People with institution matching "Rockefeller University": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Rupshi Mitra (Info) Stanford University Medical School biology, neuroscience, gene therapy, stress, enrichment environment rupshimitra 2024‑04‑25 Sim
Hiroshi Abe (Info) National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry decision-making ha 2013‑02‑04 Sim
Jessica L. Ables (Info) Mt Sinai School of Medicine Neuroscience, Circuitry, Behavior, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience aeisch 2009‑10‑10 Sim
Jorge Aceves (Info) CINVESTAV Neurophysiology Daniel_Zaldivar 2009‑12‑09 Sim
Alan R. Adolph (Info) Schepens Eye Institute retina kwoonwong 2005‑11‑05 Sim
Robert Agate (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Rajvi Agravat (Info) UT Austin lhamilton 2023‑12‑17 Sim
Keith T Akama (Info) NGM Biopharmaceuticals Biologics Akama 2022‑01‑19 Sim
Hessameddin Akhlaghpour (Info) Rockefeller hessam 2020‑06‑18 Sim
David S Albeck (Info) CU Denver DavidAlbeck1 2021‑09‑23 Sim
Jose-Manuel Alonso (Info) SUNY Visual neurophysiology kathleen 2005‑03‑28 Sim
Leandro Martin Alonso (Info) Brandeis computational neuroscience leandroalonso 2021‑09‑24 Sim
Rodrigo Gogui Alonso (Info) Rockefeller Hearing, biophysics, birdsong, nonlinear dynamics goguialonso 2021‑09‑02 Sim
Ben Alvarez-Borda (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (Info) UCSF Neural stem cells tamily 2005‑12‑01 Sim
David J. Anderson (Info) Caltech Neural circuits, Defensive behaviors, Inter-male aggression cab 2006‑03‑28 Sim
Marjorie E. Anderson (Info) University of Washington Neural control of movement, Basal ganglia andermar 2009‑01‑10 Sim
Erika C. Andrade (Info) Rockefeller Molecular Psychiatry ErikaCA 2006‑04‑11 Sim
Caroline W. Ang (Info) Rockefeller pq 2015‑09‑25 Sim
Todd E. Anthony (Info) Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School Genetic dissection of neural circuits that control stress-induced behavioral states pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim
Chiye Aoki (Info) NYU Developmental neuroanatomy aadisney 2006‑03‑22 Sim
Roberto Araya (Info) Université de Montréal Neocortex, dendritic spines raraya 2008‑03‑07 Sim
Arthur Palmer Arnold (Info) UCLA sexual differentiation, brain, metabolism, genetics, sex chromosomes, testosterone, estradiol, birdsong aparnold 2014‑10‑14 Sim
Donald Arnold (Info) USC ion channels dblake 2006‑04‑17 Sim
Kenta Asahina (Info) Salk Institute leslievosshall 2009‑08‑05 Sim
Hiroshi Asanuma (Info) Rockefeller Motor system acidsoul 2005‑11‑15 Sim
Estefania P Azevedo (Info) Rockefeller Neuroscience eazevedo 2020‑05‑14 Sim
Ricardo R. Azevedo (Info) Rockefeller Neurodevelopment razevedo01 2015‑04‑16 Sim
Gregory F. Ball (Info) Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Ethology ccasteli 2006‑03‑28 Sim
Cori Bargmann (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF C. elegans, decision JLand52 2006‑03‑16 Sim
Robert B. Barlow (Info) SUNY Upstate Medical University vision research daph 2005‑10‑25 Sim
Alona Barnea (Info) Rockefeller david 2016‑09‑04 Sim
Anat Barnea (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Colin J. Barnstable (Info) Penn State Visual system, retina development jnaegele 2007‑11‑09 Sim
Helen S. Bateup (Info) Harvard Medical School, UC Berkeley Molecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity bateuph 2011‑12‑14 Sim
Kevin G. Bath (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College Olfaction & Neurotrophins kbath77 2007‑07‑16 Sim
Jeffrey R. Baylis (Info) UW Madison animal behavior, evolution emartins 2011‑08‑17 Sim
Lloyd M Beidler (Info) Florida State Taste physiology wotring 2008‑04‑28 Sim
Rudy Bellani (Info) Rockefeller Brain asymmetry, memory, stress, rudy4histo 2007‑02‑18 Sim
Richard Benton (Info) Université de Lausanne Olfaction, Cell Biology, Behavior leslievosshall 2007‑11‑10 Sim
Gary G. Berntson (Info) Ohio State brothershm 2009‑07‑30 Sim
Aurel Betz (Info) Rockefeller STATs, development pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim
Sarah M. Bhagat (Info) Rockefeller, Yale, Stanford Cortical plasticity sbhagat 2011‑06‑11 Sim
Dionnet L. Bhatti (Info) University of Georgia, Washington University, Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School Motivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators dbhatti 2015‑09‑14 Sim
James A. Bibb (Info) UT Southwestern dbenav 2007‑08‑29 Sim
Niels Birbaumer (Info) Inst Med Psychol Behav Neurobiol University of Tuebingen Feedback; Biological Psychology lotze 2006‑07‑31 Sim
Kivanc birsoy (Info) Whitehead Institute kbirsoy 2012‑03‑22 Sim
Ira B. Black (Info) UMDMJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Developmental Neurology M. Odurih 2006‑11‑07 Sim
Thomas A. Blanpied (Info) University of Maryland Medical School synapses, glutamate receptors, live-cell imaging, schizophrenia and affective disorders, super-resolution imaging blanpied 2010‑01‑05 Sim
Ona E Bloom (Info) The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research spinal cord injury, neuroscience, immunology obloom 2022‑04‑20 Sim
Erik B. Bloss (Info) Janelia Farm ebloss 2008‑12‑11 Sim
Jürgen Bolz (Info) University of Jena david 2008‑04‑08 Sim
Tobias Bonhoeffer (Info) MPI Martinsried Plasticity and development kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Thomas Bozza (Info) Northwestern Olfaction tbozza 2007‑08‑15 Sim
Jack Winningham Bradbury (Info) Cornell Bioacoustics felloe 2006‑12‑20 Sim
Anindita Brahma (Info) Rockefeller social insects, social evolution, genomics, animal behaviour abrahma 2024‑03‑13 Sim
Wayne G. Brake (Info) Concordia University Montreal developmental neurobiology wbrake 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Roberta Diaz Brinton (Info) USC jnilsen 2008‑01‑14 Sim
Ali Brivanlou (Info) Rockefeller neural development fmariani 2007‑01‑10 Sim
A. Harrison Brody (Info) Yale Alhabrody 2017‑03‑05 Sim
Stephen G. Brohawn (Info) Rockefeller, UC Berkeley Molecular basis of sensory transduction and cellular electrical signaling sbroh 2014‑04‑16 Sim
Vernon B. Brooks (Info) Western University Motor system acidsoul 2005‑11‑15 Sim
Michael Browning (Info) UCHSC david 2006‑10‑19 Sim
Karen Bulloch (Info) Rockefeller Brain Dendritic Cells haleyv 2013‑12‑02 Sim
Jennifer J. Bussell (Info) Columbia neurogenetics, behavior, neuroscience jbussell 2011‑04‑20 Sim
Victor H. Bustos (Info) Rockefeller Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration vbustos 2014‑05‑29 Sim
Joseph D. Buxbaum (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Alzheimer's Disease, Autism, Schizophrenia shasta 2006‑08‑25 Sim
Caner Caglar (Info) Bezmialem Vakif University Neuroscience CanerCaglar 2024‑02‑01 Sim
Edward M. Callaway (Info) Salk Institute Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑31 Sim
Heather A. Cameron (Info) NIMH adult neurogenesis, plasticity, behavior, stress jasonsnyder 2009‑08‑21 Sim
Rick Canady (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Lindsey Jean Cantin (Info) Rockefeller Vocal learning, epigenetics, genomics lindseycantin 2020‑01‑27 Sim
Alan Carleton (Info) University of Geneva "olfaction, gustation, neurogenesis" carleton 2007‑05‑08 Sim
Albert H. Cass (Info) Rockefeller MembraneTransport phenomena dbseyler 2010‑07‑20 Sim
Manuel Castellano-Munoz (Info) Stanford Hearing bioeticprion 2007‑10‑24 Sim
John J. Cebra (Info) Johns Hopkins jvpardo 2011‑12‑10 Sim
Guillermo Cecchi (Info) IBM Computational Neuroscience shildough 2006‑01‑10 Sim
Sreekanth H. Chalasani (Info) Salk Institute draible 2012‑05‑07 Sim
Merrill Wallace Chase (Info) Rockefeller Immunology, ABO antigens, cell mediated immunity jvpardo 2011‑12‑10 Sim
Sumantra Shona Chattarji (Info) National Center for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Banglalore, India Amygdala, Stress, Synaptic Plasticity, Learning & Memory, Fragile X Syndrome drgarga 2006‑02‑19 Sim
Alain Chédotal (Info) Institut de la vision axon guidance, neuronal migration chedotala 2009‑06‑22 Sim
Jia Cheng (Info) Rockefeller depression, electrophysiological properties jcheng 2016‑09‑03 Sim
Dante Renato Chialvo (Info) Northwestern Complex Systems and Dynamics shildough 2006‑01‑20 Sim
Eugenia Chiappe (Info) Champalimaud Neuroscience Program sensory-motor integration echiappe 2007‑07‑29 Sim
Christine E. Cho (Info) Rockefeller sensory adaptation aladgyma 2013‑04‑21 Sim
Yong Choe (Info) Auditory neuroscience magnasco 2008‑02‑05 Sim
Elena Choleris (Info) University of Guelph Behavioral Neuroscience, Social Behavior, Estrogens, Oxytocin, Mice, Learning and Memory martinw 2008‑12‑14 Sim
Revathy Uthaiah Chottekalapanda (Info) Rockefeller sridhara 2008‑12‑16 Sim
Nikolaos Chronis (Info) University of Michigan JLand52 2007‑01‑26 Sim
Nam-Hai Chua (Info) Rockefeller Molecular Biology eqzhang 2013‑04‑13 Sim
Chiou-Fen Chuang (Info) Caltech, UCSF, Rockefeller, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, University of Illinois, Chicago Developmental Neurobiology, Brain Asymmetry plantman 2016‑06‑08 Sim
Adam Claridge-Chang (Info) Rockefeller, Duke-NUS Medical School pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim
Christopher W. Clark (Info) Cornell bioacoustics pwaser 2014‑11‑05 Sim
Stephen J Clark (Info) Keene State College Evolution SJClark 2017‑05‑09 Sim
Albert Claude (Info) Universite Catholique de Louvain, Rockefeller University M. Odurih 2006‑11‑02 Sim
David F. Clayton (Info) UIUC Birdsong, Neurogenomics map222 2007‑02‑21 Sim
Mark S. Cohen (Info) UCLA Rapid Methods of MR Imaging, Fusion of Electrophysiology and fMRI, Advanced approaches to MR data analysis, Mental Imagery jbramen 2006‑08‑27 Sim
Paul Cohen (Info) Rockefeller molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim
Susana Cohen-Cory (Info) UC Irvine Nervous system development; visual system; synapse formation; in vivo imaging sridhara 2008‑12‑15 Sim
Raphael Cohn (Info) Rockefeller Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Neuromodulation, Learning and Memory rcohn 2016‑05‑25 Sim
Rory T Coleman (Info) Rockefeller, Columbia Neuroscience colemanrt 2023‑11‑15 Sim
Joanne Conover (Info) University of Connecticut jeiajeia 2011‑03‑09 Sim
Cheryl D. Conrad (Info) Arizona State Neurobiology of Chronic Stress rudy4histo 2007‑02‑18 Sim
Ariadna Corredera Asensio (Info) NYU Neuroethology; Auditory processing; Acoustic communication ariadnacorredera 2024‑05‑24 Sim
Richard M. Costanzo (Info) VCU, VCU Physiology, Neuroscience pq 2016‑05‑27 Sim
Paul F. Cranefield (Info) Rockefeller oertner 2020‑06‑25 Sim
Nicole Creanza (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Michael A. Crickmore (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Drosophila behavior rsm10 2009‑04‑15 Sim
Roy E. Crist (Info) Rockefeller Visual Cortex pq 2015‑09‑25 Sim
Laszlo Csanady (Info) Rockefeller General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑18 Sim
Bruce A. Cunningham (Info) Rockefeller wgallin 2017‑09‑27 Sim
Jeff Cynx (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Edgar F. da Cruz e Silva (Info) University of Aveiro george.perry 2010‑08‑05 Sim
Odete A. Beirão da Cruz e Silva (Info) University of Aveiro Alzheimer's disease, Biomarker Discovery, Molecular Biomedicine, Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials for Neuroscience george.perry 2010‑08‑05 Sim
Corinna Jane Darian-Smith (Info) Stanford sensorimotor system, plasticity, spinal injury, nonhuman primates cdarian 2012‑01‑27 Sim
James E. Darnell (Info) Rockefeller, MIT, Albert Einstein, Columbia STATs, development gpot9883 2006‑09‑24 Sim
Robert Darnell (Info) Rockefeller Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑19 Sim
Aniruddha Das (Info) Columbia Visual system ysirotin 2009‑09‑16 Sim
Pietro De Camilli (Info) Yale lneedleman 2005‑11‑29 Sim
Paul De Koninck (Info) Université Laval synapses david 2006‑10‑19 Sim
Ben Deen (Info) Tulane Social Cognitive Neuroscience bdeen 2011‑09‑10 Sim
Emily Jane Dennis (Info) Rockefeller, Princeton EmilyJaneDennis 2017‑10‑28 Sim
Claude Desplan (Info) NYU eye development stefanfuss 2007‑02‑08 Sim
Stephen H. Devoto (Info) Wesleyan Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑23 Sim
Lain Felipe Díaz (Info) Rockefeller redox 2010‑10‑05 Sim
Lindsay L. Dick (Info) Rockefeller neurobiology, mosquito host seeking facetious1212 2010‑07‑22 Sim
Theodosius Dobzhansky (Info) Columbia University, Rockefeller University Dietrich 2008‑04‑17 Sim
Frederick A. Dodge (Info) Rockefeller /IBM / Syracuse Univ lesterha 2012‑04‑21 Sim
Vincent P. Dole (Info) Rockefeller wmillard 2015‑04‑03 Sim
Ana Isobel Domingos (Info) Rockefeller Feeding behavior, systems neuroscience leslievosshall 2007‑11‑10 Sim
Ana Isabel Domingos (Info) Rockefeller leslievosshall 2007‑11‑10 Sim
Ana Domingos (Info) Rockefeller Neurobiology of eating behavior dominan 2010‑03‑16 Sim
Robert J. Dooling (Info) University of Maryland hearing, animal behavior, vocal learning david 2005‑09‑14 Sim
Ryan T. Dosumu-Johnson (Info) UCLA Vocal Learning Averius 2008‑09‑24 Sim
Joseph Darby Dougherty (Info) UCLA pq 2015‑08‑05 Sim
Declan A. Doyle (Info) Oxford RNA 2013‑01‑10 Sim
Belinda K. Dredge (Info) Rockefeller pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim
Alfred M. Dufty (Info) Boise State University ksoma 2014‑01‑08 Sim
Laura B. Duvall (Info) Washington University, Rockefeller pq 2015‑10‑10 Sim
Ruth Anne Eatock (Info) Harvard, Chicago, Baylor College of Medicine sensory neurobiology, auditory, vestibular hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Akinori Ebihara (Info) Rockefeller magnasco 2015‑12‑09 Sim
Gerald Maurice Edelman (Info) Rockefeller, Scripps Institute immune system, philosophy of mind hayden 2005‑02‑07 Sim
William K. Estes (Info) Indiana University Bloomington, Stanford, Rockefeller, Harvard Learning & memory david 2005‑09‑19 Sim
Ronald M. Evans (Info) Salk Institute hormone, gene expression gpot9883 2006‑09‑24 Sim
David Adrian Ewald (Info) Rockefeller University of Copenhagen maytesuarezfarinas 2023‑07‑29 Sim
Kazuhisa Ezure (Info) Tokyo Women's Medical University 2008‑08‑06 Sim
Paul Feinstein (Info) Hunter College, CUNY Olfaction rsm10 2009‑04‑15 Sim
Irena Feng (Info) Chicago, Rockefeller, Boston University irenafeng 2021‑10‑31 Sim
Jian Feng (Info) SUNY Buffalo Parkinson’s disease, human stem cell Pgy2000 2020‑09‑25 Sim
Liang Feng (Info) Stanford Rwalsh 2019‑01‑14 Sim
T P. Feng (Info) hanks 2005‑11‑09 Sim
Lisa M. Fenk (Info) Rockefeller neurobiology, electrophysiology, visual perception lfenk 2017‑03‑30 Sim
Robert J. Fenster (Info) Rockefeller Huntington's Disease rjfenster 2011‑10‑17 Sim
Gord J. Fishell (Info) NYU School of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and the Stanley Center at the Broad Brain development and patterning, cortical interneurons Fishell 2007‑01‑24 Sim
Jonathan Fisher (Info) Rockefeller jdsalvi 2014‑08‑25 Sim
Elane Fishilevich (Info) Carnegie Mellon cell death leslievosshall 2007‑11‑10 Sim
Jamie K. Fitzgerald (Info) Harvard Medical School greiciau 2007‑07‑18 Sim
John Flanagan (Info) Harvard Medical School qianglu 2009‑02‑20 Sim
Steven W. Flavell (Info) MIT Neural Circuits & Behavior SFlavell 2015‑06‑20 Sim
David A. Foster (Info) CUNY Signal transduction, Cancer research, PLD windup 2010‑03‑09 Sim
Harry Fowler (Info) University of Pittsburgh cab 2007‑11‑15 Sim
Cristianne R. Frazier (Info) Chicago dopamine system, feeding behavior frazierc 2009‑10‑05 Sim
Winrich A. Freiwald (Info) Rockefeller visual system, face perception, attention, systems neuroscience svshepherd 2014‑06‑09 Sim
Eckhard Friauf (Info) University of Kaiserslautern Auditory system cab 2006‑04‑22 Sim
Jeffrey M. Friedman (Info) Rockefeller molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight Mch777 2008‑12‑18 Sim
Ron D. Frostig (Info) UC Irvine Somatosensory Cortex polleydb 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Xin-Yuan Fu (Info) Indiana University & Yale University Molecular biology and Signaling mechanisms xyfuscience 2007‑04‑24 Sim
Stefan H. Fuss (Info) Bogazici University Olfaction JLand52 2006‑05‑01 Sim
David C. Gadsby (Info) Rockefeller General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑18 Sim
Liisa Galea (Info) UBC Psychology bormerod 2008‑02‑07 Sim
Antonio Gallego (Info) University of Madrid Visual system cervero 2006‑12‑16 Sim
Warren J. Gallin (Info) University of Alberta dweberad 2015‑06‑30 Sim
Samuel E. Gandy (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine george.perry 2010‑08‑06 Sim
Timothy J. Gardner (Info) Boston University Neural circuit formation, vocal learning in songbirds hanks 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Gabriel Gasque (Info) PLOS Biology gabrielgasque 2008‑08‑02 Sim
Herbert S. Gasser (Info) Rockefeller hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Gregory L. Gedman (Info) UCLA, Brain Research Institute Vocal imitation, behavior, genetics ggedman 2021‑11‑09 Sim
Maria Neimark Geffen (Info) Penn sensory systems rocky 2006‑07‑06 Sim
Isabella Gekel (Info) Max Planck Institute Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany Neurotransmission igekel 2010‑02‑03 Sim
Alan Gelperin (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center, Princeton Biological, computational and electronic olfaction; learning and memory. swang 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Julia George (Info) UIUC Neurodegenerative disease, Synuclein proteins birdogman 2007‑10‑21 Sim
Zachary Gershon (Info) neurogenetics, cognition, attention, memory, olfaction, neurodevelopment zgershon 2016‑06‑16 Sim
Claude P. Ghez (Info) Columbia Control of limb movements felloe 2006‑12‑20 Sim
Caitlin Gilbert (Info) Rockefeller, Harvard Medical School neuroscience, epigenomics, epigenetics, evolution, language caitlinsgilbert 2019‑11‑04 Sim
Charles D. Gilbert (Info) Rockefeller Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Elizabeth Glater (Info) Harvard Drosophila Mitochondria tjm42 2007‑05‑02 Sim
Joseph G. Gleeson (Info) UCSD kmillen 2011‑08‑09 Sim
Steven A. Goldman (Info) University of Rochester Medical Center neurogenesis, gliogenesis, clinical neurology sgoldman 2007‑09‑24 Sim
Arthur R. Goldsmith (Info) University of Bristol gbentley 2014‑01‑22 Sim
Andreas Görlich (Info) Rockefeller Histological and functional complexities of the mammalian brain eckhardfriauf 2013‑07‑24 Sim
Svetlana Gorokhova (Info) The Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDML) Neurotrophins, sensory neuron development, axonal growth sgorokhova 2011‑05‑31 Sim
Elizabeth Gould (Info) Princeton Neurogenesis JLand52 2007‑05‑23 Sim
Gunnar Keppler Gouras (Info) Lund University Alzheimer's disease gkgouras 2011‑10‑14 Sim
Harold Gouzoules (Info) Emory primate vocalizations kimwallen 2006‑12‑19 Sim
Sarah Gouzoules (Info) Emory pwaser 2014‑10‑24 Sim
Norma Graham (Info) Columbia hanks 2005‑10‑13 Sim
Christina L Graves (Info) UNC Chapel Hill synthetic biology, immunology, neuroimmunology, epithelial cell biology cxg 2019‑09‑07 Sim
Michael E. Greenberg (Info) Harvard Medical School Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse byungheeleu 2006‑04‑20 Sim
Paul Greengard (Info) Yale School of Medicine, Geigy Research Labratories, Yale, Rockefeller neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Donald R. Griffin (Info) Harvard Echolocation hanks 2005‑10‑24 Sim
Harvey Grill (Info) Penn Neural control of nutrient intake mls 2006‑11‑12 Sim
Amiram Grinvald (Info) Weizmann Institute Visual cortex, hemodynamic signals kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim
Stephen Grossberg (Info) Boston University Computation & Theory david 2005‑09‑15 Sim
Martin Grumet (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Adhesion molecules, Spinal cord injury, Stem cell research jcneuron 2007‑10‑03 Sim
Harry Grundfest (Info) Columbia Comparitive neurobiology hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Alicia Guemez-Gamboa (Info) Rockefeller Neurodevelopment, human genetics, neural circuits acom 2017‑02‑15 Sim
Yetis Gultekin (Info) Rockefeller, Whitehead Institute (MIT), Bogazici University Proteasome, protein quality control yetisgultekin 2015‑07‑13 Sim
Shelley Halpain (Info) UCSD neuronal development, cytoskeleton shalpain 2008‑06‑11 Sim
Paul Handford (Info) Western University birdsong pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Annie Handler (Info) Harvard Medical School annie.handler 2020‑01‑07 Sim
Susan J. Hannon (Info) University of Alberta ksoma 2014‑01‑21 Sim
Cheryl F. Harding (Info) Hunter College, CUNY "Songbirds, song learning, catecholamine, neuroendocrinology" vakshat 2007‑04‑04 Sim
Haldan Keffer Hartline (Info) Rockefeller Limulus, visual system, biophysics david 2005‑02‑08 Sim
Nicholas Hastings (Info) Rockefeller Neuroendocrinology cmirescu 2009‑03‑07 Sim
Mary E. Hatten (Info) Rockefeller cerebellar development Fishell 2007‑01‑24 Sim
John W. Haycock (Info) LSU protein phosphorylation david 2016‑02‑06 Sim
Robert E. Hegner (Info) ksoma 2014‑01‑08 Sim
Maxwell Heiman (Info) Harvard Medical School imclachl 2011‑11‑02 Sim
Nathaniel Heintz (Info) Rockefeller rsteine 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Elizabeth Heller (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Neuroscience lizheller 2010‑12‑01 Sim
James P. Herman (Info) NIH Eye movements, Visual Attention, Motor Learning Jamespherman 2012‑10‑15 Sim
David Grant Colburn Hildebrand (Info) Harvard, Northeastern University davidhildebrand 2009‑08‑12 Sim
John G. Hildebrand (Info) University of Arizona neurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology hanks 2005‑12‑01 Sim
Matthew N. Hill (Info) University of Calgary Neuroscience, Endocrinology, Pharmacology matthewhill 2009‑08‑10 Sim
Merrill Hille (Info) University of Washington david 2015‑10‑18 Sim
Massimo A Hilliard (Info) University of Queensland Neurobiology, Genetics. Hilliard 2017‑06‑25 Sim
Tom Hindmarsh Sten (Info) Rockefeller autoparser 2019‑11‑19 Sim
Hisashi Hirai (Info) Sophia University biofeedback, avoidance learning sadahikonakajima 2009‑03‑15 Sim
Judith A. Hirsch (Info) USC david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
David I. Hirsh (Info) CU Boulder, Columbia nucleic acid structure and function and gene activity during early development of C. elegans dsportman 2008‑11‑21 Sim
William Hirst (Info) New School for Social Research social aspects of cognition and memory neurostudent 2007‑04‑24 Sim
Shaul Hochstein (Info) Hebrew University Visual System hayden 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (Info) Cambridge Biophysics willmore 2005‑01‑17 Sim
David Holtzman (Info) Rockefeller MargaretMMcCarthy 2022‑02‑26 Sim
Carl D. Hopkins (Info) Cornell Electrosensory Systems, Electric Fish cdh8 2008‑05‑04 Sim
Katie Kuangfu Hsiao (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Rockefeller, George Washington University School of Medicine synaptic plasticity, synaptogensis shaw2039 2013‑03‑27 Sim
Linda C. Hsieh-Wilson (Info) Caltech molecular basis of fundamental brain processes jandh 2011‑12‑22 Sim
A. James Hudspeth (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF, UT Southwestern Audition hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Richard G. Hunter (Info) Rockefeller, U Mass Boston Neuroendocrinology, Neuropharmacology gangahrolf 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Ines Ibanez-Tallon (Info) Rockefeller jables 2020‑08‑18 Sim
Annat F. Ikin (Info) Thomas Jefferson Alzheimer's Disease shasta 2006‑08‑25 Sim
Gulayse Ince (Info) Rockefeller rhuganir 2009‑09‑02 Sim
Krithi Irmady (Info) Rockefeller miRNA, RBP, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease kirmady 2015‑03‑08 Sim
James D. Jamieson (Info) Yale Golgi, pancreatic cells, cytoskeleton juliasero 2011‑12‑14 Sim
Erich David Jarvis (Info) Duke Vocal learning hayden 2005‑10‑29 Sim
Wuji Jiang (Info) Rockefeller pentyl1998 2020‑03‑25 Sim
Junghee Jin (Info) Rockefeller david 2016‑09‑04 Sim
Carolyn Johnson (Info) UCSF adolescent development, plasticity, frontal cortex cjohnso3 2012‑02‑16 Sim
Robert Elliott Johnston (Info) Cornell Behavioral Neuroendocrinology kimwallen 2006‑12‑17 Sim
Sandra Jones (Info) Rockefeller yetisgultekin 2018‑07‑26 Sim
Walton D. Jones (Info) KAIST olfaction waltonjones 2008‑11‑12 Sim
Jasmina N Jovanovic (Info) UCL School of Pharmacy inhibitory synapses, GABAA receptor trafficking and phosphorylation, GABA signalling in health and disease 2017‑11‑03 Sim
Choonkyun Jung (Info) Seoul National University Plant Molecular Biology ChoonkyunJung 2018‑08‑22 Sim
Takeshi Kaneko (Info) Kyoto University local circuit of the cerebral cortex acidsoul 2005‑11‑15 Sim
Yun Kyoung K. Kang (Info) Baylor College of Medicine, Rockefeller kangykru 2015‑05‑12 Sim
Ehud Kaplan (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Visual system faure 2006‑10‑09 Sim
Michael G. Kaplitt (Info) New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell hilariet 2015‑01‑04 Sim
Ilia N. Karatsoreos (Info) University of Toronto, WSU, U Mass Amherst, Columbia, Rockefeller Neuroscience, Circadian Rhythms, Neuroendocrinology ikaratso 2007‑11‑17 Sim
Maria Karayiorgou (Info) Columbia frazierc 2011‑08‑18 Sim
Arthur Karlin (Info) Columbia Nictotinic acetylcholine receptor structure-function teissere 2008‑05‑14 Sim
Saul Kato (Info) UCSF dynamical systems neurotheory 2015‑01‑21 Sim
Alex Katsov (Info) Stanford PQAtTheClavier 2017‑07‑31 Sim
Lawrence C. Katz (Info) Duke Sensory systems hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Steve A. Kay (Info) Scripps Institute Circadian Rhythms, Systems Biology eqzhang 2013‑04‑13 Sim
Erica C. Keen (Info) Rockefeller Auditory system, synaptic transmission ericacorinne 2006‑10‑27 Sim
Andreas Keller (Info) Rockefeller Olfaction JLand52 2005‑08‑08 Sim
Asaf Keller (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Sensorimotor Integration jtrage 2006‑11‑15 Sim
Darcy B. Kelley (Info) Columbia daph 2005‑10‑25 Sim
Ellen D. Ketterson (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, animal behavior kimwallen 2006‑12‑17 Sim
Anmo J. Kim (Info) Hanyang University Olfactory system, System identification anmokim 2010‑10‑16 Sim
Hyewon Kim (Info) Princeton, Rockefeller hwkim 2017‑09‑08 Sim
Masaharu Kinoshita (Info) NIPS haru 2011‑12‑17 Sim
John R. Kirn (Info) Wesleyan lneedleman 2005‑12‑04 Sim
Bruce W. Knight (Info) Rockefeller mathematical neuroscience, applied mathematics jdvicto 2008‑06‑22 Sim
Zachary A. Knight (Info) UCSF zknight 2013‑07‑07 Sim
Benjamin Kolisnyk (Info) Rockefeller david 2016‑09‑04 Sim
Lukasz Kowalik (Info) Stanford Medical School zebrafish, neurodevelopment woocash 2012‑02‑02 Sim
Mary Jeanne Kreek (Info) Rockefeller Substance Abuse, Addiction clawhorn 2009‑03‑03 Sim
Georg W. Kreutzberg (Info) Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology Microglia, History of Neurosciences neurojim 2012‑09‑20 Sim
Henry G. Kunkel (Info) Rockefeller Immunology M. Odurih 2011‑03‑27 Sim
Karl Landsteiner (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Hematology, biochemistry jdvicto 2009‑05‑17 Sim
Peter T. Lansbury, Jr. (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑09‑07 Sim
Diego Laplagne (Info) Leloir Institute Adult neurogenesis aschinder 2012‑07‑15 Sim
Johannes Larsch (Info) Rockefeller, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried Social Behavior JohannesRU 2010‑08‑03 Sim
Brian Lau (Info) Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière Decision making, Reinforcement Learning david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Collene Lawhorn (Info) Rockefeller Substance Abuse, Addiction clawhorn 2009‑03‑03 Sim
Noam Leader (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Adria C. LeBoeuf (Info) University of Lausanne biophysics, neuroscience, social insects, behavior adria 2016‑03‑23 Sim
Donghoon Lee (Info) Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Rockefeller Sensory donghoon 2017‑10‑17 Sim
In Hae Lee (Info) Columbia ihlee 2021‑01‑26 Sim
Susan J. Lee (Info) Merck & Co. Inc Neurodegenerative Disease drsusilee 2014‑11‑17 Sim
Tiffany T-Y Lee (Info) UBC csturdy 2007‑07‑21 Sim
Sarah Fryer Leibowitz (Info) The Rockefeller Institute arshadk 2007‑06‑14 Sim
Henry A. Lester (Info) Caltech Molecular and functional aspects of ion channels, receptors, and transporters chacha 2007‑09‑08 Sim
ARIEL LEVINE (Info) NIH 2019‑10‑22 Sim
Wu Li (Info) Rockefeller Vision shildough 2006‑01‑20 Sim
Conor Liston (Info) Stanford Stress, prefrontal cortex lc21 2009‑06‑04 Sim
Qiang Liu (Info) Rockefeller Neural circuits and behavior qiangliu 2019‑08‑01 Sim
Wan-Chun Liu (Info) Rockefeller birdsong pwaser 2014‑10‑31 Sim
Rodolfo R. Llinás (Info) NYU channel physiology, cerebellum, thalamus, cortex, synaptic transmission, MEG, inferior olive, calcium currents david 2005‑01‑27 Sim
Anthony (Tony) John Lombardino (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Rafael Lorente de Nó (Info) Rockefeller neuroanatomy hanks 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Sean E. Low (Info) Rockefeller Sensory Neurobiology selow 2011‑12‑12 Sim
Emily Rhodes Lowry (Info) Columbia Neurodegeneration; ALS el2139 2019‑09‑11 Sim
Bai Lu (Info) NICHD chelucas 2006‑09‑30 Sim
Hang Lu (Info) Georgia Tech hanglu 2013‑06‑21 Sim
Louis R. Lucas (Info) Loyola University Chicago Neuroendocrinology BrianSweis 2012‑05‑10 Sim
Victoria N. Luine (Info) Hunter College, CUNY gonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis beckkd 2007‑05‑03 Sim
Wesley C. Lynch (Info) Montana State eating and weight disorders, learning, motivation wlynchmt 2010‑09‑10 Sim
Roderick MacKinnon (Info) Rockefeller Ion channels hanks 2005‑11‑02 Sim
Marcelo O. Magnasco (Info) Rockefeller Theoretical Neuroscience shildough 2006‑01‑10 Sim
Gaby Maimon (Info) Rockefeller gmaimon 2011‑10‑30 Sim
Kirk Manogue (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
John R. Mantsch (Info) Marquette University Neurobiology of stress and addiction edoncheck 2014‑05‑30 Sim
Denise K. Marciano (Info) Rockefeller david 2015‑06‑19 Sim
Sally A. Marik (Info) Rockefeller Visual Cortex, plasticity phickmott 2007‑05‑09 Sim
Isaac Marin-Valencia (Info) Rockefeller jogleeson 2017‑08‑26 Sim
Catherine A. Marler (Info) UW Madison Behavioral neuroendocrinology bctrainor 2007‑04‑26 Sim
Peter R. Marler (Info) UC Davis Audition hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Jordan Marrocco (Info) Rockefeller Neuroendocrinology jmarrocco 2016‑05‑12 Sim
Christine Marshall-Walker (Info) Phillips Academy Guided research, bioethics chiara74 2005‑12‑04 Sim
Luis M. Martinez Otero (Info) Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante. CSIC-UMH Visual system, Neural circuits luis.martinez 2007‑10‑03 Sim
Mark L. Mayer (Info) NIH Structural Biology, Ligand gated ion channels mayermlm 2009‑12‑09 Sim
Ian Maze (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Neuroepigenetics ismaze99 2016‑01‑09 Sim
Carolyn S. Mcbride (Info) Princeton Genes and neural circuits underlying behavioral evolution. tlturner 2009‑10‑14 Sim
Margaret M. McCarthy (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Neuroendocrinology dkrebskraft 2008‑12‑16 Sim
Katherine L. McCoy (Mitterling) (Info) Syracuse, UIUC, Bowdoin College kmitterling 2008‑09‑22 Sim
Bruce S. McEwen (Info) Rockefeller endocrinology, psychology hanks 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Marilyn Y. McGinnis (Info) Univ of Texas Health Science Center Neuroendocrinology wesson 2009‑05‑19 Sim
Michael J. Meaney (Info) McGill cab 2006‑03‑20 Sim
Lucian Medrihan (Info) Rockefeller Depression lmedrihan 2014‑03‑11 Sim
Jennifer E. Mehren (Info) Rockefeller Courtship JLand52 2005‑09‑12 Sim
Marian Mellen (Info) Rockefeller Neuroscience marianmellen 2013‑05‑20 Sim
Claudio Mello (Info) OHSU Neuroethology, molecular neuroscience, comparative genomics, functional neurogenomics, vocal communication, vocal learning, central auditory processing, learning and memory, neuronal and synaptic plasticity pinaudr 2007‑04‑03 Sim
R. Bruce Merrifield (Info) Rockefeller Biochemistry jandh 2011‑07‑12 Sim
Jerrold S. Meyer (Info) University of Massachusetts Developmental Neurotoxicology, Drugs of Abuse, Stress, Serotonin, HPA Axis DBrunzell 2006‑04‑11 Sim
Will J. Millard (Info) Mount Holyoke experimental psychopathology, psychopharmacology wmillard 2008‑01‑25 Sim
Kathleen Millen (Info) Chicago, University of Washington, Seattle Children's Rese developmental neurogenetics kmillen 2009‑10‑20 Sim
George A. Miller (Info) Princeton hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim
Neal E. Miller (Info) Rockefeller Behavior, motivation david 2005‑10‑18 Sim
William H. Miller (Info) Yale photoreceptors, visual optics gnicol 2008‑05‑14 Sim
Robert J Milner (Info) Penn State, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Scripps Institute Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑20 Sim
Teresa A. Milner (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College steroids, hippocampus, ultrastructure commonk 2010‑03‑24 Sim
Soledad Miranda-Rottmann (Info) Université de Montréal Neuroscience, gene regulation & splicing SoleMirandaR 2017‑05‑26 Sim
Rupshi Mitra (Info) Stanford stress, neuroscience, enriched environment, amygdala, neural plastiicty rmitra 2023‑09‑10 Sim
Julie M. Miwa (Info) Caltech Neuroscience, nicotinic receptors, learning and memory calvinh1 2011‑08‑18 Sim
Charles Vernon Mobbs (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine glucose, aging, diabetes, metabolism pennydacks 2012‑02‑02 Sim
Rishika Mohanta (Info) Rockefeller Olfactory Memory and Navigation, Insect Neurobiology, Epidemiology neurorishika 2024‑04‑29 Sim
Peter Mombaerts (Info) Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Jessica A. Mong (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Hypothalamus, sex differences, sleep estrogens jam319 2011‑03‑16 Sim
Ariane Monneron (Info) CNRS Bartoli 2015‑07‑31 Sim
P Read Montague (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Computation JLand52 2005‑01‑29 Sim
Jason M. Montez (Info) Rockefeller molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim
Giorgio Morelli (Info) Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria , Research Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics CREA-GB Plant Molecular Biology, Plant development, Shade avoidance GiorgioMorelli 2021‑01‑02 Sim
Joan Morrell (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick docbjm 2009‑04‑06 Sim
Robert Morrison (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Marty Morton (Info) UC Davis ksoma 2014‑01‑22 Sim
Daniel Mucida (Info) Rockefeller cxg 2019‑09‑07 Sim
Pratik Mukherjee (Info) UCSF human imaging minghong 2008‑11‑10 Sim
Paul Mundinger (Info) Queens College pwaser 2014‑10‑24 Sim
Takayuki Murakoshi (Info) Saitama Medical University hm 2011‑08‑19 Sim
Felix Naef (Info) EPF Lausanne magnasco 2015‑12‑09 Sim
Janice R. Naegele (Info) Wesleyan neural stem cells, apoptosis, epilepsy, cortical development, hippocampal development, GABAergic interneurons david 2007‑11‑09 Sim
Georg Nagel (Info) University of Wurzburg oertner 2020‑06‑25 Sim
Aaron Nagiel (Info) Rockefeller Nagiel 2016‑12‑07 Sim
Aditya Nair (Info) MIT adityanair 2019‑08‑28 Sim
Angus C. Nairn (Info) Yale dopamine,basal ganglia dkrueger 2006‑04‑08 Sim
Takao Nakagawa (Info) Rockefeller leslievosshall 2009‑08‑06 Sim
Nozomu H. Nakamura (Info) Hyogo College of Medicine Neuroscience, Learning and memory, Neuroendocrinology, Psychophysiology nakamunh 2016‑12‑16 Sim
Douglas A. Nelson (Info) Ohio State Birdsong cab 2006‑11‑14 Sim
Eric J. Nestler (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Molecular Psychiatry vzachar 2006‑11‑02 Sim
David A. Nielsen (Info) UW Madison, Chicago, UIUC, NIAAA/NIH, InforMax, Inc, Rockefeller, Baylor College of Medicine Psychiatric Genetics nielsen 2007‑06‑28 Sim
Yasutomi Nishizuka (Info) Kobe University protein kinase C jandh 2014‑03‑19 Sim
Christer E. Nordstedt (Info) Eli Lilly & Co Neuroscience, Alzheimer's, Research Management Christer 2011‑07‑01 Sim
Ralph Norgren (Info) Penn State Gustatory system, motivation, reward david 2005‑02‑05 Sim
Fernando Nottebohm (Info) Rockefeller Birdsong hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Dáibhid Ó Maoiléidigh (Info) Rockefeller jdsalvi 2014‑08‑25 Sim
Kevin J. O'Donovan (Info) Johns Hopkins, Rockefeller, Burke Medical Research Institute, United States Military Academy Axon growth kjod71 2012‑03‑22 Sim
Yong-Seok Oh (Info) DGIST, Korea Neuroscience YSOh1974 2020‑08‑17 Sim
Masayo Omura (Info) Rockefeller JLand52 2007‑01‑26 Sim
Miles Orchinik (Info) Arizona State ksoma 2014‑01‑13 Sim
Harold T. Orr (Info) UMN Neurodegenerative disorders yifanx 2011‑07‑16 Sim
Charles Ouimet (Info) Florida State Huntington's, Alzheimer's, HDACs, dendritic spines neurodarcy 2009‑01‑13 Sim
M Zeeshan Ozair (Info) Rockefeller Neurodevelopment, corticogenesis mozair 2016‑06‑16 Sim
George E. Palade (Info) Rockefeller EM studies of ntracellular organization aadisney 2006‑03‑23 Sim
Sanford L. Palay (Info) Harvard Medical School neurocytology, synaptic structure M. Odurih 2006‑11‑01 Sim
Bruce Pappas (Info) Carleton University behavioral neuroscience wbrake 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Luca Parolari (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Neuroscience laparolari 2015‑01‑16 Sim
Suchit H. Patel (Info) Rockefeller Hair Cell Physiology jdsalvi 2014‑08‑25 Sim
John Paton (Info) pwaser 2014‑11‑03 Sim
Roy D. Pea (Info) Stanford learning sciences and technologies roypea 2007‑01‑27 Sim
Maurizio Pellegrino (Info) Rockefeller Insect olfaction mpellegri 2007‑06‑27 Sim
Susan S. Peters (Info) Duke Animal communication, birdsong snowicki 2014‑09‑13 Sim
Leopoldo Petreanu (Info) Champalimaud Foundation cortex, anatomy, plasticty opol1015 2007‑07‑29 Sim
Donald Wells Pfaff (Info) Rockefeller tamily 2005‑12‑09 Sim
Carl Pfaffmann (Info) Brown, Rockefeller taste electrophysiology jhayes 2006‑08‑01 Sim
James G Pfaus (Info) Concordia University Montreal, Universidad Veracruzana, Charles University, Prague Czech Republic, Czech National Institute of Mental Health Sexual behavior, Reproduction, Neuroendocrinology, Conditioning, Human sexual function and dysfunction, Brain imaging, Immunocytochemistry, Autoradiography, Molecular biology pfaus 2007‑11‑01 Sim
Kara Pham (Info) Barnard College, Columbia University Behavioral Neuroscience; Experimental Psychology david 2015‑07‑18 Sim
Marina R. Picciotto (Info) Yale Molecular Neurobiology, Molecular basis of behavior rsteine 2006‑04‑09 Sim
Daniele Piomelli (Info) UC Irvine Marina 2007‑09‑29 Sim
Jason R. Pitts (Info) Rockefeller Axon Degeneration jpitts 2015‑04‑16 Sim
Navin Pokala (Info) NYIT NavinPokala 2017‑06‑27 Sim
Keith R. Porter (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research EM, organelles map222 2008‑07‑04 Sim
Alex Proekt (Info) Rockefeller motivated behavior proekt 2010‑08‑27 Sim
Karina Del Punta (Info) Rockefeller petermombaerts 2024‑02‑03 Sim
Richard A. Purple (Info) University of Minnesota Medical School moran_furman 2008‑05‑28 Sim
Keith P. Purpura (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College visual system, thalamo-cortical communication, visually-guided behavior, neurophysiology sfkalik 2007‑09‑05 Sim
Murray Rabinowitz (Info) Chicago Biochemistry, physiology Vigyaanik 2018‑02‑10 Sim
Jacqui Rabkin (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Drug addiction jrabkin 2009‑12‑23 Sim
Jason J. Radley (Info) University of Iowa neurobiology of stress jradley 2011‑12‑15 Sim
Hamed Rahimi Nasrabadi (Info) SUNY College of Optometry Visual Science, System Neuroscience Hamedneu 2018‑04‑24 Sim
Priyamvada Rajasethupathy (Info) Columbia rn 2006‑11‑19 Sim
Nirmala Ramalingam (Info) Rockefeller Visual system anushree 2007‑12‑01 Sim
Mladen-Roko Rasin (Info) Yale, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Neuroscience mrasin 2007‑10‑11 Sim
Floyd Ratliff (Info) Rockefeller david 2005‑02‑08 Sim
Daniel S. Reich (Info) NINDS visual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging reichd 2006‑11‑23 Sim
Tobias Reichenbach (Info) Imperial College London Auditory Neuroscience HugoW 2017‑11‑23 Sim
R Clay Reid (Info) Harvard Medical School, Allen Institute Visual system hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Nicolas Renier (Info) Rockefeller chedotala 2013‑11‑16 Sim
C. Harker Rhodes (Info) Dartmouth george.perry 2009‑12‑28 Sim
Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro (Info) ufrn sleep, memory, vocal communication, symbolic competence napvasconcelos 2008‑11‑24 Sim
Filipa Rijo-Ferreira (Info) University of Texas Southwester Medical Center circadian clock, parasitic diseases FFerr 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Dmitry Rinberg (Info) NYU Olfaction KOICHI 2006‑12‑09 Sim
Carolyn Ristau (Info) Barnard College cognitive ethology david 2006‑04‑27 Sim
Moises Rivera (Info) Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York Embryonic Learning, Auditory Perception mrivera3 2019‑02‑21 Sim
Ann Robbins (Info) Rockefeller MargaretMMcCarthy 2022‑02‑26 Sim
Ivan Rodriguez (Info) University of Geneva neurogenetics, chemoperception, olfaction rodrigui 2006‑12‑07 Sim
Dragana Rogulja (Info) Harvard Medical School Sleep sxzhang 2014‑06‑11 Sim
Russ D. Romeo (Info) Rockefeller Development of the HPA axis across puberty rudy4histo 2007‑02‑18 Sim
Jean-Pierre Roussarie (Info) Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine irenafeng 2024‑04‑10 Sim
Edward J. Roy (Info) UIUC glioma immunotherapy Jill Schneider 2007‑10‑09 Sim
Lee Rubin (Info) Harvard M. Odurih 2009‑11‑18 Sim
Vanessa Ruta (Info) Rockefeller tamily 2007‑03‑29 Sim
Urs S Rutishauser (Info) Cornell University and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Neuroscience, Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology rutishau 2020‑09‑18 Sim
Urs Rutishauser (Info) Sloan-Kettering Plasticity and Adhesion gmarrs 2008‑12‑30 Sim
Timothy A. Ryan (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College synaptic vesicle cycle, endocytosis, exocytosis patluri 2006‑07‑20 Sim
David D. Sabatini (Info) NYU School of Medicine david 2009‑10‑28 Sim
Shasta L. Sabo (Info) Case Western lneedleman 2006‑03‑08 Sim
Silke Sachse (Info) Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology insect olfaction, sensory processing, neural circuits ssachse 2012‑09‑13 Sim
Srivatsun Sadagopan (Info) University of Pittsburgh auditory system, auditory cortex, vocalizations dferster 2013‑11‑24 Sim
Randall R. Sakai (Info) University of Cincinnati neuroendocrinology, salt appetite, ingestive behavior, stress ktamashiro 2006‑12‑31 Sim
Joshua D. Salvi (Info) Rockefeller, McLean Hospital | Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Neuroscience, computational psychiatry, sensory neuroscience, biophysics jdsalvi 2014‑08‑25 Sim
Robert M. Sapolsky (Info) Stanford Neuron death, stress, gene therapy JLand52 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Zoltan Sarnyai (Info) Cambridge, James Cook University stress and mental health, psychopharmacology sarnyai 2008‑05‑29 Sim
Peter F. Schade (Info) Rockefeller pfschade 2019‑12‑12 Sim
Stefan Schaffelhofer (Info) German Primate Center sschaffelh 2016‑01‑28 Sim
Eric F. Schmidt (Info) Rockefeller Axon Guidance schmidty 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Nina F. Schor (Info) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑05‑29 Sim
Howard Schulman (Info) Stanford calcium signaling david 2006‑10‑19 Sim
Tina Schwabe (Info) Stanford PQAtTheClavier 2017‑07‑31 Sim
Hubert Schwabl (Info) WSU ksoma 2014‑01‑21 Sim
James H. Schwartz (Info) Columbia hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Susan Schwartz-Giblin (Info) SUNY Downstate Medical Center GABA 2007‑05‑12 Sim
Susan Schwartz-Giblin (Info) SUNY Downstate Medical Center neuroendocrinology of reproductive behavior susantoby 2021‑03‑05 Sim
John W. Scott (Info) Rockefeller leonardc 2015‑09‑16 Sim
William A. Searcy (Info) University of Miami birdsong pwaser 2014‑09‑12 Sim
Philip Seeman (Info) University of Toronto (CAMH) Dopamine Receptor Pharmacology nk1 2021‑04‑20 Sim
Amita Sehgal (Info) Penn circadian rhythms, sleep edithm 2006‑09‑18 Sim
Kate Seip (Info) Rockefeller anushree 2007‑12‑01 Sim
Bettina Seri (Info) Harvard Medical School Auditory System bettina_seri 2008‑06‑16 Sim
Caroline E. Sferrazza (Info) UCSD Neurodegeneration, iPSC Models csfrazz 2017‑02‑14 Sim
Shai Shaham (Info) Rockefeller Apoptosis JLand52 2006‑03‑23 Sim
Rebecca M. Shansky (Info) Northeastern University sex differences, neuronal morphology, fear rsteine 2006‑04‑19 Sim
Robert M. Shapley (Info) NYU Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑20 Sim
Stephen V. Shepherd (Info) social neuroethology hayden 2005‑10‑29 Sim
Prasad R. Shirvalkar (Info) New York University Neuroscience Institute, Mount Sinai, Rockefeller, Weill Cornell Medical College, UCSF, UCSF Chronic Pain, Neuromodulation, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Deep Brain stimulation, Neurophysiology, Neurology, Learning and Memory pshirvalkar 2010‑05‑05 Sim
Dvora Shmulewitz (Info) Rockefeller molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim
Brikha R. Shrestha (Info) Harvard auditory system, development brikharaj 2006‑09‑08 Sim
Prerana Shrestha (Info) NYU Neuroscience prerana 2009‑03‑31 Sim
Roman Shusterman (Info) Janelia Farm, University of Haifa, University of Oregon Olfaction, electrophysiology, optogenetics, behavior Rumio18 2015‑11‑20 Sim
Ralph Mitchell Siegel (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick brian 2006‑03‑29 Sim
Philip Siekevitz (Info) Rockefeller Molecular biology of PSDs aadisney 2006‑03‑23 Sim
Amanda Sierra (Info) Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain, Rockefeller, SUNY Stony Brook, Baylor College of Medicine/Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience Microglia, phagocytosis, inflammation, diseases, development, adult neurogenesis nettleriver 2018‑05‑08 Sim
Mariano Sigman (Info) Universidad de Buenos Aires hayden 2005‑08‑08 Sim
Talvinder Sihra (Info) UCL Marina 2007‑09‑29 Sim
Bengt Silverin (Info) University of Gothenburg ksoma 2014‑01‑21 Sim
Sanford M. Simon (Info) Rockefeller Synaptic Transmission, exocytosis, HIV-1, Nuclear transport, cancer rllinas 2007‑08‑06 Sim
Kai Simons (Info) MPI Dresden scheiffele 2008‑06‑05 Sim
H Blair Simpson (Info) Columbia Psychiatry, OCD vicario 2011‑04‑15 Sim
Aakanksha Singhvi (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center cj 2015‑07‑23 Sim
Yevgeniy Borisovich Sirotin (Info) Rockefeller Neural Circuits, Olfaction ysirotin 2009‑09‑16 Sim
Carolyn W. Slayman (Info) Yale Genetics of Ion Transport minghong 2008‑11‑10 Sim
Julia Sliwa (Info) ICM (Paris Brain Institute), CNRS jussli 2011‑04‑09 Sim
David V. Smith (Info) University of Wyoming Taste ddickman 2008‑10‑02 Sim
D Max Snodderly (Info) UT Austin Visual cortex david 2005‑02‑08 Sim
Abraham Snyder (Info) Washington University visual neurophysiology BobShapley 2015‑05‑13 Sim
Yuen Tat So (Info) Stanford Medical School visual neurophysiology BobShapley 2015‑05‑13 Sim
Guillermo Solovey (Info) Rockefeller magnasco 2015‑12‑09 Sim
Robert Soodak (Info) Rockefeller visual neurophysiology BobShapley 2015‑05‑13 Sim
Hermona Soreq (Info) Hebrew University Robert Sapolsky 2006‑11‑02 Sim
Alexander A. Soukas (Info) Rockefeller molecular mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim
Timothy K. Spencer (Info) Nature Publishing Group, Rockefeller University Press Motor Neuron Maturation and Pathology tharkun1 2011‑01‑24 Sim
Olaf Sporns (Info) Indiana University Bloomington kotter 2008‑12‑08 Sim
Catherine J. Starr (Info) Rockefeller Audition pq 2015‑11‑24 Sim
Matthew W. State (Info) Yale, UCSF Genetics and genomics of developmental neuropsychiatric disorders david 2015‑06‑26 Sim
Giovanni Stefani (Info) Rockefeller Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑20 Sim
Aaron B. Steiner (Info) Rockefeller Sensory hair cells XenopusGuy 2008‑03‑08 Sim
Hermann Steller (Info) Rockefeller Verified eprotein degradation, proteasome, cell death, neuronal degeneration, developmental biology Dietrich 2008‑04‑17 Sim
Sarah A. Stern (Info) Rockefeller sas418 2009‑12‑10 Sim
Scott M. Sternson (Info) Janelia Farm Mch777 2008‑12‑18 Sim
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