People with institution matching "London": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Fatima Abbas (Info) King's College Zebrafish, optic tectum, visual system fabbas 2014‑08‑07 Sim
Bernard C. Abbott (Info) UCL biophysics pinacrespo 2006‑09‑27 Sim
David Howard Abbott (Info) Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center Behavioral Neuroendocrinology kimwallen 2006‑12‑17 Sim
William Welby Abbott (Info) Imperial College London Neurotechnology, Eye-movments, Bioengineering, Brain Machine Intefaces willwelby 2015‑01‑21 Sim
Mara Abel (Info) UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul joelcarbonera 2020‑12‑29 Sim
David Abercrombie (Info) Edinburgh Phonetics azotus 2007‑01‑19 Sim
Joelle Abi Rached (Info) LSE socio-political implications of neuroscience jar 2008‑03‑08 Sim
Ekaterina Abramova (Info) Imperial College Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning katya007 2012‑03‑26 Sim
Daniel L. Adams (Info) UCSF, Neuralink, University College London (UCL) Visual System adamsd 2006‑03‑23 Sim
David J. Adams (Info) University of Wollongong, Australia Membrane physiology, Ion channels, Receptor pharmacology, Conotoxins dadams 2013‑11‑30 Sim
Joanna M. Adams (Info) UCL shannan 2010‑04‑26 Sim
Wendy J. Adams (Info) University of Southampton Human Vision, Touch lpyudhb 2007‑11‑18 Sim
Caspar JM Addyman (Info) Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck Category Learning, Infant cognition Caspar 2006‑10‑27 Sim
Nikolaos C. Aggelopoulos (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Neurophysiology na 2006‑03‑27 Sim
Zarinah Agnew (Info) UCL kmjasmin 2013‑04‑27 Sim
Mehran Ahmadlou (Info) Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience Visual system rogiermin 2014‑08‑08 Sim
Saz Ahmed (Info) Royal Holloway University of London catseb22 2017‑07‑14 Sim
Misha B. Ahrens (Info) Janelia Farm david 2010‑01‑18 Sim
Mary Ainsworth (Info) UVA Attachment kehrlich 2009‑12‑19 Sim
Katherine Jean Aitchison (Info) Institute of Psychiatry, University of London Genetics of mood disorders msodhi 2011‑02‑03 Sim
Laurence Aitchison (Info) University of Bristol argmin 2024‑04‑30 Sim
Armen N. Akopian (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio theodore_price 2006‑12‑16 Sim
Sana Al Awabdh (Info) UCL josefkittler 2013‑07‑31 Sim
Joerg T. Albert (Info) UCL sensory biology mgoepfe 2009‑09‑14 Sim
Roger L. Albin (Info) University of Michigan Basal Ganglia ralbin 2006‑10‑23 Sim
Andrea Alenda (Info) UCL Somatosensory System, Hippocampus Alenda 2010‑12‑06 Sim
Daniel Alexander (Info) UCL Imaging Science Verstraten 2008‑06‑23 Sim
Fabienne Alfonsi (Info) UCL Developmental neuroscience rmgzntk 2011‑02‑15 Sim
Afia Begum Ali (Info) School of Pharmacy, University of London Interneuron, neocortex, hippocampus, synaptic networks audinate 2009‑04‑06 Sim
Jannath Begum Ali (Info) Goldsmiths, University of London AndyBremner 2018‑02‑13 Sim
Robin Ali (Info) UCL Pearson 2017‑01‑05 Sim
Gjumrakch Aliev (Info) University of Atlanta Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, antioxidant treatment jcshenk 2007‑08‑30 Sim
Elnaz Alikarami (Info) university of tehran, Islamic azad University, Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) Social neuroscience, Decision making, Orofacial somatosensory, Olfaction HaoRan_Chang 2019‑07‑17 Sim
Nicola Allen (Info) Stanford Glial-neuron interactions attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Sascha R.A. Alles (Info) University of New Mexico School of Medicine Chronic pain, sensory neurons, electrophysiology, nociception, ion channels saschaalles 2017‑01‑09 Sim
Nathalia Almeida dos Santos (Info) Kings College London (KCL) Nathalmeida 2022‑04‑08 Sim
Isabel Almiro do Vale (Info) Queen Mary University of London melphick 2013‑10‑11 Sim
Rawan AlSubaie (Info) UCL ucgbafm 2016‑12‑02 Sim
Roaa Alsulaiman (Info) University College London stuttering, child language ralsulaiman 2020‑05‑10 Sim
Francisco J. Alvarez (Info) Emory ampastor 2011‑12‑11 Sim
Ivan Alvarez (Info) UC Berkeley flew 2017‑02‑03 Sim
Francisco Javier Alvarez-Leefmans (Info) Wright State University ion transport in neurons and epithelial cells leefmans 2007‑09‑15 Sim
Teresa Amabile (Info) Harvard Business School dsiegel 2008‑10‑24 Sim
Alessandra Amato (Info) Oxford attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Davide Amato (Info) Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, University of London, King's College, University of London, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, MUSC Psychiatry alducci 2008‑04‑21 Sim
William Ruthrauff Amberson (Info) University of Maryland Physiology, excitation-contraction coupling CJM3 2009‑03‑26 Sim
Maina Amin (Info) UCL Synaesthesia noamsagiv 2007‑04‑04 Sim
Richard Amlot (Info) Royal Holloway University of London MRichins 2018‑10‑26 Sim
Doran P. Amos (Info) UCL Hippocampus, psychopharmacology amosd 2010‑06‑08 Sim
Derek Anane (Info) UCL Wnts Synaptogenesis Derek 2008‑09‑23 Sim
Paul George Anastasiades (Info) University of Bristol Electrophysiology SimonButt 2009‑12‑10 Sim
Elaine J. Anderson (Info) UCL Visual system, fMRI scdakin 2013‑11‑06 Sim
Lucy A. Anderson (Info) UCL jenlinden 2016‑05‑31 Sim
Michael I Anderson (Info) UCL katejeffery 2018‑11‑21 Sim
Patrick Anderson (Info) UCL mjoy 2023‑12‑27 Sim
Ian Max Andolina (Info) ION, CAS Visual system, visual perception, cortical feedback iandol 2018‑05‑25 Sim
Laura C. Andreae (Info) King's College landreae 2015‑10‑10 Sim
Luca A. Annecchino (Info) Imperial College London luca.annecchino 2017‑08‑22 Sim
Daniel Ansari (Info) Western University Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience dansari 2006‑06‑18 Sim
Paride Antinucci (Info) King's College, UCL Visual System, Zebrafish, Behaviour, Developmental Neurobiology parideantinucci 2013‑11‑18 Sim
Bernd Antkowiak (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Felisberti 2009‑11‑29 Sim
Holger Apitz (Info) National Institute for Medical Research, London Neurogenetics of Drosophila kff48 2012‑04‑27 Sim
Kwabena Appenteng (Info) University of Leeds Neurophysiology arthurprochazka 2008‑10‑03 Sim
Matthew Apps (Info) Royal Holloway University of London Cognitive Neuroscience nramnani 2008‑01‑02 Sim
Lorena Arancibia (Info) UCL GABA recepotors 2007‑11‑27 Sim
Sofia J. Araújo (Info) University of Barcelona, Spain Axon guidance, dendritic branching sjmmaraujo 2017‑09‑26 Sim
Alexander Arenz (Info) Max-Planck-Institute for Neurobiology Sensory systems, single cell computation cal1m3ro 2010‑10‑27 Sim
Georgios Argyropoulos (Info) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway, University of London nramnani 2016‑01‑16 Sim
Joseph M. Arizpe (Info) NIMH Cognitive Neuroscience jarizpe 2009‑06‑09 Sim
Charlotte Arlt (Info) UCL charlottearlt 2012‑11‑12 Sim
Clay M. Armstrong (Info) Penn Ion channels hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
David M. Armstrong (Info) University of Bristol Cerebellum na 2006‑03‑27 Sim
Derek H. Arnold (Info) University of Queensland Perception 2009‑04‑11 Sim
Sarah Elizabeth Joan Arnold (Info) Queen Mary University of London, University of Greenwich, NIAB EMR pollination, IPM, insect vision, entomology, agroecology, horticulture, behavioural ecology chittka 2016‑03‑25 Sim
Maria Arranz (Info) Institute of Psychiatry, University of London Pharmacogenetics of antipsychotic drug response msodhi 2011‑02‑03 Sim
John Ashburner (Info) UCL david 2010‑07‑12 Sim
Richard H. Ashley (Info) Edinburgh Ion Channels shubhag82 2009‑03‑07 Sim
Jonathan F. Ashmore (Info) UCL hearing, hair cells ashmore 2007‑11‑06 Sim
Abhishekh H Ashok (Info) King's College (London), MRC Clinical Sciences Center, Imperial College PET imaging abhishekh 2019‑04‑12 Sim
Tony Ashton (Info) Imperial College ion channels, toxins rory 2009‑01‑12 Sim
Maria Ashworth (Info) Kingston University London JoVanHerwegen 2017‑01‑11 Sim
Ayodeji A. Asuni (Info) NYU Neuroscience, Immunotherapy, Prion, Alzheimer's Disease AyodejiAsuni 2010‑11‑03 Sim
András Aszódi (Info) aaszodi 2018‑09‑05 Sim
Nadim A. A. Atiya (Info) Sensyne Health kongfattwonglin 2020‑04‑26 Sim
Janette Atkinson (Info) University of London jaspell 2007‑04‑18 Sim
Joanna Atkinson (Info) UCL sslyruc 2019‑08‑24 Sim
Michael Attwaters (Info) King's College simonhughes 2022‑02‑23 Sim
David Attwell (Info) UCL Neuron-glia interactions hanks 2005‑11‑05 Sim
Chaiyawan Auepanwiriyakul (Info) Imperial College of London shlomi 2020‑02‑10 Sim
Tibor Auer (Info) University of Surrey jvaleria 2024‑03‑15 Sim
Celine Auger (Info) Paris attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Fernando B. Avila-Rencoret (Info) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, Imperial College London Medical Devices, Biomedical Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Nanobiotechnology, Clinical Research, Healthcare IT, Rapid Prototyping, CAD, CAM, Robotic Surgery, Medical Robotics favilar 2010‑03‑16 Sim
Asli Ayaz (Info) Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich Sensory processing ayaza 2008‑02‑04 Sim
Ruben Azevedo (Info) valerio.villani 2020‑10‑02 Sim
Afnan Azizi (Info) King's College Neurodevelopment, patterning afnanazizi 2020‑11‑11 Sim
Mark Baccei (Info) University of Cincinnati Pain, development, dorsal horn mfitz27 2012‑02‑29 Sim
Dominik R. Bach (Info) Universität Zürich Neuroscience of Emotions dbach 2015‑10‑20 Sim
Elena Bagdades (Info) UCL Argyris 2023‑08‑14 Sim
Bence Bagi (Info) Imperial College London jneuro 2024‑03‑08 Sim
Bahador Bahrami (Info) UCL visual system 2008‑06‑19 Sim
Alexis Bailey (Info) St Gorge's University of London gacgabriel 2022‑11‑15 Sim
Amrita Bains (Info) Royal Holloway, University of London saloni1 2022‑10‑25 Sim
Chris Bakal (Info) Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK cell morphogenesis, systems biology, mechanotransduction, cell imaging cbakal 2018‑10‑15 Sim
Yamina Bakiri (Info) UCL attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Sivakumar Balasubramanian (Info) Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMC), Vellore Neurorehabilitation, Neuromechanics, Movement Analysis siva82kb 2010‑04‑07 Sim
Clive G. Ballard (Info) King's College george.perry 2010‑09‑07 Sim
Laura Ballerini (Info) SISSA attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Haiko Ballieux (Info) Birkbeck College Infant -object interaction Haiko Ballieux 2006‑10‑28 Sim
Andre Balogh (Info) Imperial College London dstansby 2020‑05‑12 Sim
Annamaria Balogh (Info) UCL apike 2021‑04‑22 Sim
Joshua Henk Balsters (Info) Trinity College Dublin Cognitive Neuroscience nramnani 2008‑01‑02 Sim
Peter A. Bandettini (Info) NIMH MR signal; neuroimaging methods kathleen 2005‑05‑21 Sim
Abhishek Banerjee (Info) MIT, Universität Zürich, Newcastle University, Queen Mary University of London and University of Oxford Cortical development, Plasticity, Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Decision-making abhi 2007‑09‑06 Sim
Dan Bang (Info) UCL csummerfield 2018‑12‑05 Sim
Nicolas Barascud (Info) UCL Auditory Neuroscience nbarascud 2015‑06‑04 Sim
Boris Barbour (Info) ENS Paris cerebellum baclark 2007‑01‑20 Sim
John L. Barbur (Info) City University, London Vision Science a.sahraie 2008‑06‑23 Sim
Maxwell Barclay (Info) Natural History Museum London Joana 2019‑02‑02 Sim
Andrew D Bard (Info) King's College visual system, retinal ganglion cells, zebrafish, topography abard 2017‑06‑24 Sim
Lucie Bard (Info) UCL drusakov 2011‑01‑31 Sim
Gareth J. Barker (Info) Kings College London (KCL) flew 2017‑04‑06 Sim
Ece Beren Barklam (Info) Kingston University London Felisberti 2021‑09‑24 Sim
Anna Barnard (Info) Imperial College London Chemical Biology AnnaBarnard 2019‑11‑02 Sim
Eric A. Barnard (Info) Cambridge lneedleman 2005‑11‑29 Sim
Joe Barnby (Info) King's College vaughanbell 2023‑06‑04 Sim
Carol Ann Barnes (Info) University of Arizona hippocampus, memory, & aging cyneric 2005‑02‑16 Sim
Simon Baron-Cohen (Info) Cambridge Autism, Theory of mind bhisma 2015‑09‑27 Sim
Nick E. Barraclough (Info) University of York Visual system, action perception, motion, multisensory integration nebarraclough 2007‑08‑30 Sim
Ben A. Barres (Info) Stanford glia cab 2006‑01‑27 Sim
James Barrett (Info) King's College TonCoolen 2021‑03‑20 Sim
Arantza Barrios (Info) UCL njramirezs 2017‑10‑25 Sim
caswell barry (Info) UCL helper28 2018‑09‑14 Sim
Tom Joseph Barry (Info) The University of Hong Kong, King's College Experimental Psychopathology tjbarry 2017‑07‑24 Sim
Andreas Bartels (Info) MPI Tuebingen visual system, imaging david 2005‑01‑22 Sim
Tim Bartels (Info) Harvard Medical School jamesconway 2024‑06‑14 Sim
Laura Bartlett (Info) London School of Economics wendyjo 2019‑12‑19 Sim
Allan I. Basbaum (Info) UCSF Pain Joaobraz 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Joshua P. Bassett (Info) UCL bnjclk 2007‑04‑12 Sim
Andrew M. Batchelor (Info) UCL metabotropic glutamate receptors to synaptic function mtsai 2007‑10‑09 Sim
Gillian P. Bates (Info) King's College Genetics, Huntington's disease jcha 2006‑10‑18 Sim
Joe Bathelt (Info) MRC-CBU Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience joebathelt 2017‑02‑06 Sim
Michael Batty (Info) UCL Geography v.schinazi 2008‑07‑10 Sim
Lucia Batzu (Info) King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology neurology; parkinson's; parkinson; movement disorders; dementia luciabatzusar 2023‑01‑06 Sim
Daniel Bautista-Salinas (Info) Imperial College London Robotics danielbautista13salinas 2023‑02‑02 Sim
Marius Bauza (Info) University College London Spatial navigation, spatial cells MariusBauza 2019‑04‑24 Sim
Paul M. Bays (Info) Cambridge, UCL Working Memory, Visual Attention, Motor control paulbays 2009‑08‑11 Sim
Narges Bazargani (Info) UCL attwell 2017‑07‑14 Sim
Daniel Beacham (Info) Thermo Fisher Scientifc Excitable cell biology and ion channel structure/function. Technology development beachamd 2024‑08‑23 Sim
Marco Beato (Info) UCL spinal cord, glycine channels marcobeato 2008‑11‑25 Sim
Maxime JR. Beau (Info) UCL Cerebellum, Silicon probes, Deep Learning MS047 2018‑05‑02 Sim
Pierre Beaulieu (Info) Université de Montréal JSWalczak 2012‑03‑21 Sim
Diane M. Beck (Info) UIUC Visual system david 2005‑02‑03 Sim
Christian Beckmann (Info) Imperial College mojtaba 2009‑03‑19 Sim
Rachel Bedder (Info) UCL - London - UK memory rbez138 2016‑06‑24 Sim
Rachael Bedford (Info) Institute of Education, University of London marko 2012‑07‑07 Sim
Simon Beggs (Info) UCL ucga 2017‑11‑26 Sim
Ulrik Beierholm (Info) UCL psychophysics modeling, multisensory perception weiji 2007‑10‑28 Sim
John M. Bekkers (Info) ANU Synaptic transmission, olfaction jbekkers 2011‑09‑10 Sim
Tarik S. Bel-Bahar (Info) Duke experimental psychology, brain dynamics appelsauce 2013‑02‑09 Sim
Flavia Schechtman Belham (Info) UCL littlegtplr 2015‑09‑30 Sim
Vaughan Bell (Info) UCL Cognitive neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, psychosis vaughanbell 2015‑09‑20 Sim
Zachary Bell (Info) Queen Mary, University of London Neurogenomics zwbell88 2014‑08‑10 Sim
Tomas C. Bellamy (Info) Babraham Institute Glia, Cerebellum, nitric oxide, glutamate, calcium bellamyt 2009‑10‑21 Sim
Pier Luigi Bellon (Info) Università degli Studi di Milano Computer Science arfidalgo 2013‑08‑30 Sim
Anthony G Bellotti (Info) Imperial College London Credit risk, statistics, machine learning Agbellotti 2018‑10‑05 Sim
Gabriel Béna (Info) Imperial College London Spiking Neural Networks, Neuro-AI, Modular Systems, Multisensory Integration, Continual Learning GabrielBena 2022‑02‑07 Sim
Daniel A. Bendor (Info) UCL auditory neurophysiology, memory consolidation dbendor 2005‑11‑22 Sim
Stefania Benetti (Info) University of Trento, CIMeC cognitive neuroscience; brain plasticity; perception; multisensory integration sbenetti 2017‑10‑24 Sim
Caroline L. Benn (Info) MGH Huntington's disease jcha 2006‑10‑18 Sim
Simon J Bennett (Info) UCL Hippocampal Circuitry simonbennett 2012‑10‑04 Sim
Shlomo Bentin (Info) Hebrew University Congitive neuroscience deouell 2005‑09‑17 Sim
Rayane Benyahia (Info) UCL attwell 2017‑07‑14 Sim
katarzyna d. bera (Info) Oxford neuroscience, ion channels, nmdar, autoimmunity, neuroimmunology, electrophysiology kbera 2007‑10‑28 Sim
Kinga Bercsenyi (Info) Cancer Research UK - London Research Institute gipischiavo 2017‑12‑06 Sim
C. S. Bergeman (Info) Notre Dame ado4 2008‑06‑13 Sim
Benedikt Berninger (Info) University Medical Center Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, King's College - London Neuroscience Benedikt 2012‑02‑04 Sim
Chris Berry (Info) UCL RHenson 2019‑02‑01 Sim
Nadia Berthouze (Info) UCL Affective computing, Emotion recognition, Non-verbal behaviour, Body movement analysis, Affective touch behaviour arfidalgo 2013‑08‑30 Sim
Sven Bestmann (Info) UCL Motor preparation, effective connectivity mklein 2009‑10‑10 Sim
William J. Betz (Info) University of Colorado, Denver hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
Peter Bex (Info) UCL visual psychophysics, motion perception ametha 2006‑11‑06 Sim
Yogesh Bhargava (Info) Dr. Harisingh Gour Central University, India Zebrafish, Behaviour, NO Signalling, Biophysics, Ion channel yogeshbhargava 2009‑02‑07 Sim
Sonu Bhaskar (Info) Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, Australia, Ingham Institute, Liverpool, Australia, Global Health Neurology Lab, Sydney, Australia, NSW Brain Clot Bank, Sydney, Australia, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan Neurology, Global Health, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Stroke, Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Social Inequalities in Health drsbhaskar 2022‑01‑20 Sim
Aaryan Bhatia (Info) Imperial College London Computational modelling Mankiddyman 2023‑05‑28 Sim
Joydeep Bhattacharya (Info) Goldsmiths, University of London alexlascelles 2019‑05‑07 Sim
Shomi Bhattacharya (Info) University College London mgaritah 2019‑12‑27 Sim
Isaac H. Bianco (Info) UCL Zebrafish, sensorimotors, visual system, optic tectum ibianco 2013‑10‑04 Sim
Roberta Bianco (Info) University College London danielasammler 2017‑11‑18 Sim
Diana Bicazan (Info) Imperial College London decision making; sleep; drosophila melanogaster nazabic 2015‑02‑18 Sim
Philip Biggin (Info) Oxford dbowie 2015‑07‑26 Sim
Brenda Bigland-Ritchie (Info) pascoe 2008‑12‑10 Sim
Guy O. Billings (Info) UCL Theoretical Neuroscience guy3061 2007‑12‑05 Sim
Brian Billups (Info) Cambridge, ANU Synaptic transmission attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Daniela Billups (Info) Leicester attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Célian Bimbard (Info) ENS Paris david 2016‑02‑16 Sim
Lynn J. Bindman (Info) UCL synaptic physiology david 2016‑02‑13 Sim
Emma Biondetti (Info) UCL MRI Susceptibility mapping embi89 2015‑09‑11 Sim
Niels Birbaumer (Info) Inst Med Psychol Behav Neurobiol University of Tuebingen Feedback; Biological Psychology lotze 2006‑07‑31 Sim
Alan Charles Bird (Info) Institute of Ophthalmology, London, Moorfields Eye Hospital fellowofhenle 2019‑12‑05 Sim
Chris Bird (Info) UCL helper28 2018‑09‑14 Sim
Marjan Biria (Info) UCL, Cambridge OCD, mood, anxiety evka 2023‑08‑14 Sim
Nicol Birsa (Info) UCL josefkittler 2013‑07‑31 Sim
Peter O. Bishop (Info) ANU hanks 2005‑10‑11 Sim
Valentina Bisio (Info) Imperial College London Vito 2024‑04‑19 Sim
Lisiane Bizarro (Info) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) experimental psychology, addictions, obesity, attention, implicit cognition lisiane.bizarro 2018‑12‑01 Sim
Jennifer K. Bizley (Info) UCL Auditory system, multisensory processing david 2007‑03‑17 Sim
Leslie C. Blaber (Info) UCL Medical School, University College London agrizz 2015‑10‑08 Sim
James W. Black (Info) King's College Hospital Medical School, University of London Pharmacology jandh 2015‑04‑23 Sim
Arne V Blackman (Info) UCL zcgad05 2013‑04‑20 Sim
James Blair (Info) National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) EmmaFaith 2019‑03‑11 Sim
Colin Blakemore (Info) Oxford Visual development willmore 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (Info) UCL social cognitive neuroscience, adolescence, autism sarahblakemore 2008‑11‑20 Sim
William F. Blakemore (Info) Cambridge lakand 2023‑08‑22 Sim
Hugh Blaschko (Info) Oxford cbloomfield 2007‑11‑15 Sim
John P Blass (Info) UCLA, Weill Cornell Medical College chemistry of diseases of the brain jandh 2019‑08‑12 Sim
David Blest (Info) University College London (UCL) dprieto 2024‑08‑06 Sim
Tim Bliss (Info) NIMR Neurophysiology, Long-term potentiation ryo 2007‑03‑22 Sim
Maren Blosa (Info) University of London, Canada Rbs 2018‑04‑07 Sim
Antonin Blot (Info) Cambridge bbillups 2015‑10‑11 Sim
Liisa Blowes (Info) Queen Mary University of London melphick 2015‑09‑15 Sim
John Blundell (Info) University of Leeds (United Kingdom) Micah44 2016‑10‑31 Sim
Marco Bocchio (Info) Oxford, INMED, INSERM U1249, Newcastle University, Durham University Neuromodulators, Serotonin, Learning, Plasticity, Ensembles, Inhibition marcob85 2012‑10‑09 Sim
Yury Bogdanov (Info) ICRF London Live cell imaging 2007‑11‑27 Sim
David Bohm (Info) Princeton, Birkbeck College Quantum physics, particle physics MDascal 2013‑09‑17 Sim
Annika Boldt (Info) UCL Metacognition npescetelli 2015‑04‑01 Sim
James J. Bonaiuto (Info) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) action based decision making, computational neurostimulation, MEG, computational modeling jbonaiuto 2011‑08‑24 Sim
Davide Bono (Info) UCL FredDick 2021‑08‑08 Sim
Zillah Boraston (Info) UCL sarahblakemore 2008‑11‑20 Sim
Cornelius Borck (Info) McGill JGRJ 2014‑07‑31 Sim
Hagit Borer (Info) USC Syntax, Semantics, Second Language Acquisition ckim25 2009‑02‑10 Sim
Stefan Borgwardt (Info) Universität Basel qr79 2013‑11‑16 Sim
Gustav V.R. Born (Info) King's College Platelet biology, purines, monoamines alirezamani 2010‑12‑10 Sim
Dasiel Oscar Borroto-Escuela (Info) Karolinska GPCR dasiel 2010‑02‑02 Sim
Joseph P. Bouckaert (Info) KU Leuven RNA 2011‑12‑17 Sim
Tunvez Boulic (Info) Imperial College London pc1979 2017‑07‑25 Sim
Pierre Marc Bouloux (Info) UCL DavidG 2008‑01‑25 Sim
Jake Bourgaize (Info) Kings College London (KCL) 2023‑12‑19 Sim
Charles W. Bourque (Info) McGill Hypothalamus, osmoregulation Derjean 2009‑11‑05 Sim
Muriel Bouvier (Info) UCL attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Norman G. Bowery (Info) GlaxoSmithKline, Verona, Italy GABA receptors rory 2009‑01‑08 Sim
Derek Bowie (Info) McGill AMPA & Kainate receptors, Neurodevelopment dbowie 2009‑09‑28 Sim
Edward John Mostyn Bowlby (Info) Tavistock Clinic in London crhall 2012‑05‑04 Sim
Brian Boycott (Info) hanks 2005‑10‑13 Sim
Kieran Alexander Boyle (Info) UCL Synapase formation & function kieran_boyle 2008‑09‑25 Sim
Onur Mirac Bozkurt (Info) Imperial College London Vito 2024‑04‑19 Sim
Ali Bozorgian (Info) Northeastern University London dimitrismylonas 2024‑10‑09 Sim
Elizabeth Bradbury (Info) King's College LawrenceMoon 2023‑01‑29 Sim
Michael W. Bradbury (Info) King's College Blood Brain Barrier na 2006‑03‑28 Sim
Oliver J. Braddick (Info) Oxford jaspell 2007‑04‑18 Sim
Harold F. Bradford (Info) Imperial College of London Neurochemistry, synaptic transmission rnbrd 2014‑03‑19 Sim
Dan Brady (Info) Birkbeck College - Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Goldsmiths, University of London DanBrady 2017‑01‑11 Sim
Anindita Brahma (Info) Rockefeller social insects, social evolution, genomics, animal behaviour abrahma 2024‑03‑13 Sim
Clive R Bramham (Info) University of Bergen Neuroscience, Synaptic Plasticity, LTP, BDNF, Arc, Translation control Bruno 2006‑11‑29 Sim
Neil Bramley (Info) NYU gureckis 2017‑03‑14 Sim
Michael Brammer (Info) King's College mvlombardo 2009‑03‑13 Sim
Tiago Branco (Info) UCL Synaptic Physiology tbranco 2007‑01‑20 Sim
Sebastian Brandner (Info) UCL Peripheral Neuropathies george.perry 2010‑06‑09 Sim
Jochen Braun (Info) University of Magdeburg Attention, awareness, neural computation kathleen 2005‑03‑29 Sim
George Stanley Brayshaw (Info) Imperial College London fishress 2018‑10‑21 Sim
Philip Bream (Info) Imperial College simonschultz 2007‑10‑22 Sim
Gerome Breen (Info) King's College Psychiatric Genetics: Mood Disorders and Translational Genomics geromebreen 2012‑02‑12 Sim
Andy J. Bremner (Info) Goldsmiths University fo London dmareschal 2009‑04‑30 Sim
Lindsay R. Bremner (Info) Caltech Reference frames in parietal cortex ucgalrb 2011‑03‑14 Sim
Paul C. Bressloff (Info) Imperial College London, University of Utah, Oxford Applied Mathematics, Stochastic processes, Biological physics, Theoretical Neuroscience wnesse 2008‑12‑22 Sim
Helen Brew (Info) University of Washington hanks 2005‑11‑05 Sim
Edmonds Brian (Info) University of Alaska, Juneau neuronal signalling felixs 2006‑08‑28 Sim
Stephen Brickley (Info) Imperial College London Aledelogu 2017‑01‑18 Sim
Damian P. Bright (Info) UCL shannan 2010‑04‑26 Sim
Nicola Bright (Info) Clinical Sciences Centre, London Signalling cthorn 2011‑05‑04 Sim
Davina Bristow (Info) UCL consciousness 2007‑04‑10 Sim
H. W. Brock (Info) King's College mowens 2008‑05‑12 Sim
Olivier Brock (Info) King's College Aledelogu 2017‑01‑18 Sim
Jeremy P. Brockes (Info) UCL regeneration, stem cells M. Odurih 2012‑02‑05 Sim
Detlev W. Bronk (Info) Penn nervous tissue metabolism and electric activity hanks 2005‑11‑09 Sim
Annie Brookman-Byrne (Info) Birkbeck College educational neuroscience, adolescence, executive functions, science, maths abrookmanbyrne 2019‑06‑25 Sim
Jason W. Brooks (Info) Kings College London (KCL) swnt1931 2015‑11‑06 Sim
Joseph L. Brooks (Info) Keele University, University of Kent visual attention, perceptual organization david 2005‑01‑18 Sim
Alexander P Y Brown (Info) MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Francis Crick Institute, Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL, Cambridge Neurophysiology, Systems Neuroscience, Visual Neuroscience alexbrown 2015‑07‑31 Sim
Andre E. Brown (Info) Imperial College London behaviour, genetics, C. elegans aexbrown 2010‑08‑16 Sim
Anthony Brown (Info) Ohio State Axonal transport, neuronal cytoskeleton anthonybrown 2010‑12‑24 Sim
David Brown (Info) Queen Mary University of London mikepru 2022‑03‑21 Sim
David A. Brown (Info) University College, University of London Regulation of ion channels that control neural excitability padams 2009‑11‑19 Sim
George Lindor Brown (Info) Oxford Neurophysiology, neuropharmacology CJM3 2012‑10‑20 Sim
Janice H. Brown (Info) London South Bank University Atypical development, infancy, deprivation janice.brown700 2017‑01‑16 Sim
Matthew T C Brown (Info) Imperial College dopamine system, working memory mtcbrown 2010‑08‑19 Sim
Peter Brown (Info) University College London anavcruz 2018‑06‑16 Sim
Spencer T. Brown (Info) UCL Systems Neuroscience Spencer 2021‑12‑30 Sim
William M. Brown (Info) University of East London evolution of cooperation, genomic imprinting, sexual selection wmbrown 2007‑04‑03 Sim
Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard (Info) Spinal cord, endocrinology CJM3 2009‑03‑13 Sim
Liam E. Browne (Info) UCL p2xreceptor 2015‑12‑01 Sim
Robert M. Brownstone (Info) Dalhousie University, UCL, University of Manitoba Spinal cord, neural circuits for movement rbrownst 2008‑06‑17 Sim
Anne Brunet (Info) Stanford neural stem cells, neurogenesis, aging svilleda 2013‑03‑14 Sim
Clare Brunst (Info) UCL psychosis, psychotherapy process, qualitative methodology, dreams Clare0l 2016‑11‑07 Sim
Greyham Bryant (Info) Imperial College London a.zolotas 2022‑08‑30 Sim
Anatoly Buchin (Info) Cajal Neuroscience, Allen Institute, University of Washington, ENS Paris, A. F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology Computational Biology, Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimeri's disease abuchin 2015‑06‑17 Sim
Henry (Gus) Buchtel (Info) University of Michigan Epilepsy, attention, language, Wada Test gusb 2008‑12‑11 Sim
Sarah Buck (Info) UCL KatherineRoss 2020‑10‑13 Sim
Guido Bugmann (Info) University of Plymouth bb421 2023‑01‑18 Sim
Michael Bull (Info) University of Sussex Mobile comminication technologies and their use, Music and sound in urban culture. New directions in Critical Theory (The Frankfurt School), sensory experience and methodologies. davidberry 2010‑06‑30 Sim
Stephen J. Bunn (Info) University of Otago, NZ Cellular and molecular neuroendocrinology rory 2009‑01‑08 Sim
etienne burdet (Info) Imperial College motor learning, neuroengineering eburdet 2008‑07‑03 Sim
Neil Burgess (Info) UCL spatial cognition, memory, fMRI, computational modelling tomatosquid 2011‑10‑03 Sim
Charlotte Burman (Info) UCL Argyris 2023‑08‑14 Sim
Joshua Harold Burn (Info) National Institute for Medical Research, London, Royal Pharmaceutical Society , University of London, Oxford Autonomic nervous system, pharmacology rraayy 2008‑02‑10 Sim
Stephanie Burnett (Info) sarahblakemore 2008‑11‑20 Sim
Ben Delisle Burns (Info) McGill Neurophysiology Visitor 2013‑02‑15 Sim
Geoffrey Burnstock (Info) UCL purinergic signalling and receptors, Autonomic nervous system jcshenk 2007‑08‑30 Sim
Juan Burrone (Info) King's College dax42 2011‑02‑16 Sim
Cyril Burt (Info) University of London 2007‑04‑10 Sim
Eliza Burton (Info) UCL marko 2012‑07‑07 Sim
Valeria Burzomato (Info) UCL attwell 2009‑12‑16 Sim
Marc Aurel Busche (Info) Institute of Neuroscience TU Munich Neuroscience marcaurel 2008‑01‑25 Sim
Daniel Bush (Info) UCLA Synaptic Plasticity, Hippocampus DanBush 2010‑07‑31 Sim
Arnold H. Buss (Info) University of Texas hayden 2005‑09‑22 Sim
Laura Busse (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Visual System Stefan 2006‑03‑01 Sim
Arthur Butt (Info) Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases, King's College, London lipina 2006‑11‑27 Sim
Simon Butt (Info) Imperial College cortical interneurons development physiology Fishell 2009‑05‑18 Sim
Graham Butterfield (Info) Queen Mary College, University of London starbird2005 2023‑11‑08 Sim
Brian Butterworth (Info) UCL Numerical Cognition noamsagiv 2007‑04‑03 Sim
J BV (Info) UCL Neuroimaging, neurosurgery jekert 2021‑04‑29 Sim
Sally Byng (Info) Birkbeck College MaxColtheart 2018‑04‑29 Sim
Darren Byrne (Info) King's College (London) Adna 2019‑04‑11 Sim
Tim W. Cacciatore (Info) UCL Muscle Tone, Posture, Biomechanics cacci 2011‑07‑29 Sim
Juan Cáceres (Info) Royal Holloway, University of London diegogal 2019‑11‑17 Sim
Francesca Cacucci (Info) UCL joshuabassett 2014‑10‑06 Sim
Weigang Cai (Info) Queen Mary University of London melphick 2015‑09‑15 Sim
Matthiew Caldwell (Info) UCL shannan 2010‑04‑26 Sim
Alex Caley (Info) UCL shannan 2010‑04‑26 Sim
Gemma A. Calvert (Info) University of Bath Multisensory perception npholmes 2007‑12‑10 Sim
Beatriz Calvo-Merino (Info) City University London AlexGP 2021‑08‑26 Sim
Jasmin Camacho (Info) Harvard, Stowers Instistute for Medical Research, UC Davis Evolution and development vero 2019‑01‑24 Sim
Ruth Campbell (Info) University College London Deafness, face processing, lipreading,neuropsychology, neuroimaging RuthCampbell 2019‑08‑23 Sim
Ruth Campbell (Info) UCL face processing,deafness,fMRI, spelling sslyruc 2014‑02‑03 Sim
Julieta Campi (Info) University of Leicester rodri 2015‑12‑04 Sim
Horacio Caniza (Info) Royal Holloway, University of London diegogal 2019‑11‑17 Sim
Alison Canty (Info) University of Tasmania, Australia Vidipi 2008‑06‑14 Sim
Cheryl M. Capek (Info) University of Oregon neuroplasticity, development pq 2015‑10‑12 Sim
Francesco Caprini (Info) Birkbeck College FredDick 2021‑08‑08 Sim
Matteo Carandini (Info) UCL Visual system david 2005‑01‑20 Sim
Velia Cardin (Info) david 2009‑03‑23 Sim
Narcis Cardoner (Info) Hospital de Bellvitge Depression, OCD qr79 2013‑11‑16 Sim
Daniel Carey (Info) Birkbeck College FredDick 2021‑08‑08 Sim
David Carling (Info) Clinical Sciences Centre Metabolic signalling cthorn 2011‑05‑04 Sim
David Carmel (Info) NYU Visual perception, attention and awareness noamsagiv 2007‑04‑05 Sim
Alessandro Carollo (Info) University of Trento Social Neuroscience AlessandroCarollo 2023‑01‑13 Sim
Chris J Carter (Info) PolygenicPathways NMDA, Alzheimer's , schizophrenia, virology, microbiology, bioinformatics , chriscar22 2018‑04‑12 Sim
Giulio Casali (Info) UCL katejeffery 2018‑11‑21 Sim
Clara Casco (Info) University of Padova Vision giorgio 2007‑09‑22 Sim
Nathan Cashdollar (Info) UCSF raphaelkoester 2014‑05‑30 Sim
Jose del Castillo (Info) University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine madeleon 2016‑04‑13 Sim
Marco Catani (Info) Institute of Psychiatry Neuroanatomy stellarc 2008‑12‑12 Sim
Laurence Cathala (Info) Universite Paris Descartes cerebellum, synaptic transmission, glutamate receptors Cathala 2009‑08‑28 Sim
Raymond B. Cattell (Info) UIUC intelligence, psychometrics, personality patrickw 2007‑04‑11 Sim
John B. Cavanagh (Info) National Hospital, Queen Square, London agroh 2023‑07‑30 Sim
Peter R. Cavanagh (Info) University of Washington locomotion, biomechanics jdingwell 2012‑05‑09 Sim
Pauline Cavelier (Info) Paris attwell 2008‑01‑26 Sim
Danlu Cen (Info) Cardiff University Perception and Action, Navigation, Spatial Memory cend 2015‑01‑16 Sim
Fabrizia Cesca (Info) Cancer Research UK - London Research Institute gipischiavo 2017‑12‑06 Sim
Paul Chadderton (Info) Imperial College London papageno 2006‑06‑21 Sim
Martin J. Chadwick (Info) UCL Episodic Memory, fMRI mchad 2011‑04‑18 Sim
Maria Chait (Info) UCL Auditory Neuroscience (humans) mariac 2005‑10‑31 Sim
Subhojit Chakraborty (Info) UCL katejeffery 2018‑11‑21 Sim
Hirak Chakravorty (Info) King's College TonCoolen 2021‑03‑20 Sim
Liam F Chalcroft (Info) UCL Machine learning, Neuroimaging, Computer vision liamchalcroft 2024‑10‑23 Sim
Rebecca Chamberlain (Info) Goldsmiths, University fo London Aesthetics RebeccaChamberlain 2018‑02‑13 Sim
Chris Chambers (Info) UCL attention, TMS jlbrooks 2006‑08‑17 Sim
Thierry Chaminade (Info) CNRS & Aix-Marseille University neuroscience, social ognition tchamina 2016‑07‑18 Sim
Annisa Chand (Info) King's College (London) Adna 2019‑04‑11 Sim
Joanna Chang (Info) Imperial College London jgallego 2023‑07‑06 Sim
Tristan A. Chaplin (Info) Monash University, UCL visual neuroscience, multisensory integration, computational neuroanatomy, comparative neuroanatomy, functional neuroanatomy tristan256 2014‑05‑14 Sim
Reginald A. Chapman (Info) St Andrews University, Scotland Repetitive activity in nerve DavidJMiller 2014‑03‑06 Sim
Gaelle Chapuis (Info) Imperial College London pc1979 2015‑10‑16 Sim
themistoklis Charalambous (Info) themis 2010‑04‑07 Sim
Loïc J. Chareyron (Info) UCL Amygdala & hippocampal development chareyro 2009‑08‑06 Sim
Rebecca Charlton (Info) Goldsmiths University of London athanasia.metoki 2016‑11‑30 Sim
Tony Charman (Info) UCL Neurodevelopmental disorders bhisma 2008‑03‑24 Sim
Caroline Charpentier (Info) UCL jonroiser 2017‑08‑06 Sim
Nick Chater (Info) UCL glupyan 2008‑06‑29 Sim
James PC Chelliah (Info) University of London mGluR, epilepsy, Kv7 Channels JamesChelliah 2009‑11‑19 Sim
Guifen Chen (Info) UCL Spatial memory Guifen 2011‑10‑18 Sim
Jiazhou Chen (Info) UCL Argyris 2023‑08‑14 Sim
Li Chen (Info) UCL, Zhejiang University, Hanzhou University I/O Psychology lsh 2020‑09‑12 Sim
Susu Chen (Info) Imperial College London pc1979 2015‑10‑16 Sim
Wenqiang Chen (Info) Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, The University of Hong Kong, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen drug addiction, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease NeuroscienceChenWQ 2011‑05‑09 Sim
Shih-kuen Cheng (Info) National Central University, Taiwan littlegtplr 2015‑09‑30 Sim
William Cheselden (Info) jandh 2011‑07‑30 Sim
Theodore Ching-Kong Cheung (Info) The Hospital for Sick Children / University of Toronto teddcheung 2022‑02‑17 Sim
Vic Chiang (Info) University of Massachusetts vscchiang 2020‑03‑18 Sim
Lars Chittka (Info) Queen Mary University of London vision, cognition, social learning chittka 2008‑12‑04 Sim
Christina Choi (Info) UCL rmgzntk 2008‑06‑30 Sim
Andrez J. Cholewinski (Info) Imperial College astrocytes rory 2009‑01‑08 Sim
Suparna Choudhury (Info) sarahblakemore 2008‑11‑20 Sim
Anastasia Christakou (Info) University of Reading Integrative Neuroscience bje10 2008‑03‑22 Sim
Morten H. Christiansen (Info) Cornell Psycholinguistics, Language Evolution, Statistical Learning glupyan 2008‑06‑29 Sim
G. Bjorn Christianson (Info) UCL Neurobiological study of natural behavior pq 2016‑01‑13 Sim
Chia-Yueh Carlton Chu (Info) NIMH machine learning, imaging david 2010‑07‑12 Sim
Lisa Cipolotti (Info) National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UCL neuropsychology gottss 2008‑07‑13 Sim
Kelly B. Clancy (Info) UC Berkeley Neurobiology pq 2015‑11‑24 Sim
Gordon Sidney Claridge (Info) Oxford Schizophrenia, Psychological Disorders, Personality Disorders, Schizotypy Wnolan 2012‑05‑14 Sim
Beverley A. Clark (Info) UCL dendritic integration, axon signalling baclark 2007‑01‑19 Sim
Chris A. Clark (Info) UCL flew 2017‑02‑03 Sim
Arthur C. Clarke (Info) University of London Computational Biomimetics, Communication Satellites FrancisJeffrey 2016‑09‑10 Sim
Laura E. Clarke (Info) UCL attwell 2009‑12‑16 Sim
Seraphine Charlotte Clarke (Info) City University London 2023‑12‑19 Sim
David F. Clayton (Info) UIUC Birdsong, Neurogenomics map222 2007‑02‑21 Sim
Emma L Clayton (Info) UCL redox 2010‑04‑19 Sim
Anthony Cleare (Info) King's College - London jj2000 2019‑07‑10 Sim
Colin Clifford (Info) University of Sydney vision, including how we perceive motion and orientation, how we recognise the expressions of faces, how context affects our perception of lightness and colour, and how our visual awareness might be related to the underlying neural processing feiler 2007‑01‑31 Sim
Claudia Clopath (Info) Imperial College London rjolivet 2007‑07‑10 Sim
Sean Clouston (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Stony Brook Neuroepidemiology, Sociology, Demography, seanclouston 2022‑03‑30 Sim
Luciano DF Coast (Info) University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil Network Science joonan 2016‑02‑19 Sim
Terence J. Coderre (Info) McGill pain, neuroplasticity cab 2006‑04‑29 Sim
Philip A. Coen (Info) Princeton, UCL Systems Neuroscience malamay 2011‑12‑16 Sim
William A. Coetzee (Info) NYU School of Medicine Physiology, Electrophysiology, Ion Channels, Cardiology pq 2016‑05‑23 Sim
Joan Coffin (Info) King's College learning and memory pak 2010‑01‑09 Sim
James Cohen (Info) King's College London, Guy's Campus regeneration, development rory 2009‑01‑08 Sim
John Cohen (Info) University of Manchester Time perception r_oshea 2022‑04‑01 Sim
Kathrin Cohen Kadosh (Info) Birkbeck College Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience cohenkadosh 2006‑10‑28 Sim
Roi Cohen Kadosh (Info) UCL Cognitive Neuroscience cohenkadosh 2006‑10‑28 Sim
Jonathan A. Coles (Info) University of Glasgow brain tumors, cerebral trypanomiasis, proton pumps jcoles2 2011‑05‑21 Sim
Abraham Colles (Info) Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland david 2022‑11‑29 Sim
John Collinge (Info) UCL george.perry 2011‑02‑26 Sim
David Colquhoun (Info) UCL tamily 2005‑12‑16 Sim
Max Coltheart (Info) Macquarie University Reading aloud, speech production, cognitive modeling paul.dux 2006‑10‑25 Sim
Emma Colvert (Info) Institute of Psychiatry Autism, Executive Functioning, Social Cognition sslyjos 2009‑09‑17 Sim
Benjamin Compans (Info) King's College Synapses Syn33 2021‑07‑08 Sim
Alexandre Coninx (Info) Imperial College London Action selection, machine learning, reinforcement learning, computational neuroscience, deep learning, autonomous robotics, HRI aconinx 2014‑09‑03 Sim
Christopher N. Connolly (Info) University of Dundee Ligand gated ion channels 2007‑11‑27 Sim
Barry W. Connors (Info) Brown hanks 2005‑11‑04 Sim
Anthony George Constantinides (Info) Imperial College London Digital signal processing, Engineering fishress 2018‑10‑21 Sim
Natalia T. Consul (Info) Imperial College London jneuro 2024‑03‑08 Sim
James A Conway (Info) University of Plymouth, UCL, University of Bristol Neurodegeneration jamesconway 2019‑10‑26 Sim
Jennifer Cook (Info) sarahblakemore 2008‑11‑20 Sim
Richard Cook (Info) City University London Social perception & imitation RC00k1 2011‑02‑26 Sim
Ian M. Cooke (Info) University of Hawaii Neurosecretion pruben 2006‑12‑04 Sim
James E. Cooke (Info) Oxford Auditory System jeamonncooke 2014‑09‑18 Sim
Sam F. Cooke (Info) King's College (London) Synaptic plasticity, learning and memory scooke 2007‑04‑11 Sim
Ton Coolen (Info) Oxford, King's College, Radboud University Nijmegen Statistical physics, machine learning, medical statistics jandh 2015‑02‑12 Sim
Roshan Cools (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen cab 2005‑12‑15 Sim
Claire Isobel Coombes (Info) UCL evolutionary psychology, cognitive neuroscience cmcp67 2012‑10‑25 Sim
Ian D. Coombs (Info) UCL Ionotropic glutamate receptors davidsoto 2012‑05‑23 Sim
Colleen Coop (Info) Richmond, Twickenham & Roehampton Health Authority, London, Otago Hospital Board, Otago Healthcare, Otago District Health Board, New Zealand, Southern District Health Board, New Zealand, University of Otago, Ministry of Social Development in Wellington, New Zealand, Access Community Health, Otago & Southland, Dunedin, New Zealand r_oshea 2019‑08‑25 Sim
Nicholas Robert Cooper (Info) University of Essex EEG, stress, attention 2023‑12‑19 Sim
Nicholas R. Cooper (Info) University of Essex EEG, TMS NCooper 2012‑01‑16 Sim
Caroline S. Copeland (Info) St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London, Imperial College, UCL Thalamocortical Circuits carolinecopeland 2013‑09‑13 Sim
Francesca M. Cordeiro (Info) University College London Jgalvao 2017‑12‑20 Sim
francesca k. cormack (Info) UCL development, memory acanthe 2006‑07‑18 Sim
Laura Cornelissen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital Anesthesia, Pain, Development, Humans lc2042 2016‑03‑03 Sim
Katharina E. Cosker (Info) Harvard Medical School Retrograde signaling kjrehm 2009‑02‑03 Sim
Lee Cossell (Info) UCL Early visual system LeeC 2010‑08‑06 Sim
Gabriel Araujo Costa (Info) McGill University School of Medicine Neuroscience, Alcohol, Epigenetics gacgabriel 2022‑11‑15 Sim
Hiwet Costa (Info) Kingston University London JoVanHerwegen 2017‑01‑11 Sim
Rui Ponte Costa (Info) Edinburgh, Oxford, University of Bern, University of Bristol Computational Neuroscience, Synaptic Plasticity, Cortical Networks, Machine Learning ruipcosta 2012‑08‑19 Sim
James Cottam (Info) UCL jcneuro 2008‑07‑03 Sim
Ginevra Covoni (Info) Imperial College London Vito 2024‑04‑19 Sim
Jack D. Cowan (Info) Chicago jgoleary 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Alan Cowey (Info) Oxford hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Dorothy Cowie (Info) Oxford Visuomotor development dcowie 2007‑03‑18 Sim
John William Cox (Info) UCL abeaujean 2019‑03‑05 Sim
Fergus I.M. Craik (Info) Rotman Research Institute ngopie 2008‑09‑18 Sim
Emma Crawley (Info) UCL sunjeevk 2019‑03‑20 Sim
Francis Harry Compton Crick (Info) Salk Institute molecular biology / Consciousness hanks 2005‑11‑09 Sim
Joana P Cristóvão (Info) Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso Taxonomy, morphology, biologu Joana 2019‑02‑02 Sim
Hugo Critchley (Info) UCL hayden 2006‑04‑19 Sim
Macdonald Critchley (Info) National Hospital, Queen Square, London Neurology, language rraayy 2008‑02‑19 Sim
Molly J. Crockett (Info) UCL Serotonin, social neuroscience, neuroeconomics mc536 2008‑06‑27 Sim
Michael D. Crossland (Info) UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Vision, visual impairment, cognitive neuroscience mikecrossland 2007‑08‑13 Sim
Martin J. Croucher (Info) Imperial College Neuropharmacology rory 2009‑01‑12 Sim
Rebecca Crowley (Info) Royal Holloway, University of London jtamminen 2023‑10‑30 Sim
Laura Crucianelli (Info) Queen Mary University of London Interoception, Touch, Temperature, Body perception, Multisensory integration, Mental Health Laura_Crucianelli 2024‑10‑18 Sim
Wim E. Crusio (Info) CNRS Behavioral neurogenetics crusio 2006‑04‑10 Sim
Ana V. Cruz (Info) NIH Basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease, In vivo rodent electrophysiology, Computational neuroscience anavcruz 2013‑07‑29 Sim
Gergely Csibra (Info) Birkbeck College cognitive development mark 2006‑10‑27 Sim
Javier Cudeiro (Info) Universidade de A Coruna visual system, vision smconde 2007‑04‑19 Sim
Stuart G. Cull-Candy (Info) UCL glutamate receptors, synaptic physiology baclark 2007‑01‑19 Sim
Sara Cullen (Info) University of Melbourne jeongj 2019‑04‑01 Sim
Damian M. Cummings (Info) UCL, UCLA, The Open University, University College London Electrophysiology, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Long-term potentiation, Synaptic plasticity, Arlen 2017‑06‑08 Sim
Sally N. Cummings (Info) London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom) ruisamarcos 2020‑03‑04 Sim
Thomas J Cunningham (Info) UCL (London) Elizabeth_Hill_94 2023‑11‑04 Sim
Hermann Cuntz (Info) Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society Computational Neuroscience, Dendrites pseries 2006‑10‑24 Sim
William Curran (Info) Queen's University Belfast obraddick 2008‑10‑10 Sim
Rory Curtis (Info) Elixir Pharmaceuticals GAP43, glia, ion channels, regeneration, neurotrophins, GAP-43 rory 2009‑01‑07 Sim
Gerald Curzon (Info) Institute of Neurology, London Serotonin, dopamine, behavior snyoung 2011‑06‑01 Sim
Noel J. Cusack (Info) Boston Life Sciences, Inc. Purines CJM3 2012‑10‑22 Sim
Daniel Cutler (Info) LMCB, University College London Membrane trafficking cnconnolly 2008‑12‑15 Sim
Egidio D'Angelo (Info) University of Pavia Cerebellum, Granular layer shyam90919 2008‑12‑01 Sim
Martina D'Antoni (Info) UCL Neuroscience Martina91 2015‑10‑23 Sim
Hana D'Souza (Info) Birkbeck College - Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development DanBrady 2017‑01‑11 Sim
Lancelot Da Costa (Info) Imperial College London theoretical neuroscience LancelotDaCosta 2022‑07‑25 Sim
Jessica Dafflon (Info) King's College peterhellyer 2022‑01‑28 Sim
Steven C. Dakin (Info) UCL Institute of Ophthalmology vision, motion, crowding mikecrossland 2007‑08‑13 Sim
Henry Hallett Dale (Info) National Institute for Medical Research, London Pharmacology hanks 2005‑11‑03 Sim
Nicholas Dale (Info) Warwick Purinergic signalling ndale 2009‑12‑13 Sim
James Frederic Danielli (Info) Cambridge, King's College, SUNY Buffalo, Worcester Polytechnic Institute cell membranes jandh 2011‑07‑12 Sim
Eylon D. Dary (Info) Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL Spatiotemporal Processing XXWWEE 2024‑09‑25 Sim
Ravi K. Das (Info) UCL Addiction sunjeevk 2013‑12‑30 Sim
Debanjan Dasgupta (Info) University College London (UCL) Olfaction, Hippocampus, Physiology debanjantree13 2021‑07‑24 Sim
Jean Daunizeau (Info) ICM (Brain and Spine Institute) neurotransmetteur 2016‑07‑03 Sim
Elizabeth Davenport (Info) UCL josefkittler 2013‑07‑31 Sim
Anthony David (Info) King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology lukenorman 2018‑09‑04 Sim
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