People with institution matching "Harvard Medical School": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Mohamed Abazeed (Info) University of Michigan david 2015‑07‑27
Francisco Aboitiz (Info) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Comparative neuroanatomy, cognitive neuroscience lfernandino 2006‑08‑27
Carmela R. Abraham (Info) Boston University Amyloidosis, Alzheimer disease george.perry 2010‑08‑17
Victoria E. Abraira (Info) Harvard Medical School Neurobiology VEA1 2008‑12‑08
Amitai Abramovitch (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry, ADHD, OCD, Impulsivity, Compulsivity Nietzsche 2010‑03‑17
Leah Acker (Info) MIT Medical Engineering, Medical Physics LeahA 2012‑04‑20
Samuel F. Acuff (Info) The University of Memphis, MGH, Harvard Medical School Behavior, Behavioral economics, Substance use samuel.acuff 2021‑02‑07
Katarzyna P. Adamala (Info) UMN ovenero 2020‑04‑14
Raymond D. Adams (Info) MGH Neurology, neuropathology CJM3 2009‑04‑17
Victor Adenis (Info) Université Paris IX, Mass Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School Auditory Cortex, Cochlear Implant, Auditory Brainstem Implant, In Vivo Electrophysiology VictorAdenis 2024‑02‑29
Mehdi Aghdaee (Info) Harvard vision Verstraten 2005‑12‑12
Albert Aguayo (Info) McGill naderg 2007‑04‑13
David Aguilar (Info) Harvard Medical School elamh 2019‑12‑12
Andrew Aguirre (Info) Dana Farber Cancer Institute nbraints 2013‑09‑03
Itzhak Aharon (Info) The Interdisciplinary Center ShizgalP 2012‑06‑15
Omar J. Ahmed (Info) University of Michigan Electrophysiology, Hippocampus, Computational Neuroscience, Learning & Memory, Phase Precession Till 2006‑04‑23
Elias Aizenman (Info) University of Pittsburgh Zinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA Khakhalin 2010‑05‑13
Olu Ajilore (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Biological psychiatry Robert Sapolsky 2006‑11‑02
Kambiz Nassirpour Alavian (Info) Harvard Medical School Parkinson's kalavian 2007‑10‑16
Matthew D. Albaugh (Info) University of Vermont College of Medicine Developmental neuroimaging; attention problems; mood and anxiety psychopathology; cannabis mdalbaug 2013‑05‑17
Onder Albayram (Info) MUSC onderalbayram 2016‑11‑06
David Albers (Info) Harvard Medical School Dstandaert 2018‑11‑17
Elliott Albers (Info) Georgia State Circadian rhythms, Social behavior biohea 2007‑02‑14
Mark Albers (Info) Harvard Medical School Physiological Function and the Pathogenic Actions of Genes Implicated in Neurodegenerative Diseases david 2016‑01‑04
John Alberta (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School costanza_lc 2023‑11‑09
Daniel S. Albrecht (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Neuroscience Biology, Radiology pq 2016‑03‑14
Richard W. Aldrich (Info) UT Austin Ion channels hanks 2005‑10‑13
Eben Alexander (Info) Wake Forest ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Michael (Mick) Alexander (Info) BU School of Medicine Memory disorders ita 2006‑10‑03
Syed Zahid Ali (Info) University of Loiusville Neurophysiology, Cognitive Neurology, Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease SyedAli 2023‑05‑28
Jason Bondoc Alipio (Info) Cal State San Bernardino, University of Maryland Medical School sjnieto 2015‑09‑23
Ilayda Alkislar (Info) UCSF Alkislari 2019‑08‑01
Douglas W. Allan (Info) UBC Neuronal termination differentiation jtang 2010‑07‑02
Jay Allard (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Christopher Allen (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Jessica Allen (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Kenneth J.D. Allen (Info) UC Berkeley cognitive control; response inhibition; emotional regulation; nonsuicidal self-injury; suicide jd_allen 2021‑12‑14
Stephen A. Allsop (Info) Harvard Medical School/MIT Reward and Aversion, motivation, social behaviors sa3 2013‑07‑03
Jonathan E. Alpert (Info) MGH, Harvard Medical School, Albert Einstein, Montefiore Medical Center Depression/Psychiatry JEA1 2015‑03‑09
Frederick W. Alt (Info) Harvard DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma cristianboboila 2012‑07‑27
George A. Alvarez (Info) Harvard Vision, attention, memory grez72 2007‑05‑18
Veronica A. Alvarez (Info) NIH synaptic physiology and morphology, addiction stephanb 2006‑03‑17
Amir Amedi (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Cortical plasticity, TMS, fMRI, cross-modal plasticity giladj 2007‑03‑01
Adelbert Ames III (Info) Harvard Medical School Retinal Physiology, electrolytes in nervous tissue kfarrow 2008‑02‑05
Adelbert Ames, Jr. (Info) Dartmouth, Dartmouth Visual perception, Binocular vision, Illusions r_oshea 2020‑04‑10
Kyongman AN (Info) Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia umokmin 2010‑06‑08
Winko Wenkang An (Info) Boston University Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience winkoan 2017‑05‑02
Egor Ananyev (Info) Nanyang Technological University vision, motion perception, consciousness, mental imagery egorananyev 2014‑12‑04
Jamie N. Anastas (Info) University of Washington Wnt signaling pq 2015‑10‑18
Mark Lawrence Andermann (Info) Harvard Medical School visual system, mouse behavior andermann 2010‑04‑22
Raül Andero Gali (Info) McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School RaulAndero 2015‑08‑29
Susan L Andersen (Info) McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School jandh 2019‑08‑11
Amirah K Anderson (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration, bioinformatics, biomarkers, tau, amyloid beta AndersonAK1 2023‑09‑14
Carl M. Anderson (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Daniel G. Anderson (Info) MIT liangguo 2012‑03‑29
Jane Anderson (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Matthew P. Anderson (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑03‑19
Matthew Peter Anderson (Info) Harvard Medical School Autism, Epilepsy, Brain Development mpanders 2010‑08‑18
William S. Anderson (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School radhi78 2012‑01‑20
Brian Andrews (Info) NIH Electron microscopy, calcium map222 2007‑02‑21
Miklos Antal (Info) Harvard Medical School visual thalamus mantal 2011‑06‑03
Todd E. Anthony (Info) Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School Genetic dissection of neural circuits that control stress-induced behavioral states pq 2015‑11‑25
Rockwell R Anyoha (Info) Harvard Behavior rockwell_anyoha 2018‑08‑11
Apkar Vania Apkarian (Info) SUNY Upstate Medical University, Northwestern Neuroscience, Physiology galhardo 2009‑07‑24
Raghu Kiran Appasani (Info) University of Massachusetts Medical School, Wesleyan Developmental Neurobiology, Addiction, Depression rappasani 2009‑10‑07
Jessica Lynn Appler (Info) Harvard Medical School auditory system, circuit assembly, development visquene007 2008‑09‑15
Alireza Arabestani No (Info) Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) Neurological surgery & Neuro-Oncology and Surgery Oncology 56682212 2021‑06‑21
Hajime Arakaki (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, University of Ryukyu, Okinawa, Japan, Arakaki Hospital, Okinawa Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Michael Arcaro (Info) Princeton, Harvard Medical School visual system marcaro 2009‑02‑25
Tenley Archer (Info) Algen Biotechnologies slpomeroy 2016‑01‑07
Hector Arciniega (Info) University of Nevada, Harvard Medical School, NYU Grossman School of Medicine berryhil 2015‑09‑03
Muriel Arimon (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School Alzheimer's, presenilin, FLIM murielarimon 2011‑05‑19
Ana Gareca Arizaga (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Paola Arlotta (Info) Harvard Medical School djabaudon 2006‑11‑29
Marcelo Armendariz (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience marmenz 2023‑03‑23
Barry G. W. Arnason (Info) Chicago immune cell function in multiple sclerosis george.perry 2010‑08‑22
Heather A. Arnett (Info) Amgen Neuroinflammation, multiple sclerosis heatherarnett 2005‑11‑08
Donald Arnold (Info) USC ion channels dblake 2006‑04‑17
Steven E. Arnold (Info) Penn Cellular and molecular neurobiology of schizophrenia and mood disorders, aging and neurodegenerative dementias george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Eeva T. Aronen (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Joshua Paul Aronson (Info) Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Neurosurgery, epilepsy, movement disorders, learning, memory, traumatic brain injury jpa929 2017‑09‑22
Dany Arsenault (Info) Harvard Medical School zwzhangjax 2012‑10‑24
Vadim Y. Arshavsky (Info) Duke Ophthalmology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (Info) Harvard Medical School notch signaling gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Wael F. Asaad (Info) Brown systems neuroscience, neurosurgery ekmiller 2005‑09‑06
Takeshi Asami (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Yokohama City University School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Majed Ashey (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Meenakshi M Asokan (Info) Harvard Neuroscience, plasticity, hearing research Meenakshi 2017‑12‑15
John A. Assad (Info) Harvard Medical School attention, motivation hayden 2005‑01‑15
Kutay Deniz Atabay (Info) Harvard Medical School, MIT Neurogenetics, Neurodevelopment, Neuroregeneration kdatabay 2013‑02‑06
Bulent Ataman (Info) Harvard Medical School Activity-dependent regulation of neurons and synapses atamanbu 2011‑04‑13
Craig S. Atwood (Info) UW Madison Alzheimer disease and Aging george.perry 2008‑09‑13
Marco Atzori (Info) UT Dallas pkanold 2006‑04‑26
Joseph C. Aub (Info) MGH Endocrinology CJM3 2009‑02‑18
Randy P. Auerbach (Info) McGill Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Sarah Augood (Info) Cambridge PiersEmson 2016‑01‑23
Pavan K. Auluck (Info) Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Medical School and Masssachusetts General Hospital models of neurodegenerative disease testtest 2009‑02‑18
Tomer Avidor-Reiss (Info) Harvard Medical School cilia, cell biology adlib 2008‑04‑06
Evelyn Avilés (Info) Harvard Medical School romerog 2021‑06‑28
Patricia Nora Awad (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Visual system, Epilepsy, Autism patricianora.awad 2018‑10‑02
Cenk Ayata (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School neerajbadjatia 2021‑01‑20
James B. Ayer (Info) MGH Neurology CJM3 2009‑04‑20
Hamed Azami (Info) Harvard Biomedical signal processing, machine learning HamedAzami 2019‑03‑07
Anthony W. Azevedo (Info) University of Washington fmrieke 2010‑11‑02
Frederico Augusto Casarsa de Azevedo (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics, McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Non-human primate visual System fredericoacazevedo 2015‑01‑12
Eiman Azim (Info) Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and University of California, San Diego Development and function of motor control circuits eazim 2006‑10‑15
Michael Bachop (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑24
Brian J. Bacskai (Info) MGH Alzheimer's jandh 2013‑07‑27
Hilmar Bading (Info) Heidelberg University gloc 2010‑08‑25
Neeraj Badjatia (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Walter.Koroshetz 2019‑08‑07
Aaron Baer (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Raymundo Baez Mendoza (Info) Cambridge Reward Physiology raymundo 2006‑03‑31
Charles Bagley (Info) University of Maryland Medical School ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Fatemeh Bahari (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School kjstaley 2020‑07‑09
Allison Baier (Info) Case Western hbclinpsych 2019‑01‑29
Orville T. Bailey (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Percival Bailey (Info) Chicago neurology, neurosurgery david 2006‑10‑27
Lukas Baitsch (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute nbraints 2013‑09‑10
Lakshya Bajaj (Info) Baylor College of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Genetics, Cell and molecular biology, Epigenetics, Biochemistry lakshyabajaj 2018‑09‑29
Dusica Bajic (Info) Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital Neuroscience pq 2016‑04‑18
Chris Bakal (Info) Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK cell morphogenesis, systems biology, mechanotransduction, cell imaging cbakal 2018‑10‑15
Allison E. Baker (Info) Harvard Neural Circuits, Physiology, Behavior aebaker 2010‑03‑25
Amanda Baker (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School CATSD 2018‑06‑20
Justin T. Baker (Info) Washington University oculomotor system, neuroimaging jtbaker 2006‑10‑11
Keith Baker (Info) Harvard Medical School & Massachuestts General Hospital salkoffl 2023‑04‑10
Madhura Bakshi (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Srividya Balasubramanian (Info) Harvard Medical School sonic hedgehog signaling sriviba 2007‑05‑11
Ross J. Baldessarini (Info) Harvard Medical School / McLean Hospital Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Brian A. Baldo (Info) UW Madison mcbrenda 2007‑10‑15
Trevor Balena (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School ysaponjian 2013‑10‑24
Jean-Luc Balligand (Info) Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School tmmichel 2020‑05‑19
Ruth Ballinger (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑24
Thomas Ballinger (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
William E. Ballinger, Jr. (Info) Carolinas Medical Center Neuropathology george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Matthew R. Banghart (Info) UCSD behavioral reinforcement, analgesia, opioids, photochemistry MattBanghart 2011‑12‑14
Arjun K. Bansal (Info) The Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School behavioral neurophysiology spwise 2008‑12‑05
Zheng-Zheng Bao (Info) University of Massachusetts carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Moshe Bar (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School High Level Vision, Cognitive Neuroscience, Object Recognition, Contextual Processing, first impressions, preference formation and attitudes edvessel 2006‑10‑12
Bengi Baran (Info) U Mass Amherst, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Iowa rspencer 2008‑09‑24
Natacha I. Barber (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Farah H. Bardai (Info) UT Dallas, Brigham & Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School Neurodegenerative diseases, HDACs, Parkinson's Disease pq 2015‑11‑11
Charles F Barlow (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital dastumpf 2018‑03‑09
Gilad Barnea (Info) Brown olfactory system dhv204 2008‑12‑12
Dan H Barouch (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School youzi015 2022‑05‑04
Ben A. Barres (Info) Stanford glia cab 2006‑01‑27
A M. Barrett (Info) Emory University School of Medicine spatial cognition, neurorehabilitation, awareness, movement planning abarrett 2007‑10‑14
Ellen F. Barrett (Info) University of Miami M. Odurih 2006‑11‑02
John N. Barrett (Info) University of Miami stress M. Odurih 2006‑11‑02
Tim Bartels (Info) Harvard Medical School jamesconway 2024‑06‑14
Asa Barth-Maron (Info) Harvard Medical School AsaBM 2014‑07‑09
Marc Bartoli (Info) CNRS, Genethon, Aix Marseille University, Harvard Medical School human genetics, myology Bartoli 2015‑07‑31
Oded Barzelay (Info) Harvard Medical School delgutte 2023‑10‑12
Radhika Basheer (Info) Harvard Medical School Sleep tk113 2011‑04‑17
Gary J. Bassell (Info) Emory University School of Medicine mRNA transport, local protein synthesis bassell 2006‑10‑30
Isle Bastille (Info) Harvard Medical School romerog 2021‑06‑28
Alo C. Basu (Info) Harvard Medical School stress, NMDA, psychiatric disease acbasu 2011‑03‑10
Jayeeta Basu (Info) Columbia Synaptic Transmission, Plasticity, Munc13, HCN Jayeeta 2008‑04‑28
Helen S. Bateup (Info) Harvard Medical School, UC Berkeley Molecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity bateuph 2011‑12‑14
Corinna M. Bauer (Info) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School neuroophthalmology, cortical visual impairment, diffusion imaging, functional MRI, structural MRI, neuroimaging c.m.bauer 2016‑11‑04
Robert W. Baughman (Info) Harvard Medical School Cholinergic system fumitaka 2013‑04‑15
Christian Baumgartner (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Parveen Bawa (Info) Simon Fraser Neuroscience, spinal cord, reflexes, motoneuron pascoe 2008‑12‑09
Mark G. Baxter (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Learning and memory mbaxter 2005‑11‑02
Laurie Bayet (Info) American University lbayet 2014‑09‑17
Jeremy E. Bazinet (Info) Harvard Medical School jeb33 2015‑01‑16
M. Flint Beal (Info) Cornell george.perry 2010‑09‑06
Bruce P. Bean (Info) Harvard Medical School ion channels stephanb 2006‑03‑17
Marina Bedny (Info) Johns Hopkins, MIT, Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center), Penn effects of experience on neurocognitive development kas0179 2007‑09‑02
Marjorie Beeghly (Info) Wayne State Developmental Science (Psychology) pq 2016‑04‑18
Hannah Behrendt (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Fengfeng Bei (Info) Brigham & Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School yuzhang3 2018‑01‑17
David R. Beier (Info) Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Seattle Children's Research Institute ENU mutagenesis, forebrain and cerebral cortex development sshinha 2009‑08‑19
Michael Beierlein (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Synaptic transmission, Cortical circuitry mbeierlein 2006‑03‑17
John W. Belliveau (Info) Harvard brain mapping 2008‑08‑06
Ursula Bellugi (Info) Salk Institute cognitive neuroscience, deafness, music DanielLevitin 2009‑03‑22
Barbara S. Beltz (Info) Wellesley neurogenesis zfaulkes 2008‑07‑27
Brenda Bemporad (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Baruj Benacerraf (Info) Harvard Medical School Immunology jandh 2015‑04‑26
April A Benasich (Info) Rutgers, Newark dsiegel 2008‑10‑24
Katarina Bendtz (Info) The Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School gkreiman 2021‑03‑13
Francine M. Benes (Info) Harvard Medical School jpsangio 2015‑01‑03
Christopher Benjamin (Info) UCLA Epilepsy, Memory, fMRI, Reading, Dyslexia cfbenjamin 2011‑08‑14
Thomas L. Benjamin (Info) Harvard Medical School biotin 2014‑04‑29
Rachel E. Bennett (Info) Washington University, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School Alzheimer's disease, TBI, tau pathology, cerebrovasculature david 2016‑06‑29
Michael A. Benneyworth (Info) UMN Serotonin, glutamate, schizophrenia, addiction mbenneyworth 2013‑05‑22
Dale John Benos (Info) UAB Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology pq 2016‑02‑09
Larry I. Benowitz (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Trakhtenberg 2015‑08‑07
Frank Benson (Info) UCLA School of Medicine Behavioral Neurology dfloden 2007‑11‑14
Jose Benzo (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Charles Berde (Info) lc2042 2016‑03‑03
Maria Andrey Berezina (Info) Harvard Medical School/MIT Speech MABerezina 2009‑10‑15
Darwin K. Berg (Info) UCSD cholinergic system, development Mch777 2008‑11‑17
Jack Bergman (Info) McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School pczoty 2009‑09‑08
Nancy Berliner (Info) Harvard Medical School MylesBrown 2019‑11‑19
Yosef A Berlow (Info) Brown Neuroimaging, Psychiatry, Depression, Neuromodulation, Statistics yberlow 2020‑06‑11
Rachel Berman (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Rameen Beroukhim (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Broad Institute (MIT/Harvard), Harvard Medical School neuroscience, structural biology, computational biology, oncology, genomics rameen 2013‑09‑25
Sabina Berretta (Info) Harvard Medical School Extracellular matrix/neuron/glia interactions in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder david 2016‑01‑04
Eric Berry (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
James D. Berry (Info) MGH & Harvard Medical School jgreen4 2018‑12‑11
Antoine Besnard (Info) Harvard Medical School Hippocampal function in cognition and mood Antoine 2017‑08‑13
Peter Bex (Info) UCL visual psychophysics, motion perception ametha 2006‑11‑06
Peter j. Bex (Info) Harvard Medical School vision kwon0064 2014‑02‑28
Semir Beyaz (Info) Harvard Medical School, CSHL ohyilmaz 2019‑08‑28
Vikas Bhandawat (Info) Duke Olfaction JLand52 2010‑03‑08
Hari M. Bharadwaj (Info) Boston University, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Auditory system, Human Neuroimaging haribharadwaj 2014‑08‑20
Rohan Bhattacharya (Info) Duke Stem cells, disease models, leukemia, immunology rohanbme 2023‑04‑03
Dionnet L. Bhatti (Info) University of Georgia, Washington University, Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School Motivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators dbhatti 2015‑09‑14
Shamsuddin A. Bhuiyan (Info) UBC, Michael Smith Labs, Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital Neuroscience sbhuiyan 2016‑12‑09
Wenya L. Bi (Info) Yale pq 2015‑12‑04
Johanna R. Bick (Info) University of Delaware Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑02‑06
Allison Biezer (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Amico Bignami (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Natalia Y. Bilenko (Info) UC Berkeley Visual System nbilenko 2007‑06‑25
Johannes Bill (Info) Harvard Medical School Computational neuroscience, computational cognitive science, neuromorphic engineering bill.scientific 2021‑03‑31
Marie Billaud (Info) Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School vascular physiology, calcium, aneurysm, cell communication, oxidative stress mbillaud 2021‑04‑05
Anne Billot (Info) Harvard Neuroplasticity, neuromodulation, stroke recovery, aphasia rehabilitation, depression abillot 2024‑04‑18
Marc D. Binder (Info) University of Washington Motoneurons mdbinder 2009‑05‑29
Gal Bitan (Info) UCLA Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Drug development galbitan 2010‑08‑05
Emilio Bizzi (Info) MIT Motor JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Bruce H. Bjornson (Info) BC Children's Hospital Pediatric Brainmapping liamks 2006‑12‑05
Stephanie Blachon (Info) TAR 2008‑05‑15
Yolanda D. Black Fortin (Info) UC Irvine drug addiction, learning, memory, PD yfortin 2009‑03‑23
Allyson M. Blackburn (Info) UIUC HomeBase 2019‑04‑04
Seth Blackshaw (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School Cell fate specification sethblackshaw 2005‑11‑15
Craig Blackstone (Info) Penn State Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑24
Craig Blackstone (Info) Harvard Medical School chriscashman 2021‑04‑13
Nathaniel T. Blair (Info) Hydra BioSciences, Childrens Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Harvard, Stanford Medical School Neuronal excitability, ion channels nblair 2007‑06‑20
Mark A. Blais (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Personality, Personality Assessment 100745 2017‑07‑24
Kimbria Blake (Info) Harvard Medical School isaacchiu 2021‑08‑21
Thomas A. Blanpied (Info) University of Maryland Medical School synapses, glutamate receptors, live-cell imaging, schizophrenia and affective disorders, super-resolution imaging blanpied 2010‑01‑05
Gary G. Blasdel (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑20
Christine Blaumueller (Info) EMBO SAT 2010‑04‑23
Thomas Blauwblomme (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School kjstaley 2020‑07‑09
John Blenis (Info) Harvard Medical School Cell biology prerana 2009‑03‑31
Dawn Blitz (Info) Penn sharisaideman 2007‑02‑01
Anne J. Blood (Info) Harvard Emotion, Dystonia, Music rzator 2006‑10‑24
Brenda L. Bloodgood (Info) UCSD bloodg 2006‑03‑25
Peter M. Blumberg (Info) NIH (NCI) pfmcom 2018‑08‑28
Sheila E. Blumstein (Info) Brown Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech and Lexical Access cab 2006‑11‑15
Laurel Bobrow (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Aaron Daniel Boes (Info) Harvard Cognitive neuroscience, non-invasive brain stimulation aboes 2013‑04‑13
Mario Bogdanov (Info) McLean Hospital | Harvard Medical School, McGill, McGill, Universität Hamburg jj2000 2019‑07‑09
Yelena Bogdanova (Info) Boston University & Harvard Medical School Neurorehabilitation, TBI, Neuromodulation nrehab 2011‑10‑08
Vadim Y. Bolshakov (Info) Harvard Medical School Vadim 2006‑03‑08
Paolo Bonato (Info) Harvard Medical School Rehabilitation engineering, Biomechanics of movement, Electromyography iahncajigas 2009‑10‑27
Vincent Bonin (Info) Imec, VIB and KU Leuven Sensory processing vbonin 2005‑11‑01
Azad Bonni (Info) Harvard Development, Morphogenesis, Signal Transduction, Apoptosis ashalizi 2007‑09‑19
Richard T. Born (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system hanks 2005‑10‑12
David Borsook (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital emoulton 2020‑11‑10
Jasmine Boshyan (Info) Brandeis Social-Developmental jasmine 2007‑10‑22
Caroline Boudoux (Info) Polytechnique Montréal Biomedical Optics, Optical Coherence Tomography, Microscopy, Fiber Optics cboudoux 2019‑10‑21
Sylvain Bouix (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School computer science, shape analysis of anatomical structures, evaluation of medical imaging techniques Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Lisa M. Boulanger (Info) Princeton brain development and plasticity; immune proteins in the brain neuro100 2006‑02‑13
Gabriella L. Boulting (Info) Harvard Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases pq 2015‑11‑20
Adam T Boutin (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School Cancer biology/genomics geneseeker3 2021‑03‑17
Henry Pickering Bowditch (Info) Harvard Medical School Physiology hayden 2005‑01‑17
Lindsay Bowman (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital canelson 2018‑12‑14
Philip J. Boyer (Info) University of Colorado, Denver Neurodegenerative diseases, Neuromuscular diseases, Pathology informatics george.perry 2010‑03‑19
D. Cristopher Bragg (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuroscience dcbragg 2009‑10‑11
Itatí Branca (Info) National University of Córdoba, Argentina, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
David H Brann (Info) Harvard Medical School innate behavior, olfaction davidhbrann 2017‑11‑06
Priscilla Brastianos (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute nbraints 2013‑09‑11
Sebastian Brauchi (Info) Universidad Austral de Chile TRP ion channels wuzano 2007‑07‑31
Xandra Owens Breakefield (Info) Harvard Medical School/ MGH Neurogenetics, Gene Therapy davidpcorey 2007‑06‑05
Heather C. Brenhouse (Info) Northeastern University jacorriv 2015‑08‑05
Robert Stafford Bridges (Info) Harvard Medical School Katelin108 2010‑10‑01
Samuel G. Brill-Weil (Info) Harvard Medical School sbrillweil 2024‑02‑04
Amy Brock (Info) UT Austin Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑04‑07
Jeremy P. Brockes (Info) UCL regeneration, stem cells M. Odurih 2012‑02‑05
Courtney Brown (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Emery Brown (Info) Harvard hayden 2005‑02‑18
M. Christian Brown (Info) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary auditory system dryugo 2015‑03‑19
Solange P. Brown (Info) Johns Hopkins scienbox 2013‑04‑01
Anders Brun (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden Manifold learning, image processing and methods for high dimensional data analysis in general Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Anne Brunet (Info) Stanford neural stem cells, neurogenesis, aging svilleda 2013‑03‑14
Rachael D. Brust (Info) Harvard Medical School rbrust 2009‑10‑07
Gregory S. Bryman (Info) Harvard Medical School mtrido 2018‑02‑22
Linda B. Buck (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Harvard University (medical School), University of Maryland, Baltimore, Yale Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Kathleen M. Buckley (Info) Harvard Medical School Synaptic vesicle biogenesis westaneurodukeedu 2007‑03‑13
Randy L. Buckner (Info) Harvard Human memory cab 2006‑04‑19
Eric Bui (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School Trauma, Grief, Anxiety CATSD 2018‑06‑20
Calin Buia (Info) Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School gkreiman 2014‑12‑24
William Burch (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, BU School of Medicine Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Steven J. Burden (Info) NYU M. Odurih 2007‑02‑25
Christian R. Burgess (Info) University of Toronto Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑03‑07
Eliza Burr (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School visual system, experience dependent plasticity, thalamus, prefrontal cortex, dLGN, Rett's Syndrom eburr182 2020‑01‑28
Ashley I. Bush (Info) Mental Health Research Institute, University of Melbourne Alzheimer's Disease, metals, zinc, copper, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ALS, neurodegeneration abush 2010‑02‑17
George Bush (Info) Harvard Medical School hayden 2005‑10‑30
Georgia Bushell (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Volker Busskamp (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system, vision restoration, optogenetic tools, microRNA volker 2007‑05‑01
Daniel A. Butts (Info) University of Maryland Information theory, coding, estimation, vision david 2005‑02‑05
Tanina DL Cadwell (Info) Harvard Medical School - BWH Genomics, Bioinformatics, Neuroscience cadwellt 2022‑03‑25
Roberta Cagnetta (Info) Cambridge, McGill, Harvard Medical School Neurobiology Roberta 2022‑06‑22
Daniel Cahill (Info) M. D. Anderson Cancer Center george.perry 2010‑03‑20
Donqin Cai (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts Eye and Ear AnneNeuro10 2019‑05‑13
Li Cai (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Neural Development and Disorders carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Xuyu Cai (Info) Harvard Medical School Neurogenesis xcai 2010‑02‑09
Sean W. Cain (Info) Monash University, Harvard Medical School Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, Sex Differences swcain 2011‑03‑22
Barak Caine (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral Pharmacology of Stimulant Drugs and Brain Dopamine Systems david 2016‑01‑04
Iahn Cajigas (Info) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School Motor Learning, Neural Decoding iahncajigas 2009‑10‑27
Joan Camprodon (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School nkhadka 2020‑10‑22
Myrtelle May Canavan (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuropathology CJM3 2009‑04‑20
Melanie Cane (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑24
Stephen C. Cannon (Info) David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA channelopathies, skeletal muscle, sodium channels scannon 2010‑03‑12
Walter Bradford Cannon (Info) Harvard Medical School Physiology hayden 2005‑01‑17
Georgina Cano (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuroscience georginacano 2008‑05‑07
Horacio Cantiello (Info) Harvard Medical School drgregmaguire 2016‑01‑18
Louis Caplan (Info) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School NilsHenninger 2019‑02‑26
Efe Carabeyli (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Alfonso Caramazza (Info) Harvard Language sd.slotnick 2007‑03‑27
William A. Carlezon (Info) Harvard rsteine 2006‑04‑29
Dana Carney (Info) UC Berkeley jasmine 2007‑10‑22
David O. Carpenter (Info) pruben 2006‑12‑04
Come Carquex (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Come Carquex (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Sarah Carrigan (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Holly Carrington (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Adam G. Carter (Info) NYU agcarter 2006‑03‑25
Gregory D. Cascino (Info) Mayo Clinic Epilepsy gcascino 2010‑01‑15
Sydney S. Cash (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Epilepsy, Cognitive Neuroscience adykstra 2008‑12‑04
Christopher R Cashman (Info) Harvard Medical School Mitochondria genetics, peripheral nerve degeneration, peripheral nerve regeneration chriscashman 2021‑04‑13
Benjamin Castelman (Info) george.perry 2010‑08‑14
Jessica (Mimi) Boer Castelo (Info) MGH Clinical Neuropsychology mimiboer 2008‑04‑17
Ana Castro (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts Eye and Ear AnneNeuro10 2019‑05‑13
Corinne Cather (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Gerontology pq 2016‑05‑11
John P. Caulfield (Info) Harvard Medical School acetylcholine 2018‑02‑08
Franklin Caval-Holme (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School michaeldo 2021‑06‑02
Verne S. Caviness, Jr. (Info) MGH Neurology, child neurology, cortical development ziggles 2005‑10‑29
Kim Celone (Info) Boston University fMRI, learning, memory, neuropsychology kcelone 2011‑03‑23
Constance L. Cepko (Info) Harvard Medical School development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness felixs 2006‑09‑07
María Fernanda Ceriani (Info) Fundación Instituto Leloir circadian rhythm behavior & neurodegeneration in Drosophila ferce 2006‑02‑08
Suheyla Cetin (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Jang-Ho J. Cha (Info) Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Huntington's disease, drug discovery jcha 2006‑10‑18
Yeung Seok Chae (Info) Korea University, Seoul george.perry 2010‑08‑08
Maria Chahrour (Info) Harvard Medical School rsamaco 2008‑12‑17
Tatenda Chakoma (Info) MGH & Harvard Medical School kaytye 2019‑09‑10
Damayanti Chakraborty (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Yshi 2020‑04‑28
Nancy Chamberlin (Info) Harvard Medical School respiratory neuroanatomy and physiology csaper 2007‑07‑06
Anna Chambers (Info) Harvard vghost 2011‑02‑01
Jennifer Chan (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital george.perry 2010‑06‑11
Rui B. Chang (Info) Harvard Medical School Sensory biology, autonomic physiology, vagus nerve ruichang1983 2016‑07‑20
Alastair Channon (Info) Keele University ThomasMiconi 2011‑12‑05
Rakshita A. Charan (Info) Harvard Medical School Parkinson's disease, Parkin rakshita 2012‑06‑01
P. Bryant Chase (Info) University of Washington, Florida State Muscle physiology and biophysics; cell & molecular biomechanics of cardiac and skeletal muscle; bionanotechnology ChasePBryant 2015‑08‑10
Nirmalya Chatterjee (Info) Harvard Medical School Metabolism nchatterjee 2018‑02‑09
Soumya Chatterjee (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑31
Chris Chatzinakos (Info) McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School ndask 2019‑05‑20
Maximilien Chaumon (Info) Boston College Cognitive Neuroscience moshe 2009‑04‑10
Chinfei Chen (Info) Harvard synaptic physiology, visual system development mardinly 2007‑01‑05
Christopher H. Chen (Info) Albert Einstein, Harvard Medical School davidereato 2015‑07‑29
Dong-Feng Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School Brain regeneration tifei 2007‑10‑17
J. Jean Chen (Info) University of Toronto fMRI methodology, brain physiology, multimodal imaging in aging jjchen 2013‑04‑30
Jau-Nian Chen (Info) UCLA Development of Cardiovascular System, Zebrafish Piraeus 2010‑10‑12
Jinhui Chen (Info) University of Kentucky jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Junjie Chen (Info) The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center genomic stability, DNA damage responsive pathways, cancer biology hilton9 2019‑08‑07
Justine Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Ke Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts Eye and Ear Gustatory system Kechen 2019‑01‑28
Kuchuan Chen (Info) Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School Neuroscience Kuchuan 2019‑11‑26
Michael C. Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School Sleep mcchen 2009‑02‑18
Wenqiang Chen (Info) Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, The University of Hong Kong, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen drug addiction, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease NeuroscienceChenWQ 2011‑05‑09
Xirui Chen (Info) Baylor College of Medicine system neuroscience xirechen 2024‑12‑19
Yao Chen (Info) Washington University yaochen 2011‑12‑14
Yue Chen (Info) Harvard ychen 2007‑09‑23
Yulong Chen (Info) Binghamton University Signaling, Epigenetic Regulation, and Molecular Neuropharmacology SEMN1 2012‑09‑30
Zheng-Yi Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School Development, Function, and Disease State of the Inner Ear david 2016‑01‑04
Zhicheng Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital Tau biomarker - Alzheimer’s Disease zhichengchen 2017‑05‑14
Hwai-Jong Cheng (Info) UC Davis axon guidance hjcheng 2011‑09‑11
You Cheng (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School dementia, neuroimage, machine learning yc317 2024‑04‑18
Yung-Chih Cheng (Info) Boston Children's Hospital Transcriptional Regulation in Neuron Regeneration IngeCheng 2013‑11‑04
Anjen Chenn (Info) Northwestern Developmental Neuroscience Estrada 2006‑10‑24
Timothy J. Cherry (Info) U Washington/Seattle Children's Research Inst. Retinal Development 2008‑04‑01
Andy Chess (Info) Harvard Medical School Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Selmaan Chettih (Info) Harvard Medical School arimorcos 2016‑05‑01
Eugene Cheung (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital Reproduction, Endocrinology, Leptin, Tachykinins echeung90 2021‑03‑31
Nai-Kong V. Cheung (Info) Harvard Medical School zaki 2018‑05‑01
Olivia S. Cheung (Info) NYU Abu Dhabi Object recognition, face recognition sin5347 2006‑02‑20
Jasmeer P. Chhatwal (Info) MGH/BWH/Harvard Medical School Memory, dementia jc172 2011‑07‑28
Vincent A. Chiappinelli (Info) George Washington University felixs 2006‑08‑31
E. Antonio Chiocca (Info) Harvard Medical School The biology and experimental therapeutics of malignant brain tumors david 2016‑01‑04
E. Antonio Chiocca (Info) Ohio State, Brigham and Women's Hospital ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Ajay B. Chitnis (Info) NICHD Neurogenesis, zebrafish, pattern formation, lateral line, collective migration, morphogenesis, multiscale modelling, self-organization chitnisa 2009‑06‑24
Tanuja Chitnis (Info) Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women Hospital Multiple Sclerosis, Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis, Natural History tgholipour 2010‑09‑13
Isaac Chiu (Info) Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School Pain, Neuro-immune interactions ichiu 2010‑05‑20
Yeang H. Chng (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system, visual cortex yeangchng 2014‑07‑10
Jun-Hyeong Cho (Info) UC Riverside Synaptic Plasticity, Learning and Memory js3 2009‑03‑12
Yoon-Jae Cho (Info) OHSU Neuro-oncology slpomeroy 2011‑02‑26
Dennis W. Choi (Info) Stanford, SUNY Stony Brook david 2009‑02‑10
Jeewook Choi (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Seungwon Choi (Info) Harvard Medical School/MGH, Harvard Medical School, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST) Somatosensory system space503 2020‑09‑11
So Yoen Choi (Info) Korea University, UMass Med School, Harvard Medical School park79 2012‑09‑17
Hyemi Chong (Info) UT Southwestern mauspad 2010‑12‑03
Pornsuk Chongcheun (Info) Siriraj Hospital Mihidol University, Thailand george.perry 2010‑08‑08
I-han Chou (Info) Nature david 2005‑03‑04
Alexi Choueiri (Info) MIT Neurotechnology, Bioengineering, Neuroengineering, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology achoueir 2017‑04‑10
Brian W Chow (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuroscience bchow 2017‑09‑26
Budhaditya Chowdhury (Info) Baylor College of Medicine behavioral neurogenetics budhaditya 2012‑12‑03
Duong T. Chu (Info) University of Toronto chuthuyduong 2017‑01‑24
Yunxiang Chu (Info) Harvard Medical School yunxiang 2008‑12‑02
Jean-Ju L. Chung (Info) Johns Hopkins ion channels, trafficking pq 2015‑10‑13
Yoojin Chung (Info) Harvard Medical School / Eaton Peabody Lab Auditory system yjchung 2011‑02‑27
Natalia Chunga- (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Aylin Cimenser (Info) Harvard, Cambridge Health Sciences aylin 2015‑05‑08
Stephanie L. Cincotta (Info) Georgetown rodefer 2009‑05‑17
Aleksandra Ciszewski (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
David E. Clapham (Info) Harvard Medical School/HHMI Ion channels and calcium signaling nblair 2007‑07‑03
Kameron Kjelleren Clayton (Info) Harvard Medical School Auditory neuroscience kameronclayton 2017‑12‑15
Stanley Cobb (Info) MGH Neurology hayden 2006‑04‑11
Adam S. Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Alexander Li Cohen (Info) Washington University School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School fcMRI, functional areas, brain mapping, autism alecia 2007‑04‑20
David Cohen (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Biomagnetism adykstra 2008‑12‑04
Donald Jay Cohen (Info) Yale Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Psychology jandh 2015‑02‑07
Jonathan B. Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School, Washington University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, MGH nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors wellnitz 2012‑07‑05
Justine E Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital fMRI, sex differences, depression justinecc 2019‑04‑12
Mandel Cohen (Info) george.perry 2010‑08‑14
Paul Cohen (Info) Rockefeller molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight pq 2015‑10‑15
H Steven Colburn (Info) Boston University binaural hearing, modelling antje 2008‑02‑24
Jonathan O. Cole (Info) Harvard Medical School / McLean Hospital Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Frederick A. Coller (Info) University of Michigan jandh 2014‑04‑07
Matthew F Collie (Info) UCSF, Harvard somatosensation, motor cpgs mottcallie 2019‑09‑25
Guusje Collin (Info) Harvard Medical School at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Gabrieli Lab Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑01
Kathryn G. Commons (Info) Childrens/Harvard Med serotonin, substance P, opioids commonk 2010‑03‑24
Keith Conners (Info) Harvard Medical School Argyris 2023‑08‑14
Erin Connor (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Bevil R. Conway (Info) Harvard Vision bevil 2006‑03‑22
Taylor Copeland (Info) Harvard Medical School romerog 2021‑06‑28
Joseph C. Corbo (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks jcorbo 2008‑11‑08
Claire Cordella (Info) Harvard Medical School jgreen4 2015‑12‑01
Ingrid M. Cordon (Info) UC Davis Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑21
David P. Corey (Info) Harvard Medical School Ion channels, hair cells hanks 2005‑10‑13
Gabriel Corfas (Info) The Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, University of Michigan Neuron-glia interactions, development, disease models corfas 2008‑02‑03
Laura Cornelissen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Anesthesia, Pain, Development, Humans lc2042 2016‑03‑03
Ariadna Corredera Asensio (Info) NYU Neuroethology; Auditory processing; Acoustic communication ariadnacorredera 2024‑05‑24
Sara Corriveau (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
G. Rees Cosgrove (Info) The Lahey Clinic, Brown ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Garth Rees Cosgrove (Info) Brown Neurosurgery, Epilepsy, Neuromodulation brownns 2013‑06‑02
Katharina E. Cosker (Info) Harvard Medical School Retrograde signaling kjrehm 2009‑02‑03
Michael Costigan (Info) MGH whitefmo 2008‑09‑01
Beth A Costine-Bartell (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic epilepsy, GABA receptors CostineBartell 2022‑08‑17
Douglas A. Cotanche (Info) Harvard Medical School Auditory system CJM3 2009‑03‑01
Gillian Coughlan (Info) Harvard Medical School gellersenh 2022‑06‑22
Christopher W. Cowan (Info) Harvard Medical School contraphd 2010‑04‑22
Joseph T. Coyle (Info) Harvard Medical School glutamate jcoyle 2007‑01‑02
Michael A. Crickmore (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Drosophila behavior rsm10 2009‑04‑15
Jennifer Renee Cromer (Info) Harvard Medical School Clinical Neuropsychology cromedome 2008‑11‑07
Alice Cronin-Golomb (Info) Boston University Neuropsychology alicecg 2011‑04‑25
John J. Crowley (Info) Harvard Medical School jcrowley 2009‑02‑28
William Crowley (Info) MGH kimberlyhcox 2017‑03‑30
Gayle Crutchfield (Info) UVA ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Deborah J. Culley (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Anesthesia, cognition, aging mbaxter 2007‑06‑27
Timothy A. Currier (Info) NYU tcurrier 2014‑09‑09
Rory Curtis (Info) Elixir Pharmaceuticals GAP43, glia, ion channels, regeneration, neurotrophins, GAP-43 rory 2009‑01‑07
Harvey Williams Cushing (Info) Johns Hopkins, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Yale Neurosurgery hayden 2005‑01‑17
Luciano Custo Greig (Info) Harvard Development mollieb 2012‑10‑06
Charles Czeisler (Info) Harvard Medical School Neurobiology of the Human Circadian Pacemaker david 2016‑01‑04
Paul W. Czoty (Info) Wake Forest School of Medicine behavioral pharmacology, neuroscience, substance abuse research, brain imaging pczoty 2009‑09‑08
Federico d'Oleire Uquillas (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Princeton Neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience DrD 2013‑08‑08
Kirk R. Daffner (Info) Brigham & Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School Cognitive aging, attention, novelty processing mauspad 2010‑12‑03
Onur Dagliyan (Info) Harvard Medical School Cell Signaling onurdagliyan 2017‑04‑15
Lionel S. Dahan (Info) Université de Toulouse LTP, memory, alzheimer, dopamine luscher 2007‑03‑11
Doris Dahl (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑12‑24
Brian Dahlben (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Min Dai (Info) Harvard Medical School and Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT Interneuron; Bioinformatics; Epigenetics artofbiology 2023‑01‑02
Yu Yuki Dai (Info) Harvard Medical School Somatosensation, social behaviors, ASDs yukidai 2018‑02‑13
Anders M. Dale (Info) UCSD methods development, multimodal imaging smk 2007‑07‑08
Matthew Dalva (Info) Thomas Jefferson University/SOM Synaptic Physiology kumbhani 2006‑11‑27
Antonio Damasio (Info) USC neurology, neuropsychology hayden 2005‑10‑13
Diane M. Damez Werno (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Addiction, Depression, Epigenetics dianedamezwerno 2013‑03‑10
Francisco Max Damico (Info) USP Ophthalmology, Visual neuroscience melipona 2010‑10‑24
Francisco Max Damico (Info) USP Ophthalmology, Visual Neuroscience maxdamico 2010‑10‑24
Yang Dan (Info) UC Berkeley Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑15
Karin Danzer (Info) MGH mcleanpj1 2018‑05‑02
Muriel Darnaudery (Info) Université de Bordeaux, Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain, University of Lille, France, Université de Bordeaux early life stress; depression; cognition ; HPA axis; medial Prefrontal cortex; motherhood; gut-brain axis MDarnaudery 2015‑04‑15
Sudeshna Das (Info) MGH albserrap 2021‑04‑10
Nikolaos P. Daskalakis (Info) McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School Stress, PTSD, Schizophrenia Daskalakis 2010‑10‑26
Hengameh Dastard (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑07‑02
Sandeep Robert Datta (Info) Harvard circuits, innate responses, olfaction Neuronal 2007‑03‑14
Akash Datwani (Info) Harvard CNS development, plasticity & degeneration gvidal 2007‑07‑31
Jean Dausset (Info) University of Paris testtest 2009‑02‑27
Sonya Dave (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Elizabeth David (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Alice W. Davidson (Info) Harvard Medical School / Mclean Hospial Dr.MHT 2024‑11‑27
Charles Davidson (Info) Harvard Medical School Luisa_Schuhmacher 2021‑06‑29
Charlie A. Davidson (Info) Mercer University Severe and persistent mental illness, social cognition, psychometrics, stigma, sleep difficulties brittneycbrown 2019‑07‑27
Bernard D. Davis (Info) Harvard Medical School bacterial genetics RNA 2012‑10‑05
Christopher P Davis (Info) Harvard Medical School Molecular biology, gene expression, chromatin, neurodevelopment cpdavis 2021‑02‑02
Hallowell Davis (Info) Harvard hayden 2005‑02‑07
Loyal Davis (Info) Northwestern ziechmar 2018‑04‑26
Rachel Davis (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital kmgentry 2023‑02‑21
Arthur Day (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Mitchell L. Day (Info) Ohio University auditory neurophysiology daymitch 2011‑10‑14
Umberto De Girolami (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Neuropathology and Anatomic Pathology george.perry 2010‑03‑19
Rose M. De Guzman (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School joannalworkman 2015‑09‑04
Richard De La Garza, II (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Addiction Neuroscience richdelagarza 2012‑03‑19
Suzanne Marie de la Monte (Info) Brown Alzheimer's, alcoholic neurodegeneration, and fetal alcohol syndrome. Experimentally, we examine how insulin deficiency and/or insulin resistance leads george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Fernando B. de Moura (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School 2016‑09‑20
Isabel Dean (Info) UCL Auditory System david 2005‑08‑31
Ellen M DeGennaro (Info) Vassar, NYU, MIT, Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School, CU Boulder Epidemiology, cortical development, visual system, biological engineering, cognitive neuroscience ellen-dege 2023‑12‑11
Joseph DeGutis (Info) Harvard Medical School Sustained Attention, Cognitive Training, Face Recognition arosenb1 2014‑04‑28
Nima Dehghani (Info) UNIC-CNRS/Harvard/UCSD Computational Neuroscience nima 2010‑10‑29
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