People with institution matching "Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
William T. Adler (Info) NYU, Princeton wtadler 2012‑12‑15
Michael (Mick) Alexander (Info) BU School of Medicine Memory disorders ita 2006‑10‑03
Amir Amedi (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Cortical plasticity, TMS, fMRI, cross-modal plasticity giladj 2007‑03‑01
Mark Lawrence Andermann (Info) Harvard Medical School visual system, mouse behavior andermann 2010‑04‑22
Matthew P. Anderson (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑03‑19
Alireza Arabestani No (Info) Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) Neurological surgery & Neuro-Oncology and Surgery Oncology 56682212 2021‑06‑21
Sarah Ballou (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center jnaftaly 2017‑03‑03
Bengi Baran (Info) U Mass Amherst, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Iowa rspencer 2008‑09‑24
Dan H Barouch (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School youzi015 2022‑05‑04
Jason J.S. Barton (Info) UBC Vision lindalanyon 2008‑06‑22
Marina Bedny (Info) Johns Hopkins, MIT, Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center), Penn effects of experience on neurocognitive development kas0179 2007‑09‑02
Bruce H. Bjornson (Info) BC Children's Hospital Pediatric Brainmapping liamks 2006‑12‑05
Aaron Daniel Boes (Info) Harvard Cognitive neuroscience, non-invasive brain stimulation aboes 2013‑04‑13
Yelena Bogdanova (Info) Boston University & Harvard Medical School Neurorehabilitation, TBI, Neuromodulation nrehab 2011‑10‑08
Roscoe Owen Brady, Jr. (Info) Columbia chemosensation david 2015‑06‑19
Christian R. Burgess (Info) University of Toronto Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑03‑07
Louis Caplan (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School NilsHenninger 2019‑02‑26
Monica M. Caverson (Info) Western University Physiology MMC333 2014‑09‑05
Elizabeth Lynn Clore (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Neurodegeneration, Behavioural Neuroscience jclark3 2008‑10‑31
Alexander Li Cohen (Info) Washington University School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School fcMRI, functional areas, brain mapping, autism alecia 2007‑04‑20
Guusje Collin (Info) Harvard Medical School at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Gabrieli Lab Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Joseph C. Corbo (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks jcorbo 2008‑11‑08
Gabriel S. Dichter (Info) UNC Chapel Hill fMRI, Autism, Depression dichtegs 2008‑11‑17
Marcello DiStasio (Info) Cornell, Yale School of Medicine, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's and Boston Children's Hospitals, Harvard Medical School joey199us 2011‑06‑10
Noelle Dwyer (Info) UVA Neural Development Zulie 2007‑11‑11
Joel Elmquist (Info) University of Texas Southwestern feeding and metabolism csaper 2007‑07‑06
Faranak Farzan (Info) Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) lux2aeterna 2011‑04‑14
Michael Ferguson (Info) University of Utah Social Neuroscience, fMRI jsa795 2009‑06‑19
Russell J. Ferland (Info) Albany Medical College Neurodevelopment, Epilepsy, Cilia ferlar 2010‑08‑25
Gerald Fischbach (Info) Columbia synapses david 2006‑12‑17
Michael D Fox (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Brain imaging, brain stimulation Foxmdphd 2020‑04‑07
Michelle S. Friedman-Yakoobian (Info) Harvard - BIDMC psychosocial interventions (family, cognitive enhancement) for youth at risk for or with established psychotic disorders mfriedm3 2017‑09‑12
Nadine Gaab (Info) Harvard Medical School language processing, reading development, developmental dyslexia, fMRI, brain, cognitive neuroscience kala 2007‑04‑28
Albert M. Galaburda (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuroscience agalabur 2011‑12‑02
Joel C. Geerling (Info) University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine neuroanatomy, sleep, arousal, central autonomic control, appetite joelgeerling 2013‑04‑11
Norman Geschwind (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral neurology, language tamily 2005‑12‑01
Roy Hoshi Hamilton (Info) Penn Cortical plasticity, TMS royhhamilton 2008‑09‑11
Lora K. Heisler (Info) Cambridge obesity, serotonin, neuroscience lamdan 2011‑08‑18
Nils Henninger (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Stroke, cerebral small vessel disease, MRI, rodent nils444 2012‑03‑22
James Matthew Intriligator (Info) University of Wales, Bangor, Tufts Visual system jameseye 2006‑04‑03
Cullen D Jackson (Info) Aptima Corp., Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center michaeltarr 2007‑04‑18
Ali Jannati (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Cognitive & Neural Sciences, EEG/ERP, TMS alij 2007‑12‑11
Danique Jeurissen (Info) Columbia Visual perception, decision making DaniqueJeurissen 2010‑10‑18
Fae Kayarian (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation; Autism Spectrum Disorder; MCI/Alzheimer's; Emergency Medicine faekayarian 2020‑03‑09
Julian P. Keenan (Info) Montclair State self-awareness abarrett 2007‑10‑14
Matcheri Keshavan (Info) Wayne State University School of Medicine FrankMacMaster 2020‑06‑18
Elaine Kiriakopolous (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center MMC333 2014‑09‑05
Emily Kline (Info) UMBC, Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center schizophrenia erkline 2014‑01‑28
Neil W. Kowall (Info) Boston University human neuroanatomy, immunocytochemistry and enzyme histochemistry of the brain, neuropathological basis of neurological disorders, animal models of neurological diseases, geriatric neurology, and cognitive decline in the elderly. george.perry 2010‑07‑04
Beth Leeman (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center agalabur 2011‑12‑02
Gerry Leisman (Info) University of Haifa Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive-Motor Interaction, Communication Systems, Cognitive Neurosciences, Systems Theory, Clinical Electrophysiology, Memory, Neuropsychology, Autism drgersh 2009‑03‑11
Barry Lester (Info) Brown Infant Development, drgersh 2009‑03‑11
Liang Liang (Info) Yale Visual System ganlan3879 2008‑11‑24
George C. Ling (Info) Boston University, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, UAB psychiatry, fMRI, psychosis, cognition georgeling 2023‑10‑24
David M. Livingston (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Medical Genetics, Hematology, Oncology rameen 2013‑09‑25
Simeon Locke (Info) Beth Israel Neurology nkowall 2011‑12‑13
Psyche Loui (Info) Wesleyan, Northeastern University Music Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience Razorpsyche 2007‑05‑03
Bradford Lowell (Info) Harvard Medical School The neural basis for hunger david 2016‑01‑04
Andrew Lutas (Info) Harvard Medical School ionchannelsrule 2011‑02‑03
Olivia Lutz (Info) Chicago CMGreenspon 2022‑04‑28
Dara S. Manoach (Info) MGH Schizophrenia mcain 2008‑08‑05
Maria Chiara Manzini (Info) The George Washington University, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School tamily 2005‑12‑02
Yekaterina Merkulova (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center , Harvard Medical School forensics, medical renal, neuroelectrophysiology katyavm 2023‑04‑12
Marsel Mesulam (Info) Northwestern hayden 2005‑08‑17
Ilan Mizrahi (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital Conciousness, TMS, Plasticity, Visuospatial Memory imizrahi 2010‑09‑21
Janet Mullington (Info) Harvard Medical School sleep mcasement 2008‑10‑05
Anna C. Nobre (Info) Oxford Cognitive Neuroscience hayden 2005‑08‑17
Lindsay M. Oberman (Shenk) (Info) Harvard Medical School Empathy, Mirror Neurons, TMS, plasticity EdHubbard 2006‑01‑10
M Zeeshan Ozair (Info) Rockefeller Neurodevelopment, corticogenesis mozair 2016‑06‑16
Alvaro Pascual-Leone (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Human Cortical Physiology, Plasticity, Neuromodulation apleone 2006‑10‑19
Nigel P. Pedersen (Info) Emory Sleep Neuroscience, Brainstem anatomy and physiology npederse 2008‑01‑03
Maryann P. Platt (Info) Columbia, J. Craig Venter Institute, Yale Blood-brain barrier, hibernation hashtagrap 2013‑07‑09
Dorothe A. Poggel (Info) Boston University Medical School; Boston VA Medical Center, Center for Innovative Visual Rehabilitation neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, plasticity, vision, rehabilitation, psychophysics dapoggel 2009‑03‑25
Elke Praeg (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School Motor Learning, EEG-TMS mbedny 2007‑10‑19
Kimberly L. Rapp (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuroendocrine, Sleep, Rhythms KLR 2008‑06‑25
Jon M. Resch (Info) Marquette University, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center , Harvard Medical School, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑31
Glenn David Rosen (Info) Harvard Medical School Dyslexia; brain QTLs agalabur 2011‑12‑02
Glenn D. Rosen (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Development, Dyslexia, Neurogenomics glennrosen 2014‑02‑13
Rachel A. Ross (Info) Yeshiva University pq 2015‑08‑16
Demetris K. Roumis (Info) UCSF droumis 2016‑06‑10
Ned T. Sahin (Info) Harvard Autism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI sahin 2006‑11‑03
Emiliano Santarnecchi (Info) University of Siena nicolarp 2010‑10‑08
Clifford B. Saper (Info) Harvard neuroanatomy spwise 2005‑12‑04
Thomas Scammell (Info) Harvard Medical School sleep anatomy and physiology, narcolepsy csaper 2007‑07‑06
Clemens Scherzer (Info) Harvard Medical School Translational Genomics of Parkinson’s Disease: Cause, Cures, Diagnostics david 2016‑01‑04
Gottfried Schlaug (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School bwvines 2007‑10‑16
Larry J. Seidman (Info) Harvard Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑07‑01
Magdy Selim (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School NilsHenninger 2019‑02‑26
Alec Graham Sheffield (Info) Colorado College, MIT, Yale Computational Neuroscience asheff794 2017‑06‑23
Shan Hai Siddiqi (Info) Washington University KJBinSTL 2019‑10‑28
Richard L. Sidman (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuropathology, neuroimaging, neuronal migration, genetics cab 2006‑03‑28
David Keith Simon (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Parkinson's Disease, Mitochondrial Genetics jclark3 2008‑10‑31
Tom Sommers (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Gastroenterology, Neuroscience tfsommers 2017‑10‑18
Louis Soussand (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School alexcohen 2019‑02‑27
David G. Standaert (Info) UAB Parkinson's disease jcha 2006‑10‑18
Robert Stickgold (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School psychiatry rory 2009‑01‑15
David A Stumpf (Info) CU Boulder, Northwestern School of Medicine biochemistry, mitochondrial disorders, lysosomal disorders dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Harvey A. Swadlow (Info) University of Connecticut Neurophysiology & Sensory neocortical networks woodstocker 2007‑10‑04
Andy Tan (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center jclark3 2008‑10‑31
Joseph J. Taylor (Info) MUSC pq 2015‑10‑15
William D. Todd (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center blumberg 2009‑03‑07
Antoni Valero-Cabre (Info) BU School of Medicine Neural Plasticity, Brain Injury, Neuromdulation avalero 2007‑11‑15
Chris A. Walsh (Info) Harvard Genes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex rudy4histo 2007‑02‑18
Qinglong Wang (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center neuroscience qinglong1988 2024‑01‑04
Stephen G. Waxman (Info) Yale pain, ion channels tcoderre 2007‑01‑04
Anne Weigand (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Foxmdphd 2020‑04‑07
Julie Williams (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Metabolic labelling, TMS recovery, Brain Injury avalero 2007‑11‑15
Jingyou Yu (Info) Ohio State liushanlu1115 2018‑01‑06
Siddhesh Zadey (Info) Columbia Transcranial magnetic stimulation, alcohol use, self-harm, non-invasive brain stimulation, computational modeling Siddhesh_Zadey 2023‑07‑25
Jeffrey D. Zaremba (Info) Columbia, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School j3tsai 2013‑08‑16
Stephen Zhang (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral neurogenetics sxzhang 2014‑06‑11
Jeffrey M. Zigman (Info) UT Southwestern Gut-brain control of eating behavior Jzigman 2013‑10‑18
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