People with institution matching "Northeastern Univ.":
Advanced Search
Name |
Institution |
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Added by |
Date |
Cassandra Franke (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Henry D I Abarbanel (Info) |
Computational modeling, dynamics |
lgibb |
2007‑08‑24 |
Masaki O. Abe (Info) |
Hokkaido University |
swpark7948 |
2014‑01‑27 |
Cecilia M. Acocella (Info) |
Salisbury University |
Nonprescription Drug Use |
Alexschild |
2012‑03‑06 |
Paul R. Adams (Info) |
SUNY Stony Brook |
Learning Theory, Neocortical Circuits, Synapses,Cellular neurophysiology, Electrophysiology, Ion channel functions |
jstorm |
2008‑06‑08 |
Norman T. Adler (Info) |
Penn, Northeastern University, Yeshiva University |
belief |
david |
2007‑09‑20 |
Elicia Andrews (Info) |
Northeastern University |
simandle |
2013‑04‑14 |
Vered Argaman (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑11‑03 |
Carmen G. Armengol (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑18 |
John Calvin Armington (Info) |
Northeastern University |
ERG, Evoked Potentials |
jkr |
2008‑05‑23 |
Joseph Ayers (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Systems Neurophysiology, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Biomimetics |
lobster |
2006‑03‑23 |
Bracha Azoulay (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Alison Baker (Info) |
Northeastern University |
shelly |
2023‑08‑23 |
Lisa Feldman Barrett (Info) |
Northeastern University |
emotion |
barretli |
2008‑04‑06 |
Jolie Baumann (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Salah Bazzi (Info) |
Northeastern University |
sbazzi |
2023‑01‑18 |
James T. Becker (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh |
aging, Alzheimer's, neurology |
legree17 |
2006‑12‑12 |
Thomas G. Bever (Info) |
University of Arizona |
psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, |
marcj |
2007‑11‑03 |
Elizabeth A. Bissinger (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Developmental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Nora Blodgett (Info) |
Northeastern University |
lblodge1 |
2023‑01‑21 |
Daniel H. Blustein (Info) |
University of New Brunswick, Northeastern University |
Neuroethology, Biorobotics, Prosthesis control, Brain-machine interfaces |
danblu |
2009‑11‑26 |
Carlos A. Bolanos-Guzman (Info) |
Florida State |
steveglatt |
2009‑05‑14 |
Rocco A. Bombardieri (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Visual Neuroscience |
johnij |
2007‑01‑16 |
Sabrina Ferreira Bond (Info) |
Stanford |
Behavioral Neuroscience, Motor Control, Autism, Alzheimer's, Pain |
sfbond |
2022‑12‑19 |
Cara Bosco (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Sylvain Bouix (Info) |
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
computer science, shape analysis of anatomical structures, evaluation of medical imaging techniques |
Luisa_Schuhmacher |
2021‑07‑01 |
Ziad Boulos (Info) |
Columbia / New York State Psychiatric Institute |
MichaelTerman |
2016‑02‑28 |
Ali Bozorgian (Info) |
Northeastern University London |
dimitrismylonas |
2024‑10‑09 |
Marilyn A. Braithwaite-Hall (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Spirituality |
pq |
2016‑04‑16 |
Heather C. Brenhouse (Info) |
Northeastern University |
jacorriv |
2015‑08‑05 |
Jocelyn M Breton (Info) |
UC Berkeley, Columbia, Northeastern University |
stress, social behavior, addiction, neuroanatomy, neural circuits, development |
jbreton |
2019‑05‑23 |
Martha K. Caffrey (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Donald Peter Cain (Info) |
Western University |
neural plasticity; learning; memory |
cain |
2007‑11‑14 |
Nicole H. Camp (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies |
pq |
2016‑04‑15 |
Madison R Card (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
madisoncard |
2024‑05‑27 |
Amanda N. Carey (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
C. Sue Carter (Info) |
University of Maryland, University of Illinois, Chicago, UNC Chapel Hill, Northeastern University, Indiana University Bloomington |
love, sexual behavior, monogamy |
cgault |
2007‑09‑18 |
Danlei Chen (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Attention, Affect |
danleichen |
2017‑11‑15 |
Y Barry Chung (Info) |
University of Ilinois , University of Maryland, Georgia State, Northeastern University, Indiana University Bloomington, San Diego State University |
cna |
2021‑04‑19 |
Caitlyn R. Cody (Info) |
Northeastern University |
amp213 |
2020‑08‑20 |
Ori Cohen (Info) |
The Scripps Research Institute, Scripps Florida |
brkisby |
2015‑08‑30 |
Matt Coleman (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Affective science |
MattColeman |
2019‑02‑23 |
Kathryn P. Connaghan (Info) |
Northeastern University |
speech phsyiology, speech production, speech development |
camoore426 |
2014‑08‑27 |
Tamlin Conner (Info) |
University of Otago |
r_oshea |
2022‑12‑24 |
Dakarai Crowder (Info) |
Northeastern University |
gmalik |
2023‑12‑19 |
James Dana (Info) |
MIT, Northeastern University |
rtol |
2018‑05‑18 |
Frederick Davis (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Circadian Rhythms |
IZ1010 |
2010‑06‑04 |
Leslie J. Day (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑11‑26 |
Mohammad Dehghanimohammadabadi (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Simulation Optimization; Healthcare Operations; Reinforcement Learning |
m.dehghani86 |
2020‑08‑12 |
Krishna Sarvani Desabhotla (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Motor Control |
ksdesabhotla |
2023‑01‑22 |
David DeSteno (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Richard Deth (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
Hodgna01 |
2016‑02‑24 |
Amy DiBattista (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑11‑03 |
Laurie Dickstein-Fischer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2022‑05‑09 |
Katherine Donahue (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2016‑04‑15 |
Tiffany Donaldson (Info) |
University of Massachusetts - Boston |
CoreyCalhoun1 |
2022‑12‑11 |
Jeffrey D. Drayer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Kathryn M. Drinkwater-Connolly (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Psychology |
pq |
2016‑04‑15 |
Fred Duong (Info) |
Northeastern University |
fuhred |
2018‑02‑13 |
Julia T. Ebert (Info) |
Harvard |
Bioinspired Robotics, Motor Learning |
jtebert |
2015‑05‑13 |
Mahdiar Edraki (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Human motor control, robotics, fluid dynamics |
mahdiaredraki |
2022‑12‑23 |
Abel Elekes (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Mathematics, Network Science |
elekesabel |
2023‑03‑28 |
David R. Elmaleh (Info) |
Harvard |
mowens |
2008‑05‑12 |
Gina Escobar (Info) |
Brandeis |
Theoretical/computational Neuroscience |
GinaE |
2010‑03‑14 |
Tricia M. Esdaille (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Experimental Psychology, Physiological Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑07 |
Rhea T. Eskew (Info) |
Northeastern University |
vision, color science |
eskew |
2011‑02‑28 |
Michaela Fanikos (Info) |
Northeastern University |
aparakoyi100 |
2021‑08‑17 |
Tarec E. Fares (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Theoretical Neuroscience |
pq |
2015‑11‑26 |
Jannon C. Farkis (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Counseling Psychology |
pq |
2016‑04‑15 |
Mollee Farrell (Info) |
Northeastern University |
rms650 |
2013‑07‑21 |
Craig Ferris (Info) |
Northeastern University |
kjenn |
2011‑05‑15 |
Joseph R. Fetcho (Info) |
Cornell |
spinal cord, locomotion, regeneration |
felixs |
2006‑10‑05 |
Debra L. Franko (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Laurel J. Gabard-Durnam (Info) |
Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital |
neuroplasticity, sensitive periods, functional connectome, experience-dependent development, Autism, |
laurelgd |
2016‑11‑22 |
Rohan Gala (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston, Allen Institute |
Computational Neuroscience |
rhngla |
2015‑11‑26 |
Prabarna Ganguly (Info) |
Northeastern University |
hbrenhouse |
2019‑08‑15 |
Megan Gay (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Economics, Health Care Management |
pq |
2019‑01‑18 |
Priyanka Ghosh (Info) |
National Brain Research Centre |
arpan |
2022‑05‑28 |
Kelsea R. Gildawie (Info) |
Simmons University, Northeastern University, Tufts, Simmons University |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
kgildawie |
2018‑02‑12 |
Maureen Gillespie (Info) |
Northeastern University |
psycholinguistics, psychology |
mgillespie2011 |
2010‑11‑09 |
Stephen J. Glatt (Info) |
SUNY Upstate Medical University |
Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology |
steveglatt |
2009‑05‑14 |
Dawn B. Golub (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Public and Social Welfare, Industrial and Labor Relations |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Lauren Granata (Info) |
Northeastern University |
laurengranata |
2021‑04‑14 |
Rebecca J. Grayhem (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Visual perception |
beckj316 |
2006‑10‑16 |
Deborah Greenwald (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Military Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑28 |
Eliza M Greiner (Info) |
Boston College |
elizamackenzie |
2023‑07‑13 |
Tina Gruene (Info) |
Northeastern University |
rms650 |
2013‑07‑21 |
Reginald E. Harge (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Secondary Education, Law, Black Studies, Tests and Measurements Education |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Stephen G. Harkins (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Brendan T. Harmon (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Parkinson\\\'s disease, gene therapy, intranasal delivery |
bharmon1 |
2012‑07‑27 |
Christopher J. Hasson (Info) |
Northeastern University |
swpark7948 |
2014‑01‑27 |
Stephen Heinen (Info) |
Smith Kettlewell |
smooth pursuit eye movements, decision making |
aarlenne |
2007‑12‑12 |
Miles Herkenham (Info) |
neuroanatomy |
spwise |
2005‑12‑04 |
Irwin L. Herrnstadt (Info) |
Northeastern University, MIT |
rtol |
2018‑04‑10 |
David Grant Colburn Hildebrand (Info) |
Harvard, Northeastern University |
davidhildebrand |
2009‑08‑12 |
Charles H. Hillman (Info) |
Northeastern University, UIUC |
MattPontifex |
2008‑09‑02 |
Nathaniel W. Hodgson (Info) |
Harvard - Boston Children's Hospital |
Hodgna01 |
2016‑02‑24 |
Jennifer A. Honeycutt (Info) |
University of Connecticut, Northeastern University |
Parvalbumin, Schizophrenia, Neuroanatomy |
jacorriv |
2014‑10‑07 |
Rachel J Hopman (Info) |
Northeastern University |
cognitive neuroscience; attention; physical activity |
RachelHopman |
2019‑10‑24 |
Vishnu Hosur (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑10‑21 |
Meghan E. Huber (Info) |
motor control; motor learning; |
mehuber |
2016‑08‑04 |
Kylie A Huckleberry (Info) |
UT Austin, Northeastern University, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals |
kylie.a.huckleberry |
2017‑06‑25 |
J. Benjamin Hutchinson (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Attention |
jbhutchi |
2015‑12‑20 |
Sean Isakower (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Commerce-Business Economics |
pq |
2019‑01‑18 |
Denise Jackson (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
steveglatt |
2009‑05‑14 |
Mason R. Jenkins (Info) |
Northeastern University |
masonjenkins |
2018‑02‑12 |
Zhenlan Jin (Info) |
Northeastern University |
vision, color, attention |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Jennifer Johnston (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Military Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑28 |
Mariane St. Juste (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Marsha Kaitz (Info) |
Northeastern University |
cwtyler |
2017‑11‑23 |
Hyungkyu Kang (Info) |
Northeastern Univ. |
Visual perception |
gokang131 |
2016‑07‑18 |
Young-Shin Kang (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, General Religion, Educational Psychology Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies |
pq |
2016‑04‑15 |
Jason P. Kaplan (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Educational Psychology Education |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Shanyu Kates (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Shanyu.Kates |
2018‑10‑25 |
Nicholas Kathios (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Yuta Katsumi (Info) |
UIUC, Northeastern University, Harvard Medical School |
Affect, memory, aging, intrinsic functional connectivity |
katsumiy |
2016‑05‑17 |
Brian C. Keegan (Info) |
Northwestern, Northeastern University, Harvard Business School, CU Boulder |
Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Computer-Mediated Communication |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Ann Elizabeth Kelley (Info) |
UW Madison |
Learning and Behavior, Glutamate, Dopamine, Basal Ganglia, Mesolimbic pathway, Food Intake |
mcbrenda |
2006‑11‑15 |
William M. Kenkel (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Neuroendocrinology, Social Behavior, Prairie Vole |
wkenkel |
2012‑12‑07 |
Ronald J. Killiany (Info) |
BU School of Medicine |
Neuropsychology, MRI, Aging, Dementia |
rkilliany |
2014‑04‑02 |
Nancy S. Kim (Info) |
Northeastern Univ. |
categorization, reasoning |
nancykim |
2008‑05‑02 |
Brent Romeo Kisby (Info) |
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX |
Alcohol transcriptomics |
brkisby |
2015‑08‑27 |
Michaela Klimova (Info) |
Northeastern University |
vision, neuroimaging, visual psychophysics |
mklimova |
2024‑10‑01 |
Thomas M. Koperniak (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑10‑21 |
Aleksei Krotov (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Motor Control |
alexkrotovekb |
2019‑04‑24 |
Karen Lee (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh, Jonestown |
Neurophysiology |
lobster |
2014‑02‑11 |
Esteban S. Lelo de Larrea-Mancera (Info) |
UC Riverside, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City (UNAM), Northeastern University, Boston |
Perceptual learning, multi-sensory integration, cognitive training |
Grandmastersebas |
2020‑02‑22 |
Andrew A. Lessieur (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Correx97 |
2019‑06‑05 |
Nina F. Lewis-Schroeder (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Anna J Li (Info) |
Northeastern University, NIMH NIH, University of Washington |
systems neuro |
annajxli |
2017‑10‑19 |
Xiaodong Li (Info) |
Wuhan University |
circadian rhythm |
ygw |
2015‑03‑04 |
Karin Lifter (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Educational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Daniel Lim (Info) |
Northeastern University, Penn State, Adelphi University |
tmham |
2018‑02‑09 |
John Limber (Info) |
mgillespie2011 |
2010‑11‑09 |
Yixuan Liu (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Network Science |
yliuboston |
2023‑03‑28 |
Nicole Logan (Info) |
Northeastern University, University of Rhode Island |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Exercise Neuroscience |
c.hillman |
2018‑01‑08 |
Kelsie L. Lopez (Info) |
Northeastern University |
klopez |
2021‑07‑02 |
Ralph Loring (Info) |
Northeastern University |
cafeturco |
2010‑06‑02 |
Psyche Loui (Info) |
Wesleyan, Northeastern University |
Music Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience |
Razorpsyche |
2007‑05‑03 |
Francesca Lunardini (Info) |
Northeastern University |
movement disorders, motor control, childhood dystonia, rehabilitation |
Fra.Lunardini |
2017‑03‑31 |
Dan Madularu (Info) |
McGill University Douglas Mental Health University Institute |
Functional Imaging |
mholahan |
2010‑10‑20 |
Helen S. Mahut (Info) |
Northeastern University |
primate temporal lobe function |
mherkenham |
2008‑03‑01 |
Girik Malik (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Visual System, Neural models of vision, Psychophysics, Deep Learning, Neuroscience, Computer Vision |
gmalik |
2023‑12‑19 |
Madhur Mangalam (Info) |
University of Georgia |
Motor control; Movement biomechanics; Perception & Action; Tool use |
Madhur_Mangalam |
2018‑06‑27 |
Lee Margolin (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Neurophysiology & Behavior |
lobster |
2007‑04‑01 |
Emma T. Margolis (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Agnes A. Martin (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Women's Studies, Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies |
pq |
2016‑04‑16 |
Emanuel J. Mason (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, General Religion, Educational Psychology Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑18 |
Sharyn B. Matthews (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Educational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Jonathan S. Matthis (Info) |
RPI, UT Austin, Northeastern University |
Vision |
pq |
2015‑10‑13 |
Sarah A. McCormick (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Jay P. McLaughlin (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Richard H. Melloni (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Psychometrics Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Mattia M. Migliore (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Parkinson's disease, intranasal delivery, dopamine signaling |
pq |
2015‑11‑13 |
Gregory M. Miller (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Neuroscience |
bmadras |
2013‑10‑03 |
Joanne L. Miller (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Speech Production and Perception |
r.theodore |
2008‑08‑11 |
Takuya Minami (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Military Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑28 |
Ennio Mingolla (Info) |
Boston University |
visual psychophysics, neural models of vision |
antje |
2008‑02‑24 |
Alexa D. Monachino (Info) |
Northeastern University, USC |
admonachino |
2021‑07‑02 |
Kazuo Mori (Info) |
SUNY Upstate Medical University |
visual processing |
dreweverhart |
2008‑05‑09 |
Lee G. Morris (Info) |
Institute for Biomedical Philosophy |
CPGs, invertebrates, muscles |
circesfire |
2009‑02‑26 |
Farzad Mortazavi (Info) |
steveglatt |
2009‑05‑14 |
Anne Moskowitz (Info) |
Childrens Hospital, Boston, Harvard Medical School |
Pediatric vision, ERG |
mbrigell |
2011‑09‑27 |
Mark B. Moss (Info) |
Boston University |
jrueck |
2008‑09‑16 |
Catherine B. Mulrooney (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Christina R. Muratore (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Aging |
pq |
2016‑04‑09 |
Dimitris Mylonas (Info) |
UCL, Queen Mary University London, UCL, Northeastern University London |
colour vision, communication, data science, design |
dimitrismylonas |
2011‑12‑09 |
Frank Naarendorp (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Experimental Psychology, Physiological Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑07 |
Bahman Nasseroleslami (Info) |
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin |
Neural Control of Human Movement, Motor Neurophysiology, Motor Pathophysiology, NeuroMotor Biomarkers, Neuroelectric Imaging |
nasseroleslami |
2015‑05‑05 |
Rashida Nayeem (Info) |
Northeastern University |
rtnayeem |
2023‑01‑21 |
John L. Neumeyer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
mowens |
2008‑05‑12 |
Donald O'Malley (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Jfetcho |
2006‑10‑19 |
Barbara F. Okun (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Andrew F Paquette (Info) |
Molecular Synaptic Biology, Actin Dynamics, Auditory Neurobiology, Visual Neurobiology |
andrewpaquette |
2023‑06‑23 |
Abigail E.R. Parakoyi (Info) |
Northeastern University |
aparakoyi100 |
2021‑08‑17 |
Se-Woong Park (Info) |
Northeastern University, UT San Antonio |
Motor control and learning |
swpark7948 |
2014‑01‑08 |
Neal S. Peachey (Info) |
Case Western Medical School |
Visual System, ERG |
mbrigell |
2011‑09‑27 |
Neal J. Pearlmutter (Info) |
Northeastern University |
mgillespie2011 |
2010‑11‑09 |
Jonathan E. Peelle (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston, Washington University |
Speech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging |
drpeelle |
2005‑07‑19 |
Ralph Emilio Peterson (Info) |
Northeastern University, Harvard Medical School, New York University |
systems neuroscience, ethology, behavior, auditory neuroscience, computational neuroscience |
ralphpeterson |
2012‑11‑08 |
Yury Petrov (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
Visual psychophysics |
ariellap |
2007‑03‑13 |
Dominika Pindus (Info) |
Northeastern University, UIUC |
c.hillman |
2018‑01‑08 |
Harold Pinsker (Info) |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Haroon S Popal (Info) |
Temple University |
hspopal |
2019‑02‑05 |
Stephanie H. Poplock (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Jenny M. Porter (Info) |
Columbia |
Social Neuroscience, Emotion, Empathy |
basalganglia |
2011‑06‑10 |
Zhenghan Qi (Info) |
MIT, University of Delaware, Northeastern University |
dendritica |
2016‑01‑07 |
Jiehui Qian (Info) |
Northeastern University |
vision, color, attention |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Karen S. Quigley (Info) |
Penn State, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Newark, Northeastern University |
autonomic nervous system; affect; emotion; stress; abulatory physiology |
david |
2012‑04‑05 |
Lauren B. Raine (Info) |
MattPontifex |
2011‑12‑08 |
Khampaseuth Rasakham (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Experimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
adam J. Reeves (Info) |
Northeastern University |
vision, color, attention |
reeves |
2011‑04‑11 |
Brie M Reid (Info) |
Northeastern University |
stress physiology, nutrition |
b.reid |
2025‑02‑19 |
Kevin Reilly (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Movement science/Neurophysiology of Speech |
snjoshi |
2010‑06‑18 |
Colin Rey (Info) |
Northeastern University |
rms650 |
2013‑07‑21 |
Ryan Richardson (Info) |
University of Maryland Medical School |
rex28 |
2018‑03‑09 |
David Richters (Info) |
Northeastern University |
vision, color science |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Christie J Rizzo (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
rizzoch1 |
2017‑09‑23 |
Tracy Robinson-Wood (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Women's Studies, Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑18 |
Teri Robiou-Krischer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Alan Rosenwasser (Info) |
Univ. of Maine |
MichaelTerman |
2016‑02‑28 |
Nikolai Rulkov (Info) |
Computational Neuroscience |
lobster |
2014‑02‑11 |
Marta Russo (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
motor control, catching, virtual reality |
MartaRusso85 |
2016‑11‑16 |
Julio E. Sabater (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Developmental Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Mohsen Sadeghi (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Motor Control |
m.sadeghi322 |
2021‑09‑16 |
Sucharita Saha (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Regeneration, Descending Motor Control System |
Rita13027 |
2012‑07‑11 |
Ina Samuels (Info) |
Boston University |
DPCain |
2010‑08‑21 |
William Sanchez (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Shardul Sathe (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Luisa_Schuhmacher |
2021‑07‑02 |
Bertram Scharf (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Psychoacoustics, Psychophysics |
r_oshea |
2007‑08‑16 |
James Anthony Schirillo (Info) |
Wake Forest |
Vision, Audition, Multisensory Perception |
schirija |
2007‑04‑18 |
Jared J. Schwartzer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Neuroscience Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑13 |
Allison E. Seitchik (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Michael (Mickey) E. Selzer (Info) |
Regeneration, epilepsy, synaptic plasticity |
LizA |
2012‑05‑31 |
Hélène Serré (Info) |
Northeastern University |
motor control; time perception |
HeleneSerre |
2023‑01‑21 |
Kristen E. Severi (Info) |
KSeveri |
2009‑04‑14 |
Rebecca M. Shansky (Info) |
Northeastern University |
sex differences, neuronal morphology, fear |
rsteine |
2006‑04‑19 |
Reza Sharif Razavian (Info) |
Northeastern University |
motor control |
rsharifr |
2020‑02‑11 |
Timothy G. Shepard (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
visual psychophysics, color detection and discrimination, visual attention, olfaction, gustation, multi-sensory integration |
tshepard |
2016‑01‑05 |
Stephanie M Shields (Info) |
UT Austin |
visual system, 3D perception, neural computation |
smshields |
2019‑07‑01 |
Tatsu Shigeta (Info) |
Northeastern University |
c.hillman |
2018‑01‑08 |
Robert W Sikes (Info) |
Northeastern University |
andrewpaquette |
2023‑06‑23 |
Akvile Sinkeviciute (Info) |
Northeastern University London |
dimitrismylonas |
2024‑06‑20 |
Alexander A. Skavenski (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Eye movements |
gheeorgbe |
2011‑03‑02 |
Stephen J. Smith (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Lamprey, Reticulospinal Networks, Population Coding |
StephenJSmith |
2012‑11‑10 |
Rachana Deven Somaiya (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
rachanadevensomaiya |
2019‑10‑11 |
Victoria L. Spring (Info) |
University of Iowa |
empathy, emotion, moral decision making |
archaic |
2014‑12‑08 |
James R. Stellar (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Reward, motivation, addiction |
CJM3 |
2009‑03‑04 |
Armen Stepanyants (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Theoretical Neuroscience |
mitya |
2006‑10‑01 |
Dagmar Sternad (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Rajal |
2011‑10‑23 |
Lisa K. Sussman (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑13 |
Deanne L. Swanson (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Counseling Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Elizabeth I. Sypek (Info) |
Stanford, Northeastern University |
Pain, glia, opioids |
Esypek |
2015‑07‑17 |
Charity Tabol (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Psychology, Clinical Psychology |
pq |
2016‑04‑15 |
Michael C. Tackenberg (Info) |
Vanderbilt |
Circadian Rhythms |
MTackenberg |
2018‑05‑17 |
Jiuan Su Terman (Info) |
Columbia University- Psychiatric Institute |
MichaelTerman |
2016‑02‑29 |
Michael Terman (Info) |
Columbia University- Psychiatric Institute |
chronobiology, depression |
MichaelTerman |
2016‑02‑28 |
Rachel M. Theodore (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Cognitive Science |
r.theodore |
2008‑08‑11 |
Jordan E Theriault (Info) |
Northeastern University |
fMRI; morality; social cognition; |
j_theriault |
2018‑11‑17 |
Parker Tichko (Info) |
University of Connecticut, Northeastern University |
Auditory Plasticity, Music Psychology, Dynamical Systems, Infant & Child Development |
stefacev |
2021‑05‑24 |
George Timberlake (Info) |
Northeastern University |
cwtyler |
2017‑11‑23 |
Mark Todtenkopf (Info) |
Alkermes |
bcarlezon |
2008‑11‑06 |
Jean Torres (Info) |
Northeastern University |
cwtyler |
2017‑11‑23 |
Robert P. Trant (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Guidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Katherine Trice (Info) |
Northeastern University |
qzhever |
2021‑11‑04 |
George H. Trksak (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
steveglatt |
2009‑05‑14 |
Irena V. Tsvetkova (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Economics, Agricultural Economics |
pq |
2019‑01‑18 |
Eugene Tunik (Info) |
Motor Control |
tunik |
2007‑07‑02 |
Tunde Turi-Markovic (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Social Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Hispanic American Studies |
pq |
2016‑04‑16 |
Christopher W. Tyler (Info) |
Smith Kettlewell |
Vision |
kathleen |
2005‑11‑05 |
Cyril S. Ubiem (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health |
pq |
2016‑04‑16 |
Virginia Victoria Valian (Info) |
Hunter College, CUNY Graduate Center |
Language development, syntax |
ageojo |
2008‑03‑04 |
Daniel P. Villiers (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Clinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Katherine M. Vincent (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pqqp |
2023‑12‑12 |
Dakuo Wang (Info) |
IBM Research, Northeastern University |
Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction |
dakuo |
2020‑03‑03 |
H. Richard Waranch (Info) |
Johns Hopkins Medical School |
MichaelTerman |
2016‑02‑28 |
Barbara L. Waszczak (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Parkinson's disease, intranasal delivery, dopamine signaling |
bharmon1 |
2012‑07‑27 |
Daniel Westfall (Info) |
Northeastern University |
c.hillman |
2018‑01‑08 |
Anthony E. Westphal (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Biomimetics, Robotics, Sensory integration |
westphal |
2011‑04‑27 |
Rebecca E. Westphal (Info) |
Northeastern University |
pq |
2015‑11‑26 |
Pamela A. Wineman (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies |
pq |
2016‑03‑13 |
Al Witkofsky (Info) |
Salisbury University |
Alexschild |
2012‑03‑06 |
Jan Witting (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Biorobotics |
lobster |
2014‑02‑11 |
Fei Xu (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Cognitive development, language acquisition |
adena.schachner |
2008‑03‑03 |
Jian Yang (Info) |
Vision models |
wmakous |
2008‑05‑27 |
Mathew Yarossi (Info) |
Northeastern University |
neurorehabilitation engineering |
myarossi |
2023‑07‑20 |
Jason R. Yee (Info) |
Chicago |
jolen |
2007‑05‑22 |
Irena Zaninovic (Info) |
Envivo Pharmaceuticals |
Alzheimer's Disease |
IZ1010 |
2010‑06‑04 |
Vance Marc Zemon (Info) |
Yeshiva University |
visual system, visual evoked potentials |
butlerp |
2008‑06‑03 |
Yulun Zhang (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
Computer Vision, Deep Learning |
yulun100 |
2020‑04‑26 |
Zhaoran Zhang (Info) |
Columbia, Northeastern University |
ZZhang |
2019‑06‑05 |
Lauren G. Ziady (Info) |
Northeastern University |
General Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology |
pq |
2016‑03‑14 |
Stephen Zoloth (Info) |
Northeastern University |
normanadler |
2007‑09‑30 |
Günther Karl-Heinz Zupanc (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Neurobiology |
jandh |
2019‑12‑27 |
Ian J Zuzarte (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Infant movement, Signal processing |
ianjz |
2019‑06‑05 |
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