People with institution matching "Institut Pasteur, Paris": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Therese Abrahamsson (Info) McGill tabra 2015‑01‑12
Luc Arnal (Info) University of Geneva JacquesPesnot 2020‑08‑18
Jérémie Barral (Info) Institut Curie, Paris, NYU, Institut Pasteur Hearing, Complex Systems, Biophysics, Neuroscience jeremiebarral 2011‑04‑09
Brice Bathellier (Info) EPFL Olfactory system, oscillations jandh 2007‑05‑08
Victor Benichoux (Info) Institut Pasteur auditory brainstem, sound localization, spiking networks victorbenichoux 2014‑12‑11
Seymour Benzer (Info) Caltech Neurogenetics JLand52 2005‑11‑02
Heinrich Betz (Info) Max Planck Institute for Brain Research suneelreddi 2008‑10‑09
Delphine Boche (Info) University of Southampton mendezvg 2021‑07‑02
Thomas Bourgeron (Info) Institut Pasteur ntorquet 2019‑11‑27
Daniel Bovet (Info) Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome hayden 2005‑02‑18
Donald D. Brown (Info) Carnegie Institution of Washington hormone signaling, amphibian development gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Alan Carleton (Info) University of Geneva "olfaction, gustation, neurogenesis" carleton 2007‑05‑08
Carlos Chagas Filho (Info) Instituto Oswaldo Cruz marpoliv 2009‑10‑04
Jean-Pierre Changeux (Info) Institut Pasteur Molecular Neurobiology EdHubbard 2006‑01‑13
Patrick Charnay (Info) ENS Paris testtest 2009‑02‑18
Fabrice de Chaumont (Info) Institut Pasteur ntorquet 2019‑11‑27
Zuxin Chen (Info) Max Planck Florida Institute Biophysics zuxin 2010‑07‑20
Daniel Choquet (Info) CNRS/Bordeaux University AMPAR Trafficking map222 2007‑06‑15
Jonathan B. Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School, Washington University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, MGH nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors wellnitz 2012‑07‑05
Michael G Connor (Info) Institut Pasteur, University of Louisville School of Medicine yersinia pestis, chromatin, pneumococcus connormg 2021‑08‑05
Matteo Cortese (Info) Salk Institute Behavior, transcriptomics, social experience Zero1 2018‑10‑25
Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz (Info) Brasil fotalora 2019‑01‑26
James E. Darnell (Info) Rockefeller, MIT, Albert Einstein, Columbia STATs, development gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Álvaro Ozório de Almeira (Info) Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro marpoliv 2009‑10‑04
Stanislas Dehaene (Info) Neurospin, CEA, Inserm hayden 2005‑08‑08
Camille Delezenne (Info) Institut Pasteur Endocrinology marpoliv 2009‑10‑04
David A. DiGregorio (Info) Institut Pasteur Cerebellum, synaptic transmission, imaging DavidDIG 2009‑08‑28
Emma Ducos (Info) Institut Pasteur machine learning, cognitive neuroscience, audition educos 2021‑04‑15
Guillaume Dumas (Info) CNRS, FAU, Institut Pasteur, Université de Montréal Hyperscanning, Neurodynamics, Precision Psychiatry, Social AI, SciML guillaume.dumas 2019‑10‑09
Harvey Eisen (Info) UCSF, University of Geneva Sineoculis 2012‑12‑10
Elodie Ey (Info) CNRS - Institut Pasteur Neuroscience, Ethology, Behavior, Social Behavior, Communication ntorquet 2019‑11‑27
Philippe Faure (Info) Université Pierre et Marie Curie kndiaye 2014‑11‑03
Marc Fellous (Info) Institut Pasteur testtest 2009‑02‑18
Isabelle Foucher (Info) Institut Pasteur HouartC 2019‑10‑27
Desdemona Fricker (Info) ICM Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France., CNRS & Université de Paris, Institut Pasteur, Baylor College of Medicine, INSERM U739 & Pitié-Salpêtrière Cellular Neurphysiology, Systems Neuroscience lm 2006‑05‑07
Christian Giaume (Info) College de France gap junctions, glia, neuroglial interactions rouach 2008‑03‑22
Matthew Grubb (Info) King's College (London) Adna 2019‑04‑11
Florent Haiss (Info) Institut Pasteur florenthaiss 2006‑09‑29
Yi Hao (Info) University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Institut Pasteur, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology mcancro 2017‑03‑29
Corinne Houart (Info) MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology testtest 2009‑02‑18
Bruno Hurtrel (Info) Institut Pasteur mendezvg 2021‑07‑29
François Jacob (Info) Institut Pasteur Cell Genetics zepieton 2006‑04‑11
Nadine Kabbani (Info) George Mason davidmccormick 2012‑05‑06
Henri Korn (Info) Institut Pasteur Synaptic transmission dfaber 2009‑02‑10
Bernard Lakowski (Info) Institut Pasteur sb12 2018‑08‑01
Ambroise Lambert (Info) EPFL Biophysics, Bacteriology, Infectiology AmbroiseL 2018‑06‑10
Karl Landsteiner (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Hematology, biochemistry jdvicto 2009‑05‑17
Clément Léna (Info) ENS Paris Cerebellum, In vivo electrophysiology igc 2014‑02‑07
Henry A. Lester (Info) Caltech Molecular and functional aspects of ion channels, receptors, and transporters chacha 2007‑09‑08
Baptiste Libé-Philippot (Info) Institut Pasteur, ULB, VIB / KU Leuven neurobiology, developmental biology, neurosciences libe 2011‑11‑02
Pierre-Marie Lledo (Info) Institut Pasteur lneedleman 2005‑12‑07
Jean Mariani (Info) Universtite PAris 6 Development and Ageing of the Nervous System eburguiere 2009‑06‑17
Erik Maronde (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Neuroscience, Chronobiology emaronde 2016‑06‑04
Fabio Marti (Info) Sorbonne Université dopamine, addiction, stress, depression fabio1979 2019‑02‑13
Picardeau Mathieu (Info) Institut Pasteur AmbroiseL 2018‑06‑10
Camille Mazo (Info) ENS Cachan, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Institut Pasteur, Harvard Olfaction, Visual Cortex Camille 2012‑09‑25
Naguib Mechawar (Info) McGill University Douglas Mental Health University Institute biological psychiatry, glia, neuroanatomy pq 2015‑10‑10
Xin MEI (Info) Institut Pasteur noellekidd 2017‑11‑17
Élie Metchnikoff (Info) Institut Pasteur Immunology r_oshea 2020‑05‑11
Nicolas Antoine Michalski (Info) Institut Pasteur Cochlea, patch-clamping michalsk 2007‑11‑12
Richard Miles (Info) alankay 2006‑03‑26
Jacques Lucien Monod (Info) Institut Pasteur Cell Genetics zepieton 2006‑04‑11
Elodie Monsellier (Info) CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette Abnormal folding of proteins, Neurodegenerative diseases hbedouelle 2015‑04‑15
Aurélie Mouret (Info) Institut Pasteur Olfaction, Neurogenesis, Behavior amouret 2008‑07‑17
Yukihiro Nakamura (Info) Jikei University School of Medicine yamage 2010‑02‑09
Jean–François Nicolas (Info) Institut Pasteur gpot9883 2010‑02‑14
Richard W Olsen (Info) UCLA GABA-A receptor proteins thanos 2008‑09‑23
Cantin Ortiz (Info) Karolinska, Institut Pasteur igc 2021‑10‑27
Michel Partiseti (Info) Synthelabo dchoquet 2010‑06‑10
James Patrick (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Synaptic Transmission JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Christine Petit (Info) Institut Pasteur libe 2016‑07‑15
Marina R. Picciotto (Info) Yale Molecular Neurobiology, Molecular basis of behavior rsteine 2006‑04‑09
Zuzanna Piwkowska (Info) Institut Pasteur cortex, cerebellum zpiwkowska 2018‑11‑08
Nicolas Pollet (Info) CNRS, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Université Paris 7 np 2018‑01‑12
Jean Christophe Poncer (Info) INSERM Synaptic plasticity, epilepsy jcponcer 2011‑01‑25
Philippe Rondard (Info) INSERM, Montpellier Neurosciences; G-protein coupled receptors hbedouelle 2015‑04‑15
Francesco M. Rossi (Info) Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, uruduay Synaptic plasticity stefsup 2012‑10‑24
John L. R. Rubenstein (Info) UCSF brain development gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Thibault Scalvenzi (Info) Institut Pasteur np 2018‑01‑12
Christoph Schmidt-Hieber (Info) UCL jonasp 2011‑05‑12
Ralf Schneggenburger (Info) EPFL Synaptic Mechanisms jandh 2007‑01‑20
Berat Semihcan Sermet (Info) Institut Pasteur Cerebellum bssermet 2020‑07‑20
Louis (Lou) Siminovitch (Info) Mount Sinai Hospital (University of Toronto). researcher into the genetic basis of muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis, and helped establish Ontario programs exploring genetic roots of cancer marywaye 2010‑12‑23
Earl R. Stadtman (Info) NIH Protein chemistry, aging george.perry 2008‑09‑10
Vivian I. Teichberg (Info) Weizmann Institute Glutamate receptors, Glutamate scavenging, neuroprotection imano 2008‑12‑14
Hugo Theorell (Info) Karolinska george.perry 2010‑03‑10
Bourgeron, Thomas (Info) Institut Pasteur emaronde 2022‑02‑02
Pierre Tiollais (Info) Institut Pasteur testtest 2009‑02‑18
Roberto Toro (Info) Institut Pasteur Ontogeny, brain development, brain anatomy m4rije 2007‑09‑25
Nicolas Torquet (Info) CNRS UMR 7104 - IGBMC almourot 2015‑02‑06
Katalin Toth (Info) Université Laval alankay 2006‑03‑24
Alexandra Tran-Van-Minh (Info) Institut Pasteur Dendrites, cerebellum, calcium channels, synaptic physiology atranvan 2016‑06‑24
Matthew T. Valley (Info) Allen Institute mtv2101 2008‑12‑21
Eric Vilain (Info) UCLA Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑21
Anna Louise Vlasits (Info) UC Berkeley Neural circuits alc2145 2009‑11‑06
Catherine Wacongne (Info) CEA-INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit sequence learning, predictive coding, MMN, working memory, reinforcement learning cwacongn 2014‑04‑07
Abraham Worcel (Info) Rochester, Princeton ilblitz 2018‑06‑30
Lien-teh Wu (Info) National Quarantine Service, China Malaria, Bacteriology, Pneumonic plague r_oshea 2020‑05‑11
Samuel Young (Info) Max Planck Florida Institute Molecular mechanism of synaptic function zuxin 2012‑10‑11
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