People with institution matching "Rockefeller University":
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Search truncated at limit of 500 matches. |
Name |
Institution |
Area |
Added by |
Date |
Rupshi Mitra (Info) |
Stanford University Medical School |
biology, neuroscience, gene therapy, stress, enrichment environment |
rupshimitra |
2024‑04‑25 |
Hiroshi Abe (Info) |
National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry |
decision-making |
ha |
2013‑02‑04 |
Jessica L. Ables (Info) |
Mt Sinai School of Medicine |
Neuroscience, Circuitry, Behavior, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience |
aeisch |
2009‑10‑10 |
Jorge Aceves (Info) |
Neurophysiology |
Daniel_Zaldivar |
2009‑12‑09 |
Alan R. Adolph (Info) |
Schepens Eye Institute |
retina |
kwoonwong |
2005‑11‑05 |
Robert Agate (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Rajvi Agravat (Info) |
UT Austin |
lhamilton |
2023‑12‑17 |
Keith T Akama (Info) |
NGM Biopharmaceuticals |
Biologics |
Akama |
2022‑01‑19 |
Hessameddin Akhlaghpour (Info) |
Rockefeller |
hessam |
2020‑06‑18 |
David S Albeck (Info) |
CU Denver |
DavidAlbeck1 |
2021‑09‑23 |
Jose-Manuel Alonso (Info) |
Visual neurophysiology |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑28 |
Leandro Martin Alonso (Info) |
Brandeis |
computational neuroscience |
leandroalonso |
2021‑09‑24 |
Rodrigo Gogui Alonso (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Hearing, biophysics, birdsong, nonlinear dynamics |
goguialonso |
2021‑09‑02 |
Ben Alvarez-Borda (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (Info) |
Neural stem cells |
tamily |
2005‑12‑01 |
David J. Anderson (Info) |
Caltech |
Neural circuits, Defensive behaviors, Inter-male aggression |
cab |
2006‑03‑28 |
Marjorie E. Anderson (Info) |
University of Washington |
Neural control of movement, Basal ganglia |
andermar |
2009‑01‑10 |
Erika C. Andrade (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Molecular Psychiatry |
ErikaCA |
2006‑04‑11 |
Caroline W. Ang (Info) |
Rockefeller |
pq |
2015‑09‑25 |
Todd E. Anthony (Info) |
Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School |
Genetic dissection of neural circuits that control stress-induced behavioral states |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Chiye Aoki (Info) |
Developmental neuroanatomy |
aadisney |
2006‑03‑22 |
Roberto Araya (Info) |
Université de Montréal |
Neocortex, dendritic spines |
raraya |
2008‑03‑07 |
Arthur Palmer Arnold (Info) |
sexual differentiation, brain, metabolism, genetics, sex chromosomes, testosterone, estradiol, birdsong |
aparnold |
2014‑10‑14 |
Donald Arnold (Info) |
ion channels |
dblake |
2006‑04‑17 |
Kenta Asahina (Info) |
Salk Institute |
leslievosshall |
2009‑08‑05 |
Hiroshi Asanuma (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Motor system |
acidsoul |
2005‑11‑15 |
Estefania P Azevedo (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neuroscience |
eazevedo |
2020‑05‑14 |
Ricardo R. Azevedo (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neurodevelopment |
razevedo01 |
2015‑04‑16 |
Gregory F. Ball (Info) |
Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland |
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Ethology |
ccasteli |
2006‑03‑28 |
Cori Bargmann (Info) |
Rockefeller, UCSF |
C. elegans, decision |
JLand52 |
2006‑03‑16 |
Robert B. Barlow (Info) |
SUNY Upstate Medical University |
vision research |
daph |
2005‑10‑25 |
Alona Barnea (Info) |
Rockefeller |
david |
2016‑09‑04 |
Anat Barnea (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Colin J. Barnstable (Info) |
Penn State |
Visual system, retina development |
jnaegele |
2007‑11‑09 |
Helen S. Bateup (Info) |
Harvard Medical School, UC Berkeley |
Molecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity |
bateuph |
2011‑12‑14 |
Kevin G. Bath (Info) |
Weill Cornell Medical College |
Olfaction & Neurotrophins |
kbath77 |
2007‑07‑16 |
Jeffrey R. Baylis (Info) |
UW Madison |
animal behavior, evolution |
emartins |
2011‑08‑17 |
Lloyd M Beidler (Info) |
Florida State |
Taste physiology |
wotring |
2008‑04‑28 |
Rudy Bellani (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Brain asymmetry, memory, stress, |
rudy4histo |
2007‑02‑18 |
Richard Benton (Info) |
Université de Lausanne |
Olfaction, Cell Biology, Behavior |
leslievosshall |
2007‑11‑10 |
Gary G. Berntson (Info) |
Ohio State |
brothershm |
2009‑07‑30 |
Aurel Betz (Info) |
Rockefeller |
STATs, development |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Sarah M. Bhagat (Info) |
Rockefeller, Yale, Stanford |
Cortical plasticity |
sbhagat |
2011‑06‑11 |
Dionnet L. Bhatti (Info) |
University of Georgia, Washington University, Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School |
Motivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators |
dbhatti |
2015‑09‑14 |
James A. Bibb (Info) |
UT Southwestern |
dbenav |
2007‑08‑29 |
Niels Birbaumer (Info) |
Inst Med Psychol Behav Neurobiol University of Tuebingen |
Feedback; Biological Psychology |
lotze |
2006‑07‑31 |
Kivanc birsoy (Info) |
Whitehead Institute |
kbirsoy |
2012‑03‑22 |
Ira B. Black (Info) |
UMDMJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School |
Developmental Neurology |
M. Odurih |
2006‑11‑07 |
Thomas A. Blanpied (Info) |
University of Maryland Medical School |
synapses, glutamate receptors, live-cell imaging, schizophrenia and affective disorders, super-resolution imaging |
blanpied |
2010‑01‑05 |
Ona E Bloom (Info) |
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research |
spinal cord injury, neuroscience, immunology |
obloom |
2022‑04‑20 |
Erik B. Bloss (Info) |
Janelia Farm |
ebloss |
2008‑12‑11 |
Jürgen Bolz (Info) |
University of Jena |
david |
2008‑04‑08 |
Tobias Bonhoeffer (Info) |
MPI Martinsried |
Plasticity and development |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑26 |
Thomas Bozza (Info) |
Northwestern |
Olfaction |
tbozza |
2007‑08‑15 |
Jack Winningham Bradbury (Info) |
Cornell |
Bioacoustics |
felloe |
2006‑12‑20 |
Anindita Brahma (Info) |
Rockefeller |
social insects, social evolution, genomics, animal behaviour |
abrahma |
2024‑03‑13 |
Wayne G. Brake (Info) |
Concordia University Montreal |
developmental neurobiology |
wbrake |
2006‑04‑10 |
Roberta Diaz Brinton (Info) |
jnilsen |
2008‑01‑14 |
Ali Brivanlou (Info) |
Rockefeller |
neural development |
fmariani |
2007‑01‑10 |
A. Harrison Brody (Info) |
Yale |
Alhabrody |
2017‑03‑05 |
Stephen G. Brohawn (Info) |
Rockefeller, UC Berkeley |
Molecular basis of sensory transduction and cellular electrical signaling |
sbroh |
2014‑04‑16 |
Vernon B. Brooks (Info) |
Western University |
Motor system |
acidsoul |
2005‑11‑15 |
Michael Browning (Info) |
david |
2006‑10‑19 |
Karen Bulloch (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Brain Dendritic Cells |
haleyv |
2013‑12‑02 |
Jennifer J. Bussell (Info) |
Columbia |
neurogenetics, behavior, neuroscience |
jbussell |
2011‑04‑20 |
Victor H. Bustos (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration |
vbustos |
2014‑05‑29 |
Joseph D. Buxbaum (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Alzheimer's Disease, Autism, Schizophrenia |
shasta |
2006‑08‑25 |
Caner Caglar (Info) |
Bezmialem Vakif University |
Neuroscience |
CanerCaglar |
2024‑02‑01 |
Edward M. Callaway (Info) |
Salk Institute |
Visual cortex |
david |
2005‑01‑31 |
Heather A. Cameron (Info) |
adult neurogenesis, plasticity, behavior, stress |
jasonsnyder |
2009‑08‑21 |
Rick Canady (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Lindsey Jean Cantin (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Vocal learning, epigenetics, genomics |
lindseycantin |
2020‑01‑27 |
Alan Carleton (Info) |
University of Geneva |
"olfaction, gustation, neurogenesis" |
carleton |
2007‑05‑08 |
Albert H. Cass (Info) |
Rockefeller |
MembraneTransport phenomena |
dbseyler |
2010‑07‑20 |
Manuel Castellano-Munoz (Info) |
Stanford |
Hearing |
bioeticprion |
2007‑10‑24 |
John J. Cebra (Info) |
Johns Hopkins |
jvpardo |
2011‑12‑10 |
Guillermo Cecchi (Info) |
Computational Neuroscience |
shildough |
2006‑01‑10 |
Sreekanth H. Chalasani (Info) |
Salk Institute |
draible |
2012‑05‑07 |
Merrill Wallace Chase (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Immunology, ABO antigens, cell mediated immunity |
jvpardo |
2011‑12‑10 |
Sumantra Shona Chattarji (Info) |
National Center for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Banglalore, India |
Amygdala, Stress, Synaptic Plasticity, Learning & Memory, Fragile X Syndrome |
drgarga |
2006‑02‑19 |
Alain Chédotal (Info) |
Institut de la vision |
axon guidance, neuronal migration |
chedotala |
2009‑06‑22 |
Jia Cheng (Info) |
Rockefeller |
depression, electrophysiological properties |
jcheng |
2016‑09‑03 |
Dante Renato Chialvo (Info) |
Northwestern |
Complex Systems and Dynamics |
shildough |
2006‑01‑20 |
Eugenia Chiappe (Info) |
Champalimaud Neuroscience Program |
sensory-motor integration |
echiappe |
2007‑07‑29 |
Christine E. Cho (Info) |
Rockefeller |
sensory adaptation |
aladgyma |
2013‑04‑21 |
Yong Choe (Info) |
Auditory neuroscience |
magnasco |
2008‑02‑05 |
Elena Choleris (Info) |
University of Guelph |
Behavioral Neuroscience, Social Behavior, Estrogens, Oxytocin, Mice, Learning and Memory |
martinw |
2008‑12‑14 |
Revathy Uthaiah Chottekalapanda (Info) |
Rockefeller |
sridhara |
2008‑12‑16 |
Nikolaos Chronis (Info) |
University of Michigan |
JLand52 |
2007‑01‑26 |
Nam-Hai Chua (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Molecular Biology |
eqzhang |
2013‑04‑13 |
Chiou-Fen Chuang (Info) |
Caltech, UCSF, Rockefeller, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, University of Illinois, Chicago |
Developmental Neurobiology, Brain Asymmetry |
plantman |
2016‑06‑08 |
Adam Claridge-Chang (Info) |
Rockefeller, Duke-NUS Medical School |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Christopher W. Clark (Info) |
Cornell |
bioacoustics |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑05 |
Stephen J Clark (Info) |
Keene State College |
Evolution |
SJClark |
2017‑05‑09 |
Albert Claude (Info) |
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Rockefeller University |
M. Odurih |
2006‑11‑02 |
David F. Clayton (Info) |
Birdsong, Neurogenomics |
map222 |
2007‑02‑21 |
Mark S. Cohen (Info) |
Rapid Methods of MR Imaging, Fusion of Electrophysiology and fMRI, Advanced approaches to MR data analysis, Mental Imagery |
jbramen |
2006‑08‑27 |
Paul Cohen (Info) |
Rockefeller |
molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Susana Cohen-Cory (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Nervous system development; visual system; synapse formation; in vivo imaging |
sridhara |
2008‑12‑15 |
Raphael Cohn (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Neuromodulation, Learning and Memory |
rcohn |
2016‑05‑25 |
Rory T Coleman (Info) |
Rockefeller, Columbia |
Neuroscience |
colemanrt |
2023‑11‑15 |
Joanne Conover (Info) |
University of Connecticut |
jeiajeia |
2011‑03‑09 |
Cheryl D. Conrad (Info) |
Arizona State |
Neurobiology of Chronic Stress |
rudy4histo |
2007‑02‑18 |
Ariadna Corredera Asensio (Info) |
Neuroethology; Auditory processing; Acoustic communication |
ariadnacorredera |
2024‑05‑24 |
Richard M. Costanzo (Info) |
Physiology, Neuroscience |
pq |
2016‑05‑27 |
Paul F. Cranefield (Info) |
Rockefeller |
oertner |
2020‑06‑25 |
Nicole Creanza (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Michael A. Crickmore (Info) |
Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital |
Drosophila behavior |
rsm10 |
2009‑04‑15 |
Roy E. Crist (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Visual Cortex |
pq |
2015‑09‑25 |
Laszlo Csanady (Info) |
Rockefeller |
General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroscience Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑18 |
Bruce A. Cunningham (Info) |
Rockefeller |
wgallin |
2017‑09‑27 |
Jeff Cynx (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Edgar F. da Cruz e Silva (Info) |
University of Aveiro | |
george.perry |
2010‑08‑05 |
Odete A. Beirão da Cruz e Silva (Info) |
University of Aveiro |
Alzheimer's disease, Biomarker Discovery, Molecular Biomedicine, Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials for Neuroscience |
george.perry |
2010‑08‑05 |
Corinna Jane Darian-Smith (Info) |
Stanford |
sensorimotor system, plasticity, spinal injury, nonhuman primates |
cdarian |
2012‑01‑27 |
James E. Darnell (Info) |
Rockefeller, MIT, Albert Einstein, Columbia |
STATs, development |
gpot9883 |
2006‑09‑24 |
Robert Darnell (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑19 |
Aniruddha Das (Info) |
Columbia |
Visual system |
ysirotin |
2009‑09‑16 |
Pietro De Camilli (Info) |
Yale |
lneedleman |
2005‑11‑29 |
Paul De Koninck (Info) |
Université Laval |
synapses |
david |
2006‑10‑19 |
Ben Deen (Info) |
Tulane |
Social Cognitive Neuroscience |
bdeen |
2011‑09‑10 |
Emily Jane Dennis (Info) |
Rockefeller, Princeton |
EmilyJaneDennis |
2017‑10‑28 |
Claude Desplan (Info) |
eye development |
stefanfuss |
2007‑02‑08 |
Stephen H. Devoto (Info) |
Wesleyan |
Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑23 |
Lain Felipe Díaz (Info) |
Rockefeller |
redox |
2010‑10‑05 |
Lindsay L. Dick (Info) |
Rockefeller |
neurobiology, mosquito host seeking |
facetious1212 |
2010‑07‑22 |
Theodosius Dobzhansky (Info) |
Columbia University, Rockefeller University |
Dietrich |
2008‑04‑17 |
Frederick A. Dodge (Info) |
Rockefeller /IBM / Syracuse Univ |
lesterha |
2012‑04‑21 |
Vincent P. Dole (Info) |
Rockefeller |
wmillard |
2015‑04‑03 |
Ana Isobel Domingos (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Feeding behavior, systems neuroscience |
leslievosshall |
2007‑11‑10 |
Ana Isabel Domingos (Info) |
Rockefeller |
leslievosshall |
2007‑11‑10 |
Ana Domingos (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neurobiology of eating behavior |
dominan |
2010‑03‑16 |
Robert J. Dooling (Info) |
University of Maryland |
hearing, animal behavior, vocal learning |
david |
2005‑09‑14 |
Ryan T. Dosumu-Johnson (Info) |
Vocal Learning |
Averius |
2008‑09‑24 |
Joseph Darby Dougherty (Info) |
pq |
2015‑08‑05 |
Declan A. Doyle (Info) |
Oxford |
2013‑01‑10 |
Belinda K. Dredge (Info) |
Rockefeller |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Alfred M. Dufty (Info) |
Boise State University |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑08 |
Laura B. Duvall (Info) |
Washington University, Rockefeller |
pq |
2015‑10‑10 |
Ruth Anne Eatock (Info) |
Harvard, Chicago, Baylor College of Medicine |
sensory neurobiology, auditory, vestibular |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Akinori Ebihara (Info) |
Rockefeller |
magnasco |
2015‑12‑09 |
Gerald Maurice Edelman (Info) |
Rockefeller, Scripps Institute |
immune system, philosophy of mind |
hayden |
2005‑02‑07 |
William K. Estes (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington, Stanford, Rockefeller, Harvard |
Learning & memory |
david |
2005‑09‑19 |
Ronald M. Evans (Info) |
Salk Institute |
hormone, gene expression |
gpot9883 |
2006‑09‑24 |
David Adrian Ewald (Info) |
Rockefeller University of Copenhagen |
maytesuarezfarinas |
2023‑07‑29 |
Kazuhisa Ezure (Info) |
Tokyo Women's Medical University |
| |
2008‑08‑06 |
Paul Feinstein (Info) |
Hunter College, CUNY |
Olfaction |
rsm10 |
2009‑04‑15 |
Irena Feng (Info) |
Chicago, Rockefeller, Boston University |
irenafeng |
2021‑10‑31 |
Jian Feng (Info) |
SUNY Buffalo |
Parkinson’s disease, human stem cell |
Pgy2000 |
2020‑09‑25 |
Liang Feng (Info) |
Stanford |
Rwalsh |
2019‑01‑14 |
T P. Feng (Info) |
hanks |
2005‑11‑09 |
Lisa M. Fenk (Info) |
Rockefeller |
neurobiology, electrophysiology, visual perception |
lfenk |
2017‑03‑30 |
Robert J. Fenster (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Huntington's Disease |
rjfenster |
2011‑10‑17 |
Gord J. Fishell (Info) |
NYU School of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and the Stanley Center at the Broad |
Brain development and patterning, cortical interneurons |
Fishell |
2007‑01‑24 |
Jonathan Fisher (Info) |
Rockefeller |
jdsalvi |
2014‑08‑25 |
Elane Fishilevich (Info) |
Carnegie Mellon |
cell death |
leslievosshall |
2007‑11‑10 |
Jamie K. Fitzgerald (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
greiciau |
2007‑07‑18 |
John Flanagan (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
qianglu |
2009‑02‑20 |
Steven W. Flavell (Info) |
Neural Circuits & Behavior |
SFlavell |
2015‑06‑20 |
David A. Foster (Info) |
Signal transduction, Cancer research, PLD |
windup |
2010‑03‑09 |
Harry Fowler (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh |
cab |
2007‑11‑15 |
Cristianne R. Frazier (Info) |
Chicago |
dopamine system, feeding behavior |
frazierc |
2009‑10‑05 |
Winrich A. Freiwald (Info) |
Rockefeller |
visual system, face perception, attention, systems neuroscience |
svshepherd |
2014‑06‑09 |
Eckhard Friauf (Info) |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Auditory system |
cab |
2006‑04‑22 |
Jeffrey M. Friedman (Info) |
Rockefeller |
molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight |
Mch777 |
2008‑12‑18 |
Ron D. Frostig (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Somatosensory Cortex |
polleydb |
2005‑11‑03 |
Xin-Yuan Fu (Info) |
Indiana University & Yale University |
Molecular biology and Signaling mechanisms |
xyfuscience |
2007‑04‑24 |
Stefan H. Fuss (Info) |
Bogazici University |
Olfaction |
JLand52 |
2006‑05‑01 |
David C. Gadsby (Info) |
Rockefeller |
General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroscience Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑18 |
Liisa Galea (Info) |
Psychology |
bormerod |
2008‑02‑07 |
Antonio Gallego (Info) |
University of Madrid |
Visual system |
cervero |
2006‑12‑16 |
Warren J. Gallin (Info) |
University of Alberta |
dweberad |
2015‑06‑30 |
Samuel E. Gandy (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine | |
george.perry |
2010‑08‑06 |
Timothy J. Gardner (Info) |
Boston University |
Neural circuit formation, vocal learning in songbirds |
hanks |
2005‑11‑04 |
Gabriel Gasque (Info) |
PLOS Biology |
gabrielgasque |
2008‑08‑02 |
Herbert S. Gasser (Info) |
Rockefeller |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Gregory L. Gedman (Info) |
UCLA, Brain Research Institute |
Vocal imitation, behavior, genetics |
ggedman |
2021‑11‑09 |
Maria Neimark Geffen (Info) |
Penn |
sensory systems |
rocky |
2006‑07‑06 |
Isabella Gekel (Info) |
Max Planck Institute Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany |
Neurotransmission |
igekel |
2010‑02‑03 |
Alan Gelperin (Info) |
Monell Chemical Senses Center, Princeton |
Biological, computational and electronic olfaction; learning and memory. |
swang |
2005‑11‑03 |
Julia George (Info) |
Neurodegenerative disease, Synuclein proteins |
birdogman |
2007‑10‑21 |
Zachary Gershon (Info) |
neurogenetics, cognition, attention, memory, olfaction, neurodevelopment |
zgershon |
2016‑06‑16 |
Claude P. Ghez (Info) |
Columbia |
Control of limb movements |
felloe |
2006‑12‑20 |
Caitlin Gilbert (Info) |
Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School |
neuroscience, epigenomics, epigenetics, evolution, language |
caitlinsgilbert |
2019‑11‑04 |
Charles D. Gilbert (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Visual Cortex |
david |
2005‑01‑15 |
Elizabeth Glater (Info) |
Harvard |
Drosophila Mitochondria |
tjm42 |
2007‑05‑02 |
Joseph G. Gleeson (Info) |
kmillen |
2011‑08‑09 |
Steven A. Goldman (Info) |
University of Rochester Medical Center |
neurogenesis, gliogenesis, clinical neurology |
sgoldman |
2007‑09‑24 |
Arthur R. Goldsmith (Info) |
University of Bristol |
gbentley |
2014‑01‑22 |
Andreas Görlich (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Histological and functional complexities of the mammalian brain |
eckhardfriauf |
2013‑07‑24 |
Svetlana Gorokhova (Info) |
The Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDML) |
Neurotrophins, sensory neuron development, axonal growth |
sgorokhova |
2011‑05‑31 |
Elizabeth Gould (Info) |
Princeton |
Neurogenesis |
JLand52 |
2007‑05‑23 |
Gunnar Keppler Gouras (Info) |
Lund University |
Alzheimer's disease |
gkgouras |
2011‑10‑14 |
Harold Gouzoules (Info) |
Emory |
primate vocalizations |
kimwallen |
2006‑12‑19 |
Sarah Gouzoules (Info) |
Emory |
pwaser |
2014‑10‑24 |
Norma Graham (Info) |
Columbia |
hanks |
2005‑10‑13 |
Christina L Graves (Info) |
UNC Chapel Hill |
synthetic biology, immunology, neuroimmunology, epithelial cell biology |
cxg |
2019‑09‑07 |
Michael E. Greenberg (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse |
byungheeleu |
2006‑04‑20 |
Paul Greengard (Info) |
Yale School of Medicine, Geigy Research Labratories, Yale, Rockefeller |
neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Donald R. Griffin (Info) |
Harvard |
Echolocation |
hanks |
2005‑10‑24 |
Harvey Grill (Info) |
Penn |
Neural control of nutrient intake |
mls |
2006‑11‑12 |
Amiram Grinvald (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
Visual cortex, hemodynamic signals |
kathleen |
2005‑03‑26 |
Stephen Grossberg (Info) |
Boston University |
Computation & Theory |
david |
2005‑09‑15 |
Martin Grumet (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Adhesion molecules, Spinal cord injury, Stem cell research |
jcneuron |
2007‑10‑03 |
Harry Grundfest (Info) |
Columbia |
Comparitive neurobiology |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Alicia Guemez-Gamboa (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neurodevelopment, human genetics, neural circuits |
acom |
2017‑02‑15 |
Yetis Gultekin (Info) |
Rockefeller, Whitehead Institute (MIT), Bogazici University |
Proteasome, protein quality control |
yetisgultekin |
2015‑07‑13 |
Shelley Halpain (Info) |
neuronal development, cytoskeleton |
shalpain |
2008‑06‑11 |
Paul Handford (Info) |
Western University |
birdsong |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Annie Handler (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
annie.handler |
2020‑01‑07 |
Susan J. Hannon (Info) |
University of Alberta |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑21 |
Cheryl F. Harding (Info) |
Hunter College, CUNY |
"Songbirds, song learning, catecholamine, neuroendocrinology" |
vakshat |
2007‑04‑04 |
Haldan Keffer Hartline (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Limulus, visual system, biophysics |
david |
2005‑02‑08 |
Nicholas Hastings (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neuroendocrinology |
cmirescu |
2009‑03‑07 |
Mary E. Hatten (Info) |
Rockefeller |
cerebellar development |
Fishell |
2007‑01‑24 |
John W. Haycock (Info) |
protein phosphorylation |
david |
2016‑02‑06 |
Robert E. Hegner (Info) |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑08 |
Maxwell Heiman (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
imclachl |
2011‑11‑02 |
Nathaniel Heintz (Info) |
Rockefeller |
rsteine |
2006‑04‑10 |
Elizabeth Heller (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Neuroscience |
lizheller |
2010‑12‑01 |
James P. Herman (Info) |
Eye movements, Visual Attention, Motor Learning |
Jamespherman |
2012‑10‑15 |
David Grant Colburn Hildebrand (Info) |
Harvard, Northeastern University |
davidhildebrand |
2009‑08‑12 |
John G. Hildebrand (Info) |
University of Arizona |
neurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology |
hanks |
2005‑12‑01 |
Matthew N. Hill (Info) |
University of Calgary |
Neuroscience, Endocrinology, Pharmacology |
matthewhill |
2009‑08‑10 |
Merrill Hille (Info) |
University of Washington |
david |
2015‑10‑18 |
Massimo A Hilliard (Info) |
University of Queensland |
Neurobiology, Genetics. |
Hilliard |
2017‑06‑25 |
Tom Hindmarsh Sten (Info) |
Rockefeller |
autoparser |
2019‑11‑19 |
Hisashi Hirai (Info) |
Sophia University |
biofeedback, avoidance learning |
sadahikonakajima |
2009‑03‑15 |
Judith A. Hirsch (Info) |
david |
2005‑01‑15 |
David I. Hirsh (Info) |
CU Boulder, Columbia |
nucleic acid structure and function and gene activity during early development of C. elegans |
dsportman |
2008‑11‑21 |
William Hirst (Info) |
New School for Social Research |
social aspects of cognition and memory |
neurostudent |
2007‑04‑24 |
Shaul Hochstein (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Visual System |
hayden |
2005‑11‑04 |
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (Info) |
Cambridge |
Biophysics |
willmore |
2005‑01‑17 |
David Holtzman (Info) |
Rockefeller |
MargaretMMcCarthy |
2022‑02‑26 |
Carl D. Hopkins (Info) |
Cornell |
Electrosensory Systems, Electric Fish |
cdh8 |
2008‑05‑04 |
Katie Kuangfu Hsiao (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Rockefeller, George Washington University School of Medicine |
synaptic plasticity, synaptogensis |
shaw2039 |
2013‑03‑27 |
Linda C. Hsieh-Wilson (Info) |
Caltech |
molecular basis of fundamental brain processes |
jandh |
2011‑12‑22 |
A. James Hudspeth (Info) |
Rockefeller, UCSF, UT Southwestern |
Audition |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Richard G. Hunter (Info) |
Rockefeller, U Mass Boston |
Neuroendocrinology, Neuropharmacology |
gangahrolf |
2006‑04‑10 |
Ines Ibanez-Tallon (Info) |
Rockefeller |
jables |
2020‑08‑18 |
Annat F. Ikin (Info) |
Thomas Jefferson |
Alzheimer's Disease |
shasta |
2006‑08‑25 |
Gulayse Ince (Info) |
Rockefeller |
rhuganir |
2009‑09‑02 |
Krithi Irmady (Info) |
Rockefeller |
miRNA, RBP, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease |
kirmady |
2015‑03‑08 |
James D. Jamieson (Info) |
Yale |
Golgi, pancreatic cells, cytoskeleton |
juliasero |
2011‑12‑14 |
Erich David Jarvis (Info) |
Duke |
Vocal learning |
hayden |
2005‑10‑29 |
Wuji Jiang (Info) |
Rockefeller |
pentyl1998 |
2020‑03‑25 |
Junghee Jin (Info) |
Rockefeller |
david |
2016‑09‑04 |
Carolyn Johnson (Info) |
adolescent development, plasticity, frontal cortex |
cjohnso3 |
2012‑02‑16 |
Robert Elliott Johnston (Info) |
Cornell |
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology |
kimwallen |
2006‑12‑17 |
Sandra Jones (Info) |
Rockefeller |
yetisgultekin |
2018‑07‑26 |
Walton D. Jones (Info) |
olfaction |
waltonjones |
2008‑11‑12 |
Jasmina N Jovanovic (Info) |
UCL School of Pharmacy |
inhibitory synapses, GABAA receptor trafficking and phosphorylation, GABA signalling in health and disease | |
2017‑11‑03 |
Choonkyun Jung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Plant Molecular Biology |
ChoonkyunJung |
2018‑08‑22 |
Takeshi Kaneko (Info) |
Kyoto University |
local circuit of the cerebral cortex |
acidsoul |
2005‑11‑15 |
Yun Kyoung K. Kang (Info) |
Baylor College of Medicine, Rockefeller |
kangykru |
2015‑05‑12 |
Ehud Kaplan (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Visual system |
faure |
2006‑10‑09 |
Michael G. Kaplitt (Info) |
New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell |
hilariet |
2015‑01‑04 |
Ilia N. Karatsoreos (Info) |
University of Toronto, WSU, U Mass Amherst, Columbia, Rockefeller |
Neuroscience, Circadian Rhythms, Neuroendocrinology |
ikaratso |
2007‑11‑17 |
Maria Karayiorgou (Info) |
Columbia |
frazierc |
2011‑08‑18 |
Arthur Karlin (Info) |
Columbia |
Nictotinic acetylcholine receptor structure-function |
teissere |
2008‑05‑14 |
Saul Kato (Info) |
dynamical systems |
neurotheory |
2015‑01‑21 |
Alex Katsov (Info) |
Stanford |
PQAtTheClavier |
2017‑07‑31 |
Lawrence C. Katz (Info) |
Duke |
Sensory systems |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Steve A. Kay (Info) |
Scripps Institute |
Circadian Rhythms, Systems Biology |
eqzhang |
2013‑04‑13 |
Erica C. Keen (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Auditory system, synaptic transmission |
ericacorinne |
2006‑10‑27 |
Andreas Keller (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Olfaction |
JLand52 |
2005‑08‑08 |
Asaf Keller (Info) |
University of Maryland Medical School |
Sensorimotor Integration |
jtrage |
2006‑11‑15 |
Darcy B. Kelley (Info) |
Columbia |
daph |
2005‑10‑25 |
Ellen D. Ketterson (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington |
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, animal behavior |
kimwallen |
2006‑12‑17 |
Anmo J. Kim (Info) |
Hanyang University |
Olfactory system, System identification |
anmokim |
2010‑10‑16 |
Hyewon Kim (Info) |
Princeton, Rockefeller |
hwkim |
2017‑09‑08 |
Masaharu Kinoshita (Info) |
haru |
2011‑12‑17 |
John R. Kirn (Info) |
Wesleyan |
lneedleman |
2005‑12‑04 |
Bruce W. Knight (Info) |
Rockefeller |
mathematical neuroscience, applied mathematics |
jdvicto |
2008‑06‑22 |
Zachary A. Knight (Info) |
zknight |
2013‑07‑07 |
Benjamin Kolisnyk (Info) |
Rockefeller |
david |
2016‑09‑04 |
Lukasz Kowalik (Info) |
Stanford Medical School |
zebrafish, neurodevelopment |
woocash |
2012‑02‑02 |
Mary Jeanne Kreek (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Substance Abuse, Addiction |
clawhorn |
2009‑03‑03 |
Georg W. Kreutzberg (Info) |
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology |
Microglia, History of Neurosciences |
neurojim |
2012‑09‑20 |
Henry G. Kunkel (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Immunology |
M. Odurih |
2011‑03‑27 |
Karl Landsteiner (Info) |
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research |
Hematology, biochemistry |
jdvicto |
2009‑05‑17 |
Peter T. Lansbury, Jr. (Info) |
Harvard Medical School | |
george.perry |
2010‑09‑07 |
Diego Laplagne (Info) |
Leloir Institute |
Adult neurogenesis |
aschinder |
2012‑07‑15 |
Johannes Larsch (Info) |
Rockefeller, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried |
Social Behavior |
JohannesRU |
2010‑08‑03 |
Brian Lau (Info) |
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière |
Decision making, Reinforcement Learning |
david |
2005‑01‑15 |
Collene Lawhorn (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Substance Abuse, Addiction |
clawhorn |
2009‑03‑03 |
Noam Leader (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Adria C. LeBoeuf (Info) |
University of Lausanne |
biophysics, neuroscience, social insects, behavior |
adria |
2016‑03‑23 |
Donghoon Lee (Info) |
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Rockefeller |
Sensory |
donghoon |
2017‑10‑17 |
In Hae Lee (Info) |
Columbia |
ihlee |
2021‑01‑26 |
Susan J. Lee (Info) |
Merck & Co. Inc |
Neurodegenerative Disease |
drsusilee |
2014‑11‑17 |
Tiffany T-Y Lee (Info) |
csturdy |
2007‑07‑21 |
Sarah Fryer Leibowitz (Info) |
The Rockefeller Institute |
arshadk |
2007‑06‑14 |
Henry A. Lester (Info) |
Caltech |
Molecular and functional aspects of ion channels, receptors, and transporters |
chacha |
2007‑09‑08 |
| |
2019‑10‑22 |
Wu Li (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Vision |
shildough |
2006‑01‑20 |
Conor Liston (Info) |
Stanford |
Stress, prefrontal cortex |
lc21 |
2009‑06‑04 |
Qiang Liu (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neural circuits and behavior |
qiangliu |
2019‑08‑01 |
Wan-Chun Liu (Info) |
Rockefeller |
birdsong |
pwaser |
2014‑10‑31 |
Rodolfo R. Llinás (Info) |
channel physiology, cerebellum, thalamus, cortex, synaptic transmission, MEG, inferior olive, calcium currents |
david |
2005‑01‑27 |
Anthony (Tony) John Lombardino (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Rafael Lorente de Nó (Info) |
Rockefeller |
neuroanatomy |
hanks |
2005‑11‑03 |
Sean E. Low (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Sensory Neurobiology |
selow |
2011‑12‑12 |
Emily Rhodes Lowry (Info) |
Columbia |
Neurodegeneration; ALS |
el2139 |
2019‑09‑11 |
Bai Lu (Info) |
chelucas |
2006‑09‑30 |
Hang Lu (Info) |
Georgia Tech |
hanglu |
2013‑06‑21 |
Louis R. Lucas (Info) |
Loyola University Chicago |
Neuroendocrinology |
BrianSweis |
2012‑05‑10 |
Victoria N. Luine (Info) |
Hunter College, CUNY |
gonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis |
beckkd |
2007‑05‑03 |
Wesley C. Lynch (Info) |
Montana State |
eating and weight disorders, learning, motivation |
wlynchmt |
2010‑09‑10 |
Roderick MacKinnon (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Ion channels |
hanks |
2005‑11‑02 |
Marcelo O. Magnasco (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Theoretical Neuroscience |
shildough |
2006‑01‑10 |
Gaby Maimon (Info) |
Rockefeller |
gmaimon |
2011‑10‑30 |
Kirk Manogue (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
John R. Mantsch (Info) |
Marquette University |
Neurobiology of stress and addiction |
edoncheck |
2014‑05‑30 |
Denise K. Marciano (Info) |
Rockefeller |
david |
2015‑06‑19 |
Sally A. Marik (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Visual Cortex, plasticity |
phickmott |
2007‑05‑09 |
Isaac Marin-Valencia (Info) |
Rockefeller |
jogleeson |
2017‑08‑26 |
Catherine A. Marler (Info) |
UW Madison |
Behavioral neuroendocrinology |
bctrainor |
2007‑04‑26 |
Peter R. Marler (Info) |
UC Davis |
Audition |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Jordan Marrocco (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neuroendocrinology |
jmarrocco |
2016‑05‑12 |
Christine Marshall-Walker (Info) |
Phillips Academy |
Guided research, bioethics |
chiara74 |
2005‑12‑04 |
Luis M. Martinez Otero (Info) |
Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante. CSIC-UMH |
Visual system, Neural circuits |
luis.martinez |
2007‑10‑03 |
Mark L. Mayer (Info) |
Structural Biology, Ligand gated ion channels |
mayermlm |
2009‑12‑09 |
Ian Maze (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Neuroepigenetics |
ismaze99 |
2016‑01‑09 |
Carolyn S. Mcbride (Info) |
Princeton |
Genes and neural circuits underlying behavioral evolution. |
tlturner |
2009‑10‑14 |
Margaret M. McCarthy (Info) |
University of Maryland Medical School |
Neuroendocrinology |
dkrebskraft |
2008‑12‑16 |
Katherine L. McCoy (Mitterling) (Info) |
Syracuse, UIUC, Bowdoin College |
kmitterling |
2008‑09‑22 |
Bruce S. McEwen (Info) |
Rockefeller |
endocrinology, psychology |
hanks |
2005‑11‑01 |
Marilyn Y. McGinnis (Info) |
Univ of Texas Health Science Center |
Neuroendocrinology |
wesson |
2009‑05‑19 |
Michael J. Meaney (Info) |
McGill |
cab |
2006‑03‑20 |
Lucian Medrihan (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Depression |
lmedrihan |
2014‑03‑11 |
Jennifer E. Mehren (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Courtship |
JLand52 |
2005‑09‑12 |
Marian Mellen (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neuroscience |
marianmellen |
2013‑05‑20 |
Claudio Mello (Info) |
Neuroethology, molecular neuroscience, comparative genomics, functional neurogenomics, vocal communication, vocal learning, central auditory processing, learning and memory, neuronal and synaptic plasticity |
pinaudr |
2007‑04‑03 |
R. Bruce Merrifield (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Biochemistry |
jandh |
2011‑07‑12 |
Jerrold S. Meyer (Info) |
University of Massachusetts |
Developmental Neurotoxicology, Drugs of Abuse, Stress, Serotonin, HPA Axis |
DBrunzell |
2006‑04‑11 |
Will J. Millard (Info) |
Mount Holyoke |
experimental psychopathology, psychopharmacology |
wmillard |
2008‑01‑25 |
Kathleen Millen (Info) |
Chicago, University of Washington, Seattle Children's Rese |
developmental neurogenetics |
kmillen |
2009‑10‑20 |
George A. Miller (Info) |
Princeton |
hayden |
2005‑02‑18 |
Neal E. Miller (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Behavior, motivation |
david |
2005‑10‑18 |
William H. Miller (Info) |
Yale |
photoreceptors, visual optics |
gnicol |
2008‑05‑14 |
Robert J Milner (Info) |
Penn State, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Scripps Institute |
Neuroscience Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑20 |
Teresa A. Milner (Info) |
Weill Cornell Medical College |
steroids, hippocampus, ultrastructure |
commonk |
2010‑03‑24 |
Soledad Miranda-Rottmann (Info) |
Université de Montréal |
Neuroscience, gene regulation & splicing |
SoleMirandaR |
2017‑05‑26 |
Rupshi Mitra (Info) |
Stanford |
stress, neuroscience, enriched environment, amygdala, neural plastiicty |
rmitra |
2023‑09‑10 |
Julie M. Miwa (Info) |
Caltech |
Neuroscience, nicotinic receptors, learning and memory |
calvinh1 |
2011‑08‑18 |
Charles Vernon Mobbs (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
glucose, aging, diabetes, metabolism |
pennydacks |
2012‑02‑02 |
Rishika Mohanta (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Olfactory Memory and Navigation, Insect Neurobiology, Epidemiology |
neurorishika |
2024‑04‑29 |
Peter Mombaerts (Info) |
Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics |
Olfaction |
JLand52 |
2005‑01‑26 |
Jessica A. Mong (Info) |
University of Maryland Medical School |
Hypothalamus, sex differences, sleep estrogens |
jam319 |
2011‑03‑16 |
Ariane Monneron (Info) |
Bartoli |
2015‑07‑31 |
P Read Montague (Info) |
Baylor College of Medicine |
Computation |
JLand52 |
2005‑01‑29 |
Jason M. Montez (Info) |
Rockefeller |
molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Giorgio Morelli (Info) |
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria , Research Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics CREA-GB |
Plant Molecular Biology, Plant development, Shade avoidance |
GiorgioMorelli |
2021‑01‑02 |
Joan Morrell (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
docbjm |
2009‑04‑06 |
Robert Morrison (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Marty Morton (Info) |
UC Davis |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑22 |
Daniel Mucida (Info) |
Rockefeller |
cxg |
2019‑09‑07 |
Pratik Mukherjee (Info) |
human imaging |
minghong |
2008‑11‑10 |
Paul Mundinger (Info) |
Queens College |
pwaser |
2014‑10‑24 |
Takayuki Murakoshi (Info) |
Saitama Medical University |
hm |
2011‑08‑19 |
Felix Naef (Info) |
EPF Lausanne |
magnasco |
2015‑12‑09 |
Janice R. Naegele (Info) |
Wesleyan |
neural stem cells, apoptosis, epilepsy, cortical development, hippocampal development, GABAergic interneurons |
david |
2007‑11‑09 |
Georg Nagel (Info) |
University of Wurzburg |
oertner |
2020‑06‑25 |
Aaron Nagiel (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Nagiel |
2016‑12‑07 |
Aditya Nair (Info) |
adityanair |
2019‑08‑28 |
Angus C. Nairn (Info) |
Yale |
dopamine,basal ganglia |
dkrueger |
2006‑04‑08 |
Takao Nakagawa (Info) |
Rockefeller |
leslievosshall |
2009‑08‑06 |
Nozomu H. Nakamura (Info) |
Hyogo College of Medicine |
Neuroscience, Learning and memory, Neuroendocrinology, Psychophysiology |
nakamunh |
2016‑12‑16 |
Douglas A. Nelson (Info) |
Ohio State |
Birdsong |
cab |
2006‑11‑14 |
Eric J. Nestler (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Molecular Psychiatry |
vzachar |
2006‑11‑02 |
David A. Nielsen (Info) |
UW Madison, Chicago, UIUC, NIAAA/NIH, InforMax, Inc, Rockefeller, Baylor College of Medicine |
Psychiatric Genetics |
nielsen |
2007‑06‑28 |
Yasutomi Nishizuka (Info) |
Kobe University |
protein kinase C |
jandh |
2014‑03‑19 |
Christer E. Nordstedt (Info) |
Eli Lilly & Co |
Neuroscience, Alzheimer's, Research Management |
Christer |
2011‑07‑01 |
Ralph Norgren (Info) |
Penn State |
Gustatory system, motivation, reward |
david |
2005‑02‑05 |
Fernando Nottebohm (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Birdsong |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Dáibhid Ó Maoiléidigh (Info) |
Rockefeller |
jdsalvi |
2014‑08‑25 |
Kevin J. O'Donovan (Info) |
Johns Hopkins, Rockefeller, Burke Medical Research Institute, United States Military Academy |
Axon growth |
kjod71 |
2012‑03‑22 |
Yong-Seok Oh (Info) |
DGIST, Korea |
Neuroscience |
YSOh1974 |
2020‑08‑17 |
Masayo Omura (Info) |
Rockefeller |
JLand52 |
2007‑01‑26 |
Miles Orchinik (Info) |
Arizona State |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑13 |
Harold T. Orr (Info) |
Neurodegenerative disorders |
yifanx |
2011‑07‑16 |
Charles Ouimet (Info) |
Florida State |
Huntington's, Alzheimer's, HDACs, dendritic spines |
neurodarcy |
2009‑01‑13 |
M Zeeshan Ozair (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neurodevelopment, corticogenesis |
mozair |
2016‑06‑16 |
George E. Palade (Info) |
Rockefeller |
EM studies of ntracellular organization |
aadisney |
2006‑03‑23 |
Sanford L. Palay (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
neurocytology, synaptic structure |
M. Odurih |
2006‑11‑01 |
Bruce Pappas (Info) |
Carleton University |
behavioral neuroscience |
wbrake |
2006‑04‑10 |
Luca Parolari (Info) |
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research |
Neuroscience |
laparolari |
2015‑01‑16 |
Suchit H. Patel (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Hair Cell Physiology |
jdsalvi |
2014‑08‑25 |
John Paton (Info) |
pwaser |
2014‑11‑03 |
Roy D. Pea (Info) |
Stanford |
learning sciences and technologies |
roypea |
2007‑01‑27 |
Maurizio Pellegrino (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Insect olfaction |
mpellegri |
2007‑06‑27 |
Susan S. Peters (Info) |
Duke |
Animal communication, birdsong |
snowicki |
2014‑09‑13 |
Leopoldo Petreanu (Info) |
Champalimaud Foundation |
cortex, anatomy, plasticty |
opol1015 |
2007‑07‑29 |
Donald Wells Pfaff (Info) |
Rockefeller |
tamily |
2005‑12‑09 |
Carl Pfaffmann (Info) |
Brown, Rockefeller |
taste electrophysiology |
jhayes |
2006‑08‑01 |
James G Pfaus (Info) |
Concordia University Montreal, Universidad Veracruzana, Charles University, Prague Czech Republic, Czech National Institute of Mental Health |
Sexual behavior, Reproduction, Neuroendocrinology, Conditioning, Human sexual function and dysfunction, Brain imaging, Immunocytochemistry, Autoradiography, Molecular biology |
pfaus |
2007‑11‑01 |
Kara Pham (Info) |
Barnard College, Columbia University |
Behavioral Neuroscience; Experimental Psychology |
david |
2015‑07‑18 |
Marina R. Picciotto (Info) |
Yale |
Molecular Neurobiology, Molecular basis of behavior |
rsteine |
2006‑04‑09 |
Daniele Piomelli (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Marina |
2007‑09‑29 |
Jason R. Pitts (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Axon Degeneration |
jpitts |
2015‑04‑16 |
Navin Pokala (Info) |
NavinPokala |
2017‑06‑27 |
Keith R. Porter (Info) |
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research |
EM, organelles |
map222 |
2008‑07‑04 |
Alex Proekt (Info) |
Rockefeller |
motivated behavior |
proekt |
2010‑08‑27 |
Karina Del Punta (Info) |
Rockefeller |
petermombaerts |
2024‑02‑03 |
Richard A. Purple (Info) |
University of Minnesota Medical School |
moran_furman |
2008‑05‑28 |
Keith P. Purpura (Info) |
Weill Cornell Medical College |
visual system, thalamo-cortical communication, visually-guided behavior, neurophysiology |
sfkalik |
2007‑09‑05 |
Murray Rabinowitz (Info) |
Chicago |
Biochemistry, physiology |
Vigyaanik |
2018‑02‑10 |
Jacqui Rabkin (Info) |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine |
Drug addiction |
jrabkin |
2009‑12‑23 |
Jason J. Radley (Info) |
University of Iowa |
neurobiology of stress |
jradley |
2011‑12‑15 |
Hamed Rahimi Nasrabadi (Info) |
SUNY College of Optometry |
Visual Science, System Neuroscience |
Hamedneu |
2018‑04‑24 |
Priyamvada Rajasethupathy (Info) |
Columbia |
rn |
2006‑11‑19 |
Nirmala Ramalingam (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Visual system |
anushree |
2007‑12‑01 |
Mladen-Roko Rasin (Info) |
Yale, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School |
Neuroscience |
mrasin |
2007‑10‑11 |
Floyd Ratliff (Info) |
Rockefeller |
david |
2005‑02‑08 |
Daniel S. Reich (Info) |
visual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging |
reichd |
2006‑11‑23 |
Tobias Reichenbach (Info) |
Imperial College London |
Auditory Neuroscience |
HugoW |
2017‑11‑23 |
R Clay Reid (Info) |
Harvard Medical School, Allen Institute |
Visual system |
hayden |
2005‑01‑15 |
Nicolas Renier (Info) |
Rockefeller |
chedotala |
2013‑11‑16 |
C. Harker Rhodes (Info) |
Dartmouth |
george.perry |
2009‑12‑28 |
Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro (Info) |
ufrn |
sleep, memory, vocal communication, symbolic competence |
napvasconcelos |
2008‑11‑24 |
Filipa Rijo-Ferreira (Info) |
University of Texas Southwester Medical Center |
circadian clock, parasitic diseases |
FFerr |
2021‑06‑29 |
Dmitry Rinberg (Info) |
Olfaction |
2006‑12‑09 |
Carolyn Ristau (Info) |
Barnard College |
cognitive ethology |
david |
2006‑04‑27 |
Moises Rivera (Info) |
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York |
Embryonic Learning, Auditory Perception |
mrivera3 |
2019‑02‑21 |
Ann Robbins (Info) |
Rockefeller |
MargaretMMcCarthy |
2022‑02‑26 |
Ivan Rodriguez (Info) |
University of Geneva |
neurogenetics, chemoperception, olfaction |
rodrigui |
2006‑12‑07 |
Dragana Rogulja (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Sleep |
sxzhang |
2014‑06‑11 |
Russ D. Romeo (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Development of the HPA axis across puberty |
rudy4histo |
2007‑02‑18 |
Jean-Pierre Roussarie (Info) |
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine |
irenafeng |
2024‑04‑10 |
Edward J. Roy (Info) |
glioma immunotherapy |
Jill Schneider |
2007‑10‑09 |
Lee Rubin (Info) |
Harvard |
M. Odurih |
2009‑11‑18 |
Vanessa Ruta (Info) |
Rockefeller |
tamily |
2007‑03‑29 |
Urs S Rutishauser (Info) |
Cornell University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center |
Neuroscience, Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology |
rutishau |
2020‑09‑18 |
Urs Rutishauser (Info) |
Sloan-Kettering |
Plasticity and Adhesion |
gmarrs |
2008‑12‑30 |
Timothy A. Ryan (Info) |
Weill Cornell Medical College |
synaptic vesicle cycle, endocytosis, exocytosis |
patluri |
2006‑07‑20 |
David D. Sabatini (Info) |
NYU School of Medicine |
david |
2009‑10‑28 |
Shasta L. Sabo (Info) |
Case Western |
lneedleman |
2006‑03‑08 |
Silke Sachse (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
insect olfaction, sensory processing, neural circuits |
ssachse |
2012‑09‑13 |
Srivatsun Sadagopan (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh |
auditory system, auditory cortex, vocalizations |
dferster |
2013‑11‑24 |
Randall R. Sakai (Info) |
University of Cincinnati |
neuroendocrinology, salt appetite, ingestive behavior, stress |
ktamashiro |
2006‑12‑31 |
Joshua D. Salvi (Info) |
Rockefeller, McLean Hospital | Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole |
Neuroscience, computational psychiatry, sensory neuroscience, biophysics |
jdsalvi |
2014‑08‑25 |
Robert M. Sapolsky (Info) |
Stanford |
Neuron death, stress, gene therapy |
JLand52 |
2005‑01‑26 |
Zoltan Sarnyai (Info) |
Cambridge, James Cook University |
stress and mental health, psychopharmacology |
sarnyai |
2008‑05‑29 |
Peter F. Schade (Info) |
Rockefeller |
pfschade |
2019‑12‑12 |
Stefan Schaffelhofer (Info) |
German Primate Center |
sschaffelh |
2016‑01‑28 |
Eric F. Schmidt (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Axon Guidance |
schmidty |
2006‑04‑10 |
Nina F. Schor (Info) |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH |
Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Medicine and Surgery |
pq |
2016‑05‑29 |
Howard Schulman (Info) |
Stanford |
calcium signaling |
david |
2006‑10‑19 |
Tina Schwabe (Info) |
Stanford |
PQAtTheClavier |
2017‑07‑31 |
Hubert Schwabl (Info) |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑21 |
James H. Schwartz (Info) |
Columbia |
hayden |
2005‑01‑26 |
Susan Schwartz-Giblin (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
GABA | |
2007‑05‑12 |
Susan Schwartz-Giblin (Info) |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
neuroendocrinology of reproductive behavior |
susantoby |
2021‑03‑05 |
John W. Scott (Info) |
Rockefeller |
leonardc |
2015‑09‑16 |
William A. Searcy (Info) |
University of Miami |
birdsong |
pwaser |
2014‑09‑12 |
Philip Seeman (Info) |
University of Toronto (CAMH) |
Dopamine Receptor Pharmacology |
nk1 |
2021‑04‑20 |
Amita Sehgal (Info) |
Penn |
circadian rhythms, sleep |
edithm |
2006‑09‑18 |
Kate Seip (Info) |
Rockefeller |
anushree |
2007‑12‑01 |
Bettina Seri (Info) |
Harvard Medical School |
Auditory System |
bettina_seri |
2008‑06‑16 |
Caroline E. Sferrazza (Info) |
Neurodegeneration, iPSC Models |
csfrazz |
2017‑02‑14 |
Shai Shaham (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Apoptosis |
JLand52 |
2006‑03‑23 |
Rebecca M. Shansky (Info) |
Northeastern University |
sex differences, neuronal morphology, fear |
rsteine |
2006‑04‑19 |
Robert M. Shapley (Info) |
Visual cortex |
david |
2005‑01‑20 |
Stephen V. Shepherd (Info) |
social neuroethology |
hayden |
2005‑10‑29 |
Prasad R. Shirvalkar (Info) |
New York University Neuroscience Institute, Mount Sinai, Rockefeller, Weill Cornell Medical College, UCSF, UCSF |
Chronic Pain, Neuromodulation, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Deep Brain stimulation, Neurophysiology, Neurology, Learning and Memory |
pshirvalkar |
2010‑05‑05 |
Dvora Shmulewitz (Info) |
Rockefeller |
molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Brikha R. Shrestha (Info) |
Harvard |
auditory system, development |
brikharaj |
2006‑09‑08 |
Prerana Shrestha (Info) |
Neuroscience |
prerana |
2009‑03‑31 |
Roman Shusterman (Info) |
Janelia Farm, University of Haifa, University of Oregon |
Olfaction, electrophysiology, optogenetics, behavior |
Rumio18 |
2015‑11‑20 |
Ralph Mitchell Siegel (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
brian |
2006‑03‑29 |
Philip Siekevitz (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Molecular biology of PSDs |
aadisney |
2006‑03‑23 |
Amanda Sierra (Info) |
Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain, Rockefeller, SUNY Stony Brook, Baylor College of Medicine/Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience |
Microglia, phagocytosis, inflammation, diseases, development, adult neurogenesis |
nettleriver |
2018‑05‑08 |
Mariano Sigman (Info) |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
hayden |
2005‑08‑08 |
Talvinder Sihra (Info) |
Marina |
2007‑09‑29 |
Bengt Silverin (Info) |
University of Gothenburg |
ksoma |
2014‑01‑21 |
Sanford M. Simon (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Synaptic Transmission, exocytosis, HIV-1, Nuclear transport, cancer |
rllinas |
2007‑08‑06 |
Kai Simons (Info) |
MPI Dresden |
scheiffele |
2008‑06‑05 |
H Blair Simpson (Info) |
Columbia |
Psychiatry, OCD |
vicario |
2011‑04‑15 |
Aakanksha Singhvi (Info) |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center |
cj |
2015‑07‑23 |
Yevgeniy Borisovich Sirotin (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Neural Circuits, Olfaction |
ysirotin |
2009‑09‑16 |
Carolyn W. Slayman (Info) |
Yale |
Genetics of Ion Transport |
minghong |
2008‑11‑10 |
Julia Sliwa (Info) |
ICM (Paris Brain Institute), CNRS |
jussli |
2011‑04‑09 |
David V. Smith (Info) |
University of Wyoming |
Taste |
ddickman |
2008‑10‑02 |
D Max Snodderly (Info) |
UT Austin |
Visual cortex |
david |
2005‑02‑08 |
Abraham Snyder (Info) |
Washington University |
visual neurophysiology |
BobShapley |
2015‑05‑13 |
Yuen Tat So (Info) |
Stanford Medical School |
visual neurophysiology |
BobShapley |
2015‑05‑13 |
Guillermo Solovey (Info) |
Rockefeller |
magnasco |
2015‑12‑09 |
Robert Soodak (Info) |
Rockefeller |
visual neurophysiology |
BobShapley |
2015‑05‑13 |
Hermona Soreq (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Robert Sapolsky |
2006‑11‑02 |
Alexander A. Soukas (Info) |
Rockefeller |
molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight |
pq |
2015‑10‑15 |
Timothy K. Spencer (Info) |
Nature Publishing Group, Rockefeller University Press |
Motor Neuron Maturation and Pathology |
tharkun1 |
2011‑01‑24 |
Olaf Sporns (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington |
kotter |
2008‑12‑08 |
Catherine J. Starr (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Audition |
pq |
2015‑11‑24 |
Matthew W. State (Info) |
Yale, UCSF |
Genetics and genomics of developmental neuropsychiatric disorders |
david |
2015‑06‑26 |
Giovanni Stefani (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑20 |
Aaron B. Steiner (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Sensory hair cells |
XenopusGuy |
2008‑03‑08 |
Hermann Steller (Info) |
Rockefeller |
Verified eprotein degradation, proteasome, cell death, neuronal degeneration, developmental biology |
Dietrich |
2008‑04‑17 |
Sarah A. Stern (Info) |
Rockefeller |
sas418 |
2009‑12‑10 |
Scott M. Sternson (Info) |
Janelia Farm |
Mch777 |
2008‑12‑18 |
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches. |
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