People with institution matching "Case Western Reserve University": Advanced Search
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches.
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Atheir I. Abbas (Info) Columbia, OHSU, VA Portland Health Care System, OHSU Neural Circuits atheirabbas 2013‑12‑24
Ann Acheson (Info) Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine Neuroscience, Cell Biology rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Ana Maria Acosta (Info) Case Western, Northwestern Motor Control, Movement & Rehabilitation, Neurobiology of Disease pq 2015‑10‑11
Kelly M. Addis (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Human Memory kellyaddis 2005‑09‑19
Dimitris P. Agamanolis (Info) Akron Childrens Hospital Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑06‑08
Manmeet Singh Ahluwalia (Info) Cleveland Clinic, Baptist Health South Florida, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Maulana Azad Medical College, Fairview Hospital, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Case Western Neuro-Oncology, Brain Metastasis, Glioblastoma, Clinical trials ahmadozair 2022‑10‑18
Xingbin Ai (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑17
Toshiro Aigaki (Info) Tokyo Metropolitan University george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Harish Aiyar (Info) Case Western Applied Neural Control pq 2015‑10‑11
Kleio Akrivou (Info) Case Western personality, motivation pq 2015‑10‑18
Yakup Aliciguzel (Info) Akdeniz Univ. george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Gjumrakch Aliev (Info) University of Atlanta Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, antioxidant treatment jcshenk 2007‑08‑30
Kofi Amankwah (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑11‑05
Priscilla Ambrosi (Info) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Northwestern, Northwestern ambrosipriscilla 2013‑10‑26
Michael C. Andresen (Info) OHSU NTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic mcandresen 2010‑07‑07
Dora Angelaki (Info) Washington University, Baylor College of Medicine Anatomy and Neurobiology Ayanna 2006‑04‑26
Bostjan Antoncic (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration pq 2016‑06‑01
Carla Renae Arlien (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑09‑16
Richard A. Arlow (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Craig S. Atwood (Info) UW Madison Alzheimer disease and Aging george.perry 2008‑09‑13
Lucila Autilio-Gambetti (Info) Case Western Alzheimer disease george.perry 2009‑07‑22
Jesus Avila de Grado (Info) Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Alzheimer's disease george.perry 2010‑09‑05
Barbara Bacci (Info) University of Milan george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Allison Baier (Info) Case Western hbclinpsych 2019‑01‑29
Bonnie A Baird (Info) Case Western klukas615 2020‑05‑05
Vladan P. Bajic (Info) University of Belgrade george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Justin J. Baker (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering neuraleng 2011‑03‑29
Sherry L. Ball (Info) Case Western Visual system woodypetry 2008‑06‑22
Ramani Balu (Info) Case Western Synaptic Physiology, Olfaction rambalu 2007‑12‑11
Gregorio L. Banaga (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Theology, General pq 2016‑05‑11
Betty Q. Banker (Info) Dartmouth Medical School george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Michael B. Banutu-Gomez (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Public Administration pq 2016‑05‑11
Ilma D. Barros (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Philosophy of Education, Industrial Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Martin L. Basch (Info) Case Western development mlbasch 2011‑09‑14
Roy F. Baumeister (Info) Case Western, Florida State, Jacobs University Bremen emotion, social neuroscience, sexuality hayden 2006‑12‑05
Donald Becker (Info) VCU, UCLA ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Randall D. Beer (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Computational neuroscience map222 2007‑02‑21
Michelle A. Beidelschies (Info) Case Western Physiology, Neuroscience, Cell Biophysics, Exocytosis, Endocytosis, Stress Response pq 2015‑11‑29
John Bender (Info) Case Western neuroethology mpellegri 2007‑06‑27
Paul Berg (Info) Washington University, Stanford molecular biology of disease hanks 2005‑10‑12
Nathan A. Berger (Info) Case Western george.perry 2011‑01‑01
David Bertsch (Info) Case Western markfrye 2022‑09‑25
Timothy Beutler (Info) SUNY Upstate Medical University, Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine chouj 2018‑11‑21
Sinem Beylergil (Info) Case Western perception, decision making, Parkinson's disease, neuromodulation sinembeylergil 2019‑08‑22
Narendra Bhadra (Info) Case Western tym 2011‑05‑14
Niloy Bhadra (Info) Case Western Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑21
Anushree Bhatnagar (Info) Case Western Medical School Psychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens pq 2015‑11‑23
Steve Bibevski (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑05‑10
Laura A. Biebelhausen (Info) Case Western Social Work, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑06‑07
Marom Bikson (Info) City College New York JGRJ 2010‑07‑21
Glenda M. Bishop (Info) Monash University iron, zinc, oxidative stress, Alzheimer's disease catwood 2010‑12‑20
Alberto Bizzi (Info) Università di Bologna george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Mark M. Black (Info) Temple University School of Medicine Neuronal cytoskeleton anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Dimitra Blana (Info) Case Western Functional electrical stimulation, musculoskeletal modeling pq 2015‑10‑11
Martin Blumenfeld (Info) UMN talmage 2018‑08‑07
Adam Boger (Info) Case Western Germanni 2017‑02‑10
Joseph Wilder Boggs (Info) Case Western david 2015‑07‑06
David Bonda (Info) Penn george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Mathew Bonner (Info) Case Western ANCL 2020‑03‑01
Kristin L. Borreggine (Info) Case Western Motor Systems, Deep Brain Stimulation, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Movement Disorders borreggine 2008‑09‑03
Christian M. Bose (Info) Salk Institute Cerebellum, growth factors, synaptogenesis marylander 2008‑08‑02
Richard L. Bowen (Info) Voyager Pharmaceuticals george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Richard E. Boyatzis (Info) Case Western personality, motivation oschultheiss 2009‑09‑09
Scott T. Brady (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Susann Brady-Kalnay (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Heidi M. Braunschweig (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑09‑28
Patricia Flatley Brennan (Info) UW Madison Health Informatics, Community Health, Virtual Reality, Health Services drdannr 2013‑02‑01
Roger W. Brockett (Info) Harvard robotics david 2007‑10‑12
Heather T. Broihier (Info) Case Western Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑02‑29
Tim M. Bruns (Info) University of Michigan Neuroprostheses, Bladder dysfunction, Functional electrical stimulation, Sensory neural interfaces timbruns 2011‑12‑28
Juan L. Bruses (Info) University of Kansas Developmental Neuroscience gmarrs 2008‑12‑30
Kathryn J. Bryan (Info) Case Western george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Branko Bucar (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration pq 2016‑06‑01
Orso Bugiani (Info) University of Milan Neuropathology george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Thomas C. Bulea (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑11‑05
Erika S. Burgess (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Public Health pq 2016‑05‑21
Luke A.D. Bury (Info) Case Western shasta 2011‑05‑09
Sarah Ann Busch (Info) Case Western david 2015‑08‑04
Ashley I. Bush (Info) Mental Health Research Institute, University of Melbourne Alzheimer's Disease, metals, zinc, copper, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ALS, neurodegeneration abush 2010‑02‑17
Zeeshan A. Butt (Info) Case Western Schizophrenia; dementias pq 2015‑10‑19
Dan Xiaodan Cai (Info) Case Western Brain Tumors guest 2010‑06‑11
Ignazio Cali (Info) University of Messina george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Alan Calvitti (Info) Case Western Computational neuroscience pq 2015‑10‑07
Antoni Camins-Espuny (Info) University of Barcelona george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Sergio Cammarata (Info) University of Genoa george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Anthony K Canger (Info) Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Sabina Capellari (Info) Università di Bologna george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Thomas E. Carey (Info) Great Falls, Montana rcastel007 2011‑08‑28
Tom Carey (Info) Case Western george.perry 2009‑07‑18
John C. Carter (Info) Case Western Medical School Autism, neuroimaging, fragile x johncarter 2015‑03‑03
Gemma Casadesus (Info) Case Western Neuroscience george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Adam Cash (Info) Case Western Alzheimer disease george.perry 2009‑07‑22
Rudolph J. Castellani (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Neuropathology george.perry 2008‑09‑04
William A. Catterall (Info) University of Washington Calcium channels map222 2007‑02‑21
Sudha Chakrapani (Info) Case Western gpopescu 2008‑11‑08
Shyue-An Chan (Info) Case Western CoreySmith 2015‑02‑20
Pranab Chatterjee (Info) Case Western Social Work, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Ashutosh Chaturvedi (Info) Medtronic mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Meng Chen (Info) Case Western Striatal physiology and plasticity CJM3 2012‑03‑30
Shu G. Chen (Info) Case Western george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Yuanyuan Chen (Info) University of Pittsburgh retinal degeneration, rhodopsin folding and signaling Yuanyuan 2019‑09‑19
Ling Cheng (Info) UCSF vlemmon 2013‑09‑26
Neil Stanley Cherniack (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑12‑05
John D. Chesire (Info) Case Western Social Work, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Cynthia A. Chestek (Info) University of Michigan Brain machine interface neurocindyc 2011‑05‑25
Hillel Chiel (Info) Case Western Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
Matthew J. Chiocco (Info) Case Western Genetics, Pathology pq 2016‑07‑27
Elliot H Choi (Info) Case Western Medical School exc275 2020‑01‑06
Heewon Choi (Info) Case Western ND1980 2023‑06‑23
Weng T. Chooi (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑09‑28
Breanne Christie (Info) Case Western neuraleng 2017‑09‑13
Samantha A. Cicero (Info) St Jude Children's Research Hospital retinal development, neuronal differentiation eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Colin M. Clay (Info) Colorado State Endocrinology, GnRH Receptor jendd810 2009‑09‑03
Percy W. Cobb (Info) Washington University jandh 2019‑04‑11
Elizabeth J. Cochran (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Neuropathology george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Mark L. Cohen (Info) Case Western Neuropathology george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Elizabeth M. Coker (Info) Case Western Cultural Anthropology, Mental Health, Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Monroe Cole (Info) Case Western Neurology george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Don Coling (Info) SUNY Buffalo Inner Ear Neurobiology dcoling 2011‑03‑02
Monica Colucci (Info) University of Genoa george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Thomas A. Conklin (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Frances A. Conners (Info) University of Alabama Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology pq 2016‑03‑30
Michael J. Constantino (Info) U Mass Amherst sbernecker 2012‑07‑10
Margaret C. Cooney (Info) Case Western Cultural Anthropology, Women's Studies pq 2016‑05‑11
Mark D. Cooperberg (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑25
Maurizio Corbetta (Info) Washington University attention, stroke, fMRI alecia 2007‑04‑20
Andrew S. Cornwell (Info) Case Western functional electrical stimulation, brain computer interfaces, brain machine interfaces asc12 2007‑11‑06
Sonia C. Correia (Info) University of Coimbra Alzheimer disease and Diabetes george.perry 2010‑12‑23
Monica Cortelli (Info) Università di Bologna george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Alice Coyne (Info) Case Western againes 2022‑08‑23
Patrick E. Crago (Info) Case Western vsboyce 2009‑03‑08
Paige E. Cramer (Info) Case Western Neuroscience Biology, Pathology pq 2016‑03‑01
Patrick Cras (Info) University of Antwerp dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cerebrospinal fluid, movement disorders and the neuropathology of neurodegenerative diseases george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Christopher A. Cullis (Info) Case Western Neurobiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
David A. Cunningham (Info) Case Western jsk12 2020‑07‑08
Tim Curran (Info) CU Boulder erp, memory frankmj 2006‑08‑20
Amy S. D'Aprix (Info) Case Western Social Work pq 2016‑06‑07
Carla K. Danielson (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑25
Vallabh E. Das (Info) Emory Oculomotor Research Economides 2006‑03‑24
Stephen J. A. Davies (Info) CU Boulder Traumatically injured adult central nervous system wbuchser 2009‑05‑24
Benoit de Crombrugghe (Info) The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑12
Jack de la Torre (Info) Sun Health Research Institute george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Catarina Resende de Oliveira (Info) University of Coimbra guest 2010‑09‑08
Edward M. De Robertis (Info) UCLA testtest 2009‑04‑23
Timothy M. DeJong (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑20
Heath A. Demaree (Info) Case Western robinson 2007‑09‑11
Evan Deneris (Info) Case Western Serotonin system esdeneris 2009‑11‑13
Marc Depaul (Info) Case Western bradlang1984 2021‑11‑30
Isabelle Deschenes (Info) Universite Laval (Canada) DavidJMiller 2016‑07‑30
Douglas K. Detterman (Info) Case Western Experimental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Music Education pq 2016‑05‑28
Hendrik Adriaan Dewald (Info) stroke, prosthetic control, EMG, nerve block, ultrasound hdewald 2024‑12‑10
David A. DeWitt (Info) Liberty University Alzheimer's disease, neurotransport dadewitt 2008‑02‑13
Pier Luigi Di Patre (Info) UTMB george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Thomas E. Dick (Info) Case Western ymolkov 2020‑05‑20
Julia M. DiFilippo (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑20
Christopher DiMattina (Info) Florida Gulf Coast University Vision Science, Computational Neuroscience chris_dimattina 2006‑05‑15
Eizaburo Doi (Info) University of Tokyo Computation & Theory david 2006‑08‑21
David Dolinak (Info) Case Western george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Merlin W. Donald (Info) Case Western Cognitive neuroscience CJM3 2009‑03‑03
otis m. donald (Info) Case Western Motor Systems, Deep Brain Stimulation, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Movement Disorders omd 2008‑09‑30
Anne Draelos (Info) Duke, Duke hawkwings 2019‑09‑11
Judith Drazba (Info) Cleveland Clinic vlemmon 2013‑09‑26
Dennis Drotar (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety pq 2016‑05‑20
Vanessa U. Druskat (Info) Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management Behavioral Psychology, Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology pq 2016‑05‑26
Xi Du (Info) University of Michigan Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Neurogenesis xixiiiii 2016‑08‑26
Mark E. Dunlap (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑05‑10
Dominique Durand (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering dblake 2006‑05‑17
Anirban Dutta (Info) IfADo – Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors neuromodulation, rehabilitation engineering, neural engineering adutta 2016‑04‑08
Abderrahman Elmaarouf (Info) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Neuroscience rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Julie Exline (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑03‑29
Joseph Fagan (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑28
Felicia J. Fago (Info) Case Western Public Health, Theory and Methods pq 2016‑05‑11
Mary Fambrough (Info) Alliant International University Counseling Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Zi-Ping Fang (Info) Case Western ANCL 2020‑03‑01
Robert L. Fantz (Info) Case Western Visual Development of Children, Primates and Chicks jodom26505 2010‑11‑04
AmirAli Farokhniaee (Info) University College Dublin Physics, Computational Neuroscience, Deep Brain Stimulation, Neural Networks, Complex Systems aafarokhniaee 2019‑09‑06
Karl Fath (Info) Queen's College City of New York jagarner 2011‑10‑19
Norah Feeny (Info) Case Western arothba 2014‑10‑23
Barbara Felton (Info) Division20 2016‑05‑31
Robert Alan Fenstermaker (Info) Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Neurosurgery Fenster 2022‑08‑23
Roberto Fernandez-Galan (Info) Carnegie Mellon Olfaction, Computation rgerkin 2006‑10‑16
Sergo Ferrari (Info) University of Verona george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Chris Fietkiewicz (Info) Case Western Neural control of breathing, computational neuroscience cxf47 2011‑06‑22
Lee E. Fisher (Info) Case Western, University of Pittsburgh Neural Engineering, Neuroprosthetics, Somatosensory Function pq 2015‑11‑05
Mickie L. Fisher (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑03‑29
David Fleming (Info) Case Western geller 2008‑10‑03
Stephen Foldes (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute Neuroimaging, neurorehabilitation stfoldes 2016‑03‑01
Joseph M. Foley (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Thomas J. Foutz (Info) Case Western, Seattle Children's Hospital, University of Washington mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Jessica L. Fox (Info) University of Washington Sensory Neuroethology zanenervana 2008‑12‑08
Stephanie R. Fox (Info) Case Western Serotonin system pq 2015‑10‑19
Manfred Franke (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nerve Block Germanni 2017‑02‑10
Anneke M. Frankemolle (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Thomas William Frazier (Info) Case Western david 2015‑12‑07
Donald K. Freedheim (Info) Case Western Psychotherapy, Developmental Psychopathology, Clinical Training eo 2019‑05‑07
Larry Frelinger (Info) Case Western rutishau 2020‑09‑18
M. C. Frey (Info) Case Western Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑29
William H. Frey II (Info) UMN, HealthParthers intranasal delivery, intranasal insulin, intranasal deferroxamine, intranasal stem cells Alzheimer's Parkinson's Stroke TBI PTSD concussion robertgarythorne 2007‑01‑04
Reinhard L. Friede (Info) Case Western Developmental Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Robert P. Friedland (Info) University of Louisville Alzheimer disease george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Avi Friedlich (Info) Harvard Alzheimer disease george.perry 2008‑09‑04
David Friel (Info) Case Western Calcium Regulation map222 2007‑02‑21
Colleen Friend (Info) Case Western Social Work, Public and Social Welfare, Adult and Continuing Education pq 2016‑05‑11
Mark A. Frye (Info) UCLA neurobiology, behavior, neurogenetics, drosophila, vision, olfaction, flight markfrye 2006‑08‑28
Michael J. Fu (Info) Case Western jsk12 2020‑07‑08
Ichiro Fugimoto (Info) Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine Neuroscience rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Ichiro Fujimoto (Info) Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine Neuroscience rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Hisashi Fujioka (Info) Case Western george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Grace A Fuller (Info) Case Western klukas615 2020‑05‑05
Tiberiu Fulop (Info) Case Western CoreySmith 2015‑02‑20
Lynne T. Gabriel (Info) Case Western Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑29
Marie A. Gadziola (Info) Case Western jjwenstrup 2013‑09‑21
Atwood D. Gaines (Info) Case Western Cultural Anthropology, Mental Health, Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Pamela G. Galloway (Info) Breast Center of Central Wisconsin, Wausau, Wisconsin george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Pierluigi C. Gambetti (Info) Case Western Neuropathology, prion, Alzheimer disease george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Ju Gao (Info) Case Western ND1980 2019‑03‑14
Ju Gao (Info) Case Western ND1980 2022‑10‑31
Yuan Gao (Info) Case Western Olfactory bulb yxg30 2009‑08‑16
Eduardo Garcia (Info) Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Tufts University Medical School Epilepsy egamd98 2019‑11‑17
Julio Hernan Garcia (Info) Case Western Medical School Stroke george.perry 2010‑08‑15
Judy A. Garner (Info) University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Axonal Transport, Herpes Simplex Virus anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Ovidiu Gavrilovici (Info) Case Western Educational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Social Work pq 2016‑06‑07
Herbert M. Geller (Info) NIH Development, Regeneration, Glial Biology, Astrocytes, Extracellular Matrix geller 2006‑10‑18
Sara Gerke (Info) VCU School of Medicine Pharmacy emhull 2006‑06‑12
Hossein A. Ghanbari (Info) Panacea Pharmaceuticals george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Claude P. Ghez (Info) Columbia Control of limb movements felloe 2006‑12‑20
Edward C. Gilmore (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑04‑07
Grover Cleveland Gilmore (Info) Case Western Visual Perception agreenb 2006‑03‑28
Wallace Gingerich (Info) Case Western Social Work, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Rehabilitation and Therapy pq 2016‑05‑11
Joseph P. Giuffrida (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑10‑16
Todd Golde (Info) UF Gainesville Alzheimer's disease george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Neil Austin Goldsmith (Info) Case Western Physiology, Biophysics, Stress, Exocytosis NellieG77 2015‑02‑20
Dana F. Goldstein (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑28
Darren J. Good (Info) Case Western personality, motivation pq 2015‑10‑18
Suhasini R. Gopal (Info) Case Western Otolaryngology SUHAGOPAL 2019‑01‑09
John A. Gray (Info) UC Davis NMDA channels, synaptic plasticity, 5-HT2A jagman23 2008‑07‑22
Kristen W. Green (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology pq 2016‑06‑25
Adam S. Greenberg (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual/Auditory Attention, Perceptual Organization agreenb 2006‑03‑28
Barry D. Greenberg (Info) Neuroscience Drug Discovery and Development at University Health Network, Toronto george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Bradley Greger (Info) Arizona State Neural Engineering neuraleng 2011‑03‑29
Warren Grill (Info) Duke, Case Western Engineering adorval 2005‑09‑12
Victor K. Groza (Info) Case Western Social Work, Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Kabilar Gunalan (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Ozenc Gungor (Info) Middle East Technical University ozencgungor 2017‑12‑18
Chris Gunter (Info) NIH / NHGRI human genetics, science communication chrisgunter 2021‑09‑16
Palak Gupta (Info) Case Western Eye traking, Visual Systems, Deep brain stimulation, Computational modeling PalakGupta 2022‑04‑15
Kasia Gustaw-Rothenberg (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑12‑31
Davina V. Gutierrez (Info) Case Western synapse, ion channel, circuitry pq 2015‑10‑12
E. Mark Haacke (Info) Wayne State nraz 2016‑12‑26
Philip J. Hahn (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Alison K. Hall (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑17
Alison Hall (Info) Case Western Medical School rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Yanning H. Han (Info) Case Western Oculomotor Research pq 2015‑11‑25
Sami Harik (Info) University of Arkansas george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Micah Harland (Info) Case Western ND1980 2023‑06‑23
Cynthia Harley (Info) UMN Neuroethology Mirrinala 2007‑04‑10
Peggy L. R. Harris (Info) Case Western Alzheimer disease george.perry 2010‑11‑06
David W. Harrison (Info) Virginia Tech Behavioral and Affective Neuroscience; Brain Asymmetry; Emotion dwh 2009‑02‑17
Chantelle N. Hart (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Education, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑05‑21
Alicia L. Hawthorne (Info) Emory Neuroscience, Spinal cord injury alhawtho 2014‑02‑24
Todd F. Heatherton (Info) Dartmouth Social Neuroscience escross 2007‑06‑24
Timothy J. Hendricks (Info) Case Western Medical School Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑06‑25
Suzana Herculano-Houzel (Info) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Comparative neuroanatomy, brain evolution suzanahh 2012‑10‑22
Stefan Herlitze (Info) Case Western synapse, ion channel, circuitry littleboylx 2008‑02‑23
John Hermann (Info) Case Western tkozai 2012‑09‑07
Amanda E. Hernan (Info) University of Vermont College of Medicine epilepsy, neurodevelopment, slice electrophysiology titizali 2010‑06‑06
Karl Herrup (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick cab 2006‑11‑14
Fred Herzberg (Info) Case Western JoelLefkowitz 2024‑12‑11
John G. Hildebrand (Info) University of Arizona neurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology hanks 2005‑12‑01
Jacqueline Hill (Info) Case Western CoreySmith 2015‑02‑20
Keisuke Hirai (Info) Takeda Chemical Industries Neurodegenerative diseases george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Robert D. Hisrich (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01
Godwin Hlatshwayo (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Social Structure and Development, International Law and Relations pq 2016‑05‑11
Ayala Hochman (Info) Tel Aviv University george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Elena Hoellein (Info) Case Western david 2016‑01‑03
Barry J. Hoffer (Info) NIDA Pharmacology boger 2008‑11‑07
Paul L. Hoffman (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Kazuhiro Honda (Info) National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo Neuropathology, Chemistry/Pharmacology, Molecular and Cell biology, Oxidative Stress george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Christopher vanden Honert (Info) Case Western ANCL 2020‑03‑01
Kevin Paul Horn (Info) Case Western david 2015‑08‑04
James C. Houk (Info) Northwestern Motor systems LeeEMiller 2009‑02‑06
Rebecca J. Houston (Info) Research Institute. on Addictions, University at Buffalo-SUNY, Rochester Institute of Technology Psychophysiology, Impulsivity, Aggression, Addiction, Neuropsychology rjhouston 2006‑11‑21
Anita R. Howard (Info) Case Western personality, motivation pq 2015‑10‑18
Kai-Hsiung Hsu (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering pq 2015‑11‑25
Eric M. Hudak (Info) Advanced Bionics, NIH platinum electrodes, neural stimulation, electrochemistry, cochlear implants EHudak 2016‑07‑28
A. James Hudspeth (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF, UT Southwestern Audition hayden 2005‑02‑18
Guy K. Hutt (Info) Case Western Educational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Yoshikazu Imanishi (Info) Case Western, University of Washington, Osaka University Vision Research, GPCR, membrane protein transport, membrane morphogenesis Yoshikazu001 2016‑08‑22
Khalid Iqbal (Info) New York State Institute for Basic Research in Disabilities george.perry 2010‑07‑01
Anthony I. Jack (Info) Case Western mcorbetta 2016‑07‑12
Clement J. Jacobson (Info) Case Western Cultural Anthropology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Rachel S Jakes (Info) Case Western rsjakes99 2021‑09‑08
Thomas M. Jarrett (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, Case Western Medical School Behavioral pharmacology, neuroteratology, neuroendocrinology CJM3 2009‑03‑05
Sirui Jiang (Info) Case Western george.perry 2015‑08‑02
Yinfei Jiang (Info) Case Western ND1980 2023‑06‑23
Zheng Jiang (Info) Baylor College of Medicine donggen 2011‑06‑13
Jeffrey D. Johnson (Info) University of Missouri Memory and functional neuroimaging jeffreyj 2007‑10‑16
Erin McMullen M. Jonaitis (Info) UW Madison music cognition jonaitis 2007‑10‑11
Stephen W. Jones (Info) Case Western Voltage gated channels map222 2007‑02‑21
James A. Joseph (Info) Tufts Mechanisms involved in brain aging and vulnerability to oxidative stress and inflammation; nutritional modulation of this sensitivity george.perry 2009‑07‑20
James E. Juergensen (Info) Youngstown State University hdemaree 2019‑05‑01
Claudy Jules (Info) Case Western Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration pq 2016‑05‑11
Ranu Jung (Info) Florida International adaptive neural systems astarosciak 2011‑10‑19
Michael Jacob Kahana (Info) Penn Cognitive neuroscience, human memory drpeelle 2005‑08‑03
Shoshana Y. Kahana (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑25
Rajesh N. Kalaria (Info) Newcastle University george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Yoshimasa Kamei (Info) Saitama Medical University vlemmon 2013‑09‑26
Hiroyuki Kamiguchi (Info) RIKEN BSI Neuroscience vlemmon 2013‑09‑26
Paul J. Kammermeier (Info) Rochester Ion channel modulation, GPCR signaling Pkamms 2011‑06‑09
Gerard Karsenty (Info) Columbia Cellular/Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience david 2016‑01‑10
Ksenia V. Kastanenka (Info) Case Western neural development, transmission, plasticity pq 2015‑11‑26
Nicholas D. Kathman (Info) Case Western kathmand 2010‑04‑06
Peter G. Katona (Info) George Mason astarosciak 2011‑10‑19
Louis N. Katz (Info) Chicago Cardiovascular physiology CJM3 2009‑03‑11
Mitsuru Kawai (Info) Higashi-Saitama National Hospital, george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Damian C. Kayes (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑05‑11
Ya Ke (Info) Chinese University of Hong Kong george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Teresa R. Kee (Info) Case Western Medical School, USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute Parkinson's disease, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, CHCHD2, Beta Arrestin, GPCRs jungaalexawoo 2021‑02‑02
Amber E. Kerstetter-Fogle (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑11‑05
Masud S. Khawaja (Info) Case Western personality, motivation pq 2015‑10‑18
Kevin L. Kilgore (Info) Case Western Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑21
Hyoun-Tae Kim (Info) Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital Pathology george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Robert F. Kirsch (Info) Case Western Functional electrical stimulation, musculoskeletal modeling asc12 2007‑11‑06
Philip Kiser (Info) Case Western Medical School cls156 2019‑12‑06
Reiko Kishida (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration pq 2016‑06‑01
Jayme S. Knutson (Info) Case Western rehabilitation engineering pq 2015‑10‑20
Alice Y. Kolb (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑05‑11
David A. Kolb (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑05‑11
Yutaro Komuro (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, Case Western, Radboud University Nijmegen ykomuro 2008‑07‑13
Qingzhong Kong (Info) Case Western george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Hea-soo Koo (Info) Ewha Womans University, Korea Neuropathology george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Yoshito Kosai (Info) Case Western Medical School anitha 2015‑08‑14
Anne Kotynski (Info) Case Western hdemaree 2019‑06‑18
Dmitri E. Kourennyi (Info) Case Western Ion Channel Biophysics chanengr 2007‑05‑16
Dora Kovacs (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University molecular events underlying neurodegeneration in aging, and particularly in Alzheimer’s disease george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Elliot Krames, MD Stephan Krames (Info) International Neuromodulation Society neuromodulation, neuroscience 2019‑02‑02
Kristen L. Kroll (Info) Washington University School of Medicine Neurogenesis, neural cell fate, transcriptional and epigenetic regulation, human pluripotent stem cells, neurodevelopmental disorders kkroll 2007‑10‑30
Katherine C. Krueger (Info) Case Western Serotonin system pq 2015‑10‑19
Cynthia S. Kubu (Info) Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine armerner 2022‑05‑18
Wataru Kudo (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Sahana N. Kukke (Info) NIH childhood movement disorders, neurophysiology, rehabilitation sanaku 2010‑12‑20
Arun Kumar (Info) Case Western Oculomotor Research pq 2015‑11‑25
Doe Kumsa (Info) Case Western Chemical Engineering pq 2016‑04‑18
Diana L. Kunze (Info) Case Western NTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic mcandresen 2010‑07‑07
Barbara Kuri (Info) Case Western CoreySmith 2015‑02‑20
Shekar Kurpad (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Henricus GJM Kuypers (Info) Department of Anatomy, Cambridge, UK. neuroanatomy of the motor system guest 2007‑11‑13
Mitchell M. Lakner (Info) Case Western Alzheimers laknermi 2012‑10‑09
Joseph C. LaManna (Info) Case Western Protein Structures and Interaction Dynamics in Neuronal Cell Signaling george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Bruce T. Lamb (Info) Penn, Johns Hopkins, Case Western, Cleveland Clinic, Indiana University School of Medicine Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration, animal models, drug discovery ykomuro 2016‑07‑27
Dennis Landis (Info) kharris 2005‑12‑30
Story C. Landis (Info) NINDS cab 2006‑03‑28
Lynn T. Landmesser (Info) Case Western neural development, transmission, plasticity M. Odurih 2006‑11‑02
Gary Landreth (Info) Case Western Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑02‑29
Phil Larimer (Info) Case Western Hippocampal circuitry spel8141 2007‑07‑16
Raymond J. Lasek (Info) Case Western Axonal transport, neuronal cytoskeleton anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Richard T. Lauer (Info) Case Western rehabilitation engineering pq 2015‑10‑20
Erin B. Lavik (Info) Yale Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑27
Andrea Le Blanc (Info) McGill Alzheimer disease george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Kristianna M Lea (Info) Case Western, Cornell, Cornell Yauguste 2023‑06‑28
Daehoon Lee (Info) Case Western Medical School daehoonlee 2022‑06‑03
Dongchul C. Lee (Info) Case Western david 2015‑07‑06
General Lee (Info) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, motor control, traumatic brain injury generallee 2012‑01‑17
Gregory S. Lee (Info) Case Western Robotics leegs 2013‑08‑01
Hyoung-gon Lee (Info) Case Western Alzheimer disease george.perry 2008‑09‑13
Michelle M. Lee (Info) Case Western Schizophrenia; dementias pq 2015‑10‑19
Austin Leeds (Info) Case Western klukas615 2020‑05‑05
Joel Lefkowitz (Info) CUNY General Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑03‑22
R John Leigh (Info) Case Western Oculomotor Research Economides 2006‑03‑24
Michel A. Lemay (Info) Temple University vsboyce 2009‑03‑08
Vance Lemmon (Info) University of Miami development, cell adhesion molecules, growth cones, regeneration, axon regeneration, vlemmon 2008‑05‑29
Jessica K. Lerch (Info) Ohio State, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, Case Western Neuroscience JKLerch 2015‑09‑25
Zeng Lertmanorat (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering pq 2015‑11‑25
Elena Hoellein Less (Info) Case Western klukas615 2020‑05‑05
Daniel K. Leventhal (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering pq 2015‑11‑25
Rachel B. Levi (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety pq 2016‑05‑21
Michael S. Lewicki (Info) Case Western Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑15
Aaron Lewis (Info) Hebrew University Laser spectroscopy gph2 2012‑05‑03
Li Li (Info) Case Western ND1980 2022‑10‑31
Xiang Li (Info) Columbia synapse, ion channel, neuronal network formation littleboylx 2008‑01‑09
Zhineng Li (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01
Li Li. (Info) Case Western george.perry 2015‑08‑02
Jun Lian (Info) Case Western Neural Engineering pq 2015‑11‑25
Jingjing Liang (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑10‑17
Rock Lim (Info) Case Western hdemaree 2019‑06‑18
Tony Lingham (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology pq 2016‑05‑11
Chen Liu (Info) UT Southwestern Central Feeding Circuits starryfall 2014‑01‑29
Mengyu Liu (Info) Case Western ND1980 2022‑10‑31
Quan Liu (Info) UCSD Alzheimer's disease, Glaucoma, Aging, Oxidative stress quanliu74 2007‑12‑18
Xiaodong LIU (Info) Tsinghua University Cellular Channels chanengr 2007‑05‑16
Yi Liu (Info) Case Western XiongweiZhu 2021‑05‑17
Kristin E. Long (Info) Case Western Medical School development, cell adhesion molecules, growth cones, regeneration, pq 2015‑11‑23
Po-Nien Lu (Info) Case Western Neurobiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑29
Yubing Lu (Info) Case Western XiongweiZhu 2021‑05‑17
Hans O Lüders (Info) Case Western Medical School Epilepsy egamd98 2019‑11‑17
J. Luis Lujan (Info) Mayo Clinic Deep brain stimulation, Neuropsychiatric disorders, Electrical Stimulation, Neuroprosthetics mattjohnson 2008‑08‑20
Kristen E Lukas (Info) Georgia Tech Animal behavior, experimental psychology, gorilla behavior, conservation psychology klukas615 2020‑05‑05
Xiaopin Ma (Info) Case Western XiongweiZhu 2021‑05‑17
John James Rickard MacLeod (Info) University of Toronto cerebral circulation tcoderre 2006‑12‑01
Charalampos Mainemelis (Info) Case Western personality, motivation pq 2015‑10‑18
Nicholas Maling (Info) Case Western mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Alfred Malouf (Info) Case Western Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑23
Valeria Manetto (Info) Università di Bologna Neuropathology george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Karen M. Mann (Info) Case Western Genetics, Pathology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑07‑27
Timothy Mapstone (Info) University of Oklahoma ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Amar R. Marathe (Info) Case Western Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑04‑06
Amy Jo Marcano-Reik (Info) Case Western Medical School Interdisciplinary Studies in Neural Systems and Development amarcano 2008‑01‑15
Tim Y. Mariano (Info) Brown neuromodulation, tDCS, neural engineering, prefrontal cortical function, neural engineering, functional electrical stimulation (FES) tym 2007‑07‑09
Michael Marlatt (Info) Amsterdam Alzheimer disease george.perry 2008‑10‑13
Joshua P. Martin (Info) Colby College, Case Western, University of Arizona Sensorimotor Integration, Praying Mantis, Cockroach, Olfaction, Manduca sexta, Neuroethology ksoeze12 2007‑01‑28
A. Julio Martinez (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑08‑21
Ralph Martins (Info) University of Western Australia george.perry 2010‑07‑12
Christine M. May (Info) Springfield College hdemaree 2019‑05‑01
John D. Mayer (Info) UNH ksylaska 2019‑09‑12
Jamie McCoin (Info) Case Western Germanni 2017‑02‑10
Brian Michael McDermott, Jr. (Info) Case Western Auditory System bmm30 2012‑05‑22
Maureen W. McEnery (Info) Case Western Neuroscience Biology, Pathology pq 2016‑05‑22
Hewlet McFarlane (Info) Kenyon College emhull 2006‑06‑12
Cameron C. McIntyre (Info) Case Western Deep brain stimulation, Neuromodulation mattjohnson 2007‑08‑16
Rossella Medori (Info) Università di Bologna george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Katya V. Melnik-Martinez (Info) Case Western synapse, ion channel, circuitry pq 2015‑10‑12
Jose Raul Mena-Lopez (Info) CINVESTAV, Mexico george.perry 2011‑01‑19
Amanda R. Merner (Info) Case Western, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard Medical School rjhouston 2018‑08‑18
Daniel R. Merrill (Info) Case Western Applied Neural Control pq 2015‑10‑11
Mihajlo Mesarovic (Info) Case Western mathematics guest 2008‑05‑08
John J. Mieyal (Info) Case Western Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Robert H. Miller (Info) Case Western anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Svjetlana Miocinovic (Info) mcintyc 2014‑08‑28
Tomohiko Mizutani (Info) Nihon University george.perry 2009‑12‑28
Akhil Mohan (Info) Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute Stroke rehabilitation akhilmohan4487 2022‑04‑10
Pedram Mohseni (Info) Case Western Electrical engineering rjnudo 2008‑12‑19
Yaroslav I. Molkov (Info) Drexel Medical School, Indiana University-Purdue University, Georgia State Respiratory rhythm generation, neural control of locomotion rybak 2010‑06‑10
Salvatore Monaco (Info) University of Verona george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Lucia Monari (Info) Università di Bologna george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Siddhartha Mondragon-Rodriguez (Info) CINVESTAV, Mexico george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Melisa Moore (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑21
John Moossy (Info) University of Pittsburgh george.perry 2010‑07‑24
Antonio Morandi (Info) University of Florence george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Paula Isabel Moreira (Info) University of Coimbra Alzheimer's disease, oxidative stress jcshenk 2007‑08‑30
James R. Morris (Info) Greenwich Hospital JMorris 2011‑05‑05
J Thomas Mortimer (Info) Case Western Applied Neural Control joeyo 2007‑11‑29
Maghboeba Mosavel (Info) Case Western Social Work, Public and Social Welfare, Public Health pq 2016‑05‑11
Christa W. Moss (Info) Case Western rehabilitation engineering pq 2015‑10‑20
Tiffanie Moss (Info) Case Western Bioinformatics Biology, Botany Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture pq 2016‑05‑29
Laiyong Mu (Info) Case Western Locomotion Mirrinala 2007‑04‑10
Mark Muraven (Info) Case Western EJMasicampo 2010‑12‑10
Angela J. Murphy (Info) Case Western personality, motivation pq 2015‑10‑18
Verena Murphy (Bosch) (Info) Case Western Management Business Administration pq 2016‑05‑11
Michelle P. Murrain (Info) Self-employed mmurrain 2011‑02‑27
Na-Hye Myong (Info) Dankuk University, Korea george.perry 2010‑12‑31
Srikantan S. Nagarajan (Info) UCSF Sensory systems, and MEG JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Elizabeth H. Nasser (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑20
Inna Nechipurenko (Info) Case Western Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑03‑01
Richard W Nelson (Info) Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine rutishau 2020‑09‑18
David Neustadter (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑11‑26
John H. Nilson (Info) Case Western jendd810 2009‑09‑03
Lee Niswander (Info) University of Colorado, Denver Development vicwoo10 2010‑09‑13
Mengyue Niu (Info) Case Western XiongweiZhu 2021‑05‑17
Christine Nocjar (Info) Case Western emhull 2006‑06‑12
Gigi Nordquist (Info) Case Western Social Work, Public and Social Welfare pq 2016‑05‑11
Silvio Notari (Info) Università di Bologna george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Frank Nulsen (Info) Case Western ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Akihiko Nunomura (Info) Yamanashi University Neuropathology, Apoptosis/Cell cycle, Molecular and Cell biology, Oxidative Stress george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Marie Grazia Nunzi (Info) Fidia Abano Terme george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Michael P. Nusbaum (Info) Penn Neural Circuits kumbhani 2006‑11‑19
Monica M. Oblinger (Info) Rosalind Franklin Medical School Molecular biology of neuronal injury and regeneration anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24
Mark E. Obrenovich (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑11‑06
James Vernon Odom (Info) West Virginia University Visual System jodom26505 2008‑06‑24
Jeremy J. Oehlert (Info) Case Western pq 2015‑09‑28
Osamu Ogawa (Info) george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Eugene Oh (Info) Case Western Optical control of neuron function eugeneoh 2008‑06‑02
Shogo Oka (Info) Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine Molecular Biology rutishau 2020‑09‑18
Ogoegbunam Okolo (Info) Case Western ND1980 2023‑06‑23
Ronald G. Oldfield (Info) Case Western Behavioral neuroendocrinology hhofmann 2013‑01‑19
Katsuiko Ono (Info) Cornell University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Neuroscience rutishau 2020‑09‑18
James Overholser (Info) Case Western Clinical Psychology, Health Care Management pq 2016‑05‑20
Sanford L. Palay (Info) Harvard Medical School neurocytology, synaptic structure M. Odurih 2006‑11‑01
Krzysztof Palczewski (Info) University of Washington david 2016‑01‑06
Merce Pallas-Lliberia (Info) University of Barcelona george.perry 2011‑01‑01
Mark Palmert (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Tao Pan (Info) Case Western Medical School Molecular Biology, Pathology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Deepak Pandya (Info) Boston University hayden 2005‑08‑17
Varsha Pandya (Info) Case Western Social Work, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Rehabilitation and Therapy pq 2016‑05‑11
Nikhil Panicker (Info) Iowa State, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Cleveland Clinic Foundation pq1 2017‑01‑14
Sosoz C. Papasozomenos (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center Houston Neuropathology george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Miguel A. Pappolla (Info) UTMB george.perry 2008‑09‑04
Sangeeta Parameshwar (Info) Case Western Philosophy, Personality Psychology, Biography pq 2016‑05‑11
Piero Parchi (Info) Università di Bologna Prion george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Hyun-Joo Park (Info) Cleveland Clinic parkdbs 2018‑03‑28
Manuela Pastore (Info) University of Pisa george.perry 2009‑07‑18
Anitha Pasupathy (Info) University of Washington Visual system hayden 2005‑01‑15
Michael A Patterson (Info) Duke Synaptic Plasticity, Receptor Trafficking, olfaction map222 2007‑02‑21
Spencer Luiz Marques Payao (Info) Marila, Sao Paulo, Brazil george.perry 2010‑12‑30
Neal S. Peachey (Info) Case Western Medical School Visual System, ERG mbrigell 2011‑09‑27
P. Hunter Peckham (Info) Case Western rehabilitation engineering ANCL 2009‑12‑11
Uta Pegel (Info) Case Western JeromeBeetz 2020‑07‑26
Elizabeth A. Pehek (Info) Case Western Medical School Serotonin-2 Receptors and Mesocortical Dopamine: Neural Circuitry emhull 2006‑06‑12
Charisse E. Peoples (Info) Case Western Developmental Psychology, Black Studies pq 2016‑05‑28
Eric J. Perreault (Info) Northwestern University Medical School pascoe 2008‑12‑09
George Perry (Info) UT San Antonio Alzheimer's disease, oxidative stress, cytoskeleton jcshenk 2007‑08‑30
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches.
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