People with institution matching "Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Frederick W. Alt (Info) Harvard DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma cristianboboila 2012‑07‑27
Jamie N. Anastas (Info) University of Washington Wnt signaling pq 2015‑10‑18
Todd E. Anthony (Info) Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School Genetic dissection of neural circuits that control stress-induced behavioral states pq 2015‑11‑25
Marcelo Armendariz (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience marmenz 2023‑03‑23
Kutay Deniz Atabay (Info) Harvard Medical School, MIT Neurogenetics, Neurodevelopment, Neuroregeneration kdatabay 2013‑02‑06
Frederico Augusto Casarsa de Azevedo (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics, McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Non-human primate visual System fredericoacazevedo 2015‑01‑12
Charles F Barlow (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Hannah Behrendt (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Larry I. Benowitz (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Trakhtenberg 2015‑08‑07
Charles Berde (Info) lc2042 2016‑03‑03
Dionnet L. Bhatti (Info) University of Georgia, Washington University, Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School Motivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators dbhatti 2015‑09‑14
Johanna R. Bick (Info) University of Delaware Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑02‑06
Bruce H. Bjornson (Info) BC Children's Hospital Pediatric Brainmapping liamks 2006‑12‑05
David Borsook (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital emoulton 2020‑11‑10
Lindsay Bowman (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Samuel G. Brill-Weil (Info) Harvard Medical School sbrillweil 2024‑02‑04
Damayanti Chakraborty (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Wenqiang Chen (Info) Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, The University of Hong Kong, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen drug addiction, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease NeuroscienceChenWQ 2011‑05‑09
Dennis W. Choi (Info) Stanford, SUNY Stony Brook david 2009‑02‑10
Jean-Ju L. Chung (Info) Johns Hopkins ion channels, trafficking pq 2015‑10‑13
David E. Clapham (Info) Harvard Medical School/HHMI Ion channels and calcium signaling nblair 2007‑07‑03
Ingrid M. Cordon (Info) UC Davis Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑21
Laura Cornelissen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Anesthesia, Pain, Development, Humans lc2042 2016‑03‑03
Ariadna Corredera Asensio (Info) NYU Neuroethology; Auditory processing; Acoustic communication ariadnacorredera 2024‑05‑24
Michael A. Crickmore (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Drosophila behavior rsm10 2009‑04‑15
Mohamed Nadhir Djekidel (Info) St Jude Children's Research Hospital beisi 2021‑06‑18
Michael Tri H. Do (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School vision, neurophysiology michaeldo 2015‑06‑05
Malak El-Quessny (Info) UC Berkeley Neural circuit development malakq 2020‑05‑22
Elizabeth Carson Engle (Info) Childrens Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School Developmental Neuroscience and Disease speedi103 2010‑04‑28
Sharon Fox (Info) canelson 2018‑11‑30
Laurel J. Gabard-Durnam (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital neuroplasticity, sensitive periods, functional connectome, experience-dependent development, Autism, laurelgd 2016‑11‑22
Michael E. Greenberg (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse byungheeleu 2006‑04‑20
Lei Gu (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Zhigang He (Info) Harvard Axon regeneration Mch777 2008‑11‑17
Maxwell Heiman (Info) Harvard Medical School imclachl 2011‑11‑02
Gregory L. Holmes (Info) Dartmouth, University of Vermont epilepsy, pediatrics david 2010‑06‑06
Adeline Jabes (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Sarah Jensen (Info) King's College tomaspaus 2017‑04‑27
Shafali Jeste (Info) UCLA Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑03‑12
Alan Jiao (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Violetta Karwacki-Neisius (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Fae Kayarian (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation; Autism Spectrum Disorder; MCI/Alzheimer's; Emergency Medicine faekayarian 2020‑03‑09
Adam Kebede (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Sonia Nan Kim (Info) Harvard Neurodegeneration, genomics, genetics, cerebral cortex, neurodevelopment snkim 2021‑11‑23
Georgios Kimourtzis (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Pain, Somatosensation gkimourtzis 2024‑03‑19
Gabriel Kreiman (Info) The Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Computational Neuroscience, Visual Object Recognition, Visual Cortex, Artificial Intelligence jgoleary 2005‑11‑02
Louis Kunkel (Info) Childrens Hospital Human genetics, muscular dystrophy jscharf 2014‑06‑27
Jocelyn LeBlanc (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Wei-Chung Allen Lee (Info) Harvard Neuroscience darbly 2009‑03‑25
William Lennox (Info) Harvard Medical School dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
April Levin (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Yi Liu (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Cesare T. Lombroso (Info) Harvard Medical School dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Rhiannon J. Luyster (Info) University of Michigan autism pq 2015‑10‑18
Joseph R. Madsen (Info) Harvard University and Children's Hospital Neuroscience and neurosurgery simonopa 2011‑10‑04
Joe McCleery (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Katie A. McLaughlin (Info) University of Washington retsige 2013‑10‑05
Karolina Mizeracka (Info) Harvard development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness pq 2015‑11‑25
Ilan Mizrahi (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital Conciousness, TMS, Plasticity, Visuospatial Memory imizrahi 2010‑09‑21
Ganeshwaran Mochida (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital malakq 2020‑05‑22
Aboozar Monavarfeshani (Info) Virginia Tech, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Visual system feshan 2017‑10‑20
John C. Neill (Info) UCSD, Boston University, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Long Island University auditory discrimination, epilepsy, behavior analysis JNeill 2018‑09‑19
Charles A. Nelson (Info) The Children's Hospital Boston mmeng 2007‑10‑04
Agatha Norwood (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Stuart H. Orkin (Info) Harvard Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Suzanne Paradis (Info) Brandeis Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑03‑12
Mahsa Parviz (Info) Harvard Medical School Pediatric Neurology, Epilepsy, SSADH deficiency, Disorders of GABA metabolism mparviz 2015‑02‑21
Bruna S. Paulsen (Info) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Pluripotent Stem Cells bruna_paulsen 2009‑07‑29
Phillip Pearl (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital mparviz 2015‑08‑16
Katherine Perdue (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Lara Pierce (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Scott L. Pomeroy (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital embryonal brain tumors, cell proliferation and differentiation slpomeroy 2009‑09‑18
Carlos Ramon Ponce (Info) Washington University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Visual system, motion processing mrponceman 2006‑09‑30
Xuetao Qi (Info) Peking University Health Science Center, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Pain Xuetao_Qi 2022‑12‑28
Anne E. Rifkin (Info) UC Berkeley pq 2015‑11‑12
Giulia Righi (Info) Harvard Ventral Cortex, Object and Face Recognition michaeltarr 2009‑10‑30
David P Roberson (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital nociception, analgesics, animal behavior dproberson 2019‑11‑19
Rachel Romeo (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Kenneth M. Rosen (Info) BioAxone BioSciences, St. Elizabeth's Med. Ctr.; Tufts Univ. Medical School neuromuscular development, neurodegeneration kmrosen 2008‑06‑07
John Paul SanGiovanni (Info) NIH Retina, Nutrition jpsangio 2015‑01‑03
Frédéric Saudou (Info) Université Grenoble Alpes, INSERM, Institut Curie Huntington's disease, intracellular dynamics, axonal transport fsaudou 2016‑10‑06
Bjoern Schwer (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, UCSF bschwer 2016‑04‑06
Dennis J. Selkoe (Info) Harvard Medical School miso 2006‑12‑03
Erdem Sendinc (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Sahadev A. Shankarappa (Info) Loyola University Chicago Neurobiology Biology pq 2016‑02‑10
Wanqiang Sheng (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Yang Shi (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Epigenetics Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Zhennan Shi (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Jaehoon Shim (Info) Seoul National University, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Jhshim817 2016‑06‑13
Habiballah Shojaeisaadi (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Kristin Shutts (Info) UW Madison rplate 2013‑09‑05
Lois EH Smith (Info) Harvard Medical School jpsangio 2015‑01‑03
Roger W. Sperry (Info) Caltech Cerebral lateralization hayden 2005‑01‑16
Timothy A. Springer (Info) Harvard Medical School Immunology envokim 2008‑06‑30
David A Stumpf (Info) CU Boulder, Northwestern School of Medicine biochemistry, mitochondrial disorders, lysosomal disorders dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Daniel G Taub (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital neuroscience, somatosensation, cortex, pain dgtaub 2023‑06‑16
Logan Thomas (Info) UC Berkeley lathomas42 2021‑11‑08
Stephen C. Thornquist (Info) Harvard Medical School sxzhang 2014‑08‑14
Ephraim F. Trakhtenberg (Info) Stanford, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, UConn Medical School axon regeneration, neural stem cells Trakhtenberg 2012‑09‑22
Luis M. Tuesta (Info) Harvard Medical School, University of Miami Addiction ltuesta 2009‑09‑13
David Urion (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Kandice Varcin (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Mark Wade (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Jennifer Wagner (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Chris A. Walsh (Info) Harvard Genes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex rudy4histo 2007‑02‑18
Christopher T. Walsh (Info) MIT, Harvard Enzymes tylerz 2011‑09‑16
Howard L. Weiner (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital jandh 2013‑11‑14
Kevin Wickman (Info) Mayo Clinc, Rochester, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, UMN Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑22
Carol Wilkinson (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Clifford Woolf (Info) MGH pain, neuroplasticity tcoderre 2006‑11‑24
Wanze Xie (Info) University of South Carolina, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Peking University Infant Cognition and EEG happytudouni 2015‑08‑24
Yi Zhang (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital ltuesta 2019‑03‑29
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