People with institution matching "Yale University": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Cassandra Franke (Info) Northeastern University pqqp 2023‑12‑12
Sandra M. Aamodt (Info) Nature Neuroscience cab 2006‑02‑23
Fatima Abbas (Info) King's College Zebrafish, optic tectum, visual system fabbas 2014‑08‑07
Zuhair I Abdulla (Info) Yale School of Medicine Cholinergic mechanisms of depression Zuhair 2024‑11‑14
Hiroshi Abe (Info) National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry decision-making ha 2013‑02‑04
Robert P. Abelson (Info) Yale Social psychology, Cognitive Science 2006‑09‑21
J Lawrence (Larry) Aber (Info) NYU, Yale mgoyer1 2020‑01‑24
Alfonso Abizaid (Info) Yale Neuroscience zepieton 2006‑04‑18
Stefanie Acevedo (Info) UF Gainesville, Bowling Green State University, SUNY Buffalo, Yale, University of Dayton, University of Connecticut Music Theory, Music Perception stefacev 2011‑09‑01
James B. Ackman (Info) Yale cortical development, visual system ackmn 2008‑02‑08
carlos acuna (Info) universidade de santiago de compostela visual system, vision smconde 2007‑04‑19
R. Alison Adcock (Info) Duke memory, motivation, reward, schizophrenia, neuromodulation raadcock 2007‑09‑27
Nii A. Addy (Info) Yale rsteine 2006‑04‑09
Jose M. Adrover (Info) Francis Crick Institute cancer, immunology, hematopoiesis, neutrophils, cardiovascular disease niseto 2024‑09‑08
Shanae Aerts (Info) Yale Consciousness, Perception, Attention shanae.aerts 2021‑07‑28
George K. Aghajanian (Info) Yale rsteine 2006‑08‑03
Margarida L. Agrochao (Info) Harvard Visual system margarida 2009‑03‑29
Woo-kyoung Ahn (Info) Yale categorization, causal reasoning nancykim 2008‑05‑02
Feras Akbik (Info) Yale Axon Guidance, Regeneration pq 2015‑11‑25
Michael R. Akins (Info) Drexel synapse formation, Fragile X mrakins 2006‑04‑12
Eitan M. Akirav (Info) Yale Immunology pq 2016‑05‑11
Bader F. Al-Anzi (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑25
Nour Al-Muhtasib (Info) Georgetown University Medical Center, Yale asepulve 2016‑04‑11
Abdulrahman Alashqar (Info) Yale mouihate 2019‑06‑06
Stephanie Alberico (Info) University of Iowa nnarayanan 2013‑09‑19
Roger L. Albin (Info) University of Michigan Basal Ganglia ralbin 2006‑10‑23
Alice R. Albrecht (Info) UC Berkeley Visual Attention and Perception alicealbrecht 2007‑02‑07
Esther Alcorta (Info) Yale CarlsonJ 2018‑09‑05
Amelia Aldao (Info) Ohio State Emotion Regulation retsige 2013‑10‑04
Richard W. Aldrich (Info) UT Austin Ion channels hanks 2005‑10‑13
Jeffry R. Alger (Info) UCLA functional and physiological MRI studies of brain david 2005‑01‑15
Syed Rydwan Ali (Info) UTMB sa872 2018‑07‑16
Richard A. Alimi (Info) Yale Molecular mechanisms of stress and cognition; Dynamic connectivity in prefrontal cortex pq 2015‑10‑23
Richard Allan Alimi (Info) Yale david 2015‑07‑07
Joseph P Allen (Info) UVA mgoyer1 2020‑01‑23
Timothy Alexander Allen (Info) UC Irvine, Yale, Florida International Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neurophysiology, Learning and Memory, Mental Health Disorders T2xDel 2008‑08‑25
Sascha R.A. Alles (Info) University of New Mexico School of Medicine Chronic pain, sensory neurons, electrophysiology, nociception, ion channels saschaalles 2017‑01‑09
Truett Allison (Info) Yale face and object recognition apuce 2007‑07‑13
Matthew Alsaloum (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, Yale School of Medicine ion channels, pain MatthewAl93 2021‑09‑02
Diego Alvarez de la Rosa (Info) ULL, Spain Ion channels and nuclear receptors 730412 2010‑03‑22
Susan G. Amara (Info) NIH Neurotransmitter transporters cab 2008‑02‑02
Richard A. Andersen (Info) Caltech Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15
Adam Anderson (Info) University of Toronto emotion JLand52 2005‑10‑20
Kevin M. Anderson (Info) Yale aholmes 2015‑07‑15
Erika C. Andrade (Info) Rockefeller Molecular Psychiatry ErikaCA 2006‑04‑11
David Andrieux (Info) Yale School of Medicine Computational Neuroscience dandrieux 2009‑08‑10
Eugenius S. Ang (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑24
Lukas Anneser (Info) Max-Planck for Brain Research, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research neuropeptides, sociality, behavior anneserl 2019‑11‑03
SRDJAN D ANTIC (Info) UConn Medical School dendritic integration, glutamate, NMDA spike, plateau potential, GEVI, voltage imaging SrdjanDAntic 2021‑12‑09
Srdjan D. Antic (Info) University of Connecticut Health Center mtrich 2012‑03‑03
Alan Anticevic (Info) Washington University Emotion, Working Memory aanticev 2008‑11‑04
Joseph P. Antonios (Info) UCLA, Yale Immunology, Glioblastoma jpkb24 2014‑08‑06
Andrey Antov (Info) Yale Immunolgy pq 2015‑10‑06
Michael LJ Apuzzo (Info) Yale dmiyagi 2024‑08‑23
Oriana R. Aragon (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑02
Salva Ardid (Info) Boston University Theoretical Neurobiology jsardid 2009‑02‑14
Antonio A. Arechar (Info) Yale DG_Rand 2016‑06‑21
Fernando Arias-Mendoza (Info) Columbia University Medical School Biochemistry andermar2 2009‑04‑16
Lucy Armentano (Info) Yale psychology LucyArmentano 2022‑12‑14
Amy F. Arnsten (Info) Yale prefrontal cortex, neuromodulators rsteine 2006‑04‑19
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (Info) Harvard Medical School notch signaling gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Lorenzo Arvanitis (Info) Yale School of Medicine Vidyadhara 2020‑08‑13
Yukiko Asaka (Info) Yale Marina 2006‑04‑28
Katja Aschenbrenner (Info) Yale University School of Medicine and The John B Pierce Laboratory Taste, Smell, Eating Disorders DanaSmall 2007‑03‑21
Ontiri Ashley (Info) Yale Yue 2022‑07‑10
Richard N. Aslin (Info) Haskins Laboratories, Rochester, Indiana University Bloomington cognitive development raslin 2006‑11‑08
Robert Astur (Info) Yale Virtual reality & neuroimaging thorfinn 2006‑04‑09
Kazuto Ataka (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑21
Stav Atir (Info) Penn stav 2011‑11‑12
Pradeep P. Atluri (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Synaptic Plasticity, Neuropsychoanalysis patluri 2005‑12‑30
Winnie Au (Info) minghong 2008‑11‑10
Jonas M. August (Info) Yale Computer Vision pq 2015‑11‑24
Malcolm J. Avison (Info) University of Kentucky, Vanderbilt University david 2005‑02‑05
Richard Ayer (Info) Yale CarlsonJ 2018‑09‑05
Albert E. Ayoub (Info) Yale Development aeametal 2010‑07‑22
Bara Badwan (Info) Yale PQAtTheClavier 2017‑07‑31
Byoung-Il Bae (Info) Yale, University of Connecticut School of Medicine Cerebral Cortical Development and Evolution babang 2007‑10‑03
Lei Bai (Info) Yale Drosophila Olfaction littlerex 2009‑11‑01
Xiaoxiao Bai (Info) Yale englot 2009‑01‑21
Lisa Baik (Info) UC Davis joannachiu 2020‑01‑08
Peter Bail (Info) minghong 2008‑11‑10
Christopher Bailey (Info) Yale rjhouston 2018‑08‑18
Wilma A. Bainbridge (Info) Yale, MIT, NIMH, Chicago memory, perception wilmabain 2015‑09‑09
Bradley J. Baker (Info) Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Optogenetics bb7559 2011‑04‑20
Christopher A. Baker (Info) Scripps Florida Neuroscience, neurodegeneration, prion disease cabaker 2009‑01‑06
Frank H. Baker (Info) Johns Hopkins neurophysiology daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑10
Kevin B. Baker (Info) Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Behavioral Pharmacology kevinbaker1 2007‑10‑26
Amer Balabaki (Info) MIT RNA Biology ab3245 2024‑06‑01
Shrilatha Balakrishna (Info) Yale School of Medicine sejordt 2019‑09‑07
Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (Info) Harvard Experimental Psychology wacunn 2009‑05‑16
Rachel C Bandler (Info) Yale School of Medicine/Yale University Cortical Development Rb3101 2025‑01‑07
Joydeep K. Banerjee (Info) Yale immunology pq 2015‑11‑13
Sun Jung Bang (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑26
Michael J. Bannon (Info) Wayne State dopamine transporter, tachykinins, RGSs, drug abuse mbannon 2007‑11‑09
Irene Amelia Bany (Info) Yale david 2015‑07‑11
Emma Barber (Info) Chicago University elkest 2013‑05‑01
Edward Barbieri (Info) Penn Neurotry 2020‑10‑20
John Bargh (Info) Yale junenquiry 2010‑11‑02
Jacqueline M. Barker (Info) Drexel jmbarker 2015‑07‑15
Clayton Barnes (Info) Yale 2024‑06‑05
Colin J. Barnstable (Info) Penn State Visual system, retina development jnaegele 2007‑11‑09
Lisa Feldman Barrett (Info) Northeastern University emotion barretli 2008‑04‑06
Russell J. Barrnett (Info) Yale School of Medicine M. Odurih 2006‑11‑02
Daniel Barson (Info) Yale School of Medicine higley561 2017‑01‑13
Dianna L. Bartel (Info) Yale Ariemobley 2013‑10‑11
Andrew C. Barthel (Info) Yale Ion channels pq 2015‑10‑11
James C Bartlett (Info) UT Dallas raddante 2017‑09‑23
Christopher M. Bartley (Info) Yale, UCSF Developmental Neurobiology cbartley17 2010‑05‑27
Linda M. Bartoshuk (Info) UF Gainesville Taste Psychophysics JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Susan J. Baserga (Info) Yale School of Medicine ribosomes gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Aakash Basu (Info) Yale aakashbasu 2022‑01‑19
Aakash Basu (Info) Yale ab35 2020‑10‑09
Atrayee Basu (Info) National Brain Research Center, India, Yale anindyagroy 2022‑08‑07
Basudha Basu (Info) National Centre for Biological Sciences Serotonin, 5-HT2A receptor, adhesion, mitochondria basudhabasu 2007‑11‑22
Renata Batista-Brito (Info) Yale visual system david 2015‑06‑30
Alexandria Battison (Info) CSHL battison 2023‑08‑01
Marybeth Baumgartner (Info) Yale neurodevelopment, brain evolution, gene regulation baumoflife 2020‑12‑23
Ramon E. Bautista (Info) UF Gainesville Epilepsy thenry6611 2007‑05‑11
Denis A. Baylor (Info) Stanford vision greghorwitz 2005‑09‑23
Frank A. Beach (Info) UC Berkeley behavioral endocrinology hayden 2005‑01‑17
Kurt G. Beam (Info) University of Colorado, Denver Excitation-contraction coupling kmsoconnell 2009‑09‑04
Bruce P. Bean (Info) Harvard Medical School ion channels stephanb 2006‑03‑17
Adam Bear (Info) Yale DG_Rand 2016‑06‑21
John Beauvais (Info) VA Connecticut Healthcare System Jeff_Browndyke 2016‑07‑12
Lindsey A. Beck (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑02
Matthew L. Beckman (Info) Augsburg University eye development, branchiopods, animal locomotion, neurotoxicity nictera 2007‑03‑31
Robert Beech (Info) Yale Marina 2006‑04‑28
John M. Beggs (Info) Indiana University Bloomington network dynamics, LTP, computational neuroscience jmbeggs 2006‑10‑05
Kevin L. Behar (Info) Yale Brain energy metabolism and function, brain fuels, development of multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and stable isotope labeling tools applied in vivo and ex vivo hanks 2005‑11‑03
Chandan Kumar Behera (Info) Yale School of Medicine kongfattwonglin 2020‑06‑10
Lillian Behm (Info) Yale cognitive development lillianbehm 2024‑08‑21
John M. Bekkers (Info) ANU Synaptic transmission, olfaction jbekkers 2011‑09‑10
Aysenil Belger (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Cognitive Neuroscience - Neuroimaging, working memory, schizophrenia mbanich 2007‑10‑19
Jonas Belina (Info) Yale CarlsonJ 2018‑09‑05
Morris Bell (Info) Yale School of Medicine brittneycbrown 2019‑07‑27
Andrew C. Bellemer (Info) Appalachian State University Nociception, chemosensation, TRP channels abellemer 2011‑04‑27
Ohad Ben-Shahar (Info) Yale Computer Vision pq 2015‑11‑24
Genevieve Bender (Info) Yale Taste JLand52 2006‑05‑30
Morris Bender (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Neurology hayden 2005‑02‑21
Hadas Benisty (Info) Yale School of Medicine higley561 2019‑11‑18
John Benjamin (Info) Yale School of Medicine klevy 2017‑05‑15
Jennifer Bennett (Info) Yale kfrick 2022‑10‑06
Isaac Benowitz (Info) Yale Medicine and Surgery, Public Health, Immunology pq 2016‑05‑29
Thane Bensen (Info) Hearing Research Center, Boston minghong 2008‑09‑24
Cynthia A. Berg (Info) University of Utah kinsey 2012‑04‑06
Samson Berhane (Info) Yale University, Yale_NUS elkest 2016‑09‑21
David Berkowicz (Info) minghong 2008‑09‑24
Rachel Berman (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑23
Alberto Bernacchia (Info) Yale School of Medicine Computational Neuroscience alberto 2008‑05‑01
Kara A. Bernstein (Info) Yale ribosomes pq 2015‑11‑25
Lisa Bertetto-D'Angelo (Info) Yale School of Medicine myeckel 2008‑01‑09
James P. Bertram (Info) Yale Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑27
Bret F. Bessac (Info) Yale School of Medicine, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, University of Montana School of Pharmacy sejordt 2019‑09‑07
Erin A. Betters (Info) Yale Human Development, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑29
Adrienne J. Betz (Info) Yale Addictive Behaviors adriennebetz 2006‑11‑01
Sarah M. Bhagat (Info) Rockefeller, Yale, Stanford Cortical plasticity sbhagat 2011‑06‑11
Subhrajit Bhattacharya (Info) Auburn University Memory Reconsolidation, Glutamate Receptor, Electrophysiology subh 2015‑07‑26
Baburam Bhattarai (Info) Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST), Yale Memory baburam 2012‑03‑11
SOUROJIT BHOWMICK (Info) National Brain Research Center (NBRC) Neuro Immunology sourojit1 2017‑11‑28
Wenya L. Bi (Info) Yale pq 2015‑12‑04
Candace Bichsel (Info) UF Gainesville, Yale School of Medicine cbichsel 2010‑09‑07
Thomas Biederer (Info) Yale, Tufts synapse formation mrakins 2006‑04‑12
Brenda Bigland-Ritchie (Info) pascoe 2008‑12‑10
David K. Bilkey (Info) University of Otago, NZ gazzamm 2007‑11‑02
Susan A. Birch (Info) Yale Cognitive Development pq 2015‑10‑12
Adrian Bird (Info) Edinburgh MichaelIRobson 2018‑03‑24
Shari G. Birnbaum (Info) Baylor College of Medicine rsteine 2006‑04‑19
Jennifer K Blackburn (Info) Yale JohnE 2021‑11‑19
Hugh Tad Blair (Info) UCLA monkey 2006‑04‑02
Randy D. Blakely (Info) Vanderbilt, Florida Atlantic University, Emory Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Genetics, Presynaptic plasma membrane transporter blakelrd 2007‑03‑24
Thomas A. Blanpied (Info) University of Maryland Medical School synapses, glutamate receptors, live-cell imaging, schizophrenia and affective disorders, super-resolution imaging blanpied 2010‑01‑05
W. W. Blanton (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑24
Franziska Bleichert (Info) Yale ribosomes pq 2015‑11‑25
Keith Roger Bley (Info) Yale david 2015‑07‑07
Michael Howard Bloch (Info) Yale OCD, trichotillomania chrispitt 2009‑03‑11
Suzanne Marie Bloise (Info) Yale david 2015‑06‑19
Ona E Bloom (Info) The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research spinal cord injury, neuroscience, immunology obloom 2022‑04‑20
Paul Bloom (Info) Yale Cognitive Development adena.schachner 2008‑03‑03
Hal Blumenfeld (Info) Yale School of Medicine mechanisms of epilepsy davidmccormick 2006‑03‑31
Cristian Boboila (Info) Columbia Olfaction, Cognition, Learning cristianboboila 2012‑07‑27
Ralph Boettcher (Info) Yale elkest 2013‑05‑04
Emily Rose Boeving (Info) Florida International social processing emily.boeving 2016‑01‑09
Pawel Marek Boguszewski (Info) Yale Behavioral neuroscience pmbogusz 2008‑08‑21
Danielle Z. Bolling (Info) Yale db114 2011‑02‑08
Iris E. Bonilla (Info) Yale Axon Guidance, Regeneration pq 2015‑11‑25
Alexandre MJJ Bonvin (Info) Utrecht, Yale, ETH Zürich, Utrecht Protein-protein interactions, docking pkastrit 2012‑04‑10
Christine Elizabeth Boone (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School ChristineBoone 2013‑02‑07
John Booss (Info) Yale george.perry 2010‑06‑09
Erica Boothby (Info) Yale sls1016 2016‑06‑21
Angelique Bordey (Info) Yale School of Medicine Kathy 2006‑04‑11
Jessica L. Borelli (Info) Yale Neurobehavioural Teratology, Infant Development, Neurophysiology, Child Psychoanalysis pq 2015‑10‑12
Bart G. Borghuis (Info) Yale Neuroscience wimvandegrind 2005‑09‑24
Anindita Bose (Info) Department of Neuroscience,Karolinska Institute,stockholm, sweden, Weill Cornell Medical College, UMN, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Yale, Weill Cornell Medical College Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons Disease aninditabose 2012‑06‑05
Marko T. Boskovski (Info) Yale Left-right axis patterning, cardiac development pq 2015‑11‑06
Rebecca G. Boswell (Info) Yale rebeccaboswell 2013‑07‑02
Jack A. Boulant (Info) Ohio State Katelin108 2010‑10‑01
Jennifer N. Bourne (Info) UT Austin Structural plasticity jenbourne 2006‑04‑11
Gordon H. Bower (Info) Stanford memory david 2005‑10‑18
Kathleen R. Bower-Phipps (Info) Yale ribosomes pq 2015‑11‑25
Scott N. Boyle (Info) Yale Neuronal morphogenesis and degeneration; stress; schizophrenia; cell migration; cancer; metastasis; adhesion receptors pq 2015‑10‑13
Marc A. Brackett (Info) Yale 2024‑11‑27
Marian Brackmann (Info) Yale School of Medicine sejordt 2019‑09‑07
Charles W. Bradberry (Info) University of Pittsburgh aagrace 2008‑05‑02
William D. Bradley (Info) Yale cancer research, molecular biology, epigenetics bradlewa 2016‑02‑01
Nathaniel Braswell (Info) Yale mzirnstn 2023‑05‑22
Oliver R. Braubach (Info) Dalhousie University Olfaction, Plasticity braubach 2007‑04‑19
Jessica Brauner (Info) Yale Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑06‑20
David Braze (Info) Haskins Laboratories language, speech, reading, reading disability cljohns 2013‑02‑28
T. Berry Brazelton (Info) Harvard klevy 2017‑05‑15
Albert S. Bregman (Info) McGill auditory system, psychophysics david 2006‑09‑28
KC Brennan (Info) University of Utah cortical spreading depression kcb11 2011‑02‑28
Kristen J. Brennand (Info) Harvard, Salk Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Yale Psychiatric genomics, human induced pluripotent stem cells, CRISPR pq 2015‑10‑07
Laurie Brenner (Info) Yale child development h31sqoh 2011‑10‑20
Joshua J. Breunig (Info) Yale Neurogenesis drgatsby 2007‑12‑20
Jacob Brewer (Info) Yale School of Medicine MRKoelle 2020‑11‑03
Richard W. Briggs (Info) UT Southwestern jandh 2013‑04‑22
Margaret Briggs-Gowan (Info) Yale Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑06‑20
Margaret Briggs-Gowan (Info) Yale Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑06‑20
Allison L. Brill (Info) Yale Calcium signaling; mitochondrial dysfunction allisonbrill 2015‑08‑10
Daria Brinzevich (Info) Yale Axon guidance elkest 2013‑05‑01
Adam S. Bristol (Info) Stanford Cerebellar function asbristol 2006‑04‑19
Timothy Brock (Info) Yale hayden 2005‑02‑06
A. Harrison Brody (Info) Yale Alhabrody 2017‑03‑05
David Allan Bromley (Info) Yale jandh 2015‑11‑18
Lucas S. Broster (Info) University of Kentucky College of Medicine working memory, aging, Alzheimer disease lbroster 2013‑03‑04
Lincoln P. Brower (Info) Amherst College, UF Gainesville, Sweet Briar College, Florida State jon527 2016‑06‑24
Judson Seise Brown (Info) OHSU motivation, self-punitive behavior, acquired drives 2006‑08‑11
Thomas H. Brown (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑26
Tom Brown (Info) Yale david 2005‑01‑22
Charles Bruce (Info) Yale Frontal cortex tirin 2005‑10‑25
Martina Brueckner (Info) Yale Left-right axis patterning, cardiac development basudhabasu 2011‑05‑11
Dylan T. Brunette (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑26
Axel Brunger (Info) Stanford crystallography, synaptic neurotransmission kasson 2012‑04‑22
Merle S. Bruno (Info) Hampshire College Visual comparative physiology mbruno 2011‑02‑26
Darlene H. Brunzell (Info) Yale Behavioral/Molecular Psychopharmacology, Schizophrenia, Learning and Memory, Developmental Toxicology DBrunzell 2006‑04‑11
Gordon F. Buchanan (Info) Yale gordonb 2009‑02‑19
Linda B. Buck (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Harvard University (medical School), University of Maryland, Baltimore, Yale Olfaction JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Stephane Budel (Info) Yale Axon guidance and regeneration, NgR 2006‑10‑27
Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (Info) UCLA, Scripps Oceanography neuroethology, sensory systems david 2005‑01‑31
Benjamin S. Bunney (Info) Yale Dopamine rn 2006‑10‑27
Timothy J. Burbridge (Info) Yale Developmental Neurobiology mcrair 2010‑11‑01
Mark W Burke (Info) Howard University Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Nonhuman primates, Pediatric HIV, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) HonoreeB 2017‑08‑23
Harold Saxton Burr (Info) Yale Anatomy oozgun 2008‑05‑23
Joshua Burt (Info) Yale School of Medicine mwshinn 2020‑10‑04
Erica L. Busch (Info) Yale ljs123 2022‑04‑03
Meinrad Busslinger (Info) Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (I.M.P), Vienna Aledelogu 2017‑01‑18
Allison Butt (Info) Yale School of Medicine MRKoelle 2020‑11‑03
Camila Caballero (Info) Yale neuro 2017‑10‑28
Ernesto Cabezas-Bou (Info) University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus LeeVaasjo 2020‑05‑27
Ernesto G Cabezas-Bou (Info) University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras Campus, Yale School of Medicine Sensory-Motor Integration, Spinal Cord CPG's, Synaptic Plasticity, Behavior ErnestoCabezas 2020‑10‑07
Lisa A. Cadmus (Info) Yale Public Health, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑06‑25
Marcelo S. Caetano (Info) Federal University of ABC, Brazil Frontal cortex mlaubach 2009‑06‑04
William BJ Cafferty (Info) Yale Spinal Cord Injury/Pain wilben 2006‑10‑27
Xinying Cai (Info) Yale School of Medicine decision making daeyeol_lee 2007‑04‑29
William S. Cain (Info) UCSD Olfaction JLand52 2005‑10‑21
Hugh Cairns (Info) Oxford agroh 2023‑07‑30
Cali A. Calarco (Info) University of Maryland, Baltimore Substance Abuse Disorders, Mitochondria, Transcriptomics, Metabolism Calicalarco 2024‑02‑16
Barbara J. Caldarone (Info) PsychoGenics Molecular Psychiatry Reba Rabenstein 2006‑04‑09
James S. Calvin (Info) Yale Animal Learning 2007‑11‑01
Heather A. Cameron (Info) NIMH adult neurogenesis, plasticity, behavior, stress jasonsnyder 2009‑08‑21
Chris Camp (Info) Yale Argyris 2023‑08‑14
Byron Campbell (Info) Princeton DVMadison 2006‑12‑05
Meghan Kerrisk Campbell (Info) Genentech, Inc. mkerrisk 2014‑07‑03
Cecilia Canessa (Info) Yale School of Medicine ASIC channels whitefmo 2008‑09‑01
Paul Canioni (Info) Université de Bordeaux magnetic resonance jcshenk 2007‑08‑30
Tyrone D. Cannon (Info) UCLA schizophrenia, behavioral genetics, imaging kkarlsgo 2006‑08‑25
Monica Cano (Info) Yale visual system moncavi 2006‑07‑20
Guan Cao (Info) Yale Circadian rhythms, long-term synaptic plasticity, neuron-glia interaction ntgcao 2008‑04‑26
Jessica A. Cardin (Info) Yale Visual system, Cortex, Inhibition marcschm 2005‑09‑12
Thomas J. Carew (Info) Yale Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology pq 2016‑05‑15
Tom Carew (Info) UC Irvine Plasticity hayden 2005‑01‑26
Allison F. Carey (Info) Yale Chemical Senses pq 2015‑10‑07
William A. Carlezon (Info) Harvard rsteine 2006‑04‑29
John Carlson (Info) Yale Chemical Senses JLand52 2007‑01‑26
Josue Ortega Caro (Info) Yale 2024‑06‑05
Clarence "Ray" Ray Carpenter (Info) Stanford Primates klevy 2012‑03‑25
Robert Arnulfo Carrillo (Info) Yale, Caltech, Chicago pq 2015‑09‑10
Richard E. Carson (Info) Yale pascoe 2008‑12‑09
Amanda Casale (Info) Yale davidmccormick 2008‑02‑07
B J. Casey (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Weill Cornell Medical School, Yale Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience dmth 2008‑06‑23
Gregg Castellucci (Info) Yale, Yale, NYU Langone Medical Center, Haskins Laboratories davidmccormick 2013‑10‑24
Santiago Castiello (Info) Oxford, Yale santiago.castiello 2020‑10‑13
Stacy Castner (Info) Yale School of Medicine PJSnyder 2007‑10‑16
Ana M. Cauce (Info) University of Washington Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑04‑18
Carmen Cavada (Info) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain Neuroanatomy hayden 2006‑07‑05
Francesco Cavarretta (Info) Emory Olfaction, Thalamus francesco87 2016‑12‑20
Cesar Celis Ceballos (Info) OHSU mulleberec 2020‑11‑21
Jesse M. Cedarbaum (Info) Elan Pharmacueticals, Inc Neruodegenerative disorders, clinical trials JesseCedarbaum 2010‑04‑06
Massimo Cenciarini (Info) Yale Robotics, Biomechanics, Neurosystems massic76 2011‑02‑16
Christine Cha (Info) Yale School of Medicine aecunn22 2024‑11‑23
Matthew Chafee (Info) UMN hayden 2005‑03‑26
Risha Chakraborty (Info) Yale Parkinson's Disease, GBA-mediated PD risha.chakraborty 2022‑08‑08
Martin Chalfie (Info) Columbia C. elegans JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Erica A. Champion (Info) Yale ribosomes pq 2015‑11‑25
W. Knox Chandler (Info) Yale School of Medicine E-C coupling in skeletal muscle erichdz 2009‑12‑05
Sreeganga S. Chandra (Info) Yale Neurodegeneration, alpha-synuclein mh04d 2012‑10‑19
Andrew Chang (Info) Yale minghong 2008‑11‑10
Jeremy Tzung-Yi Chang (Info) Yale School of Medicine, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience higley561 2013‑05‑09
Rui B. Chang (Info) Harvard Medical School Sensory biology, autonomic physiology, vagus nerve ruichang1983 2016‑07‑20
Steve W C Chang (Info) Yale social interaction, decision-making, coordinate transformation changswc_neu 2008‑04‑07
Sunghoe Chang (Info) Seoul National University College of Medicine, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) rsh5410 2023‑02‑20
Yu-Wen Chang (Info) Yale spinal cord injury, pain, stem cell jcneuron 2007‑10‑03
Cho H. Chang-Hoon (Info) Korea University Ligand-gated ion channels, 2PLSM functional imaging, epilepsy, trangenic mice, Calcium activated channels 2007‑11‑27
Jennifer R. Chao (Info) Yale Molecular Psychiatry pq 2015‑11‑26
Edwin R. Chapman (Info) UW Madison Membrane fusion, exocytosis, clostridial neurotoxins fyeh 2011‑08‑08
Dennis S. Charney (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Neuroscience Biology, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑03‑12
Daniel Chase (Info) Central Connecticut State University bejag22v 2018‑03‑22
Krishna Chatpar (Info) Montreal Neurological Institute Neuroinformatics kchatpar 2019‑05‑07
Rishidev Chaudhuri (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑14
Katarzyna Chawarska (Info) Yale Autism, Infancy, Visual Attention kasia 2013‑06‑28
Megha Chawla (Info) Yale changswc_neu 2019‑03‑23
Lucas M. Cheadle (Info) Yale synapse formation, cytoskeletal signaling RodeoCharlie 2011‑05‑17
Adam M. Chekroud (Info) Yale Depression, Statistical Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Prejudice achekroud 2015‑04‑25
Sudhakar Chelikani (Info) Yale Imaging Science pq 2015‑11‑24
Kevin S. Chen (Info) Princeton Systems Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience; Biophysics kschen 2017‑09‑22
Michael C. Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School Sleep mcchen 2009‑02‑18
Minggang Chen (Info) Yale Retinal Circuits Minggang 2010‑04‑01
Wei R. Chen (Info) UT Houston minghong 2008‑09‑24
Yi-Chia Chen (Info) National Taiwan University, Yale, Harvard, UCLA Vision Reldahs 2012‑12‑06
yucui chen (Info) Brown Autisms, synaptogenesis, LTP, hippocampus, Fragile X syndrome chyucui 2007‑07‑11
Cary Cherniss (Info) Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration pq 2016‑03‑19
Jasmeer P. Chhatwal (Info) MGH/BWH/Harvard Medical School Memory, dementia jc172 2011‑07‑28
Thomas H. Chia (Info) Yale Biomedical Engineering, Optics Physics, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑29
Akira Chiba (Info) University of Miami M. Odurih 2009‑02‑13
Narendranath Chintagari (Info) Yale School of Medicine sejordt 2019‑09‑07
Chiayu Chiu (Info) Yale School of Medicine higley561 2012‑01‑15
Kaiki Chiu (Info) Yale Visual Perception, Cognitive Science kchiu 2024‑08‑02
Katherine S. Choe (Info) Yale pq 2015‑10‑08
Charles Hyunchul Choi (Info) Yale Circadian Rhythms charles 2007‑10‑05
Hoon Choi (Info) Boston University takeo 2007‑04‑15
Hyun Chul Choi (Info) hosunoon 2007‑10‑05
June-Seek Choi (Info) Korea University Neurobiology of Learning and Memory glennseo 2008‑06‑18
Murim Choi (Info) Duke, Seoul National University Developmental Biology, Craniofacial, Neurobiology, Mouse, Zebrafish pq 2015‑09‑28
You-jung Choi (Info) Yale caplab 2018‑04‑07
Jacek Cholewicki (Info) Yale Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑23
Tse-Hwei Choo (Info) Yale elkest 2013‑05‑01
Kao Liang Chow (Info) Stanford Neurology dglanzman 2005‑09‑09
Dhrubajyoti Chowdhury (Info) Yale University Medical School otano 2024‑03‑22
Kyle R Christensen (Info) Yale University Medical School, Michigan State NMKanaan 2018‑09‑18
Nakeirah Christie (Info) Yale School of Medicine MRKoelle 2020‑11‑03
Elise Margaret Christopher (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑27
Chengchi Chu (Info) Yale changswc_neu 2018‑01‑18
Marvin M. Chun (Info) Yale vision daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑07
Jean-Ju L. Chung (Info) Johns Hopkins ion channels, trafficking pq 2015‑10‑13
Jeeyun Chung (Info) Yale neurotransmitter vesicle jeeyun 2010‑11‑01
Pelin (Aksit) Ciris (Info) Yale constable12 2021‑10‑03
Damon A. Clark (Info) Yale swang 2005‑11‑03
Janet Clark (Info) NIMH IRP, NIH, Bethesda, MD neuropharmacology, training clarkjan 2024‑04‑08
Maragaret S. Clark (Info) Yale Social Psychology pq 2016‑06‑25
Margaret S. Clark (Info) Yale junenquiry 2010‑11‑02
Richard D. Clark (Info) retired radiologist; PhD Zoology/Neuroscience Univ of California Berkeley 1975 Nerve regeneration Docxray 2023‑05‑16
toni Claudio (Info) Yale neurotransmitter receptors wgreen 2011‑02‑08
Hollis Cline (Info) CSHL development, visual system cab 2005‑12‑21
J. Dylan Clyne (Info) Yale genetically encoded optical reporters, ion channels dclyne 2007‑10‑29
Peter Clyne (Info) Yale CarlsonJ 2018‑09‑05
Carrisa V Cocuzza (Info) Rutgers University—Newark, Yale ccocuzza 2018‑09‑23
Michael R. Coggins (Info) Yale david 2015‑06‑24
Arman Cohan (Info) Yale, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Yale soldni 2023‑05‑14
Donald Jay Cohen (Info) Yale Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Psychology jandh 2015‑02‑07
Lawrence B. Cohen (Info) Yale KOICHI 2006‑12‑10
Emily Cohodes (Info) Yale neuro 2017‑10‑28
Christian Collin-Hansen (Info) Yale dkrueger 2006‑04‑15
Allan C. Collins (Info) CU Boulder Nicotinic receptors rsteine 2006‑04‑14
Barry E. Collins (Info) Yale Wil.P.Jimenez 2024‑02‑12
Kevin M. Collins (Info) University of Miami Neurotransmitter signaling in C. elegans kevinem 2014‑10‑12
William Collins (Info) Yale, VCU ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Clara Colombatto (Info) Yale, Duke Perception, Vision, Social perception, Morality Reldahs 2017‑04‑08
Matthew T. Colonnese (Info) INSERM U901 Visual system, development, plasticity mcolonne 2008‑03‑31
David Colquhoun (Info) UCL tamily 2005‑12‑16
Jeremy D. Cone (Info) Cornell pq 2015‑11‑22
Jeffrey P. Conn (Info) Vanderbilt aagrace 2008‑05‑02
R. Todd Constable (Info) Yale Neuroscience, brain imaging, MR physics johanna 2009‑01‑23
Martha Constantine-Paton (Info) MIT cab 2005‑12‑21
Christos Constantinidis (Info) Vanderbilt hayden 2005‑03‑05
Christopher P. Contardo (Info) University of Connecticut pq 2015‑11‑05
Robert J. Contreras (Info) Florida State Gustatory System pittmandw 2011‑02‑23
Edgar E. Coons (Info) NYU Hypothalamus david 2005‑10‑18
Rachel Cooper (Info) Yale School of Medicine mwshinn 2020‑10‑04
Géraldine Coppin (Info) Yale JLand52 2013‑02‑01
William R. Corbin (Info) Yale Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑07‑01
David P. Corey (Info) Harvard Medical School Ion channels, hair cells hanks 2005‑10‑13
Philip R. Corlett (Info) Cambridge Prediction error, Associative Learning, NMDA receptors, Psychosis Phil_Corlett 2007‑09‑26
Guillermo Coronas-Samano (Info) The John B. Pierce Laboratory olfaction, flavor, Alzheimer's gcoronas 2015‑02‑26
Kelly Cosgrove (Info) Yale rodefer 2009‑05‑16
Brian A. Couch (Info) Yale Neuronal morphogenesis and degeneration; stress; schizophrenia; cell migration; cancer; metastasis; adhesion receptors pq 2015‑10‑13
Marc N. Coutanche (Info) University of Pittsburgh Cognitive Neuroscience, memory, learning, perception, fMRI, MVPA mnc 2010‑07‑10
Alan Cowen (Info) UC Berkeley BSIL 2017‑10‑18
James E. Cox (Info) UAB physiological controls of food intake and body weight aecarpenter 2011‑04‑29
Catharine Cox Miles (Info) Yale intelligence krubin 2010‑12‑16
George E. Craft (Info) Yale drug addiction, Phosphatases, Phosphorylation, Ubiquitination gcraft77 2010‑03‑29
Michael C. Crair (Info) Yale Cortical development, Sensory map development and plasticity cab 2006‑03‑21
Chiquito Crasto (Info) University of Alabama minghong 2008‑09‑24
Jessica L. Crawford (Info) Yale Neuroscience Biology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑12‑05
Paul Crits-Christoph (Info) Penn Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑06‑10
Matthew D. Croasmun (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑24
Molly J. Crockett (Info) UCL Serotonin, social neuroscience, neuroeconomics mc536 2008‑06‑27
Jessica M. Cronce (Info) Yale, University of Washington, University of Oregon Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑07‑02
Christopher N. Cross (Info) Yale theinbockel 2016‑03‑19
Richard B Crouse (Info) Yale Acetylcholine, amygdala, basal forebrain, learning rickcrouse 2021‑02‑12
Robert G. Crowder (Info) Yale Learning & Memory hayden 2005‑01‑18
Michael Joseph Crowley (Info) Yale EEG, ERP, oscillatory dynamics, self-regulation, ostracism, anxiety, depression, threat detection, adolescence mcrowley 2016‑11‑26
Wim E. Crusio (Info) CNRS Behavioral neurogenetics crusio 2006‑04‑10
Andrea Cuentas-Condori (Info) Yale romerog 2024‑11‑21
Christopher L. Cunningham (Info) OHSU Animal models of alcoholism, Animal models of drug addiction, Pavlovian conditioning, learning, motivation 2006‑08‑11
William A. Cunningham (Info) University of Toronto Evaluation, Affect, Social Cognition wacunn 2009‑05‑16
Daniel W. Curry (Info) University of Tennessee, Emory, Yale Neuropharmacology dwcurry 2015‑01‑12
Harvey Williams Cushing (Info) Johns Hopkins, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Yale Neurosurgery hayden 2005‑01‑17
Luciano Custo Greig (Info) Harvard Development mollieb 2012‑10‑06
James E. Cutting (Info) Cornell perception jec7 2006‑10‑01
Agnieszka Katarzyna Czopik (Info) McGovern Medical School - UT SingleEukaryote 2022‑09‑03
Albert D'Errico (Info) Baylor College of Medicine ziechmar 2018‑04‑24
Carrol D'Sa (Info) Yale molecular neuropharmacology mgallow 2008‑10‑21
Deepak Cyril D'Souza (Info) Yale School of Medicine Cannabis, THC, Schizophrenia rajivr79 2010‑03‑25
James M. Dabbs (Info) Georgia State Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑23
Anupama Dahanukar (Info) UC Riverside Taste JLand52 2007‑04‑30
Rafael Dai Pra (Info) Yale Physiology, Neuroscience rafaeldaipra 2023‑02‑11
Olga Dal Monte (Info) University of Turin Neuroscience changswc_neu 2014‑03‑04
Rishikesh Dalal (Info) minghong 2008‑11‑10
Jonathan Daniels (Info) Yale nicktb 2019‑07‑14
Judith H. Danovitch (Info) Yale, Michigan State, University of Louisville pq 2015‑10‑08
Bruce Darrow (Info) minghong 2008‑11‑10
Anirban Das (Info) Yale School of Medicine jadi 2020‑08‑31
Lila Davachi (Info) NYU brian 2006‑04‑06
Kathleen A. Dave (Info) Yale Postnatal Neurogenesis Kathy 2006‑04‑11
Daryn H. David (Info) Yale Neurobehavioural Teratology, Infant Development, Neurophysiology, Child Psychoanalysis pq 2015‑10‑12
Denise M. Davis (Info) Yale Axon Guidance, Regeneration pq 2015‑11‑25
Douglas Jackson Davis (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑21
John D. Davis (Info) Columbia davew 2010‑11‑27
Maya M. Davis (Info) FDA dkrueger 2006‑04‑15
Michael Davis (Info) Emory Behavior sayeth 2005‑11‑17
Andrew Davison (Info) Gif-sur-Yvette, France minghong 2008‑09‑24
Nigel W. Daw (Info) Yale visual system, development, vlemmon 2008‑05‑29
Ruth S. Day (Info) Duke cognition, language jec7 2006‑10‑01
Ivan E. de Araujo (Info) Yale Neurophysiology freire 2008‑11‑24
Pietro De Camilli (Info) Yale lneedleman 2005‑11‑29
Richard De La Garza, II (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Addiction Neuroscience richdelagarza 2012‑03‑19
Nihal C. de Lanerolle (Info) Yale School of Medicine Epilepsy aghosh 2007‑12‑26
Christopher A. de Solis (Info) Columbia laouris 2010‑07‑25
Erik M DeBoer (Info) Penn mrasin 2018‑09‑07
Ben Deen (Info) Tulane Social Cognitive Neuroscience bdeen 2011‑09‑10
Richard C. Delaney (Info) Yale School of Medicine Jeff_Browndyke 2018‑01‑15
Cameron DeLeone (Info) Yale Craving, Reward, Motivation cdeleone 2010‑11‑02
Jose M.R. Delgado (Info) Yale School of Medicine remote electrical stimulation, brain control, psychiatric disease PJSnyder 2007‑10‑16
Robert J. DeLorenzo (Info) VCU School of Medicine Epilepsy, calcium signaling, neural plasticity aardvark 2011‑09‑07
Regina DeLuna (Info) Yale elkest 2013‑05‑01
Rebecca Delventhal (Info) Yale CarlsonJ 2018‑09‑05
Laura E. DeMare (Info) Yale pq 2015‑10‑17
Jan A. den Hollander (Info) Yale, Philips Electronics, UAB, Max-Planck-Institut für Systemphysiologie magnetic resonance kathleen 2005‑01‑22
Sachira Denagamage (Info) Yale Vision Sachira 2020‑01‑27
Wisteria Deng (Info) Yale NEUROWIKI 2020‑09‑04
Rachel N. Denison (Info) Boston University visual perception, attention, awareness, temporal dynamics in perception racheldenison 2011‑12‑07
Martin J. Dennis (Info) Yale categorization, causal reasoning pq 2015‑10‑13
Derek Ernst Denny-Brown (Info) Boston City Hospital and Harvard Medical School Neurology hayden 2005‑01‑17
Matthew DeSalvo (Info) Harvard Medical School Epilepsy mattdesalvo 2010‑06‑09
David DeSteno (Info) Northeastern University Social Psychology pq 2016‑03‑12
Hillary Devlin (Info) Yale junenquiry 2012‑01‑06
A Courtney DeVries (Info) West Virginia University Health Sciences Center david 2008‑09‑11
Lucinda DeWitt (Info) UMN saweil 2011‑07‑10
Elvisha Dhamala (Info) Yale brain connectivity, neuroscience, psychiatry elvisha9 2022‑03‑25
Ravi Dhar (Info) Yale Guy 2023‑12‑01
Adele Diamond (Info) UBC cab 2009‑10‑02
Diana Diamond (Info) CUNY Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑02‑19
Sabrina Diano (Info) Yale e.gyengesi 2018‑12‑18
Elisa C. Dias (Info) Nathan Kline Institute Schizophrenia, Electrophysiology, executive function ecdias 2008‑03‑27
Paul DiBello (Info) Yale CarlsonJ 2018‑09‑05
Silvia Dicovich (Info) Yale YPEP sd469 2010‑11‑02
Gil Diesendruck (Info) Bar-Ilan developmental psychology david 2009‑03‑28
Marcelo O. Dietrich (Info) Yale marcelodietrich 2015‑11‑07
Alexandra G. DiFeliceantonio (Info) Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute Motivation, fMRI, food choice, metabolism agdife 2010‑08‑26
Michael J. Difilippantonio (Info) National Cancer Institute Cancer, Molecular Cytogenetics MichaelDifilippantonio 2021‑05‑29
Ralph J. DiLeone (Info) Yale molecular basis of ingestive and addictive behavior dileone 2006‑03‑23
Pavel Dimitrov (Info) Yale Computer Vision pq 2015‑11‑24
Loretta DiPietro (Info) Yale Public Health, Medicine and Surgery, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑06‑06
Melanie A. Dirks (Info) Yale pq 2015‑10‑13
Nadine (Luedicke) Dispenza (Info) Yale constable12 2021‑10‑03
Marcello DiStasio (Info) Cornell, Yale School of Medicine, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's and Boston Children's Hospitals, Harvard Medical School joey199us 2011‑06‑10
Maja Djurisic (Info) Yale pq 2015‑10‑22
Jeri A. Doane (Info) Yale School of Medicine klevy 2016‑05‑14
Anna R. Docherty (Info) University of Missouri, VCU, Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, University of Utah School of Medicine canopy 2010‑04‑14
Raymond Dodge (Info) Martin Luther University Halle, Germany , Ursinus College, Wesleyan, Yale Eye movements keithradley 2014‑04‑14
Patrick F Doherty (Info) Yale PDohUM 2024‑10‑11
Annette Dolphin (Info) UCL Calcium Channels Nicola 2010‑12‑14
Timothy L. Domeier (Info) Yale Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑20
Martin H. Dominguez (Info) Yale pq 2015‑11‑24
Christopher H. Donahue (Info) Gladstone Institutes/UCSF neurophysiology, prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia daeyeol_lee 2009‑12‑31
Henry Herbert Donaldson (Info) Chicago organic growth jandh 2012‑07‑22
Meng-Qiu Dong (Info) Yale david 2015‑07‑11
Rui Dong (Info) Yale rui_dong 2017‑04‑30
Leonard Doob (Info) Yale mjkahana 2008‑04‑11
Danielle M. Douglas (Info) University of Toronto Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology DanielleDouglas 2014‑12‑17
Antonia L. Dow (Info) Harvard rsteine 2006‑04‑29
Daniel Doyle (Info) University of Michigan, Yale School of Medicine Cortical Development dandoyle 2017‑03‑27
George Dragoi (Info) Yale School of Medicine Hippocampus, learning and memory, coding gdragoin 2010‑01‑12
Danielle L. Drayton (Info) Yale Immunology pq 2016‑05‑11
Lindsey Drayton (Info) Yale caplab 2018‑04‑07
Anna H. Drejer Teel (Info) Yale immunology pq 2015‑11‑13
Olivier Jean Dubanet (Info) Yale Visual, hippocampus OlivierDubanet 2022‑12‑17
Philip Duffy (Info) King's London, Yale U.S. neuroscience philip 2006‑10‑27
Valerie Duffy (Info) University of Connecticut Taste JLand52 2006‑05‑01
Ronald S. Duman (Info) Yale depression, antidepressants, neurogenesis jenwarner 2006‑04‑18
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches.
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