People with institution matching "Stanford University": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Aditya Jouri (Info) Stanford roypea 2024‑04‑04
Bertrand Schneider (Info) Stanford roypea 2024‑04‑04
Neema Moraveji (Info) Stanford roypea 2024‑04‑04
Raquel Coelho (Info) Stanford roypea 2024‑04‑04
Rupshi Mitra (Info) Stanford University Medical School biology, neuroscience, gene therapy, stress, enrichment environment rupshimitra 2024‑04‑25
Jennifer Aaker (Info) Stanford Marketing david 2016‑01‑07
Elio A. Abbondanzieri (Info) Stanford biophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription pq 2015‑10‑17
Charles Wilbur Abbott (Info) UC Riverside hammy 2019‑05‑16
Maxim Abelev (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑15
Julia Abitbol (Info) Stanford aglcheng 2021‑09‑02
Arman Abrahamyan (Info) RIKEN, BSI, Stanford, University of Sydney Visual system, Psychophysics, Decision making, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), fMRI armanabraham 2011‑06‑09
Matt Borat Abramian (Info) Stanford Tonic inhibition 2007‑11‑27
Daniel A. Abrams (Info) Stanford Auditory system, Speech, Music daa 2010‑06‑22
Monther Abu-Remaileh (Info) Stanford University ChEM-H Lysosome/metabolism geneinfo 2019‑07‑07
Elfar Adalsteinsson (Info) MIT molin 2023‑09‑01
Antoine Adamantidis (Info) McGill, Stanford University Medical School, Bern University llecea 2011‑12‑02
Va L. Adams (Info) Stanford Social Psychology, Black Studies pq 2016‑05‑30
Maheen Adamson (Info) Stanford Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences david 2016‑01‑07
Jaimie D. Adelson (Info) Stanford Experience-dependent plasticity jda1 2012‑04‑01
Avishek Adhikari (Info) Stanford joshie2b 2006‑10‑27
Arjun Aditham (Info) Stanford slongwell 2020‑02‑06
Raj J. Advani (Info) Stanford mechanisms of membrane organization and transport pq 2015‑11‑24
Emily A. Aery Jones (Info) Stanford Hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, spatial navigation, memory consolidation, Alzheimer's disease emilyjones 2020‑01‑26
Afsheen Afshar (Info) Stanford shenoy 2012‑06‑08
Dritan Agalliu (Info) Columbia david 2015‑08‑01
Alok Aggarwal (Info) Stanford Signal Processing pq 2015‑10‑22
Gorish Aggarwal (Info) Stanford retina, computational neuroscience gorish 2020‑05‑12
Stewart Agras (Info) Stanford cbohon 2013‑05‑09
Francis Aguisanda (Info) Stanford Stem cell biology atpandme92 2016‑11‑06
Jamie Ahloy-Dallaire (Info) Stanford jeromeg 2020‑10‑19
Mohiuddin Ahmad (Info) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center mahmad 2009‑05‑28
Susanne E. Ahmari (Info) University of Pittsburgh OCD, transgenic mouse technology, serotonin, translational research sahmari 2008‑06‑25
Anthony H. Ahrens (Info) American University contemplative practice, virtue, cognition and emotion pq 2016‑04‑18
Hadia Ahsan (Info) Stanford Medical School LayTengAng 2022‑07‑28
Raag D. Airan (Info) Stanford focused ultrasound, neuromodulation, drug delivery rairan 2016‑10‑13
Olu Ajilore (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Biological psychiatry Robert Sapolsky 2006‑11‑02
Olusola Alade Ajilore (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑05
Kurt Akeley (Info) Microsoft Research computer graphics martybanks 2008‑05‑28
Alexandre Alahi (Info) Stanford, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) lballan 2020‑09‑27
Zaki Ellis M Alaoui (Info) Stanford, Amherst College Visual Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Consciousness zalaoui 2025‑02‑04
Eddy Albarran (Info) Columbia Synaptic Plasticity | Reinforcement Learning | BMI ealbarran11 2013‑09‑13
Greg Albers (Info) Stanford Neurology david 2016‑01‑07
Megan Albertelli (Info) Stanford Comparative Medicine david 2016‑01‑07
Richard W. Aldrich (Info) UT Austin Ion channels hanks 2005‑10‑13
Justin Michael Ales (Info) Stanford, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, UC Berkeley, University of St Andrews Vision, Neuroimaging kathleen 2005‑10‑13
Allyson Alexander (Info) University of Colorado, Denver pchu1207 2018‑03‑21
Nicola Allen (Info) Stanford Glial-neuron interactions attwell 2008‑01‑26
William E. Allen (Info) Stanford neural circuits, behavior, imaging, genetics wallen 2015‑09‑09
Karen L. Allendoerfer (Info) Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Neurodegenerative Disease, protein folding karenlona 2011‑03‑23
Gordon W. Allport (Info) Harvard Personality and social psychology culham 2006‑04‑03
Laura L. Almstead (Info) Stanford microRNA, HVC pq 2015‑11‑25
Elad Alon (Info) Stanford, UC Berkeley Integrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Communications & Networking (COMNET); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA) pq 2016‑01‑07
Frederick W. Alt (Info) Harvard DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma cristianboboila 2012‑07‑27
Douglas L. Altshuler (Info) UC Riverside, UBC animal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience daltshuler 2008‑12‑27
Teresa Amabile (Info) Harvard Business School dsiegel 2008‑10‑24
Kaoru Amano (Info) Stanford "Visual system" or "MEG" amano 2006‑01‑14
Nalini Ambady (Info) Tufts thin slices, nonverbal communication, dialect theory jchiao 2006‑09‑30
Cora Ames (Info) Stanford shenoy 2012‑06‑08
Neal D. Amin (Info) Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and University of California, San Diego, Stanford microRNAs, RNA processing in the generation of neuronal diversity, neuropsychiatric disease, clinical psychiatry nda2101 2016‑10‑04
Amir Amirkhany (Info) Stanford Electrical Engineering, Computer science pq 2016‑01‑07
Niroshana Anandasabapathy (Info) Stanford Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑19
Aaron Samuel Andalman (Info) MIT, Stanford motor learning, operant conditioning, neuromodulation, machine learning fee 2007‑11‑16
Adam Anderson (Info) University of Toronto emotion JLand52 2005‑10‑20
Christopher Todd Anderson (Info) Penn Epilepsy, devices, sleep ca27 2008‑08‑15
John Anderson (Info) Carnegie Mellon memory, cognitive modeling, ACT-R Norbou 2007‑06‑19
Matthew Anderson (Info) Stanford michelebasso 2013‑02‑20
Michael Anderson (Info) Stanford Fertilization jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Katrin Andreasson (Info) Stanford Neurology and Neurological Sciences david 2016‑01‑07
David Andresen (Info) Stanford Vision remus 2006‑07‑11
Jeffrey G. Andrews (Info) Stanford Signal Processing pq 2015‑10‑22
Lay Teng Ang (Info) Stanford University Medical School kyleloh 2019‑08‑16
Lay Teng Ang (Info) Stanford pluripotent stem cells LayTengAng 2022‑07‑28
Chris C. Angelakos (Info) Penn, Stanford mellocrush19 2015‑05‑08
Matthew R. Angle (Info) Stanford mangle 2012‑10‑11
Lili Anglister (Info) Hebrew University Medical School M. Odurih 2009‑11‑18
Polina Anikeeva (Info) MIT froriep 2014‑12‑23
Jason Aoto (Info) University of Colorado, Denver synaptic molecule jaoto 2010‑12‑28
Alexander M. Aravanis (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Amin Arbabian (Info) Stanford Electrical Engineering david 2016‑01‑07
Michael A. Arbib (Info) USC brian 2006‑04‑06
K. Carrie Armel (Info) Stanford Neuroeconomics EdHubbard 2006‑01‑10
Katherine M. Armstrong (Info) Stanford Visual system, Frontal Cortex karmstro 2007‑10‑11
Carrie N. Arnold (Info) Stanford Pathology pq 2016‑01‑07
Elliot Aronson (Info) UC Santa Cruz social psychology, group processes NLindner 2009‑06‑04
Kenneth J. Arrow (Info) Stanford efficiency, information, demand jameseye 2008‑01‑17
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (Info) Harvard Medical School notch signaling gpot9883 2006‑09‑24
Adam Starr Arterbery (Info) Cornell Endocrinology and Behavior aarterbe11 2009‑05‑20
John Arthur (Info) IBM Research - Almaden Neuromorphic engineering smenon 2010‑05‑29
Saman A Aryana (Info) University of Wyoming Transport in Permeable Media Saman 2023‑03‑01
Ali Asadollahi (Info) Stanford Visual and auditory systems, attention asadollahi 2007‑04‑09
Deanna S. Asakawa (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Blake M. Ashby (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
J. Wesson Ashford (Info) Stanford Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences david 2016‑01‑07
Gary Aston-Jones (Info) MUSC neuropharmacology heinrichg 2006‑10‑02
David J. Atencio (Info) Stanford Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education pq 2016‑06‑01
Janette Atkinson (Info) University of London jaspell 2007‑04‑18
Patrick Atkinson (Info) Stanford aglcheng 2021‑09‑02
Richard C. Atkinson (Info) Stanford, UCSD cognitive science, educational psychology culham 2006‑04‑02
Lauren Y. Atlas (Info) NIH Expectancy, Pain, Affective Neuroscience lya2103 2008‑11‑23
Alessio Attardo (Info) Man Planck Institute of Psychiatry Learning and memory, hippocampus, in vivo optical imaging Attardo 2015‑04‑15
Thomas M. Aune (Info) Vanderbilt jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Dorian Aur (Info) Stanford Neuroscience daur 2010‑10‑21
Joseph L. Austerweil (Info) UC Berkeley, Stanford, Brown, UW Madison Cognition, Computational Modeling, Reasoning, Categorization, Judgment josephjaywilliams 2008‑10‑18
Avis Austin (Info) Stanford Behavioral Psychology, Oncology pq 2016‑05‑20
Carlos C. Ayala (Info) Stanford Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑05‑20
Matine Azadian (Info) Stanford Neurovascular disease, Stroke stanfordneuro 2019‑09‑28
Carmen Azevedo (Info) Stanford, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine JTran 2021‑07‑08
Eiman Azim (Info) Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and University of California, San Diego Development and function of motor control circuits eazim 2006‑10‑15
Stephen Baccus (Info) Stanford Retina david 2005‑01‑31
Benjamin Backus (Info) Penn Visual system david 2005‑09‑19
Anna Badner (Info) University of Toronto, UC Irvine, Stanford neuroinflammation abadner 2020‑07‑25
Seung-Young Bae (Info) Stanford Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology pq 2016‑01‑07
Jeremy Bailenson (Info) Stanford Communication, Symbolic Systems david 2016‑01‑07
Wyeth Bair (Info) University of Washington visual system, computation hayden 2005‑01‑15
Sandra M. Bajjalieh (Info) University of Washington Synaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling tingjt 2007‑10‑25
Bruce S. Baker (Info) Janelia Farm, Stanford, UCSD Genetics, Neuroscience Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Joseph M. Baker (Info) Utah State University Numerical cognition, educational neuroscience jbpsy1 2013‑06‑11
Joseph M. Baker (Info) Stanford Cognitive Neuroscience jbaker2 2014‑01‑09
Priti Balchandani (Info) Stanford in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) pq 2015‑11‑29
Christopher A. Baldassano (Info) Stanford, Princeton, Columbia chrisb33 2010‑12‑01
Dare Ann Baldwin (Info) University of Oregon language development, cognitive development, intentionality, action processing sabbagh4 2009‑04‑09
Ian C. Ballard (Info) Duke motivated memory icb2 2009‑01‑19
Jacob Ballon (Info) Stanford Psychiatry david 2016‑01‑07
Anita E. Bandrowski (Info) UCSD Neurophysiology, Epilepsy, Auditory system, Bioinformatics bandrow 2008‑12‑15
Albert Bandura (Info) Stanford oozgun 2008‑05‑24
Max Banko (Info) Stanford abrunet1 2018‑10‑09
Firas Bannout (Info) Stanford Neurology/Epilepsy drbannout 2009‑07‑10
Jason S. Bant (Info) Stanford imraman 2009‑06‑13
Crista L. Barberini (Info) Columbia Value processing, reinforcement learning cbarberini 2007‑09‑04
Jack Barchas (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College iakst2 2014‑07‑08
Shannon M. Bard (Info) Dalhousie University Ecotoxicology jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Laura HF Barde (Info) Stanford Medical School Language Acquisition, Working Memory, Control Functions barde 2007‑12‑18
John Bargh (Info) Yale junenquiry 2010‑11‑02
Cori Bargmann (Info) Rockefeller, UCSF C. elegans, decision JLand52 2006‑03‑16
Michael Barish (Info) City of Hope eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Phil Barker (Info) Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University rory 2009‑01‑15
Carol Ann Barnes (Info) University of Arizona hippocampus, memory, & aging cyneric 2005‑02‑16
Ben A. Barres (Info) Stanford glia cab 2006‑01‑27
Brigid Barron (Info) Stanford Educational Psychology Education pq 2016‑06‑25
Lawrence Barsalou (Info) Emory david 2005‑10‑18
Greg S. Barsh (Info) Stanford pigmentation, melanocortin system aapierce 2007‑05‑20
Alison Barth (Info) Carnegie Mellon Plasticity of sensory systems mhuntsman 2005‑12‑11
Maria Barth (Info) Tufts mbarth 2009‑09‑07
Heidi A. Baseler (Info) University of York Visual system, neuroimaging hbaseler 2012‑09‑26
Michael Bastiani (Info) University of Utah developmental neurobiology Mulloney 2007‑02‑14
Aaron P. Batista (Info) Stanford hanks 2005‑10‑14
Kanha Batra (Info) UCSD Machine Learning, Diagnostic MRI, Systems Neuroscience kanha.batra 2019‑10‑30
Rajesh K. Batra (Info) Stanford Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics pq 2016‑01‑07
Shelley A. Batts (Info) Stanford cochlear hair cells, in vivo imaging sbatts 2010‑04‑06
Diana Bautista (Info) UC Berkeley molecular basis of somatosensation, light touch, chronic itch, pain zknight 2013‑07‑25
Alex Bavelas (Info) Stanford Social psychology nherrera 2010‑03‑01
K Ulrich Ulli Bayer (Info) UCHSC Synaptic plasticity, Down syndrome, Schizophrenia, Addiction, Stroke, Global cerebral ischemia david 2006‑10‑19
Peter Bayley (Info) Omneuron, Stanford Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences decharms 2008‑12‑24
Denis A. Baylor (Info) Stanford vision greghorwitz 2005‑09‑23
Baris Bayram (Info) Stanford Electrical Engnieering pq 2016‑01‑07
Elizabeth H. Beam (Info) Stanford, Harvard, Duke Cognitive Neuroscience ebeam 2013‑09‑06
Daniel M. Bear (Info) Harvard dbear 2010‑04‑28
Diane M. Beck (Info) UIUC Visual system david 2005‑02‑03
Wesley C. Becker (Info) UIUC, University of Oregon jandh 2009‑11‑20
Claire Bedbrook (Info) Stanford abrunet1 2018‑10‑09
Mark P. Beenhakker (Info) Penn Neural Circuits pq 2015‑11‑26
Rebecca R. Begley (Info) Stanford chemical and systems biology pq 2016‑01‑07
Manali Begur (Info) Stanford LayTengAng 2022‑07‑28
Jonathan Sage Beier (Info) University of Maryland Social cognitive development, Cognitive development, Infancy jsbeier 2012‑05‑14
Gil Bejerano (Info) Stanford Computational Biology Tishby 2012‑04‑14
Gill Bejerano (Info) Stanford Developmental Biology, Computer Science david 2016‑01‑07
Rudy Bellani (Info) Rockefeller Brain asymmetry, memory, stress, rudy4histo 2007‑02‑18
Michal Ben-Shahar Chechik (Info) Stanford language,brain imaging gal_chechik 2007‑10‑21
Oded Ben-Tal (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑11‑29
Neil F. Bence (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2016‑01‑07
Gertraud Benke (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑20
Erin D. Bennett (Info) Stanford hawkrobe 2018‑07‑12
Frederick "Chris" Bennett (Info) Penn kmnemec 2020‑05‑14
Suzanna M Bennett (Info) Stanford Calcium signaling smbennett 2020‑02‑19
Mariko L. Bennett (Howe) (Info) Stanford Medical School CNS axon regeneration, development mlh 2010‑03‑02
Richard W. Benster (Info) Stanford Homeostatic control systems, modeling & biomimetic software FrancisJeffrey 2016‑05‑03
Peter M. Bentler (Info) Stanford Personality, drug abuse, psychometrics, structural equation modeling, factor analysis, reliability theory itpetersen 2010‑11‑13
David Bentley (Info) UC Berkeley Synapses david 2005‑09‑15
Arthur L. Benton (Info) University of Iowa vision, visuoconstruction, tactile, aphasia, neuropsychology 2007‑08‑21
Daniel J. Berg (Info) Stanford ross877 2018‑06‑13
Paul Berg (Info) Washington University, Stanford molecular biology of disease hanks 2005‑10‑12
Joseph F. Bergan (Info) Harvard Auditory, Olfaction jbergan 2008‑10‑28
Andrew Brian Berger (Info) Stanford machine learning, mcmc, theoretical neuroscience andbberger 2018‑07‑11
Jonah A. Berger (Info) Stanford Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑31
Jonathan Berger (Info) Stanford david 2015‑10‑04
Dwight Bergles (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School Glutamate transport, Glia DVMadison 2006‑12‑05
Jeremy Ballard Bergsman (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Jeremy Bergsman (Info) Stanford davidmccormick 2012‑05‑06
Karen F. Berman (Info) NIMH Schizophrenia, Neurogenomics, Williams Syndrome rkolsen 2007‑09‑23
Jack E Berry (Info) Columbia jberry 2019‑01‑02
Sarah M. Bhagat (Info) Rockefeller, Yale, Stanford Cortical plasticity sbhagat 2011‑06‑11
Nirav R. Bhakta (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑16
Jamil Palacios Bhanji (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Social and Affective Neuroscience bhanji 2013‑07‑16
Krishna L. Bharani (Info) MUSC, Stanford Human Aging rgm23 2011‑04‑08
Anjali K. Bhatara (Info) University of Paris Autism spectrum disorders, cognitive neuroscience, music cognition DanielLevitin 2009‑03‑21
Samarjit Bhattacharyya (Info) IISER Mohali, India Synaptic plasticity samarjit 2007‑01‑11
Mehdi Bhouri (Info) University of Bristol, Stanford Medical School bhouri 2018‑02‑02
Grace Bhudhikanok (Info) Stanford Human Development, Public Health, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑06‑07
Wen-Jie Bian (Info) ION, CAS, Stanford, Westlake University Sleep, Neural circuit development, neuronal morphology, neuromodulation wjbian 2019‑06‑16
Mark C. Bieda (Info) University of Calgary mbmaciver 2008‑07‑08
James Bigg (Info) Stanford Cell biology jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Stephen R. Biggar (Info) Stanford david 2016‑04‑28
Amico Bignami (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Dorrit O. Billman (Info) Stanford Cognitive Psychology neurotreejimmyd 2008‑09‑11
Kevin R. Binning (Info) UCLA Social Psychology pq 2016‑03‑29
Bogdan Bintu (Info) UCSD 2022‑10‑27
Fikri Birey (Info) Stanford Medical School Neuropsychiatric disorders, iPSCs, in vitro disease modeling, microphysiological systems fbirey 2014‑07‑26
Daniel Birman (Info) Cornell, Stanford, University of Washington, Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics danbirman 2018‑06‑08
Sandip Biswal (Info) Stanford Radiology david 2016‑01‑07
Haruhiko Bito (Info) University of Tokyo YMorishi 2009‑04‑04
George Bittner (Info) University of Texas MarzulloHead 2009‑12‑17
Robert A. Bjork (Info) University of Michigan, UCLA human learning and memory EdHubbard 2006‑01‑20
Jessica M. Black (Info) Stanford dyslexia fumiko 2010‑05‑06
John B. Black (Info) Columbia sashankvarma 2019‑03‑23
Michael Black (Info) Max Planck Institute, Brown University shenoy 2012‑06‑08
Susanna Blackshaw (Info) Glasgow University swnt1931 2015‑10‑15
Kristen P. Blair (Info) Stanford DAPS, LSTD pq 2016‑01‑07
Nathaniel T. Blair (Info) Hydra BioSciences, Childrens Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Harvard, Stanford Medical School Neuronal excitability, ion channels nblair 2007‑06‑20
Edward B. Blanchard (Info) Stanford nihap23 2024‑11‑02
William E. Blanco-Bose (Info) Stanford Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Alexandra Blaney (Info) Stanford jeromeg 2020‑10‑20
Jason M. Blank (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
Whitney Blankenberger (Info) Stanford jeromeg 2020‑10‑19
Christine M. Blasey (Info) Stanford Medical School swin 2018‑09‑27
Helen M. Blau (Info) Stanford Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Jens Blechert (Info) University of Salzburg fwilhelm 2018‑11‑06
Silvia S. Blemker (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics pq 2015‑11‑06
Nikolas Blevins (Info) Stanford sbatts 2010‑04‑06
Tonya Bliss (Info) Stanford Robert Sapolsky 2006‑11‑02
Barbara A. Block (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation SornDascuk 2007‑04‑17
Gene D. Block (Info) UVA, UCLA Circadian rhythms ADavidson 2006‑10‑26
Steven M. Block (Info) Stanford biophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription sblock 2009‑06‑28
Kwabena Boahen (Info) Stanford Silicon Retinas, Neuromorphic Systems siliconbrain 2007‑10‑11
David N. Bochner (Info) Stanford Visual system, Neural Plasticity bochnerd 2015‑01‑07
Jason B. Bock (Info) Stanford mechanisms of membrane organization and transport pq 2015‑11‑24
Walter Fred Bodmer (Info) Oxford population genetics, somatic cell hybrids, stem cells aardvark 2011‑09‑29
Ryan H. Bogdan (Info) Harvard leonessa 2007‑10‑22
Cara Bohon (Info) Stanford eating disorders, reward, emotion, obesity cbohon 2013‑05‑09
Alexander D. Boiko (Info) UC Irvine, Stanford Medical School Tumor Initiating Cells, Melanoma Immunotherapy, Tumor Evolution and Heterogeneity, Signal transduction in normal and cancer stem cell development Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Paul Bollyky (Info) Stanford Infectious Diseases, Immunology david 2016‑01‑07
Sabrina Ferreira Bond (Info) Stanford Behavioral Neuroscience, Motor Control, Autism, Alzheimer's, Pain sfbond 2022‑12‑19
Patricia Bonnavion (Info) Stanford, ULB llecea 2019‑07‑19
Tyler Bonnen (Info) Stanford tyler.raye 2016‑09‑27
Angela N. Booker (Info) Stanford Secondary Education, Social Sciences Education pq 2016‑06‑02
Derek B. Boothroyd (Info) Stanford Biostatistics pq 2015‑10‑16
Nicolas Borghi (Info) Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI osandre 2019‑04‑07
Richard T. Born (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual system hanks 2005‑10‑12
Jeremy C. Borniger (Info) Stanford, Ohio State, CSHL Cancer Neuroscience jcbornig 2012‑10‑09
Aaron M. Bornstein (Info) UC Irvine, UC Irvine Decision making; Episodic memory; Reinforcement learning aaronmb 2010‑04‑29
Lera Boroditsky (Info) Stanford, UCSD Relationships between mind, world and language. How we create meaning, imagine, and use knowledge. How the languages we speak shape the ways we think lerab0 2008‑07‑25
Bernhard E. Boser (Info) UC Berkeley computational biology, integrated circuits david 2016‑01‑07
Ellen L Bouchard (Info) Stanford ebouchard 2020‑02‑06
Andre M. Boustany (Info) Stanford fish physiology; conservation pq 2015‑10‑08
Gordon H. Bower (Info) Stanford memory david 2005‑10‑18
Mark R. Bower (Info) Mayo Clinic, Rochester Epilepsy markrbower 2006‑02‑17
Gordon Bowers (Info) Stanford bdho98 2023‑04‑05
Edward S. Boyden (Info) MIT neuroengineering, systematic neuroscience, disease edboyden 2008‑02‑22
Geoffrey Boynton (Info) University of Washington Visual system david 2005‑09‑22
Yvonne Brackbill (Info) UF Gainesville johncolombo 2016‑02‑04
Mika Braginsky (Info) Stanford language acquisition, cognitive modeling mikabr 2015‑07‑11
David H. Brainard (Info) Penn Vision hanks 2005‑10‑27
Michael S. Brainard (Info) UCSF song system, motor planning jgoleary 2005‑11‑01
Dana Bramel (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Cognitive Dissonance, social cognition rathj01 2009‑02‑26
Relly Brandman (Info) Stanford mnelson 2008‑08‑26
S. A. Brasel (Info) Stanford Marketing Business Administration pq 2016‑05‑31
Janice E.A. Braun (Info) University of Calgary Molecular Mechanisms of Neurotransmission DVMadison 2006‑12‑05
Iliana Erteza Bray (Info) Stanford Brain-Computer Interfaces, Motor Cortex, Signal Processing, Electrodes, Implanted, Macaca mulatta tomiko22 2019‑09‑06
Signe Bray (Info) Stanford, Caltech, University of Calgary etricomi 2008‑07‑08
Timothy R. Brazelton (Info) Stanford Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Bruno G. Breitmeyer (Info) University of Houston Visual system, visual masking, attention, schizophrenia ychen 2007‑09‑23
Susan E. Brennan (Info) SUNY Stony Brook psychology of language use susanelisebrennan 2012‑05‑28
Jacob S. Brenner (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑12
Robert Brenner (Info) UT Health San Antonio RickAldrich 2017‑03‑22
Paul Brest (Info) Stanford Law Teaching david 2016‑01‑07
Tim W. Bretl (Info) Stanford, UIUC Aerospace information technology, systems, and control; robotics and autonomous vehicles pq 2016‑01‑29
Alyssa A. Brewer (Info) UC Irvine Neuroimaging of visual perception, visual deficits, and neurological disorders kathleen 2005‑02‑14
James B. Brewer (Info) UCSD Human Memory brewer 2006‑10‑12
Bruce Bridgeman (Info) UC Santa Cruz Visual system, spatial orientation bruceb 2006‑09‑27
Denise I Briggs (Info) Stanford 2019‑03‑11
Rachel Bright (Info) Stanford chemical and systems biology pq 2016‑01‑07
Julia Brill (Info) Stanford epilepsy, cortex, thalamus jbrill 2008‑05‑19
Thomas Brionne (Info) Medtronic neurogenesis, olfaction, neurodegeneration carleton 2007‑05‑08
Adam S. Bristol (Info) Stanford Cerebellar function asbristol 2006‑04‑19
Richard H. Britt (Info) Stanford Generators of the evoked potentials, neurosurgery 2008‑08‑06
Kenneth H. Britten (Info) UC Davis Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑27
Oliver Brock (Info) Stanford robotics pq 2015‑11‑06
Matt Brodsky (Info) University of Washington 5-HT6 receptors, cilia neumaier 2012‑04‑03
Joel A. Bronstein (Info) Stanford jabbrons 2009‑02‑17
Helen M. Bronte-Stewart (Info) Stanford jgoleary 2005‑11‑03
Teon L. Brooks (Info) NYU, Stanford, Mozilla psycholinguistics, word recognition, MEG methods t3on 2011‑10‑16
Austin L. Brown (Info) AAAS Science Policy Fellow mbgoodman 2008‑09‑15
Bonny R. Brown (Info) Stanford Social Psychology pq 2016‑05‑27
David A. Brown (Info) Northwestern neural control of locomotion, spinal reflexes dalanav 2010‑10‑22
Roger Brown (Info) Harvard Linguistic Development adena.schachner 2008‑03‑03
Solange P. Brown (Info) Johns Hopkins scienbox 2013‑04‑01
Thackery Ian Brown (Info) Boston University, Stanford, Georgia Tech Memory, navigation, decision-making tbrown 2012‑10‑18
Tom Brown (Info) Yale david 2005‑01‑22
Anne Brunet (Info) Stanford neural stem cells, neurogenesis, aging svilleda 2013‑03‑14
Axel Brunger (Info) Stanford crystallography, synaptic neurotransmission kasson 2012‑04‑22
Alayne L. Brunner (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑17
Cami K. Bruns (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2016‑01‑07
Astra S. Bryant (Info) Stanford, UCLA, University of Washington Thermosensation, Parasitic Nematodes, Strongyoides asb 2012‑08‑27
Zev D. Bryant (Info) UC Berkeley, Stanford Bioengineering, Structural Biology pq 2015‑11‑11
Fritz Buchthal (Info) Copenhagen University mgrey 2007‑12‑02
Paul S. Buckmaster (Info) Stanford Epilepsy markrbower 2006‑02‑17
Marion S. Buckwalter (Info) Stanford stroke, neurodegeneration tbrionne 2007‑05‑08
Daniel Bullock (Info) Boston University Neural Computation & Cognitive Theory david 2005‑09‑15
Kim Bullock (Info) Stanford Psychiatry david 2016‑01‑07
Silvia A. Bunge (Info) UC Berkeley development, plasticity cab 2006‑02‑02
Steven J. Burden (Info) NYU M. Odurih 2007‑02‑25
Joel W. Burdick (Info) Caltech Neural Interfaces, Robotics jandh 2007‑10‑23
Robert Burgess (Info) david 2008‑09‑09
Sabrina S. Burmeister (Info) UNC Chapel Hill neuroethology, animal communication, behavioral endocrinology jm 2007‑08‑24
Loren C. Burns (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑11‑29
Marie E. Burns (Info) UC Davis Retina hanks 2005‑10‑13
Brittany E. Burrows (Info) Stanford Medical School attention, vision bburrows 2007‑09‑22
Gene Burton (Info) DNA Bridges/Gateway International, Inc rory 2009‑01‑15
Brittany Bush (Info) Stanford willgiardino 2023‑08‑31
Jean Marie Bussat (Info) Apple Neuromorphic engineering smenon 2010‑05‑29
Brad Busse (Info) Stanford array tomography map222 2008‑07‑02
Eugene Butcher (Info) Stanford Pathology david 2016‑01‑07
Jessica Buthmann (Info) Stanford pqqp 2023‑12‑12
Emily A. Butler (Info) Stanford emotion, emotion regulation pq 2015‑10‑10
Blake Byers (Info) Stanford Parkinson's disease, ipsc Bbyers 2012‑06‑21
James S. Byers (Info) Stanford Neurotry 2021‑01‑23
Michael D. Cahalan (Info) UC Irvine ion channels in lymphocytes dchoquet 2010‑06‑10
John David Cahoy (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑14
Weidong Cai (Info) Stanford adamaron 2010‑10‑26
Ronald L. Calabrese (Info) Emory Small networks, CPGs, Invertebrates, Biophysics, Computational Models rcalabre 2007‑01‑17
Nicole Calakos (Info) Duke map222 2007‑02‑21
Robert Calfee (Info) UC Riverside educational psychology culham 2006‑04‑02
Maureen Callanan (Info) UC Santa Cruz Cognitive and conceptual development dsiegel 2008‑10‑24
Edward M. Callaway (Info) Salk Institute Visual cortex david 2005‑01‑31
Kenneth A. Callicott (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑09
M. Catalina Camacho (Info) Washington University School of Medicine affect, cognitive development, depression, anxiety mcc 2022‑07‑17
David Camarillo (Info) Stanford Bioengineering david 2016‑01‑07
Evan G. Cameron (Info) UMBC, UCSD, Stanford Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, Ophthalmology pq 2016‑02‑05
Eddie Campbell (Info) Stanford Neurotry 2021‑01‑23
Malcolm G. Campbell (Info) Stanford mgcampb 2018‑10‑02
Cynthia Campen (Info) Stanford Neurology david 2016‑01‑07
T Rowan Candy (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Infant vision martybanks 2008‑05‑28
Marco Canossa (Info) Università di Bologna Neurotrophins, synaptic plasticity Matteo1 2013‑01‑19
Hadley Cantril (Info) Princeton drewda 2009‑06‑02
Peng Cao (Info) IBP, CAS, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (NIBS, Beijing) Neurobiology of circuits and synapses caopeng1978 2008‑07‑08
Rosa Cao (Info) MIT luosha 2009‑04‑30
Yu-qing Cao (Info) Washington University cab 2005‑12‑21
Anton Julius Carlson (Info) Chicago Physiology, appetite, endocrinology, visceral sensory nervous system CJM3 2009‑03‑10
Mackenzie Carlson (Info) Stanford JTran 2021‑07‑08
Brian D. Carlstrom (Info) Stanford Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑01‑07
Thom Carney (Info) Neurometrics Institute hanks 2005‑10‑27
Clarence "Ray" Ray Carpenter (Info) Stanford Primates klevy 2012‑03‑25
Patricia A. Carpenter (Info) Carnegie Mellon language, visuospatial cognition, cognitive modeling pritirshah 2008‑09‑15
Valerie A. Carr (Info) San Jose State memory swimwm 2008‑11‑21
Victor Carrion (Info) Stanford Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences david 2016‑01‑07
Mary Carskadon (Info) Brown Sleep gidon 2005‑11‑11
Dean Carson (Info) Stanford Jem2198 2016‑12‑23
Alexandra B. Carstensen (Info) UC Berkeley Metaphor, Spatial Categorization, Time abc 2011‑05‑30
Laura L. Carstensen (Info) Stanford emotion, aging maramather 2008‑01‑27
John C. Carter (Info) Case Western Medical School Autism, neuroimaging, fragile x johncarter 2015‑03‑03
Matthew E. Carter (Info) University of Washington, Williams, Stanford University Medical School feeding, optogenetics llecea 2011‑12‑02
Daniel Casasanto (Info) Chicago Language and thought lmorett 2010‑10‑05
Javier R. Caso (Info) Stanford brain ischemia, stress-related pathologies jrcaso 2008‑05‑29
Jason Mark Casolari (Info) Stanford Medical School cell biology, nuclear organization and RNA localization casolari 2011‑12‑14
Joseph M. Castellano (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Aging, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease jcastell 2012‑10‑23
Manuel Castellano-Munoz (Info) Stanford Hearing bioeticprion 2007‑10‑24
Peter B. Catrysse (Info) Stanford Vision pq 2015‑11‑24
Michel Cayouette (Info) IRCM Pierre 2011‑07‑12
Egle Cekanaviciute (Info) Stanford TGFbeta signaling, astrogliosis, after-stroke recovery egle 2009‑10‑07
Simona Celebrini (Info) jgoleary 2005‑11‑03
Daniel Cervone (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago StevenAMiller 2011‑10‑13
Ali Cetin (Info) University of Washington - Seattle/ NIH, Stanford Neuronal Circuitry alicetin 2008‑02‑22
Randal C. Cevallos (Info) Stanford microRNA, HVC pq 2015‑11‑25
Helen H. Cha (Info) Stanford molecular control and evolution of skeletal patterning pq 2015‑10‑19
Chris Chafe (Info) Stanford Music david 2016‑01‑07
Christopher Chafe (Info) Stanford Music, Speech Communication, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑06‑20
Rajpreet Chahal (Info) Stanford Network Connectivity, Puberty, Reward, Depression, Diffusion Imaging, Resting-State rchahal 2019‑09‑09
Timothy Chai (Info) Stanford Medical School kyleloh 2019‑08‑16
Agnish Chakravarti (Info) Stanford Marketing Business Administration pq 2016‑05‑31
Anupam Chakravarty (Info) Stanford Neurotry 2021‑01‑23
Pierre Chambon (Info) College de France, Université Louis Pasteur testtest 2009‑03‑05
Alexander M. Chan (Info) Havard/MIT HST Language, Neuroprosthetics, Intracranial EEG alexmchan 2009‑08‑10
Jonah R. Chan (Info) UCSF Myelination chong 2009‑09‑17
Karen Chan (Info) Technical University of Denmark Geokast 2020‑01‑20
Keith Syson Chan (Info) Stanford, Baylor College of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Pathology Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Soham Chanda (Info) Colorado State Synaptic Plasticity sohamchanda 2010‑10‑14
Divya Chander (Info) Stanford neuroscience chichilnisky 2009‑07‑05
Anand Chandrasekaran (Info) Stanford Neuroscience, Neuromorphic Engineering anandchandrasekaran 2009‑12‑10
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Info) Stanford Auditory Cortex, Coherence chandram 2006‑09‑19
Lalitha Chandrasekher (Info) Georgetown Cognitive Neuroscience lalitha 2008‑10‑20
Aisling Chaney (Info) Stanford JTran 2021‑07‑08
Angela Chang (Info) Stanford jeromeg 2020‑10‑19
Bernard P Chang (Info) Harvard, Stanford Medical School Mlenzen 2021‑11‑10
Chia-Jung Chang (Info) Johns Hopkins Auditory Cortex dchang10597 2014‑04‑03
Chieh Chang (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago ChiehChang 2018‑03‑10
Kay Chang (Info) Stanford Otolaryngology, Pediatrics david 2016‑01‑07
Kevin Tommy Chang (Info) Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience ktc 2019‑07‑14
Kun-Che Chang (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Stanford, University of Colorado at HSC Stem cell, RGC development, Axon regeneration chang765 2017‑12‑29
Kyong-Sok Chang (Info) Stanford robotics pq 2015‑11‑06
Wei-li Chang (Info) UCSD, Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute dopamine system, behavioral neuroscience, neuropsychiatric disease models weili 2009‑02‑16
Ching-Wen Chao (Info) Stanford Music pq 2016‑01‑07
Daniel L. Chao (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑11‑25
Steven Zhuangzhi Chao (Info) Rosalind Franklin Medical School david 2015‑12‑22
Michael Chapline (Info) Stanford Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, Radiology pq 2016‑01‑07
Timothy W. Chapman (Info) Stanford Glial Cell Biology, Psychedelics twchapman 2024‑07‑04
Molly Claire Chapman (Chalfin) (Info) University of Michigan Medical School Neuroimaging, fMRI, PET, clinical brain disorders, reward systems, parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, neuroethics mcchalfin 2010‑05‑27
Mark A. Chappell (Info) UC Riverside ecological and evolutionary physiology chappellma 2007‑11‑13
William Chapple (Info) University of Connecticut Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑21
Susan T. Charles (Info) UC Irvine General Psychology, Social Psychology pq 2016‑03‑29
Catherine Chase (Info) Stanford Victorlee 2021‑10‑19
Ronald Chase (Info) McGill Snail brains, snail sex, psychiatry hayden 2005‑11‑04
Sumantra Shona Chattarji (Info) National Center for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Banglalore, India Amygdala, Stress, Synaptic Plasticity, Learning & Memory, Fragile X Syndrome drgarga 2006‑02‑19
Vishal Chavda (Info) Stanford Ischemia Re perfusion, Injury, Stroke, Glioblastoma, Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Cancers, Epilepsy Vishal_Chavda 2023‑07‑30
Gal Chechik (Info) Stanford, Bar-Ilan Computational Neuroscience gal_chechik 2007‑10‑21
Angela Chen (Info) Stanford Medical School kyleloh 2019‑08‑16
Bin Chen (Info) UC Santa Cruz Neurodevelopment tonyh 2007‑08‑26
Chong Chen (Info) IST Auastria Synaptic transmission chenchong446337 2017‑09‑23
Chun-Chun Chen (Info) Stanford neuroendocrinology purepure 2007‑11‑14
Elizabeth H. Chen (Info) UT Southwestern dhldjl 2016‑07‑19
Enna Chen (Info) Stanford ayegeegee23 2022‑05‑18
Frances S. Chen (Info) UBC daviexfm 2014‑08‑07
James K. Chen (Info) Stanford chemical biology, developmental biology jkchen 2013‑06‑26
Janice Chen (Info) MIT, University of Washington, Stanford, Princeton, Johns Hopkins Memory, Perception kanile 2007‑09‑22
Joseph Chen (Info) San Francisco State Vigilius405 2023‑05‑10
Kevin G. Chen (Info) NIH Pluripotent stem cells, genome stability, differentiation kevingchen 2014‑05‑06
Lang Chen (Info) Stanford Semantic knowledge, computational modeling halleycl 2010‑10‑27
Leon E. Chen (Info) Stanford chemical and systems biology pq 2016‑01‑07
Lu Chen (Info) UC Berkeley, Stanford cab 2006‑12‑11
Lulu Y Chen (Info) UC Irvine ababayab 2010‑03‑03
Michael C. Chen (Info) Harvard Medical School Sleep mcchen 2009‑02‑18
Pei-Ling Chen (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑10
QiLiang Chen (Info) OHSU, Stanford RVM, pain Quber 2012‑12‑06
Ruishi Chen (Info) Stanford Education Data Science cathychen0314 2024‑07‑14
Shan Chen (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Stephanie P. Chen (Info) Stanford retsina 2015‑04‑03
Ting Chen (Info) Stanford david 2016‑01‑07
Xhiguo Chen (Info) Stanford bormerod 2009‑09‑07
Xiaoke Chen (Info) Stanford taste xiaoke 2006‑12‑13
Xiaomo Chen (Info) UC Davis Visual attention and decision making Xiaomo 2013‑09‑21
Xiaoyu Chen (Info) Stanford Neurotherapeutics Chenxy 2024‑12‑02
Yiming Chen (Info) Stanford cz 2016‑10‑11
Yiwen Chen (Info) Stanford Neurotry 2021‑01‑23
Alan G. Cheng (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑02
Ching-Hsiang Cheng (Info) Stanford Electrical Engnieering pq 2016‑01‑07
Michelle Y. Cheng (Info) Stanford Brain injury, ischemia mycheng 2008‑12‑19
Anjen Chenn (Info) Northwestern Developmental Neuroscience Estrada 2006‑10‑24
Soon Keen Cheong (Info) Rochester, Stanford Visual Neurophysiology, Biomeical Optics, Adaptive Optics SKC1562 2011‑11‑27
Timothy J. Cherry (Info) U Washington/Seattle Children's Research Inst. Retinal Development 2008‑04‑01
Samuel H. Cheshier (Info) Stanford Immunology, Cell Biology pq 2017‑03‑08
Cynthia A. Chestek (Info) University of Michigan Brain machine interface neurocindyc 2011‑05‑25
Kylie S. Chew (Info) Stanford alanrupp 2013‑05‑01
E. J. Chichilnisky (Info) Salk Institute, Stanford visual system, retina chichilnisky 2009‑07‑03
Frederick Chin (Info) Stanford Radiology david 2016‑01‑07
Alvin Chiu (Info) Stanford jeromeg 2020‑10‑20
Yoon-Jae Cho (Info) OHSU Neuro-oncology slpomeroy 2011‑02‑26
Jung Woo Choe (Info) Stanford Medical imaging, Ultrasound, Algorithm str 2023‑08‑28
Dennis W. Choi (Info) Stanford, SUNY Stony Brook david 2009‑02‑10
Eun Young Choi (Info) Columbia, Harvard, Rochester, Stanford Cortical Networks, Striatum, Human Functional Connectivity, Monkey Anatomy, Neurophysiology, Clinical Trials echoi 2012‑11‑16
Jung Yoon Choi (Info) Princeton dongwonoh 2014‑10‑10
Sukwoo Choi (Info) SNU Synaptic transmission, plasticity kajal 2011‑09‑20
Gaurav Chopra (Info) Purdue Chemical and Cellular Immunology: Neuroimmunology, Cancer Immunology, Drug Discovery, Chemical Data Science, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Systems Pharmacology gauravchopra 2014‑05‑13
Parag Chordia (Info) Stanford Music pq 2016‑01‑07
Peter H. Chou (Info) Stanford Signal Processing pq 2015‑10‑22
Dawnis M. Chow (Info) UCLA olfaction, vision, drosophila markfrye 2010‑01‑16
Kao Liang Chow (Info) Stanford Neurology dglanzman 2005‑09‑09
Rosalind M. Chow (Info) Stanford Social Psychology pq 2016‑06‑26
Amelia J. Christensen (Info) Stanford Vision, Perception, Cortex, Generative Models, Inference achristensen56 2016‑07‑29
Julie L. Christensen (Info) Stanford Immunology, Molecular Biology pq 2017‑03‑08
Kalina Christoff (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Daniel Jospeh Christoffel (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, Stanford Medical School Reward, Feeding, Stress, Depression, Neuronal Plasticity daniel.christoffel 2009‑07‑30
Charleen T. Chu (Info) University of Pittsburgh Neuropathology, Parkinson's disease, mitochondria, autophagy george.perry 2010‑06‑12
Lonny L. Chu (Info) Stanford Music pq 2016‑01‑07
Matthew Ling Hon Chu (Info) Stanford Protein structure marywaye 2013‑07‑24
Way T. Chu (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑11‑24
Yunxiang Chu (Info) Harvard Medical School yunxiang 2008‑12‑02
Helen Chum (Info) Stanford jeromeg 2020‑10‑19
Jerold Chun (Info) UCSD, Scripps Institute, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Brain Genomic Mosaicism and Gene Recombination; LPA, S1P, Lysophospholipid Signaling mikemc 2006‑09‑21
Ka Young Chung (Info) Sungkyunkwan University, Korea GPCR kychung 2019‑11‑14
Mark M. Churchland (Info) Stanford Motor Cortex david 2005‑01‑17
Brigitte Ciapa (Info) Universite Paris-Sud 6 jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Roland D. Ciaranello (Info) Stanford jagman23 2008‑08‑19
Todd A. Ciche (Info) Michigan State Genetic analysis of symbiosis in the insect pathogen Photorhabdus luminescens (Enterobacteriaceae) and the nematode host, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Francesca Cirulli (Info) Stanford Neurotrophic factors pq 2015‑10‑12
Ami Citri (Info) Hebrew University Synaptic Plasticity, Glutamate receptors, addiction, experience-dependent plasticity, transcription, circuits citri 2008‑06‑16
Thomas Clandinin (Info) Stanford sdv 2007‑09‑13
David L. Clapper (Info) Stanford Cell biology, Biomedical engineering jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
David J. Clark (Info) Stanford Medical School david 2017‑03‑30
Eve V. Clark (Info) Stanford Child language acquisition lmorett 2010‑10‑07
Herbert H. Clark (Info) Stanford Psycholinguistics, pragmatics ita 2006‑10‑11
Kevin B. Clark (Info) NASA Ames Research Center, Felidae Conservation Fund, Penn, IEEE Nanotechnology and Biometrics Councils, Cures Within Reach, Peace Innovation Institute (Stanford University and The Hague), SETI Institute, NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and Support (ACCESS), Berkeley Lab, Frontier Development Lab, Max Planck Alumni Association, National Ecological Observatory Network Learning and Memory, Perception, Decision Making, Neuroprosthetics, Drug Design and Repurposing, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuromodulation, Synaptic Plasticity, Cellular Response Regulation, Quantum Biochemistry kbclarkphd 2015‑10‑21
Richard M. Clark (Info) Stanford david 2017‑03‑08
Stephen Elisha Clarke (Info) University of Ottawa, Stanford Neuroscience tomiko22 2017‑12‑12
R. B. Clayton (Info) Stanford Medical School ndask 2012‑05‑13
Don Cleveland (Info) UCSD george.perry 2010‑08‑15
Hollis Cline (Info) CSHL development, visual system cab 2005‑12‑21
Melissa M. Coates (Info) Stanford cellular physiology, ion channels, Ca imaging, neurostem cells pq 2015‑11‑24
Jennifer Rachel Cochran (Info) Stanford Bioengineering david 2016‑01‑07
Christopher L. Coe (Info) UW Madison psychoneuroimmunology, stress, intestinal microflora kinsey 2014‑06‑03
Jay S. Coggan (Info) NeuroLinx Res Inst Biophysics, axons, synapses, metabolism jayscoggan 2013‑06‑18
Gal Cohen (Info) Nektar Therapeutics DVMadison 2006‑12‑05
Jonathan D. Cohen (Info) Princeton, Harvard University (medical School), Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, University of Pittsburgh attention, computation & theory hayden 2005‑08‑21
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches.
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