
Sim |
Claudia Daniela Montes Ángeles (Info) |
DanielaMontes |
2020‑10‑03 |
Sim |
Marysol Montes de Oca (Info) |
Clinical Neurophysiology, Memory, Epilepsy, Fast Ripples |
Psygodz |
2011‑11‑17 |
Sim |
Julio Moran (Info) |
acom |
2017‑02‑15 |
Sim |
Alma Janeth Moreno-Aguirre (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
Perla Moreno-Castilla (Info) |
Cognitive aging |
Perlamc |
2022‑07‑22 |
Sim |
Yunuen Moreno-López (Info) |
Burke Neurological Institute |
ehollisii |
2019‑08‑20 |
Sim |
Consuelo Morgado-Valle (Info) |
Universidad Veracruzana |
Neural control of breathing |
cmorgado |
2007‑10‑18 |
Sim |
Jean Pascal Morin (Info) |
Facultad de Medicina, UNAM |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Sinuhé Muñoz-Sanchez (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología,UNAM |
smsanch |
2015‑03‑11 |
Sim |
Eric Murillo-Rodriguez (Info) |
Universidad Anahuac Mayab |
Sleep; endocannabinoids |
emr1973 |
2011‑06‑01 |
Sim |
Victor Navarro-Tableros (Info) |
Instituto Fisiologia Celular UNAM |
calcium channels |
mhiriart |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Citlalli Netzahualcoyotzi (Info) |
University of Lausanne |
Neurosciences |
cnetza |
2017‑09‑14 |
Sim |
Humberto Nicolini (Info) |
Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genomica |
AnaLuisaRomeroPimentel |
2015‑10‑12 |
Sim |
Javier Nieto (Info) |
Associative Learning |
livia |
2009‑07‑08 |
Sim |
Avril J. Nuche (Info) |
Psychology Faculty, UNAM |
Neuropsychology, Neurolinguistics |
anuche |
2009‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Fernando Ocaranza (Info) |
coria75 |
2008‑03‑13 |
Sim |
Rafael Olivares-Moreno (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
vlvirgen |
2023‑08‑26 |
Sim |
Rainald Pablo Ordaz (Info) |
ROArellano |
2024‑04‑22 |
Sim |
Aidán Ortega (Info) |
MEA in vitro, Calcium imaging in vitro, Whole cell in vitro recordings, Network dynamics, oscillatory activity. |
aidanortega |
2022‑08‑08 |
Sim |
Daniel Osorio-Gomez (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Pablo Pacheco (Info) |
neurophysiology |
coria75 |
2008‑01‑03 |
Sim |
Gustavo Pacheco-Lopez (Info) |
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
gpachecolopez |
2024‑01‑15 |
Sim |
Katia Padilla-Bustos (Info) |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (UNAM) |
Grandmastersebas |
2024‑12‑07 |
Sim |
Leon F Palafox (Info) |
Universidad Panamericana, Mexico |
Machine Learning, Neuroscience, planetary science, data science |
leonpalafox |
2018‑08‑05 |
Sim |
German Palafox Palafox (Info) |
Visual cognition |
gppalafox |
2011‑08‑19 |
Sim |
Raul Paredes (Info) |
u184421 |
2017‑06‑08 |
Sim |
Herminia Pasantes-Morales (Info) |
Intituto de Fisiologia Celular UNAM |
Taurine and neuronal cell volume |
Lancellot |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Fernando Peña-Ortega (Info) |
Respiratory neural control, epilepsy |
mezarj |
2015‑05‑18 |
Sim |
Ana Peñas-Rincón (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Oswaldo Perez (Info) |
Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad Juriquilla (UNAM) |
Computational neurosciences in time processing. |
dawalreti |
2009‑08‑07 |
Sim |
Miguel A. Pérez de la Mora (Info) |
Biophysics department, instituto de fisiología celular, Biofísica y Neurociencias UNAM |
Amygdala, Anxiety, Neuroreceptors |
anuche |
2009‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Jesus Esteban Perez-Ortega (Info) |
UNAM, UNAM, Columbia |
Neural ensembles, networks, microcircuits |
JesusPerez |
2016‑11‑28 |
Sim |
Elias Perrusquia (Info) |
UNAM, Instituto Politecnico Nacional |
multidimetional pain alcoholism facial palsy |
Elias4444 |
2020‑10‑02 |
Sim |
Cesar Antonio Ponce Diego (Info) |
UNAM, Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM |
Biochemistry |
kazbits |
2023‑04‑16 |
Sim |
Roberto Agustín Prado (Info) |
EvelinaTG |
2016‑08‑28 |
Sim |
G. Aleph Prieto (Info) |
UC Irvine |
synaptic plasticity, LTP, neuromodulation |
aleph |
2016‑11‑12 |
Sim |
Oscar Prospero Garcia (Info) |
oscardr |
2010‑01‑05 |
Sim |
Jan Marino Ramirez (Info) |
Chicago, University of Washington |
respiration |
david |
2009‑01‑28 |
Sim |
Víctor Ramírez Amaya (Info) |
Inst Neurobiología, UNAM, Qro. |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Jesus Ramirez-Bermudez (Info) |
Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Mexico |
Neuropsychiatry, Cognitive Neurology | |
2024‑03‑07 |
Sim |
Leticia Ramirez-Lugo (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Gerardo Ramirez-Mejia (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM) |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Ana Belen Ramos Hryb (Info) |
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales -UNaM, Argentina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), IFIBIO-UBA-CONICET; IBYME-CONICET, Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital |
neuroprotection, immunophilins, psychiatric disorder, neurodegeneration |
AnaRH |
2019‑10‑16 |
Sim |
Grisela Edith Rangel (Info) |
Medicina UNAM |
gilbertorvite |
2019‑03‑07 |
Sim |
Víctor Andrés Reyes (Info) |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (UNAM) |
JcLoz |
2024‑05‑03 |
Sim |
Adrian Reyes Prieto (Info) |
University of New Brunswick (Canada), Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
Endosymbiosis, organelle evolution, phylogenetics, comparative genomics, phycology |
AdrianReyesPrieto |
2016‑05‑23 |
Sim |
Norma Angélica Rivera-Villaseñor (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
astrocytes, working memory, calcium |
Angie201192 |
2022‑11‑30 |
Sim |
Eunice Raziel Rocha Martínez (Info) |
Sabor, PBN, Tálamo Intralaminar, Alerta |
Raziel |
2019‑01‑14 |
Sim |
Olga E. Rodriguez Sierra (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
system neuroscience |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Paola Rodríguez-Moreno (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
vlvirgen |
2023‑08‑26 |
Sim |
Keila Dara Rojas Garcia (Info) |
McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) |
Visual system, electrophysiology |
Keila-DRG |
2022‑11‑03 |
Sim |
Gilberto Rojas Vite (Info) |
McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) |
gilbertorvite |
2018‑09‑26 |
Sim |
Gerardo Rojas-Piloni (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology, UNAM |
EliasManjarrez |
2016‑04‑21 |
Sim |
Talía V. Román-López (Info) |
National Autonomous University of Mexico |
Neurocognition |
TaliaR |
2012‑02‑09 |
Sim |
Ranulfo Romo (Info) |
National Autonomous University |
Somatosensation |
hayden |
2005‑01‑15 |
Sim |
Tamara Rosenbaum (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
Biophysics, TRP channel, Structure-function |
trosenba |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
María Esther Rubio-Ruiz (Info) |
gualanv |
2015‑11‑09 |
Sim |
Alejandra E. Ruiz-Contreras (Info) |
UNAM Psychology Faculty |
hukitan |
2020‑04‑28 |
Sim |
Manuel Salas (Info) |
Development |
baldemar |
2011‑09‑07 |
Sim |
Héctor Salazar (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
TRP channels |
trosenba |
2009‑01‑30 |
Sim |
Pamela Garcia Saldivar (Info) |
Neurobiology Institute UNAM |
Difussion, Timing |
PamelaGarcia |
2015‑12‑03 |
Sim |
Sergio Sánchez Padilla (Info) |
Cognitive Linguistics |
SergioSanchezPadilla |
2020‑10‑09 |
Sim |
Livia Sánchez-Carrasco (Info) |
Associative Learning |
livia |
2009‑07‑08 |
Sim |
Jimena Sandoval (Info) |
Inst Neurobiología, UNAM, Qro. |
olgars |
2007‑04‑29 |
Sim |
Efraín Santiago-Rodríguez (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
Neurobiología |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑03 |
Sim |
James Schummers (Info) |
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience |
veredKel |
2016‑01‑29 |
Sim |
Barbara Serrano (Info) |
gilbertorvite |
2019‑03‑07 |
Sim |
Jenny Mariana Serrano-León (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM |
esrod61 |
2010‑02‑04 |
Sim |
G. Rodrigo Sigala A. (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Neurophysiology |
rodrigosigala |
2008‑11‑06 |
Sim |
Sidney Simon (Info) |
Duke |
Taste |
hayden |
2005‑10‑29 |
Sim |
Maria Sitges (Info) |
NQ |
2016‑11‑21 |
Sim |
Rodolfo Solís-Vivanco (Info) |
Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Mexico |
cognitive neurophysiology, psychophysiology, neuropsychology |
rodolfosolisv |
2021‑12‑02 |
Sim |
Edgar J. Soria-Gómez (Info) |
Facultad de Medicina, UNAM |
cannabinergic system, food intake |
gaber5ht |
2007‑08‑15 |
Sim |
Francisco Sotres-Bayon (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
emotion, motivation, fear, decision-making, prefrontal, amygdala |
fsotres |
2006‑08‑23 |
Sim |
Esteban Suárez Delgado (Info) |
National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc |
Voltage-gated Ion Channels, Biophysics, Epilepsy, Kv, Nav, Hv1 |
esuarezdelgado |
2024‑03‑01 |
Sim |
Ricardo Tapia (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular UNAM |
Epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, and neuronal death |
serendipia |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Fatuel Tecuapetla (Info) |
NQ |
2016‑11‑21 |
Sim |
Luis A. Tellez (Info) |
Yale |
Gut-Brain Axis, Gustatory System, Reward System, Multi-electrode recordings, ingestive behavior, obesity, Protein Folding, Misfolding, |
zellet |
2009‑06‑03 |
Sim |
Jose Luis Tellez Arreola (Info) |
Institute of Neurobiology |
2013‑03‑15 |
Sim |
Luz Torner (Info) |
Neuroendocrinology |
Naima |
2008‑01‑31 |
Sim |
Zeidy Muñoz Torres (Info) |
correafreisztav |
2019‑11‑08 |
Sim |
María E. Torres García (Info) |
learning, memory, PSTD, prefrontal cortex |
EvelinaTG |
2016‑08‑28 |
Sim |
Gabriela Torres-Platas (Info) |
McGill |
2010‑11‑11 |
Sim |
Luis B Tovar-y-Romo (Info) |
National University of Mexico |
Neurodegeneration |
ltovar |
2017‑05‑17 |
Sim |
David Trejo Martinez (Info) |
hospital general de mexico |
Neuropsychology, Neuroimage |
anuche |
2009‑07‑04 |
Sim |
Citlali Trueta (Info) |
Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria |
Serotonin secretion |
2010‑11‑09 |
Sim |
Alan Minguer Uribe (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Oscar Urrego-Morales (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM |
NeurotreeIFC |
2023‑11‑14 |
Sim |
Luis Alfonso Vaca-Dominguez (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular UNAM |
microRNAs in brain and TRP channels |
Lancellot |
2005‑12‑29 |
Sim |
Jesus Garcia Valdes (Info) |
UNAM, Mexico |
redox |
2010‑10‑05 |
Sim |
Pedro Antonio Valdes-Sosa (Info) |
Cuban Neuroscience Center |
Neuroimaging |
r_oshea |
2008‑07‑22 |
Sim |
Alfredo Varela Echavarria (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia UNAM |
amayam |
2011‑03‑16 |
Sim |
Javier Vargas (Info) |
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitacion |
Regeneration |
2010‑11‑09 |
Sim |
Victor Vargas-Barroso (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Larriva-Sahd |
2017‑09‑14 |
Sim |
Mariana Vargas-Caballero (Info) |
University of Southampton |
Synaptic integration and Synaptic pathology |
marianavc |
2008‑07‑18 |
Sim |
Francisco Gabriel Vazquez (Info) |
gilbertorvite |
2019‑03‑07 |
Sim |
Jacqueline Vazquez (Info) |
University of Michigan, SRI International, Inscopix, Inc., Bruker Corporation |
In vivo microdialysis; behavioral neurochemistry; hypocretin sleep pharmacology; Inscopix miniscope |
jackvaz |
2011‑09‑22 |
Sim |
Yuriria Vazquez Zuñiga (Info) |
somatosensation |
raymundo |
2006‑05‑20 |
Sim |
Bárbara Aurora Vázquez-Prieto (Info) |
Instituto de Neurobiologia (UNAM) |
Angie201192 |
2022‑11‑30 |
Sim |
Germán Vega-Flores (Info) |
Universidad Pablo de Olavide |
neuroscience, learning and memory |
machincuepo |
2013‑03‑16 |
Sim |
Ana Luisa Velasco (Info) |
hospital general de mexico |
Epilesy, neuromodulation |
josecarrilloruiz |
2007‑11‑29 |
Sim |
Ivan Velasco (Info) |
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular-Neurociencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Stem cells, Neurodegenerative disorders, Dopaminergic neuron differentiation, Regeneration. |
Ivelasco |
2019‑12‑05 |
Sim |
Norma Velazquez Ulloa (Info) |
2010‑11‑11 |
Sim |
Gerónimo Velázquez-Hernández (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
David N. Velázquez-Martínez (Info) |
Behavioral Pharmacology |
Efonseca |
2012‑12‑17 |
Sim |
Rafael Villafuerte-Peralta (Info) |
Nat. Aut. Univ. of Mexico (UNAM) |
fsotres |
2019‑11‑23 |
Sim |
Benjamin Villasana-Salazar (Info) |
epilepsy, electrophysiology, basic research, seizure |
BenjaminVillasana |
2017‑04‑06 |
Sim |
Mario Treviño Villegas (Info) |
Instituto de Neurociencias, UDG. |
NQ |
2016‑11‑21 |
Sim |
Karyna Yc (Info) |
Neurobiology Institute, UNAM |
System Neurophysiology,Neuroetology, Neuropharmacology |
Karyc |
2013‑03‑26 |
Sim |
Wilbert Zarco (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Systems Neuroscience, Visual Cognition |
zeitgeist |
2006‑10‑02 |
Sim |
Angelica Zepeda (Info) |
UNAM, Mexico |
fsengpiel |
2009‑11‑17 |
Sim |
Mario A. Zetter (Info) |
Neuropeptides, vasopressin, behavior, synaptic plasticity, neurodevelopment |
MZetter |
2019‑12‑22 |
Sim |
Limei Zhang (Info) |
National University of Mexico |
System Neuroscience |
limeizhang |
2009‑11‑07 |
Sim |
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